Practice Test

Q1) A bivariate frequency distribution contains Show Answer

Q2) Objective of Regression Analysis is Show Answer

Q3) State the nature of correlation, for "Sale of Woolen cloth and Temperature". Show Answer

Q4) State the nature of correlation, for "Production of big iron and soot content in Jamshedpur". Show Answer

Q5) State the nature of correlation, for "Sale of soft drinks and temperature". Show Answer

Q6) State the nature of correlation, for "Number of claims and profits of an insurance company". Show Answer

Q7) State the nature of correlation, for "Sale of shoes and rail accidents". Show Answer

Q8) Scatter diagram is used for finding Show Answer

Q9) Scatter diagram is used for finding Show Answer

Q10) When the plotted points lie in a straight line from upper left to lower right then it is Show Answer

Q11) When the plotted points lie from upper left to lower right then it is Show Answer

Q12) Nature of correlation between speed of car and the distance traveled by it after applying the brakes is Show Answer

Q13) To find curvilinear relation the measure used is Show Answer

Q14) When there is None of these casual relation between two variables and the relation is due to third variable then the correlation is Show Answer

Q15) Covariance is Show Answer

Q16) Co-efficient of correlation is Show Answer

Q17) Per capita income and mortality rate have ____________ correlation Show Answer

Q18) Co-efficient of correlation is affected by 'x' measured in cms and 'y' measured in kgs Show Answer

Q19) The value of 'r' has between Show Answer

Q20) r' is affected by shifted of origin Show Answer

Q21) r' is not affected by change of scale Show Answer

Q22) The basic principle of finding regression equations are Show Answer

Q23) The residue incase of regression analysis can be Show Answer

Q24) r = 0.8 the value of co-efficient of determination is Show Answer

Q25) r = - 0.4 the value of unexplained variation is Show Answer

Q26) R = -1 it means that the judges Show Answer

Q27) r is affected if the change of scale differs in sign. Show Answer

Q28) The difference between the actual value and estimated value calculated using regression equal is called Show Answer

Q29) For a bivariate data, the sum of squares of differences between ranks is 69. The number of pairs is 9. What is the Spearman's coefficient of rank correlation? Show Answer

Q30) The sum of squares of differences between ranks is found to be 60. The Spearman's coefficient of rank correlation is 0.5. What is the number of pairs in the data? Show Answer

Q31) When regression lines coincide then r = 0 . Is the statement true or false? Show Answer

Q32) In case of bivariate frequency distribution (m X n), the number of cells are Show Answer

Q33) In case of bivariate frequency distribution (m x n) , the maximum number of marginal frequency distribution are Show Answer

Q34) In case of bivariate frequency distribution (m x n) , the maximum number of conditional frequency distribution are Show Answer

Q35) When r = 1 then the correlation is

Show Answer

Q36) When 1 > r > 0 then the correlation is Show Answer

Q37) When -1 < r < 0 then the correlation is Show Answer

Q38) When r = 0 then in scatter diagrams the points are scattered throughout. Show Answer

Q39) In case of bivariate frequency distribution (m x n) , value in the cannot be Show Answer

Q40) When two regression lines are coincident then Show Answer

Q41) The square root of the product of the regression co-efficient is Show Answer

Q42) High degree positive correlation means Show Answer

Q43) Low degree negative correlation means Show Answer

Q44) The sign value of covariance depends on Show Answer

Q45) Covariance is defined as Show Answer

Q46) Formula for finding concurrent deviation is Show Answer

Q47) The co-efficient of correlation between two variables X and Y is 0.8 and their covariance is 20. If the variance of X series is 16, find the standard deviation of Y series. Show Answer

Q48) Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation between two variables x and y 0.28, their co-variance is + 7.6. If the variance of x is 9, find the standard deviation of y series. Show Answer

Q49) In a correlation analysis, the values of the Karl Pearson's coefficient of correction and its probable error were found to be 0.90 and 0.04 respectively. Find the value of N Show Answer

Q50) Regression coefficient of y on x = 0.8
Regression coefficient of x on y = 0.2
Coefficient of correlation = - 4. given data is
Show Answer

Q51) Coefficient of correlation (r) between two variables X and Y is + 0.95. What percent variation in X (the dependent variables) remains unexplained by the variance in Y (the independent variable)? Show Answer

Q52) Multiply each x value in the table by 2 and 6. Multiply each value of y in the table by 3 and subtract 15. Find the correlation coefficient between two net sets of values. Show Answer

Q53) The regression lines are 3x - 2y = 6 and 8x - 3y = 44. Find the correlation co-efficient between x and y. Also find the mean of x and y. Show Answer

Q54) Bivariate Data are the data collected for Show Answer

Q55) For a bivariate frequency table having (p + q) classification the total number of cells is Show Answer

Q56) Some of the cell frequencies in a bivariate frequency table may be Show Answer

Q57) For a p x q bivariate frequency table, the maximum number of marginal distributions is Show Answer

Q58) For a p x q classification of bivariate data, the maximum number of conditional distributions is Show Answer

Q59) Correlation analysis aims at Show Answer

Q60) _____ is concerned with measurement of the "Strength of association" between variables. Show Answer

Q61) Simple correlation is called Show Answer

Q62) If the values of y are not affected by changes in the values of x, the variables are said to be Show Answer

Q63) When the variables are not independent, the correlation coefficient may be zero Show Answer

Q64) When high values of one variable are associated with high values of the other & low values of one variable are associated with low values of another, then they are said to be Show Answer

Q65) If high values of one tend to low values of the other, they are said to be Show Answer

Q66) Correlation coefficient between two variables is a measure of their linear relationship. Show Answer

Q67) Correlation coefficient is a pure number. Show Answer

Q68) Correlation coefficient is ------ of the units of measurement. Show Answer

Q69) If two variables x and y are independent then the correlation coefficient between x and y is _____. Show Answer

Q70) The correlation is said to be positive Show Answer

Q71) If x denotes height of a group of students expressed in cm. and y denotes their weight expressed in kg, then the correlation coefficient between height and weight Show Answer

Q72) Correlation coefficient is dependent on the change of both origin & the scale of observations. Show Answer

Q73) What is spurious correlation? Show Answer

Q74) Age of Applicants for life insurance and the premium of insurance - correlations are Show Answer

Q75) "Unemployment index and the purchasing power of the common man" - correlations are Show Answer

Q76) The correlation between height and intelligence is _____ . Show Answer

Q77) The correlation between sale of cold drinks and day temperature is _____. Show Answer

Q78) The correlation between Employment and Purchasing power is _____. Show Answer

Q79) In case The ages of husbands and wives' correlation is Show Answer

Q80) Whatever may be the value of r, positive or negative, its square will be Show Answer

Q81) A small value of r indicates only a _____ linear type of relationship between the variables. Show Answer

Q82) Correlation methods are used to study the relationship between two time series of data which are recorded annually, monthly, weekly, daily and so on. Show Answer

Q83) _____ is a relative measure of association between two or more variables. Show Answer

Q84) The value of correlation coefficient lies between Show Answer

Q85) Neither y nor x can be estimated by a linear function of the other variable when r equals Show Answer

Q86) What are the limits of the correlation coefficient? Show Answer

Q87) If r is the correlation co-efficient, then Show Answer

Q88) The partial correlation coefficient lies between Show Answer

Q89) . If y = a + bx, then what is the coefficient of correlation between x and y? Show Answer

Q90) In case the correlation coefficient between two variables is 1, the relationship between the two variables would be Show Answer

Q91) If a, b, c, d are constants such that a and c are of opposite signs and r is the correlation coefficient between X and Y, then the correlation coefficient between aX + b and cY + d is Show Answer

Q92) A coefficient near +1 indicates tendency for the larger values of one variable to be associated with the larger values of the other. Show Answer

Q93) There is a high direct association between measures of 'cigarette smoking' and 'lung damage. The correlation coefficient consistent with the above statement is Show Answer

Q94) For finding degree of agreement about beauty between 2 Judges in a Beauty Contest, we use Show Answer

Q95) Correlation coefficient can be found out by Show Answer

Q96) Scatter diagram helps us to Show Answer

Q97) Scatter diagram is considered for measuring Show Answer

Q98) Which of the following statements is not false? Show Answer

Q99) If the plotted points in a scatter diagram are evenly distributed, then the correlation is Show Answer

Q100) If the plotted points in a scatter diagram lie from upper left to lower right, then the correlation is Show Answer

Q101) If all the plotted points in a scatter diagram lie on a single line, then the correlation is Show Answer

Q102) The more scattered the points are around a straight line a scattered diagram the _____ is the correlation coefficient. Show Answer

Q103) The correlation coefficient being +1 if the slope of the straight line a scatter diagram is Show Answer

Q104) The correlation coefficient being -1 if the slope of the straight line in a scatter diagram Show Answer

Q105) When r = 1, all the points in a scatter diagram would lie Show Answer

Q106) In calculating the Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation it is necessary that the data should be of numerical measurements. The statement is Show Answer

Q107) Person's correlation coefficient is used for finding Show Answer

Q108) Product moment correlation coefficient is considered for Show Answer

Q109) Product moment correlation coefficient may be defined as the ratio of Show Answer

Q110) Co-variance may be positive, negative or zero. Show Answer

Q111) Covariance measures_____ variations of two variables. Show Answer

Q112) Correlation coefficient between x and y = correlation coefficient between u and v Show Answer

Q113) Karl Pearson's coefficient is defined from Show Answer

Q114) p (X, Y) equals Show Answer

Q115) When r = 0 then cov(x, y) is equal to Show Answer

Q116) If the coefficient of correlation between x and y is 0.28, co-variance between x and y is 7.6 and the variance of x is 9, then the S.D. of y series is; Show Answer

Q117) If for two variable X and Y, the covariance, variance of X and variance of Y are 40, 16 and 256 respectively, what is the value of the correlation coefficient? Show Answer

Q118) If the covariance between two variables is 20 and the variance of one of the variables is 16, what would be the variance of the other variable? Show Answer

Q119) The co-efficient of correlation between two variables x and y is 0.5, their co-variance is 16. If S.D. of x is 4 and S.D. of y is equal to: Show Answer

Q120) If the relationship between two variables x and y is given by 2x+3y+4=0, then the value of the correlation coefficient between x and y is Show Answer

Q121) Two variables X and Y are related as 4x + 3y = 7, then the Correlation between x and y is Show Answer

Q122) Coefficient of correlation between x and y for 20 items is 0.4 . The AM'S and the SD'S of x and y are known to be 12, 15, 3 and 4 respectively. Later on, it was found that the pair (20, 15) was wrongly taken as (15, 20). Find the correct value of correlation coefficient. Show Answer

Q123) If u + 5x = 6 and 3y - 7v = 20 and the correlation coefficient between x and y is 0.58 then what would . be the correlation coefficient between u and v? Show Answer

Q124) Rank correlation coefficient lies between Show Answer

Q125) Maximum value of Rank Correlation coefficient is Show Answer

Q126) The sum of the difference of rank is Show Answer

Q127) In rank correlation coefficient only an increasing / decreasing relationship is required. Show Answer

Q128) Great advantage of _____ is that it can be used to rank attributes which cannot be expressed by way of numerical value. Show Answer

Q129) For finding correlation between two attributes, we consider Show Answer

Q130) For finding the degree of agreement about beauty between two Judges in Beauty Contest, we use Show Answer

Q131) Two numbers within the brackets denote the ranks of 10 students of class in two subjects : (1, 10), (2, 9), (3, 8), (4, 7), (5, 6), (6, 5) , (7, 4), (8, 3), (9, 2), (10, 1), then rank correlation coefficient is Show Answer

Q132) If there is a perfect disagreement between the marks in Geography and Statistics, then what would be the value of rank correlation coefficient? Show Answer

Q133) For a group of 8 students, the sum of squares of differences in ranks for Maths and Stats mark was found to be 50. What is the value of rank correlation coefficient? Show Answer

Q134) If the sum of squares of difference of ranks, given by two judge A and B, of 8 students in 21, what is the value of rank correlation coefficient? Show Answer

Q135) If the sum of the squares of rank differences in the marks of 10 students in two students is 44, then the coefficient of rank correlation is _____. Show Answer

Q136) If the rank correlation coefficient between marks in management and mathematics for a group of student is 0.6 and the sum of squares of the differences in ranks in 66, what is the number of students in the group? Show Answer

Q137) For a number of towns, the coefficient of rank correlation between the people living below the poverty line and increase of population is 0.50. If the sum of squares of the differences in ranks awarded to these factors is 82.50, find the number of towns. Show Answer

Q138) While computing rank correlation coefficient between profit and investment for the last 6 years of a company the difference in rank for a year was taken 3 instead of 4. What is the rectified rank correlation coefficient if it is known that the original value of rank correlation coefficient was 0.4? Show Answer

Q139) While computing rank correlation coefficient between profits and investment for 10 years of a firm, the difference in rank for a year was taken as 7 instead of 5 by mistake and the value of rank correlation coefficient was computed as 0.80. What would be the correct value of rank correlation coefficient after rectifying the mistake? Show Answer

Q140) When we are not concerned with the magnitude of the two variables under discussion, we consider Show Answer

Q141) What is the quickest method to find correlation between two variables? Show Answer

Q142) In Method of Concurrent Deviations, only the directions of change (Positive direction / Negative direction) in the variables are taken into account for calculation of Show Answer

Q143) For 10 pairs of observations, no. of concurrent deviations was found to be 4. What is the value of the coefficient of concurrent deviation? Show Answer

Q144) The coefficient of concurrent deviation for p pairs of observations was found to be 1/V3. If the number of concurrent deviations was found to be 6, then the value of p is Show Answer

Q145) In case' Insurance Companies' Profits and the no .of claims they have to pay" Show Answer

Q146) Correlation coefficient between x and y is l,then correlation coefficient between x-2 and (-y/2) +1 is Show Answer

Q147) Correlation coefficient between x and y is zero then two regression lines are Show Answer

Q148) The statistical method which helps us to estimate or predict the unknown value of one variable from the known value of the related variable is called Show Answer

Q149) _____ gives the mathematical relationship of the variables. Show Answer

Q150) The regression analysis measures Show Answer

Q151) Regression analysis is concerned with Show Answer

Q152) Since Blood Pressure of a person depends on age, we need consider Show Answer

Q153) The line x = a + by represents the regression equation of Show Answer

Q154) The line y = a + bx represents the regression equation of Show Answer

Q155) The regression coefficients are zero if r is equal to Show Answer

Q156) What are the limits of the two regression coefficients? Show Answer

Q157) Regression coefficient is independent of the change of Show Answer

Q158) Regression coefficients are affected by _____. Show Answer

Q159) The difference between the observed value and the estimated value in regression analysis is known as Show Answer

Q160) The errors in case of regression equation are Show Answer

Q161) Regression lines are passes through the _____ points. Show Answer

Q162) By x is called regression coefficient of Show Answer

Q163) By y is called regression coefficient of Show Answer

Q164) The slope of the regression line of y on x is Show Answer

Q165) The slope of the regression line of x on y is Show Answer

Q166) R, b_(x y), b_(y x) all have _____ sign. Show Answer

Q167) The two lines of regression meet at Show Answer

Q168) The point which always lies on the two lines of regression is Show Answer

Q169) If there are two variables x and y, then the number of regression equations could be Show Answer

Q170) The angle between the regression lines depends on Show Answer

Q171) The regression lines are identical if r is equal to Show Answer

Q172) The regression lines are perpendicular to each other if r is equal to Show Answer

Q173) Two regression lines coincide when Show Answer

Q174) The equations Y = a + bX and X = a + bY are based on the method of Show Answer

Q175) The method applied for deriving the regression equations is known as Show Answer

Q176) Feature of least square regression lines are "The sum of the deviations at the Y's or the X's from their regression lines are zero". Show Answer

Q177) The regression line of y on x is derived by Show Answer

Q178) The line of regression passes through the points, bearing _____ no. of points on both sides. Show Answer

Q179) Two regression lines always intersect at the means. Show Answer

Q180) If x and y satisfy the relationship y = - 5 + 7 x, the value of r is Show Answer

Q181) The regression equation are 8 x - 10 y + 66 = 0 and 40 x - 18 y = 214 find the coefficient of correlation Show Answer

Q182) If two regression lines are: x +3y = 7 and 2x+5y=12 then x and y are respectively. Show Answer

Q183) If the mean of two variables x & y are 3 and 1 respectively. Then the equation of two regression lines are _____. Show Answer

Q184) Out of the two lines of regression given by x + 2 y = 4 and 2 x + 3 y - 5 = 0, the regression line of x on y is:
Show Answer

Q185) Equations of two lines of regression are 4 x + 3 y + 7 = 0 and 3 x + 4 y + 8 = 0, the mean of x and y are Show Answer

Q186) Two lines of regression are given by 5 x + 7 y - 22 = 0 and 6 x + 2 y - 22 = 0. If the variance of y is 15 find the standard deviation of x. Show Answer

Q187) If two regression lines are: y = 4 + k x and x = 5 + 4 y, then the range of k is Show Answer

Q188) If the relationship between two variables x and u is u + 3 x = 10 and between two other variables y and v is 2y + 5v = 25, and the regression coefficient of y on x is known as 0.80, then what would be the regression coefficient of v on u? Show Answer

Q189) For the variables x and y, the regression equations are given as 7 x -3 y - 18 = 0 and 4 x - y - 11 = 0 . After finding the arithmetic means of x and y, compute the correlation coefficient between x and y. If the variance of x is 9, find the SD of y. Show Answer

Q190) If the regressive line of y on x and of x on y are given by 2 x + 3 y = -1 and 5 x + 6 y = -1 then the arithmetic means of x and y are given by Show Answer

Q191) If 4 y - 5 x = 15 is the regression line of y on x and the coefficient of correlation between x and y is 0.75, what is the value of the regression coefficient of x on y? Show Answer

Q192) If the relationship between two variables x and y is given by 2 x + 3 y + 4 = 0, then the value of the correlation coefficient between x & y is Show Answer

Q193) If the regression line of y on x and that of x on y are given by y = -2 x + 3 and 8 x = -y + 3 respectively, what is the coefficient of correlation between x and y? Show Answer

Q194) 8 x - 3 y + 7 = 0, 14 x - 7 y + 6 = 0 are two regression equations then the correlation coefficient, r = Show Answer

Q195) If y =3 x + 4 is the regression line of y on x and the arithmetic mean of x is -1, what is the arithmetic mean of y? Show Answer

Q196) Following are the two normal equations obtained for deriving the regression line of y and x: 5 a + 10 b = 40 ; 10 a + 25 b = 95 The regression line of y on x is given by Show Answer

Q197) The following data relate to the heights of 10 pairs of fathers and sons: (175.173), (172,172), (167,171), (168,171), (172.173), (171,170), (174,173), (176,175), (169,170), (170,173) The regression equation of height of son on that of father is given by Show Answer

Q198) The square of coefficient of correlation 'r' is called the coefficient of Show Answer

Q199) Coefficient of determination is computed as Show Answer

Q200) The coefficient of determination is defined by the formula Show Answer

Q201) If the coefficient of correlation between two variables is - 0.2, then the coefficient of determination is Show Answer

Q202) If the coefficient of correlation between two variables is -0.3, then the coefficient of determination is Show Answer

Q203) If the coefficient of correlation between two variables is -0.9, then the coefficient of determination is Show Answer

Q204) The coefficient of correlation between two variables is 0.5, then the coefficient of determination is Show Answer

Q205) If the coefficient of correlation between two variables is 0.6, then the percentage of variation accounted for is Show Answer

Q206) If the coefficient of correlation between two variables is 0.6, then the percentage of variation unaccounted for is Show Answer

Q207) If the coefficient of correlation between two variables is 0.7 then the percentages of variation unaccounted for is Show Answer

Q208) If r = 0.6 then the coefficient of non-determination is Show Answer

Q209) Find the coefficient of correlation when its probable error is 0.2 and the number of pairs of item is 9. Show Answer

Q210) Which of the following is true: Show Answer

Q211) The two regression lines are: 16 x - 20 y + 132 = 0 and 80 x -30 y - 428 = 0, the value of correlation coefficient is Show Answer

Q212) Two regression equations are x + y = 6 and x + 2 y = 10, then correlation coefficient between x and y is Show Answer

Q213) A.M. of regression coefficient is Show Answer

Q214) If the pointed in scatter diagram lie from upper left to lower right, then correlation correlation is Show Answer

Q215) Which of the following is spurious correlation? Show Answer

Q216) Scatter diagram does not help us to? Show Answer

Q217) The covariance between two variables is Show Answer

Q218) The intersecting point of the two regression line: y on x and x on y is Show Answer

Q219) For the set of observation {(1,2),(2,5),(3,7),(4,8),(5,10)} the value of karl-person's coefficient of correlation is approximately given by Show Answer

Q220) The coefficient of correlation between x and y is 0.5 the covariance is 16 and standard deviation of is Show Answer

Q221) The regression coefficients remain unchanged due to Show Answer

Q222) If the sum of the product of the deviation of X and Y from their means is zero the correlation coefficient between X and Y is: Show Answer

Q223) If the slope of the regression line is calculated to be 5.5 and the intercept 15 then the value of Y and X is 6 Is: Show Answer

Q224) The sum of square of any real positive quantities and its reciprocal is never less than: Show Answer

Q225) If the data points of (X,Y) series on a scatter diagram lie along a straight line that goes downwards as X-values move from left to right, then the data exhibit..............correlation. Show Answer

Q226) The intersection point of two regression lines falls at X-axis. If the mean of X-values is 16, the standard deviation of X and Y are respectively 3 and 4, then the mean of Y-values is.
Show Answer

Q227) Karl Pearson Correlation Coefficient method is used for-
Show Answer

Q228) If the plotted point in a scatter diagram lie from lower left to upper right then correction is: Show Answer

Q229) Which of the following is used to find correlation between two qualitative characteristics ? Show Answer

Q230) Scattered diagram is used the plot Show Answer

Q231) The equations of the two lines of regression are 4x+3y+7=0 and 3x+4y+8=0.Find the correlation coefficient between x and y? Show Answer

Q232) The regression equations are 2x+3y+1=0 and 5x+6y+1=0, then Mean of x and y respectively are:
Show Answer

Q233) The coefficient of rank correlation between the ranking of following 6 students in two subjects Mathematics and Statistics is:
Mathematics 3 5 8 4 7 10
Statistics 6 4 9 8 1 2
Show Answer

Q234) Pearson's Correlation coefficient between x and y is:- Show Answer

Q235) Given that Rs=0.4 and n=81 determine the units for the population evaluation coefficient.
Show Answer

Q236) If the regression equation are x+2y-5=0 and 2x+3y-8=0 then the r,x and the mean of y are________respectively. Show Answer

Q237) The regression lines will be perpendicular to each other when the value of r is Show Answer

Q238) If the regression line of y on x and of x on y are given by 10x-290=-20y and 7y-104=-4x.Then the arithmetic means of x and y are given by:
Show Answer

Q239) __________may be defined as the ratio of covariance between the two variable to the product of he standard deviation of the two variables. Show Answer

Q240) If 4y-6x=18 is regression line of y on x and coefficient of correlation between x and y is 0.8.What is the value of regression coefficient of x on y?
Show Answer