Practice Test

Q1) A drop of radius one micron carries a charge of 4e. If the density of oil is 2g/cc, the electric field held required to balance its is : Show Answer

Q2) The distance between two plates of a cathode ray oscilloscope is 1 cm and potential difference between them is 1200 V. If an electron of energy 2000eV enters at right angles to the field, what will be the deflection if the plates are 1.5 cm long ? Show Answer

Q3) In a Thomson's set up for e/m, the same high tension d.c. supply provides potential to anode for acceleration and also the potential to anode for acceleration and also the positive voltage to the deflecting plate in the region of crossed fields. If the supply voltage is doubled, by what factor the magnetic field be increased to keep the electron beam undeflected ? Show Answer

Q4) In Millikan's oil drop method, an oil drop having a charge 'ne' is held stationary by applying a potential difference of 400 V between two parallel plates. If the size of the drop is doubled without changing the charge, the potential difference required to keep its stationary is : Show Answer

Q5) Doubly ionised helium atoms and hydrogen ions are accelerated through the same potential. The ratio of the final velocities of helium and of the hydrogen ions is : Show Answer

Q6) The ratio of specific charge e/m of an electron to that of a Hydrogen ion is : Show Answer

Q7) In a mass spectrograph, an ion A of mass number 24 and charge +e and an ion B of mass number 22 and charge +2e both enter the same magnetic field with the same velocity. The radius of circular path of A is 24cm, then the radius of circular path of B is : Show Answer

Q8) The mass of proton is 1837 times that of an electron. An electron and a proton are injected into a uniform electric field at right angles to the direction of the field with the same kinetic energy. Then : Show Answer

Q9) An electron and a proton are injected into a uniform electric field at right angles to the direction of the field with equal momentum. Then : Show Answer

Q10) An electron and a proton are injected into a uniform magnetic field at right angles to the direction of the field with the same momentum Then : Show Answer

Q11) An electron beam passes through a magnetic field of B tesla and electric of E volt/meter acting simultaneously and in mutually perpendicular direction. If the electron beam remains undeviated, the speed of electron beam must be : Show Answer

Q12) Cathode rays moving with same velocity v describe an approximate circular path of radius r meter in an electric field of strength x volt/ meter. If he speed of the cathode rays is doubled to 2v, the value of electric field needed so that the rays describe the same approximate circular path (volt/meter) is : Show Answer

Q13) Radiations of energies twice and five times the work function of metal are incident turn by turn. The ratio of max. velocities of photoelectrons in two cases will be : Show Answer

Q14) The maximum kinetic energy of the photo-electrons released when it is stopped by 2v of negative potential is : Show Answer

Q15) The ratio of wavelength of 10 KeV photon with that of 10 KeV electron is : Show Answer

Q16) Photoelectric work function of a metal is 4eV. What is the maximum wavelength to which the metal is photosensitive ? Show Answer

Q17) Bragg's equation will have no solution if : Show Answer

Q18) An electron and a proton are having same total energy, then de-Broglie wavelength is : Show Answer

Q19) The energy required to remove an electron in a hydrogen atom from n = 10 state is : Show Answer

Q20) Consider the spectral line resulting from the transition n = 2 to n = 1 in the atoms and ions given below, the shortest wavelength is produce by : Show Answer

Q21) When a photon of energy 7eV is made incident on a metal then the emitted electron is stopped by a stopping potential of -5.5 V. The work function of metal will be: Show Answer

Q22) The ratio of wavelength of a photon and that of an electron of same energy will be : Show Answer

Q23) A photon of wavelength 0.1 A is emitted by a helium atom. The recoil energy of the atom as a consequence of emission of photon will be : Show Answer

Q24) The uncertainty in the measurement of position of an electron of energy 1 Ke V is 1 A. The percentage uncertainty in the measurement of its momentum will be : Show Answer

Q25) In an X-rays tube, if the electrons are accelerated through 140 KV then anode current obtained is 30mA. If the whole energy of electrons is converted into heat then the rate of production of heat at anode will be : Show Answer

Q26) When ultraviolet radiation is incident upon a surface, no photo-electrons are emitted. If a second beam causes photo-electrons to be ejected, it may consist of : Show Answer

Q27) If 10% of the energy supplied to an incandescent light bulb is radiated as visible light, then the number of photons emitted by a 60W bulb per second will be : Show Answer

Q28) If the distance of 100 W lamp is increased from a photo cell, the saturation current in the photo cell varies with distance d as : Show Answer

Q29) A radio transmitter operates at a frequency of 800 kHz and a power of 10 kW. The number of photons emitted per second is : Show Answer

Q30) Which one of the following graphs represents correctly the variation of photoelectric current (i) with intensity (l) of incident radiations : Show Answer

Q31) For three different metals A,B,C photo-emission is observed one by one and maximum kinetic energy (K) versus frequency (v) of incident light graphs are plotted.Which fig. represents the curves correctly ? Show Answer

Q32) A photo cell is illuminated by a small bright source placed 1 m away. When the same source of light is placed 2 m away, the electrons emitted by the photo cathode : Show Answer

Q33) Light of two different frequencies whose photons have energies 1 eV and 2.5 eV respectively successively illuminate a metal of work function 0.5 eV. The ratio of maximum speeds of the emitted electrons will be : Show Answer

Q34) The maximum kinetic energy of photo-electrons emitted from a surface when photons of energy 6 eV tall on it is 4 eV. The stopping potential in volts is : Show Answer

Q35) Photons of energy 6 eV fall on a photometal of work function 4 eV. The minimum kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons is : Show Answer

Q36) A small photocell is placed at a distance of 4m from a photosensitive surface. When light falls on the surface the current is 5mA. If the distance of cell is decrease to 1m, the current will become : Show Answer

Q37) The velocity of the most energetic electrons emitted from a metal surface is doubled when the frequency v of incident radiation is doubled. The work frequency of the metal is : Show Answer

Q38) The energy of incident photon is 12.375 eV while the energy of scattered photon is 9.375 eV. Then the kinetic energy of recoil electron is : Show Answer

Q39) In Compton effect incident X-ray photon has energy 12.4 keV. If the energy of scattered photon is 6.4 keV, the kinetic energy of recoiled electron is : Show Answer

Q40) The ratio of momenta of an electron and an alpha particle which are accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 100 volts is : Show Answer

Q41) The mean free path of electron in a discharge tube is 15 cm. The length of tube is 10cm. The length of the Crooke's dark space is : Show Answer

Q42) In Millikan's oil drop experiment an oil drop of radius r and charge Q is held in equilibrium between the plates of a charged parallel plate capacitor, when the potential difference is V. To keep a drop of radius 2r, having a charge 2Q in equilibrium between the plates, the potential difference V required is : Show Answer

Q43) A charged oil drop is held stationary in an electric field. The space containing the drop is exposed to a radioactive source and drop moves with different terminal velocities V, 2V, 3V, 4V..... etc. It suggests : Show Answer

Q44) In an electron microscope if the potential is increased from 20kV to 80 kV, the resolving power R of the microscope will become : Show Answer

Q45) A photon recoils back after striking an electron at rest. What is the change in wavelength of the photon ? Show Answer

Q46) The voltage across the electrodes of a cathode ray gun is 500 volts. Calculate the momentum of the electrons. Show Answer

Q47) An electron beam passes through a parallel plate condenser. The electric intensity between plates is 20 V/cm, the distance between plates is 5cm and the length of the path traversed by beam as 10cm. Calculate the deflection angle of the beam. Show Answer

Q48) Electrons which have been accelerated by a potential difference of 1000 V enter co-terminus electric and magnetic fields of strengths 20 V/cm and 1G respectively as in the Thomson's experiment. Estimate speed of electrons if they move undeviated through the system. Show Answer

Q49) The deflecting plates in a Thomson's set up are 5.0 cm long and 1.5 cm apart. The plates are maintained at a potential difference of 240 V. Electrons accelerated to an energy of 2.0 keV enter from one edge of the plates midway in a direction parallel to the plates. What is the deflection at the other edge of the plates ? Show Answer

Q50) In a positive ray apparatus singly ionised and doubly ionised particles form identical parabolae when the magnetic fields are respectively 5 and 7.5 tesla. Compare the masses of the particles, assuming the electric field to be same. Show Answer

Q51) A hydrogen atom at rest in the second excited state emits photon when it jumps to the ground state. Calculate the de-Broglie wave-length of the hydrogen atom. Energy of ground state = - 13.6 eV. Show Answer

Q52) A photoelectric cell is illuminated by a small bright source of light placed at 1m. If the same source of light is placed 2 m away, the electrons emitted by the cathode : Show Answer

Q53) In a discharge tube at 0.1 mm of Hg there is a formation of : Show Answer

Q54) Light of frequency 1.5 times the threshold frequency is incident on a photo-sensitive material. If the frequency is halved and the intensity is doubled, the photoelectric current is doubled, the photoelectric current becomes : Show Answer

Q55) According to Bohr's theory, the electron in orbits have definite energy values, then according to uncertainty principle, the life time of a n excited state will be : Show Answer

Q56) The energy of a photon corresponding to the visible light of maximum wavelength is approximately : Show Answer

Q57) A particle of mass 1g is located in a box of size 2 cm. The uncertainty in the momentum of the electron will be : Show Answer

Q58) In a mass spectrograph, an ion A of mass number 24 and charge +e and an ion B of mass number 22 and charge +2e both enter the same magnetic field with the same velocity. The radius of circular path of A is 24 cm, then the radius of circular path of B is : Show Answer

Q59) When X-rays are scattered by electrons their wavelength increases. Their phenomenon is called : Show Answer

Q60) In a photoelectric cell, the current stops when the collecting, plate is one volt negative with respect to emitting metal. The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is : Show Answer

Q61) The number of complete de-Broglie wavelengths associated with the electron in nth orbit of hydrogen atom is : Show Answer

Q62) Einstein's work on the photoelectric effect provided support for the equation : Show Answer

Q63) Who indirectly determined the mass of the electron by measuring the change of the electron ? Show Answer

Q64) An oil drop carrying a charge q has a mass m kg. It is falling freely in air with terminal speed v. The electric field required to make the drop move upwards with the same speed is : Show Answer

Q65) A particle with a specific charge S is fired with a speed v towards a wall at a distance d, perpendicular to the wall. What minimum magnetic field must exist in this region for particle not to hit the wall ? Show Answer

Q66) Kinetic energy of emitted electron depends upon : Show Answer

Q67) Electron with energy 80 keV are incident on the tungsten target of an X-ray tube. K shell electrons of tungsten have -72.5 keV energy. X-rays emitted by the tube contain only : Show Answer

Q68) An ionised gas contains both positive and negative ions. If its is subjected simultaneously to an electric field along the + x direction and a magnetic field along the + z direction, then : Show Answer

Q69) Particle nature and wave nature of elector-magnetic wave and electrons be shown by : Show Answer

Q70) Intensity of X-ray depends upon number of : Show Answer

Q71) The energy of X-rays is 2keV, then frequency is : Show Answer

Q72) The de-Broglie wavelength of electron of energy 600 eV is : Show Answer

Q73) Gases begin to conduct electricity at low pressure because : Show Answer

Q74) The electric field required to keep a water drop of mass m just to remain suspended when charged with one electron is : Show Answer

Q75) The most important characteristic of electrons in the production of X-rays is : Show Answer

Q76) Which one among the following shows particle nature of light ? Show Answer

Q77) A photocell is illuminated by a source of light placed at a distance d. It distance is decreased to d/2, then no. of electron emitted by it : Show Answer

Q78) The work function of oxide coated tungsten emitter will be : Show Answer

Q79) If work function of metal is 3 eV then threshold wavelength will be : Show Answer

Q80) When ultraviolet rays incident on metal plate then photoelectric effect does not occur, it occurs by incident of : Show Answer

Q81) Which of the following is not the property of cathode rays : Show Answer

Q82) An electron having charge e and mass m is moving in an electric field E. Its acceleration will be: Show Answer

Q83) The potential difference applied to an X-ray tube is 5 kV and the current through is 3.2 mA. Then the number of electrons striking the target per second is : Show Answer

Q84) J.J-Thomson's cathode-ray tube experiment demonstrated that : Show Answer

Q85) Characteristic X-rays are produced due to : Show Answer

Q86) Photoelectric effect shows : Show Answer

Q87) For a given kinetic energy which of the following has the smallest de-Broglie wavelength ? Show Answer

Q88) The phenomenon inverse to photoelectric effect is : Show Answer

Q89) The rest mass of a photon is : Show Answer

Q90) If the wavelength of the incident light changes from 400 nm to 30 nm, the shopping potential for photoelectrons emitted from a surface becomes approximately Show Answer

Q91) A photon of energy 4 eV is incident on a metal surface whose work function is 2eV. The minimum reverse potential to be applied for stopping the emission of electrons is : Show Answer

Q92) The magnitude of saturation photoelectric current depends upon : Show Answer

Q93) Monochromatic light incident on a metal surface emits electrons with kinetic energies from zero to 2.6 eV. What is the least energy of the incident photon if the tightly bound electron needs 4.2 eV to remove ? Show Answer

Q94) Which of the following have highest specific charge ? Show Answer

Q95) The wavelength of matter wave is independent of : Show Answer

Q96) A photo cell employs photoelectric effect to convert : Show Answer

Q97) In a discharge tube ionisation of enclosed gas is produce due to collisions between : Show Answer

Q98) Flash light equipped with a new set of batteries produce bright white light. As the batteries wear out : Show Answer

Q99) Determine the value of n for which the de- Broglie wavelength corresponding to nth orbit is equal to wavelength of nth line of Lyman series. Given Z = 11. Show Answer

Q100) Stopping potential required to reduce the photoelectric current to zero : Show Answer

Q101) The photoelectric threshold frequency of a metal is v. When light of frequency 4v is incident on the metal, the max, kinetic energy of the emitted photo-electrons is : Show Answer

Q102) When light of wavelength 300 nm falls on a photoelectric emitter,photo-electrons are liberated. For another emitter, light of wavelength 600nm is sufficient for liberating photo-electrons. The ratio of the work function of two emitters is : Show Answer

Q103) Which of the following figure represents the variation of particle momentum and associated de-Broglie wavelength ? Show Answer

Q104) The energy of a photon of light of wavelength 450 nm is : Show Answer

Q105) The slope of frequency of incident light and stopping potential for a given surface will be : Show Answer

Q106) Which of the following statement is correct ? Show Answer

Q107) An electron and photon have same de-Broglie wavelength. Then kinetic energy of electron is Show Answer

Q108) A radio-transmitter radiates power of 1kW at wavelength 198.6 m. How many photons does it emit per sec ? Show Answer

Q109) A parallel plate B is charged to 100 V while plate A is earthen, with separation of 1cm. A third metal plate C is introduced at a distance of 1/3 from A. An electron starts from plate A. What is minimum potential applied to C, So that electron will not reach B ?
______________________ B
______________________ C
______________________ A
+ Show Answer

Q110) Two parallel beam of electrons moving in the same direction, produce a mutual force : Show Answer

Q111) Wave is associated with matter, when : Show Answer

Q112) The light rays are incident on a metal surface. The light photons have an energy 1.8 eV and the work function of the metal is 1.2 eV. What amount of stopping potential is to be applied to stop the electrons from emitting ? Show Answer

Q113) Of which the specific charge is highest ? Show Answer

Q114) Cathode rays are a stream of : Show Answer

Q115) If the energy of a photon is increased by a factor of 4, its momentum : Show Answer

Q116) The phenomenon inverse of photoelectric effect is : Show Answer

Q117) A beam of electrons passes through undetected through mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields. If the electric is switched off and the same magnetic field is maintained, the electrons move : Show Answer

Q118) The work function of a surface of a photosensitive material is 6.2 eV. The wavelength of the incident radiation for which the stopping potential is 5 V lies in the : Show Answer

Q119) In the phenomenon of electric discharge through gases at low pressure, the coloured glow in the tube appears as a result of : Show Answer

Q120) Monochromatic light of wavelength 667 nm is produced by a helium neon laser. The power emitted is 9 mW. The number of photons arriving per sec on the average at a target irradiated by this beam is : Show Answer

Q121) Two positive ions, each carrying a charge q, are separated by a distance d. If F is the force of repulsion between the ions, the number of electrons missing from each ion will be (e being the charge on an electron ) Show Answer

Q122) A beam of cathode rays is subjected to crossed Electric (E) and Magnetic fields (B). The fields are adjusted such that the beam is not deflected the specific charge of the cathode rays is given by : Show Answer

Q123) Which one of the following bonds produces a solid that reflects light in visible region and whose electrical conductivity decreases with temperature and has high melting point ? Show Answer

Q124) Photoelectric emission occurs only when the incident light has more than a certain minimum : Show Answer

Q125) In the Davission and Germer experiment, the velocity of electrons emitted from the electrons gun can be increased by : Show Answer

Q126) Electron used in an electron microscope are accelerated by a voltage of 25 kV. If the voltage is increased to 100 kV then the de-Broglie wavelength associated with the electrons would : Show Answer

Q127) In photoelectric emission process from a metal of work function 1.8 eV, the kinetic energy of most energetic electrons is 0.5 eV. The corresponding stopping potential is : Show Answer

Q128) Silver has a work function of 4.7 eV. When ultraviolet light of wavelength 100 nm is incident upon it, a potential of 7.7 V is required to stop the photoelectrons from reaching the collector plate. How much potential will be required to stop photoelectrons when light of wavelength 200 nm is incident on silver ? Show Answer

Q129) In a photoelectric experiment, the stopping potential is V, when the frequency of incident radiation is f and V' when the frequency of incident radiation is 2f. The value of (V' - V) is : Show Answer

Q130) A proton, a deutron and an alpha particle are accelerated by same potential difference. Their velocity will be in the ratio: Show Answer

Q131) The mass of a proton is 1840 times that of an electron. An electron and proton of same initial kinetic energy enter normally in a uniform electric field. Show Answer

Q132) The specific charge of an electron is : Show Answer

Q133) Which of the following is (are) not deflected by electric and magnetic fields ? Show Answer

Q134) The energy of a photon of X-rays of wavelength 1A.U is : Show Answer

Q135) The de-Broglie wavelength of an electron having kinetic energy 500 eV is : Show Answer

Q136) The electron is nearly 200 times lighter than a proton. An electron and a proton are moving so that their matter wave have a wavelength of 1 A.U. The ratio of their kinetic energies is : Show Answer

Q137) The photoelectric effect supports quantum theory of light because : Show Answer

Q138) Lights of two different frequency whose photons have energies 2 eV and 2.5 eV respectively successively illuminate a metal whose work function is 0.5 eV. The ratio of the maximum speeds of the emitted electrons will be : Show Answer

Q139) A bulb of 10 W is at distance of 10 km from a man. How many photons are entering into the eye per second if the diameter of the eye is 2mm ? Show Answer

Q140) If the kinetic energy of the moving particles is E, then the de-Broglie wavelength is : Show Answer

Q141) The work function of a metal surface is 4.2 eV. The maximum wavelength which can eject electrons from this metal surface is : Show Answer

Q142) Neglecting variation of mass with energy the wavelength associated with an electron, having a kinetic energy E is proportional to : Show Answer

Q143) X-rays absorption will be maximum for sheets of : Show Answer

Q144) In a photoelectric experiment, photons of energy 5 eV are incident on a metal surface. The liberated photoelectrons are first stopped an electrode at a potential of 3.5 V. The work function of the metal surface is : Show Answer

Q145) The hardness of X-rays can be increased : Show Answer

Q146) Mosley's law related to : Show Answer

Q147) Velocity of an electron whose mass is ten times its rest mass is : Show Answer

Q148) Ratio of the specific charge of a proton to that of an electron is : Show Answer

Q149) For a spectral line of wavelength 400 A.U the energy in eV of the photon associated with it, is : Show Answer

Q150) X-rays of wavelength 1 A.U. when scattered in a Compton scattering in transverse direction, will have an increase in wavelength of : Show Answer

Q151) The shortest wavelength of X-rays emitted from an X-ray tube depends on : Show Answer

Q152) According to Bohr's theory the relation between main quantum number 'n' and radius of the orbit is : Show Answer

Q153) What is the energy of an emitted photon when the hydrogen atom changes from an energy state of n = 5 to n = 4 ? Show Answer

Q154) A hydrogen atom emits blue wavelength when the transition takes place n = 4 to n = 2. In which colour it would emit when the transition is form n = 5 to n = 2 ? Show Answer

Q155) For ionising an excited hydrogen atom the energy 'E' required in eV will be : Show Answer

Q156) The energy gap between successive energy levies in a hydrogen atom, with increasing order of 'n' : Show Answer

Q157) A spectral line resulting the transitions n = 2 to n = 1 in the atoms are given below. Which of these produces shortest wavelength ? Show Answer

Q158) The energy required to excite a hydrogen atom from n = 1 to n = 2 is 10.2 eV. What is wavelength emitted by atom when it returns to ground state ? Show Answer

Q159) The speed v of the electron in an orbit of radius r is : Show Answer

Q160) The first and the last member of the Lyman series are : Show Answer

Q161) The ionisation potential of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. The energy required to remove the electron from second orbit is : Show Answer

Q162) If the ionization energy for the hydrogen atom is 13.6 electron- volts, the energy required to excite it from the ground state to the next higher state is nearly : Show Answer

Q163) The ratio of K.E and total energy of the electron in hydrogen atom as per Bohr's model is : Show Answer

Q164) The ionisation potential of hydrogen is 13.6 eV. If the atom is excited by a monochromatic beam of 12.1 eV, the spectral lines emitted will be :` Show Answer

Q165) In an atom two electrons move round the nucleus in circular orbits of radii R and 4R. The ratio of the time taken by them to complete one revolution is : Show Answer

Q166) An electron revolves round the nucleus of charge Ze. In order to excite the electron from the state n = 2 to n = 3, the energy required is 47.2 eV. The value of Z is : Show Answer

Q167) Which of the following is true ? Show Answer

Q168) In which region of e.m. spectrum does the Lyman series of hydrogen lie ? Show Answer

Q169) The angular momentum of electron in nth orbit is given by : Show Answer

Q170) The energy required to remove an electron in a hydrogen atoms from n = 10 state is : Show Answer

Q171) The velocity of an electron in ground state is : Show Answer

Q172) Adsorption coefficient of X-rays for given wavelength is larger for Show Answer

Q173) The ionisation potential for H-atom is 14V. The K-level for atom with Z = 80 should therefore, be closest to : Show Answer

Q174) The ratio of the energies of hydrogen atom in its first and second excited states is : Show Answer

Q175) Doubly ionised helium atom and hydrogen ion are accelerated from rest through the same potential helium difference. The ratio of the final velocities of helium and hydrogen ion is : Show Answer

Q176) The stopping potential for the photoelectrons emitted from a metal of work function 1.7 eV is 10.4 V. Identify the energy levels in H-atom which emit this wavelength : Show Answer

Q177) The wavelength of the first line of the Lyman series for Hydrogen is same as that of second line of Balmer series for some hydrogen like atom X. what is the Z-value of X ? Show Answer

Q178) The ratio between K.E and the total energy of election of hydrogen atom accordingly to Bohr's model is : Show Answer

Q179) The speed of an electrons in the orbit of hydrogen atom in the ground state is : Show Answer

Q180) The ratio of magnetic dipole moment of an electron of charge e and mass in Bohr's orbit in hydrogen to its angular momentum is : Show Answer

Q181) The ratio of the radius of the orbit of the electron orbiting the hydrogen nucleus to that of an electron orbiting a deutrium nucleus is : Show Answer

Q182) The wavelength of the first line of the Lyman series for Hydrogen is same as that of second line of Balmer series for some hydrogen like atom X.Find the ionisation potential for X. Show Answer

Q183) Rydberg's constant R is equal to : Show Answer

Q184) The shortest wavelength emitted in Lymen series is : Show Answer

Q185) The difference in the angular momentum of the electron in the two successive orbits of hydrogen atom is : Show Answer

Q186) In an electronic transition, atom cannot emit : Show Answer

Q187) The kinetic energy and potential energy of the orbital electron in the hydrogen atom taking into consideration their signs as T and U, which of the following gives the total energy of electron ? Show Answer

Q188) When a particle and anti-particle combine the result is a : Show Answer

Q189) For a stability of nucleus the relations between N number of neutrons and Z atomic number should be as : Show Answer

Q190) When two protons attract each other : Show Answer

Q191) Which of the following particle is unstable ? Show Answer

Q192) The mass defect in a nuclear fusion is 0.03 per cent. Energy liberated in one kilogram of fusion is : Show Answer

Q193) The half-line of radon is 3.8 days. After how many days will 1/10th of a radon sample remain behind ? Show Answer

Q194) The decay constant of a radioactive element whose half life period is 1620 years is : Show Answer

Q195) Radioactive element has a half life of 10 days. How much element will be left after a period of 40 days if the original amount of element is 2gms ? Show Answer

Q196) The half-life of radioactive element depends on : Show Answer

Q197) A radioactive isotope has a half life period of 5 years. The fraction which decays in 15 years is : Show Answer

Q198) Half-time of an element is 140 days. Out of 16g, the 15g of element will decay in : Show Answer

Q199) Two radioactive substances 'X' and 'Y' initially contain equal number of atoms. 'X' has half-life of one hour and 'Y' has half of 2 hours. After 2 hours the ratio of the rate of disintegration of 'X' to that of y is : Show Answer

Q200) The mass defect in a nucleus with Z = 2 and A= 4 is 0.04 a.m.u. The B.E. per nucleon is : Show Answer

Q201) When one gm of mass is converted into energy, the energy released in kWh is : Show Answer

Q202) During a nuclear reaction, protons are destroyed producing an energy of 3724 MeV. The number of protons destroyed is : Show Answer

Q203) A freshly prepared radioactive source of half-life 2 hours emits of intensity which is 64 times the permissible safe level. The minimum time after which it is possible to work safely with this source is : Show Answer

Q204) Two radioactive substances 'X' and 'Y' have half - lives of T and 2T respectively. Samples of 'X' and 'Y' contain equal number of nuclei initially. After a time 4T,the ratio of undecayed atoms of 'X' to the undecayed atoms of 'Y' is : Show Answer

Q205) The radioactivity of an element becomes 1/64th of its original value in 60sec. The half-life period is : Show Answer

Q206) The mass of He is 4 and that of sulphur is 32.The radius of the sulphur nucleus is large than that of helium by the factor of : Show Answer

Q207) A certain radioactive element has half life period of 20 years. If we have a block with 10 g if the element, after how many years will there be just 2.5 g of the element left in the block ? Show Answer

Q208) A G.M counter used for measurement of the activity records 2400 counts/ minute at a certain instant and after an hour the count drops to 300 per minute. What is the half- life of the substance ? Show Answer

Q209) An atom can be considered as having a dense nucleus of neutrons and protons with surrounding distribution of electrons. If there are x- neutrons, y- protons and z- electrons, then what sort of relation exist between x, y and z in a small neutral atom ? Show Answer

Q210) The half life of radioactive radon is 3.8 days. The time at the end of which 1/20th of Randon sample will remain undecayed is : Show Answer

Q211) A sample contains 16 gms of radioactive material, the half life of which is 2 days. After 32 days, the amount of sample left is : Show Answer

Q212) A certain element disintegrates for an interval of time equal to its mean life. The fraction of the original amount that remains undecayed is Show Answer

Q213) What percentage of the original radioactive atom is left after 5 half lives ? Show Answer

Q214) A radio isotope has half life of 75 years. The fraction of this material that would decay in 150 years will be : Show Answer

Q215) At ordinary temperature when we pass light through a tube filled with hydrogen then in the absorption spectrum : Show Answer

Q216) When the electron has a transition from the state (n + 1) to state n, then frequency v of the emitted radiation will be proportional to : Show Answer

Q217) According to Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom, the angular momentum of electron in any orbit of hydrogen is : Show Answer

Q218) What percentage of radioactive substance is left after 5 half life periods ? Show Answer

Q219) An energy of 24.6 eV is required to remove one electron from a neutral helium atom. The energy (in eV) required to remove both the electrons from a neutral helium atom is : Show Answer

Q220) If the speed of the electron in a hydrogen atom orbit of principal quantum number n be v. Then the curve showing variation of v with n is : Show Answer

Q221) If the hydrogen atoms are excited to states with principal quantum number n, then the number of possible emission lines is : Show Answer

Q222) The difference in frequencies of series limit of Lymen series and Balmer series is equal to the frequency of the first line of the : Show Answer

Q223) A hydrogen atom in the ground state absorbs 12.09 eV of energy. The change in the orbital angular momentum of the electrons is : Show Answer

Q224) The area of the electron orbit for the ground state of hydrogen atom is A. Then what will be area of the electron orbit corresponding to the first excited state ? Show Answer

Q225) First excitation potential of an atom is E. What will be the ionisation potential ? Show Answer

Q226) In a hydrogen like atom, the energy required to excite the electron from IInd to the IIIrd orbit is 47.2 eV. What is the atomic number of the atom ? Show Answer

Q227) A gas of monoatomic hydrogen is bombarded with a stream of electrons that have been accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 12.75 volt. In the emission spectra one cannot observe the lines of : Show Answer

Q228) When the electron jumps from a level n = 4 to n = 1 level, the momentum of the recoiled hydrogen atom will be : Show Answer

Q229) If 10% of a radioactive material decay in 5 days, then amount of original material left after 20 days is approximately : Show Answer

Q230) The half life period of neutron is 13 minutes approximately. The intensity of neutron beam traveling in free space with a velocity of 30 km per sec is reduced to half when it cover a distance of : Show Answer

Q231) A radioactive element X with a half life of 2 hours decays giving a stable element Y. After a time t, the ratio of X to Y atoms is 1 : 7, then time t is : Show Answer

Q232) The radioactive nucleus of an element X decay to a stable nucleus Y. A graph of the rate of formation of Y against time t, would be looking like Show Answer

Q233) The counting rate observed from the radioactive source at t = 0 second was 1600 counts/sec and t = 8sec, it was 100 counts/sec. The counting rate per sec at t = 6sec will be : Show Answer

Q234) Over what distance in free space will the intensity of a 5 eV neutron beam be reduced by a factor one half ? (T = 12.8 min) Show Answer

Q235) When an electron jumps from the fourth orbit to the second orbit, one gets the : Show Answer

Q236) Some amount of radioactive substance (half life = 10 days) is spread inside a room and consequently the level of radiation becomes 50 times the permissible level for normal occupancy of the room. After how many days the room will be safe for occupation ? Show Answer

Q237) Nuclear force exists between : Show Answer

Q238) In the sum about 4 billion kg of matter is converted to energy each second. The power output of the sun is watt is : Show Answer

Q239) It is possible to understand nuclear fission on the basis of the : Show Answer

Q240) Atomic hydrogen has a life period of : Show Answer

Q241) Half-life of a substance is 20 minutes. What is the time between 33% decay and 67% decay ? Show Answer

Q242) The approximate value of quantum number n for the circular orbit of hydrogen 0.0001 mm in diameter is Show Answer

Q243) The isotope generally used for blood cancer is : Show Answer

Q244) When 3d orbital is complete, the new electron will enter in : Show Answer

Q245) An ionized gas contains both positive and negative ions. If it is subjected simultaneously to an electric field along the +x direction and a magnetic field along the +z direction, then : Show Answer

Q246) The electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition from an excited state to the ground state. Which of the following statements is true ? Show Answer

Q247) If N denotes the concentration of a radioactive element,then the rate of change of concentration with time (t) can be written as : Show Answer

Q248) What is binding energy of hydrogen nucleus ? Show Answer

Q249) What determines half-life of a radioactive element ? Show Answer

Q250) Source of sun's energy is : Show Answer

Q251) Rutherford's X-ray scattering by particle concluded that : Show Answer

Q252) Which of the following is wrongly matched ? Show Answer

Q253) The half-life period of a substance is 1600 years. Then the amount of substance will become .......... of its initial value in 6400 years : Show Answer

Q254) The half life period of a radioactive element X is same as the mean life time of another radioactive element Y. Initially both of them have the same number of atoms. Then : Show Answer

Q255) Which of the following Indian got a Nobel Prize in Physics ? Show Answer

Q256) The wavelength of light emitted from second orbit to first orbit in a hydrogen atom is : Show Answer

Q257) 10 g of radioactive material of half life 15 years is kept in store for 20 years. The disintegrated material is : Show Answer

Q258) Recently some particles have been discovered travelling with more than the velocity of light, they are : Show Answer

Q259) The half life of a radioactive substance is 3.6 days. How much of 20 mg of this radioactive substance will remain after 36 days : Show Answer

Q260) The electron emitted in beta radiation originates from : Show Answer

Q261) Which of the following has highest neutron ratio ? Show Answer

Q262) In an atom bomb energy us released by : Show Answer

Q263) Which of the following are suitable for the fusion process ? Show Answer

Q264) Which one of the following is the weakest kind of bonding in solids ? Show Answer

Q265) Heavy water is used as a modulator in nuclear reactor. The function of the modulator is : Show Answer

Q266) A sample of an element is 10.38g. If half - life of element is 3.8 days then after 19 days how much quantity of element remains ? Show Answer

Q267) The solar energy is mainly caused due to: Show Answer

Q268) The volume occupied by an atom is greater than the volume of the nucleus by a factor of about : Show Answer

Q269) The mass number of a nucleus is : Show Answer

Q270) A sample radioactive element has a mass of 10g at an instant t = 0. The approximate mass of this element in the sample after two mean lives is : Show Answer

Q271) In which of the following systems will the radius of the first orbit (n = 1) be minimum ? Show Answer

Q272) For uranium nucleus, how does its mass vary with volume ? Show Answer

Q273) A laser beam is used for carrying out surgery because it : Show Answer

Q274) A radioactive substance decays to 1/16th of its initial activity in 40 days. The half - life of the radioactive substance expressed in days is : Show Answer

Q275) Nuclear fusion is possible : Show Answer

Q276) Radioactive nuclei that are injected into a patient collect at certain sites within his body, undergoing radioactive decay and emitting electromagnetic radiation. These radiations can then be recorded by a detector. This procedure provides an important diagnostic tool called : Show Answer

Q277) The percentage of mass covered to energy during nuclear reaction is : Show Answer

Q278) When an electron is emitted from a nucleus, then effect on its neutron - proton ratio will : Show Answer

Q279) Which one of the following is most fissionable ? Show Answer

Q280) The percentage of fissionable mass in uranium 235 is : Show Answer

Q281) Which of the following has the same mass as that of electron ? Show Answer

Q282) Shorter wavelength is of : Show Answer

Q283) For a given value of n, the possible number of electron is : Show Answer

Q284) The half-life time period of radium is 1600 years, its decay constant shall be : Show Answer

Q285) The half life of radium is about 1600 years. Of 100g of radium existing now, 25g will remain unchanged after : Show Answer

Q286) Natural uranium contains about : Show Answer

Q287) If the ionization potential of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV then the ionization potential of Lithium is : Show Answer

Q288) The Bohr model of atoms : Show Answer

Q289) The energy difference between first two levels of hydrogen atom is 10.2 eV. For another element of atomic number 10 and mass number 20, this will be : Show Answer

Q290) For an electron in a hydrogen atom the frequency of photon for transition between levels 1 and 2 is v. The photon frequency for transition between levels 2 and 3 is close to : Show Answer

Q291) If R is Rydberg's constant then unit of Paschen series is : Show Answer

Q292) The energy level to which electron jumps from higher level to produce Balmer series of hydrogen atom is : Show Answer

Q293) The percentage change in the angular momentum of the electron when the transition is from 2nd to 1st orbit of hydrogen atom is : Show Answer

Q294) If L is the angular momentum of the electron in the second orbit of hydrogen atom, then the angular momentum in third orbit is : Show Answer

Q295) When hydrogen atom is raised from the ground state to an excited state the potential energy increases and K.E. Show Answer

Q296) After x half life times the fraction of amount which remains undecayed is : Show Answer

Q297) The fraction of a sample of radium that would remain after 4800 years is (take half life of radium = 1600 years) : Show Answer

Q298) The experimentally measured dissociation energy of Lil is : Show Answer

Q299) The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is based atom on the phenomenon of : Show Answer

Q300) We wish to see inside an atom. Assuming the atom to have a diameter of 100 pm, this means that one must be able to resolve a width of say 10 pm. If an electron microscope is used, the minimum electron energy required is about : Show Answer

Q301) After 280 days, the activity of a radioactive sample is 6000 dps. The activity reduces to 3000 dps after another 140 days. The initial activity of the sample in dps is : Show Answer

Q302) A large scale destruction that would be caused due to use of nuclear weapons is known as : Show Answer

Q303) The nuclei of which one of the following pairs of nuclei are isotones ? Show Answer

Q304) In any fission process, the ratio
mass of fission products / mass of parent nucleus is : Show Answer

Q305) Fission of nuclei is possible because the binding energy per nucleon in them : Show Answer

Q306) The total energy of an electron in the first excited state of hydrogen atom is about -3.4 eV. Its kinetic energy is : Show Answer

Q307) The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is - 13.6 eV. What is the potential energy of the electron in this state ? Show Answer

Q308) A radioactive material has a half-life of 10 days. What fraction of the material would remain after 30 days ? Show Answer

Q309) If a star can convert all the He nuclei completely into oxygen nuclei, the energy released per oxygen nucleus is [Mass of He nucleus is 4.0026 a.m.u. and mass of Oxygen nucleus is 15.9994 a.m.u] : Show Answer

Q310) The radius of Ge nuclei is measured to be twice that of 9/4 Be. The no. of nucleons in Ge are : Show Answer

Q311) Which of the following is not a pair of isotopes ? Show Answer

Q312) The ionisation energy of 10 times ionised sodium atom is : Show Answer

Q313) A hydrogen atom in its ground state absorbs 10.2 eV of energy. The orbital angular momentum is increased by : Show Answer

Q314) Half lives of two radioactive substances A and B are respectively 20 minute and 40 minute. Initially the sample of A and B have equal number of nuclei. After 80 minutes, the ratio of number of A and B nuclei is : Show Answer

Q315) If half-life of a radioactive atom is 2.3 days, then its decay constant would be : Show Answer

Q316) The binding energy per nucleon is maximum in the case of : Show Answer

Q317) Minimum excitation of Bohr's first orbit is hydrogen atom is: Show Answer

Q318) If the binding energy of the deutrium is 2.23 MeV. The mass defect given in a.m.u is : Show Answer

Q319) A radio-isotope has a life of 5 years. The fraction of the atom of this material that would decay in 15 years will be : Show Answer

Q320) Average number of neutrons emitted per fission is : Show Answer

Q321) Critical mass of a fissionable material can be reduced by : Show Answer

Q322) Which of the following is most unstable ? Show Answer

Q323) Check the correctness of the following statements about Bohr model of hydrogen atom :
(i) the acceleration of the electron in n = 2 orbit is more than in n = 1 orbit.
(ii) the angular momentum of the electron in n = 2 orbit is more than in n = 1 orbit.
(iii) the K.E. of the electron in n = 2 orbit is less than in n = i orbit. Show Answer

Q324) The binding energy of the innermost electron in tungsten is 40 keV. To produce the characteristic X- rays, using a tungsten target in an X-ray tube, the potential difference V between the cathode and the anti-cathode should be : Show Answer

Q325) The rest energy of an electron is 0.511 MeV. The electron is accelerated from rest to a velocity 0.5 c. The change in its energy will be : Show Answer

Q326) When an atom undergoes an alpha decay, its : Show Answer

Q327) In hydrogen atom, the transition that emit radiation in the visible region is :
(n is the principal quantum number) Show Answer

Q328) A radioactive isotope has a half life of T years. The time after which its activity is reduced to 6.25% of its original activity is : Show Answer

Q329) The energy in sun is produces by : Show Answer

Q330) Suppose I mg of a radioactive substance is taken initially. After 2 hours it is found that 0.25 mg of the substance is left behind. The mean life of the substance is : Show Answer

Q331) Which one of the following is a natural source of gamma radiation ? Show Answer

Q332) A radioactive material has life of the one hour. Then the fraction of the material that remains without disintegration at the end of 4 hours is : Show Answer

Q333) What is the radius of 2nd Bohr orbit, given the radius of the first Bohr orbit is r. Show Answer

Q334) Mosley's law relates : Show Answer

Q335) In simple of radioactive material, what fraction of the initial number of active nuclei will remain un-distintegrated after half- life of the sample ? Show Answer

Q336) One milligram of matter is converted into energy, the energy released will be : Show Answer

Q337) Two nuclei have their mass numbers in the ratio of 1 : 3. The ratio of their nuclear densities would be : Show Answer

Q338) The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV. When its electron is in the first excited state, its excitation energy is : Show Answer

Q339) The number of beta particles emitted by a radioactive substance is twice the number of alpha particles emitted by it. The resulting daughter is an : Show Answer

Q340) The ionization energy of the electron in the hydrogen atom in its ground state is 13.6 eV. The atoms are excited to higher energy levels to emit radiations of 6 wavelengths. Maximum wavelength of emitted radiation corresponds to the transition between : Show Answer

Q341) The wavelength of the first line of laymen series for hydrogen atom is equal to that of the second line of Balmer series for a hydrogen like ion. The atomic number Z of hydrogen like ion is : Show Answer

Q342) The half life of a radioactive isotope 'Y' is 50 years. It decays to another element 'Y' which is stable. The two elements 'X' and 'Y' were found to be in the ratio of 1 : 15 in a sample of a given rock. The age of the rock was estimated to be : Show Answer

Q343) A radioactive nucleus of mass M emits a photon of frequency v and the nucleus recoils. The recoils energy will be : Show Answer

Q344) Which one of the following is possible nuclear reaction ? Show Answer

Q345) Which of the following is the Einstein's photoelectric equation can be written as ? Show Answer

Q346) In the above question how many photons per second on an average are emitted by source ? Show Answer

Q347) What is the de Broglie wavelength associated with an electron accelerated through a potential difference of 100 volts. Show Answer

Q348) The photoelectric cut-off voltage in a certain experiment is 1.5 V. The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted is Show Answer

Q349) Monochromatic light of wavelength 632.8 nm is produced by a He-Ne laser. The power emitted is 9.42 m W. How many photons per second on the average,arrive at a target irradiated by this beam ? Show Answer

Q350) For light bean of wavelength 632.8 nm, what is the momentum of each photon in the beam ? Show Answer

Q351) A 100 W sodium lamp radiates energy uniformly in all directions. The lamp is located at the center of a large sphere that absorbs all the sodium light which is incident on it. The wavelength of the sodium light is 589 nm. At what rate are the electron delivered on the sphere ? Show Answer

Q352) The work function of a certain metal is 4.2 eV . Which among the wavelengths 390 nm, 440 nm, 550 nm and 760 nm will this metal give photoelectric emission ? Show Answer

Q353) An X-ray tube produces a continuous spectrum of radiation with its short wavelength end at 0.45 A. What is the maximum energy of a photon in the radiation. Show Answer

Q354) According to Einstein's photoelectric equation, the plot of the kinetic energy of the emitted photo electrons from a metal vs the frequency of the incident radiation gives a straight line whose slope Show Answer

Q355) Dual nature of radiation is shown by Show Answer

Q356) In a photoelectric cell, illuminated with a certain radiation, the minimum negative anode potential with respect to emitting metal required to stop the electron is 2 V. The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectron is Show Answer

Q357) The photoelectrons emitted from a surface of sodium metal are such that Show Answer

Q358) An ultraviolet light source causes the emission of photoelectrons from a zinc plate. A more intense source of the same wavelength would give
Maximum energy of electron No. of electrons / second Show Answer

Q359) The retarding potential for having zero photoelectron current Show Answer

Q360) Statement 1 : Electron microscope uses variable wavelengths of electrons for different resolving powers.
Statement 2 : As the accelerating voltage is increased, the wavelength of electron decreases Show Answer

Q361) The difference in maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons from A and from B Show Answer

Q362) The threshold wavelength of A and B are related as : Show Answer

Q363) What is the ratio of the wavelengths of a photon and that of an electron of the same energy ? Show Answer

Q364) The de-Broglie wavelength of an electron is same as that of a photon. If the velocity of electron is 50% of the speed of light, then ratio of kinetic energy of photon to the kinetic energy of electron is Show Answer

Q365) An electron and a proton enter a magnetic field perpendicularly. Both have same kinetic energy. Which of the following is true ? Show Answer

Q366) Which of the following graphs correctly represents the variation of particle momentum with associated de - Broglie wavelength ? Show Answer

Q367) J.J.Thomson's cathode - ray tube experiment demonstrated that Show Answer

Q368) Photon is the name given to Show Answer

Q369) Statement 1 : Though light of a single frequency is incident on a metal, the energies of emitted photoelectrons are different.
Statement 2 : The energy of electrons emitted from inside the metal surface is lost in collision with the other atoms in the metal
Show Answer

Q370) Statement 1 : Photoelectric effect demonstrates the particle nature of electrons.
Statement 2 : The number of photoelectrons is proportional to the frequency of light.
Show Answer

Q371) The number of photons falling per seconds on each square metre of earth's surface directly below the sun is Show Answer

Q372) The number of photons in each cubic metre near the earth's surface is Show Answer

Q373) The number of photons emitted by the sun per second Show Answer

Q374) A uniform electric field and a uniform magnetic field are acting along the same direction in a certain region. If an electron is projected along the direction of the fields with a certain velocity, then Show Answer

Q375) Which phenomenon best supports the theory that matter has a wave nature Show Answer

Q376) Consider the following statements concerning electrons :
I. Electrons are universal constituents of mater.
II. J J Thomson received the very first Nobel prize in Physics for discovering the electron.
III. The mass of the electron is about 1/2000 of a neutron.
IV. According to Bohr the linear momentum of the electron is quantised in the hydrogen atom. Which of the above statements are not correct?
Show Answer

Q377) The working principle of the mass spectrograph is that for a given combination of accelerating potential and magnetic field, the ion beam (with charge q and mass M) to be collected at different positions of ion collectors will depend upon the value of Show Answer

Q378) Electric field and magnetic field in Thomson mass spectrograph are applied Show Answer

Q379) If the wavelength of light is 4000 â„«, then the number of waves in 1 mm length will be Show Answer

Q380) A 100 W light bulb is placed at the centre of a spherical chamber of radius 0.10m. Assume that 66% of the energy supplied to the bulb is converted into light and that the surface of chamber is perfectly absorbing. The pressure exerted by the light on the surface of the chamber is Show Answer

Q381) Momentum of a photon is p. The corresponding wavelength is Show Answer

Q382) Penetrating power of X-rays depends on Show Answer

Q383) If V be the accelerating voltage, then the maximum frequency of continuous X-rays is given by Show Answer

Q384) Solid targets of different elements are bombarded by highly energetic electron beams. The frequency (f) of the characteristic X-rays emitted from different targets varies with atomic number Z as Show Answer

Q385) If the momentum of an electron is changed by ∆ p, then the de-Broglie wavelength associated with it changes by 0.50%. The initial momentum of the electron will be Show Answer

Q386) If the wavelength of incident light changes from 400 nm to 300 nm, the stopping potential for photoelectrons emitted from a surface becomes approximately Show Answer

Q387) In a photoelectric experiment for 4000 â„« incident radiation, the potential difference to stop the ejection is 2V. If the incident light is changed to 3000 â„«, then the potential required to stop the ejection of electrons will be Show Answer

Q388) If a photon has velocity c and frequency v, then which of following represents its wavelength Show Answer

Q389) What is de-Broglie wavelength of electron having energy 10 ke V? Show Answer

Q390) An oil drop with charge q is held stationary between two plates with an external potential difference of 400 V. If the size of the drop is doubled without any change of charge, the potential difference required to keep the drop stationary will be Show Answer

Q391) Planck’s constant has the dimensions of Show Answer

Q392) The de-Broglie wavelength is proportional to Show Answer

Q393) Intensity of X-rays depends upon the number of Show Answer

Q394) The work functions of metals A and B are in the ratio 1:2. If light of frequencies f and 2f are incident on the surfaces of A and B respectively, the ratio of the maximum kinetic energies of photoelectrons emitted is (f is greater than threshold frequency of A,2f is greater than threshold of B)

Show Answer

Q395) The minimum wavelength of X-rays produced in a coolidge tube operated at potential difference of 40 kV is Show Answer

Q396) The energy of a photon of light with wavelength 5000 â„« is approximately 2.5 eV. This way the energy of an X-ray photon with wavelength 1â„« would be Show Answer

Q397) An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of V volt. The speed of electrons will be Show Answer

Q398) The frequency of the incident light falling on a photosensitive metal plate is doubled, the kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectron is Show Answer

Q399) For an electron in the second orbit of Bohr’s hydrogen atom, the moment of linear momentum is Show Answer

Q400) The ratio transmitter operates on a wavelength of 1500 m at a power of 400 kW. The energy of radio photon (in joule) is Show Answer

Q401) In an X-rays tube, the intensity of the emitted X-rays beam is increased by Show Answer

Q402) Light of wavelength 4000 â„« is incident on a metal plate whose work function is 2 eV. The maximum KE of the emitted photoelectron would be Show Answer

Q403) Kinetic energy of emitted cathode rays is dependent on Show Answer

Q404) In Davisson - Germer experiment maximum intensity is observed at Show Answer

Q405) According to photon theory of light which of the following physical quantities associated with a photon do not/does not change as it collides with an electron in vacuum Show Answer

Q406) For characteristic X-ray of some material Show Answer

Q407) What is the de-Broglie wavelength of the α-particle accelerated through a potential difference V Show Answer

Q408) Light of wavelength 1824 â„«, incident on the surface of a metal, produces photo-electrons with maximum energy 5.3 eV. When light of wavelength 1216 â„« is used, the maximum energy of photoelectrons is 8.7 eV. The work function of the metal surface is Show Answer

Q409) The de-Broglie wavelength of a ball of mass 120 g moving at a speed of 20 m/s is Show Answer

Q410) The potential difference applied to an X-ray tube is 5kV and the current through it is 3.2 mA. Then the number of electrons striking the target per second is Show Answer

Q411) What should be the velocity of an electron so that its momentum becomes equal to that of a photon of wavelength 5200 â„«? Show Answer

Q412) An electron of mass m and charge q is accelerated from rest in a uniform electric field of strength E. The velocity acquired by it as it travels a distance l is Show Answer

Q413) e/m ratio of anode rays produced in a discharge tube, depends on the Show Answer

Q414) The continuous X-rays spectrum produced by an X-ray machine at constant voltage has Show Answer

Q415) The de-Broglie wavelength associated with the particle of mass m moving with velocity v is Show Answer

Q416) Work function of a metal is 2.51 eV. Its threshold frequency Show Answer

Q417) A photon in motion has a mass Show Answer

Q418) The mean free path of the electrons in a discharge tube is 20 cm. The length of the tube is 15 cm only. Then length of Crooke’s dark space is Show Answer

Q419) When subjected to a transverse electric field, cathode rays move Show Answer

Q420) An electromagnetic radiation has an energy of 13.2 keV. Then the radiation belongs to the region of Show Answer

Q421) The resistance of a discharge tube is Show Answer

Q422) Which one of the following statements regarding photo-emission of electrons is correct? Show Answer

Q423) The work function for metals A,B and C are respectively 1.92 eV,2.0 eV and 5 eV. According to Einstein’s equation, the metals which will emit photo electrons for a radiation of wavelength 4100 Å is/are Show Answer

Q424) A beam of light of wavelength λ and with illumination L falls on a clean surface of sodium. If N photoelectrons are emitted each with kinetic energy E, then Show Answer

Q425) A electron moving with a variable linear velocity v in a variable magnetic field B will remain rotating in a circle of constant radius r only when Show Answer

Q426) If particles are moving with same velocity, then maximum de-Bronglie wavelength will be for Show Answer

Q427) The maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons in a photoelectric effect does not depend upon Show Answer

Q428) Monochromatic radiation emitted when electron on hydrogen atom jumps from first excited to the ground state irradiates a photosensitive material. The stopping potential is measured to be 3.57 V. the threshold frequency of the material is Show Answer

Q429) Which is the incorrect statement of the following Show Answer

Q430) The threshold wavelength for photoelectric emission from a material is 4800 â„«. Photoelectrons will be emitted from the material, when it is illuminated with light from a Show Answer

Q431) Light of wavelength 4000 â„« incident on a sodium surface for which the threshold wavelength of photoelectrons is 5420 â„«. The work function of sodium is Show Answer

Q432) When an inert gas is filled in place of vacuum in a photo cell, then Show Answer

Q433) A 5 W source emits monochromatic light of wavelength 5000â„«. When placed 0.5 m away, it liberates photoelectrons from a photosensitive metallic surface. When the source is moved to a distance of 1.0m, the number of photoelectrons liberated will be reduced by a factor of Show Answer

Q434) Millikan’s oil-drop experiment established that Show Answer

Q435) The material used for making thermionic cathode must have Show Answer

Q436) Consider the two following statements I and II, and identify the correct choice given in the answers
III. In photovoltaic cells the photoelectric current produced is not proportional to the intensity of incident light.
IV. In gas filled photoemissive cells, the velocity of photoelectrons depends on the wavelength of the incident radiation.
Show Answer

Q437) A light having wavelength 300 nm falls on a metal surface. Work function of metal is 2.54 eV. What is stopping potential? Show Answer

Q438) An oil drop carrying a charge q has a mass m kg. It is falling freely in air with terminal speed v. The electric field required to make the drop move upwards with the same speed is Show Answer

Q439) Which of the following event, support the quantum nature of light? Show Answer

Q440) The de-Broglie wavelength L associated with an elementary particle of linear momentum p is best represented by the graph Show Answer

Q441) When yellow light is incident on a surface, no electrons are emitted while green light can emit. If red light is incident on the surface, then Show Answer

Q442) Which of the following is accompanied by the characteristic X-ray emission Show Answer

Q443) Assuming photoemission to take place, the factor by which the maximum velocity of the emitted photoelectrons changes when the wavelength of the incident radiation is increased four times, is Show Answer

Q444) When the light source is kept 20 cm away from a photo cell, stopping potential 0.6 V is obtained. When source is kept 40 cm away, the stopping potential will be Show Answer

Q445) The most penetrating radiation out of the following is Show Answer

Q446) The potential difference applied to an X-ray tube is increased. As a result, in the emitted radiation Show Answer

Q447) The photoelectric effect represents that Show Answer

Q448) Ultraviolet radiation of 6.2 eV falls on an aluminium surface (work function 4.2 eV). The kinetic energy of the faster electron emitted is approximately Show Answer

Q449) If an electron and a photon propagate in the form of waves having the same wavelength, it implies that they have the same Show Answer

Q450) If intensity of incident light is increased in PEE then which of the following is true Show Answer

Q451) For intensity I of a light of wavelength 5000Å the photoelectron saturation current is 0.40 μA and stopping potential is 1.36 V, the work function of metal is Show Answer

Q452) Threshold wavelength for photoelectric emission from a metal surface is 5200â„«. Photoelectrons will emitted when this surface is illuminated with monochromatic radiation from Show Answer

Q453) In photoelectric effect, the KE of electrons emitted from the metal surface depends upon Show Answer

Q454) A particle which has zero rest mass and non-zero energy and momentum, must travel with a speed Show Answer

Q455) During X-ray production from coolidge tube if the current in increased, then Show Answer

Q456) The ratio of the energy of an X-ray photon of wavelength 1 â„« to that of visible light of wavelength 5000 â„« is Show Answer

Q457) The photoelectric threshold wavelength for a metal surface is 6600â„«. The work function for this metal is Show Answer

Q458) X-rays of which of the following wavelengths are hardest Show Answer

Q459) A metal surface is illuminated by a light of given intensity and frequency to cause photoemission. If the intensity of illumination is reduced to one-fourth of its original value, then the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons would become Show Answer

Q460) The minimum wavelength of photon is 5000 â„«, its energy will be Show Answer

Q461) Doubly ionised helium atom and hydrogen ions are accelerated, from rest, through the same potential difference. The ratio of final velocities of helium and hydrogen is Show Answer

Q462) Energy of electrons can be increased by allowing them Show Answer

Q463) Which of the following wavelength fall in X-ray region Show Answer

Q464) The correct curve between the stopping potential (V) and intensity of incident light (I) is Show Answer

Q465) The velocity of photon is proportional to (where v is frequency) Show Answer

Q466) The wavelength of X-rays is Show Answer

Q467) In a photoelectric effect experiment, the slope of the graph between the stopping potential and the incident frequency will be Show Answer

Q468) The work function of a substance is 4.0 eV. The longest wavelength of light that can cause photoelectron emission from this substance is approximately Show Answer

Q469) Cathode rays and canal rays produced in a certain discharge tube are deflected in the same direction if Show Answer

Q470) An electron in the hydrogen atom jumps excited state n to the ground state. The wavelength so emitted illuminates a photosensitive material having work function 2.75 eV. If the stopping potential of the photoelectron is 10 eV, then the value of n is Show Answer

Q471) The colour of the positive column in a gas discharge tube depends on Show Answer

Q472) If alpha, beta and gamma rays carry same momentum, which has the longest wavelength? Show Answer

Q473) Photon of frequency v has a momentum associated with it. If c is the velocity of light, the momentum is Show Answer

Q474) An electron initially at rest is accelerated through a potential difference of 1V. The energy acquired by electron is Show Answer

Q475) A charge of magnitude3e and mass 2m is moving in an electric field E. The acceleration imparted to the charge is Show Answer

Q476) For the production of X-rays, the target should be made of Show Answer

Q477) In cathode ray oscillograph, the focusing of beam on the screen is achieved by Show Answer

Q478) Order of q/m ratio of proton, α-particle and electron is Show Answer

Q479) Cathode rays are Show Answer

Q480) The structure of solid crystals is investigated by using Show Answer

Q481) An electron of charge 'e' coulomb passes through a potential difference of V volts. Its energy in 'joules' will be Show Answer

Q482) What should be the velocity of an electron so that its momentum becomes equal to that of a photon of wavelength 5200â„« ? Show Answer

Q483) The ratio of the de Broglie wavelengths of an electron of energy 10 eV to that of person of mass 66 kg travelling at a speed of 100 km/hr is of the order of Show Answer

Q484) The continuous x-ray spectrum obtained from a Coolidge tube is of the form Show Answer

Q485) The maximum velocity of an electron emitted by light of wavelength λ incident on the surface of a metal of work function ϕ, is
Where h= Planck’s constant, m= mass of electron and c= speed of light
Show Answer

Q486) Electrons with de-Broglie wavelength λ fall on the target in an X-ray tube. The cut-off wavelength of the emitted X-rays is Show Answer

Q487) Penetrating power of X-rays can be increased by Show Answer

Q488) The difference between kinetic energies of photoelectrons emitted from a surface by light of wavelength 2500â„« and 5000â„« will be Show Answer

Q489) A metal surface of work function 1.07 eV is irradiated with light of wavelength 332 nm. The retarding potential required to stop the escape of photoelectrons is Show Answer

Q490) In an X-ray tube electrons bombarding the target produce X-rays of minimum wavelength 1 â„«. What must be the energy of bombarding electrons Show Answer

Q491) In a discharge tube ionization of enclosed gas is produced due to collisions between Show Answer

Q492) The filament current in the electron gun of a coolidge tube is increased while the potential difference used to accelerate the electrons is decreased. As a result, in the emitted radiation Show Answer

Q493) Positive rays consists of Show Answer

Q494) When light of wavelength 300 nm falls on a photoelectric emitter, photoelectrons are liberated. For another emitter, light of wavelength 600 nm is sufficient for liberating
photoelectrons. The ratio of the work function of the two emitter is
Show Answer

Q495) The maximum wavelength of radiation that can produce photoelectric effect in certain metal is 200 nm. The maximum kinetic energy acquired by electron due to radiation of wavelength 100 nm will be Show Answer

Q496) The retarding potential for having zero photo-electron current Show Answer

Q497) If the threshold wavelength for sodium is 5420 â„«, then the work function of sodium is Show Answer

Q498) From the following, what charges can be present on oil drops in Millikan’s experiment
(Here e is the electronic charge)
Zero, equal to the magnitude of charge on Show Answer

Q499) Which of the following metal thermionically emits an electron at a relatively lowest temperature among them Show Answer

Q500) Which of the following figures represents the variation of particle momentum and associated de-Broglie wavelength? Show Answer

Q501) The work function of a metal is 1eV. Light of wavelength 3000 â„« is incident on this metal surface. The velocity of emitted photoelectrons will be Show Answer

Q502) A photo-sensitive material would emit electrons, if excited by photons beyond a threshold. To overcome the threshold, one would increase the Show Answer

Q503) Positive rays were discovered by Show Answer

Q504) The frequency and intensity of a light source are doubled. Consider the following statements
I. Saturation photocurrent remains almost the same.
II. Maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is doubled.
Show Answer

Q505) If an electron moves from rest from a point at which potential is 50 V to another point at which potential is 70 V, then its kinetic energy in the final state will be Show Answer

Q506) If wavelength of photon and electron is same then ratio of total energy of electron to total energy of photon would be Show Answer

Q507) In photoelectric effect if the intensity of light is doubled, then maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons will become Show Answer

Q508) Which of the following statements is not correct Show Answer

Q509) In photoelectric effect, the electrons are ejected from metals if the incident light has a certain minimum Show Answer

Q510) Photo cell is a device to Show Answer

Q511) An electron microscope is used to probe the atomic arrangement to a resolution of 5 â„«. What should be the electric potential to which the electrons need to be accelerated Show Answer

Q512) In the photoelectric effect the velocity of ejected electrons depends upon the nature of the target and Show Answer

Q513) The slope of frequency of incident light and stopping potential graph for a given surface will be Show Answer

Q514) Ultraviolet radiations of 6.2 eV falls on an aluminium surface. KE of fastest electron emitted is (work function = 4.2 eV) Show Answer

Q515) J. J. Thomson’s cathode ray tube experiment demonstrated that Show Answer

Q516) A metal block is exposed to beams of X-ray of different wavelengths X-rays of which wavelength penetrate most Show Answer

Q517) For the structural analysis of crystals, X-rays are used because Show Answer

Q518) If we express the energy of a photon in KeV and the wavelength in angstroms, then energy of a photon can be calculated from the relation Show Answer

Q519) Cathode rays enter a magnetic field making oblique angle with the lines of magnetic induction. What will be the nature of the path followed? Show Answer

Q520) The threshold wavelength for photoelectric effect of a metal is 6500 â„«. The work function of the metal is approximately Show Answer

Q521) A beam of cathode rays is subjected to crossed Electric (E) and Magnetic field (B). The fields are adjusted such that the beam is not deflected. The specific charge of the cathode rays is given by Show Answer

Q522) Mosley’s law relates the frequencies of line X-rays with the following characteristics of the target element Show Answer

Q523) Particle nature and wave nature of electromagnetic waves and electrons can be shown by Show Answer

Q524) A photon and an electron have an equal energy E. Show Answer

Q525) A photon of wavelength 4400 â„« is passing through vacuum. The effective mass and momentum of the photon are respectively Show Answer

Q526) An electron and photon have same wavelength. If E is the energy of photon and p is the momentum of electron, then the magnitude of E/p in SI unit is Show Answer

Q527) A cesium photocell, with a steady potential difference of 60V across, is illuminated by a bright point source of light 50 cm away. When the same light is placed 1m away the photoelectrons emitted from the cell Show Answer

Q528) Which of the following is not the property of the photons? Show Answer

Q529) Stopping potential required to reduce the photoelectric current to zero Show Answer

Q530) The time taken by a photoelectron to come out after the photon strikes is approximately Show Answer

Q531) In a region, steady and uniform electric magnetic fields are present. These two fields are parallel to each other. A charged particle is released from rest in this region. The path of the particle will be a Show Answer

Q532) The threshold frequency for a metallic surface corresponds to an energy of 6.2 eV and the stopping potential for a radiation incident on this surface is 5V. The incident radiation lies in Show Answer

Q533) In a photoelectric experiment, if both the intensity and frequency of the incident light are doubled, then the saturation photoelectric current Show Answer

Q534) The mass of a proton is 1836 times that of an electron. An electron and a proton are projected into a uniform electric field in a direction perpendicular to the field with equal initial kinetic energies. Then Show Answer

Q535) The minimum wavelength of X-ray emitted by X-rays tube is 0.4125 â„«. The accelerating voltage is Show Answer

Q536) An electron and a proton have the same de-Broglie wavelength. Then the kinetic energy of the electron is Show Answer

Q537) A photo-cell employs photoelectric effect to convert Show Answer

Q538) The magnitude of saturation photoelectric current depends upon Show Answer

Q539) The photoelectric threshold frequency of a metal is v. When light of frequency 4v is incident on the metal. The maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons is Show Answer

Q540) For photoelectric emission, tungsten requires light of 2300 â„«. If light of 1800 â„« wavelength is incident then emission Show Answer

Q541) In Millikan’s oil drop experiment a drop of charge Q and radius r is kept constant between two plates of potential difference of 800 V. Then charge on other drop of radius 2 r which is kept constant with a potential difference of 3200 V is Show Answer

Q542) An electron and a neutron can have same (1) kinetic energy, (2) momentum, or (3) speed. Which particle has a shorter de-Broglie wavelength? Show Answer

Q543) The specific charge for positive rays is much less than that for cathode rays. This is because Show Answer

Q544) In producing X-rays a beam of electrons accelerated by a potential difference V is made to strike a metal target. For what value of V,X-rays will have the lowest wavelength of 0.3094 â„«

Show Answer

Q545) On increasing the number of electrons striking the anode of an X-ray tube, which one of the following parameters of the resulting X-rays would increase? Show Answer

Q546) If the frequency of light incident on metal surface is doubled, then kinetic energy of emitted electron wii become Show Answer

Q547) The velocity, v, at which the mass of a particle is double its rest mass is Show Answer

Q548) Photoelectric effect can be explained by Show Answer

Q549) An electron and a proton are moving in the same direction with same kinetic energy. The ratio of the de- Broglie wavelength associated with these particles is Show Answer

Q550) According to Einstein’s photoelectric equation, the graph between the kinetic energy of photoelectrons ejected and the frequency of incident radiation is Show Answer

Q551) Vidicon works on the principle of Show Answer

Q552) The surface of a metal is illuminated with the light of 400 nm. The kinetic energy of the ejected photoelectrons was found to be 1.68 eV. The work function of the metal is (hc =1240 eV-nm) Show Answer

Q553) A photon collides with a stationary hydrogen atom in ground state inelastically. Energy of the colliding photon is 10.2 eV. After a time interval of the order of micro second another photon collides with same hydrogen atom inelastically with an energy of 15 eV. What will be observed by the detector? Show Answer

Q554) The de-Broglie wavelength of an electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom is Show Answer

Q555) The number of photo-electrons emitted per second from a metal surface increases when Show Answer

Q556) When wavelength of incident photon is decreased then Show Answer

Q557) The work function of metal is 1 eV. Light of wavelength 3000 â„« is incident on this metal surface. The velocity of emitted photo-electrons will be Show Answer

Q558) The de-Broglie wavelength λ Show Answer

Q559) A photon of wavelength 6630 â„« is incident on a totally reflecting surface. The momentum delivered by the photon is equal to Show Answer

Q560) A charged particle of mass m and charge q is released from rest in an uniform electric field E neglecting the effect of gravity,the kinetic energy of the charged particle after t second is Show Answer

Q561) X-rays are known to be electromagnetic radiations. Therefore the X-ray photon has Show Answer

Q562) Photoelectric effect supports quantum nature of light because
I. There is minimum frequency of light below which no photoelectrons are emitted.
II. Electric charge of photoelectrons is quantized.
III. Maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons depends only on the frequency of light and not on its intensity.
IV. Even when metal surface is faintly illuminated the photoelectrons leave the surface immediately.
Show Answer

Q563) X-ray are diffracted from a crystal of lattice plane spacing 2â„«. The maximum wavelength that can be diffracted is Show Answer

Q564) Among the following four spectral regions, the photons has the highest energy in Show Answer

Q565) Four particles have same momentum. Which has maximum kinetic energy? Show Answer

Q566) Photons of energy of 6 eV are incident on a metal surface whose work function is 4 eV. The minimum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons will be Show Answer

Q567) A ratio transmitter operates at a frequency 880 kHz and a power of 10 kW. The number of photons emitted per second is Show Answer

Q568) The average energy of the Planck oscillator is Show Answer

Q569) If the energy of photon is increased by a factor of 4, then its momentum Show Answer

Q570) An X-ray has a wavelength of 0.010 â„«. Its momentum is Show Answer

Q571) If a proton and electron have the same de Broglie wavelength, then Show Answer

Q572) If the kinetic energy of a free electron doubles, its de-Broglie wavelength changes by the factor Show Answer

Q573) Threshold wavelength for photoelectric effect on sodium is 5000 â„«. Its work function is Show Answer

Q574) If an electron and a proton have the same de-Broglie wavelength, then the kinetic energy of the electron is Show Answer

Q575) The curve drawn between velocity and frequency of photon in vacuum will be a Show Answer

Q576) A potential difference of 42,000 volts is used in an X-ray tube to accelerate electrons. The maximum frequency of the X-raditions produced is Show Answer

Q577) If the kinetic energy of the particle is increased by 16 times, the percentage change in the de Broglie wavelength of the particle is Show Answer

Q578) Which of one is correct Show Answer

Q579) Davisson and Germer experiment proved Show Answer

Q580) A uniform electric field and a uniform magnetic field exist in a region in the same direction. An electron is projected with a velocity pointed in the same direction. Then the electron will be Show Answer

Q581) Air becomes conducting when the pressure ranges between Show Answer

Q582) Radiations of two photon’s energy, twice and ten times the work function of metal are incident on the metal surface successively. The ratio of maximum velocities of photoelectrons emitted in two cases is Show Answer

Q583) Light of wavelength 5000 â„« falls on a sensitive plate with photoelectric work functional of 1.9 eV. The kinetic energy of the photoelectron emitted will be Show Answer

Q584) A beam of 35.0 keV electrons strikes a molybdenum target, generating the X-rays. What is the cut-off wavelength? Show Answer

Q585) The wavelength of a 1 keV photon is 1.24 nm. The frequency of 1 MeV photon is Show Answer

Q586) The minimum wavelength of X-ray emitted from X-ray machine operating at an accelerating potential of V volts is Show Answer

Q587) The kinetic energy of an electron gets tripled, then the de-Broglie wavelength associated with it changes by a factor Show Answer

Q588) In Milikan’s experiment, an oil drop having charge q gets stationary on applying a potential difference V in between two plates separated by a distance 'd'. The weight of the drop is Show Answer

Q589) An electron of mass m and charge e initially at rest gets accelerated by a constant electric field E. The rate of change of de-Broglie wavelength of this electron at time t ignoring relativistic effects is Show Answer

Q590) One electron and one proton is accelerated by equal potential. Ratio in their de-Broglie wavelength is Show Answer

Q591) When a monochromatic point source of light is at a distance 0.2 m from a photoelectric cell, the saturation current and cut-off voltage are 12.0 mA and 0.5 V. If the same source is placed 0.4 m away from the photoelectric cell, then the saturation current and the stopping potential respectively are Show Answer

Q592) The momentum of a charged particle moving in a perpendicular magnetic field depends on Show Answer

Q593) The energy of a photon of green light of wavelength 50000 â„« is Show Answer

Q594) A photon will have less energy, if its Show Answer

Q595) A metal plate gets heated when cathode rays strike against it due to Show Answer

Q596) An X-ray tube is operated at 50 kV. The minimum wavelength produced is Show Answer

Q597) De-Broglie wavelength of a body of mass 1 kg moving with velocity of 2000 m/s is Show Answer

Q598) Gases begin to conduct electricity at low pressure because Show Answer

Q599) When light falls on a metal surface, the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photo-electrons depends upon Show Answer

Q600) When ultraviolet rays are incident on metal plate, then photoelectric effect does not occur. It occurs by the incidence of Show Answer

Q601) The kinetic energy of an electron with de-Broglie wavelength of 3 nm is Show Answer

Q602) In photoelectric effect
A.The photocurrent is proportional to the intensity of the incident radiation
B.Maximum K.E with which photoelectrons are emitted depends on the intensity of incident light.
C.Maximum K.E with which photoelectrons are emitted depends on the frequency of incident light.
D.The emission of photoelectrons is independent of the frequency of the incident light.
E.Maximum K.E of the photoelectrons is independent of the frequency of the incident light.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: Show Answer

Q603) The work functions of aluminium and Gold are 4.1eV and 5.1eV respectively.The ratio of the slope of the stopping potential versus frequency plot for gold to that of aluminium is Show Answer

Q604) Given below are two statements.
Statement I Out of microwaves, Infrared rays and ultraviolet rays, ultraviolet rays are the most effective for the emission of electrons from a metallic surface.
Statement II Above the threshold frequency, the maximum kinetic energy of photo electrons is inversely proportional to the frequency of the incident light.
In the light of the above statement, choose the correct answer from the options given below. Show Answer

Q605) The threshold wavelength for photoelectric emission from a material is 5500 A. Photoelectrons will be emitted, when this material is illuminated with monochromatic radiation from a Show Answer

Q606) If the two metals A and B are exposed to radiation of wavelength 350 nm.The work function of metals A and B are 4.8 eV and 2.2 eV. Then choose the correct option. Show Answer

Q607) Given below are two statements
Statement I Stopping potential in photoelectric effect does not depend on the power of the light source.
Statement II For a given metal, the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectron depends on the wavelength of the incident light.
in the light of above statement, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below. Show Answer

Q608) From the photoelectric effect experiment, following observations are made.Identify which of these are correct?
A.The stopping potential depends only on work function of the metal
B.The saturation current increases as the intensity of incident light increases.
C.The maximum kinetic energy of a photoelectron depends on the intensity of the incident light
D.Photoelectric effect can be explained using the wave theory of light
Choose the correct answer from the options given below Show Answer

Q609) A metal exposed to light of wavelength 800 nm and emits photoelectrons with a certain kinetic energy.The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons doubles when light of wavelength 500 nm is used.The work function of the metal is (Take, hc=1230 eV-nm). Show Answer

Q610) A metal surface is illuminated by a radiation by a radiation of wavelength 4500 A.The ejected photo-electron enters a constant magnetic field of 2mT making an angle of 90 degree with the magnetic field. If it starts revolving in a circular path of radius 2mm, the work function of the metal is approximately Show Answer

Q611) The light of two different frequencies whose photonshave energies 3.8 eV and 1.4 eV, respectively, illuminate a metallic surface whose work function is 0.6 eV successively. The ratio of maximum speeds of emitted electrons for the two frequencies, respectively will be Show Answer

Q612) With reference to the observations in photo-electric effect, identify the correct statements from below
(A)The square of maximum velocity of photoelectrons varies linearly with frequently of incident light.
(B)The value of saturation current increases on moving the source of light away from the metal surface.
(C)The maximum kinetic energy of photo-electrons decreases on decreasing the power of LED (light emitting diode) source of light.
(D)The immediate emission of photo-electrons out of metal surface cannot be explained by particle nature of light/electromagnetic waves.
(E)Existence of threshold wavelength cannot be explained by wave nature of light/electromagnetic waves.
Existence of threshold wavelength cannot be explained by wave nature of light/ electromagnetic waves.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: Show Answer

Q613) Two streams of photons, possessing energies equal to five and ten times the work function of metal are incident on the metal surfaces successively.The ratio of maximum velocities of the photoelectron emitted, in the two cases respectively , will be Show Answer

Q614) Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion (A) and other is labelled as Reason (R).Assertion (A) The photoelectric effect does not takes place, if the energy of the incident radiation is less then the work function of a metal.
Reason (R) Kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is zero, if the energy of the incident radiation is equal to the work function of a metal.
In the light of the above statements choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below. Show Answer

Q615) A monochromatic neon lamp with wavelength of 670.5nm illuminates a photo-sensitive material which has a stopping voltage of 0.48 V.What will be the stopping voltage if the source light is changed with another source of wavelength of 474.6nm? Show Answer

Q616) In a photoelectric experiment, increasing the intensity of incident light Show Answer

Q617) The stopping potential in the context of photoelectric effect depends on the following property of incident electromagnetic radiation Show Answer

Q618) The stopping for electrons emitted from a photosensitive surface illuminated by light of wavelength 491 nm is 0.710 V.When the incident wavelength is changed to a new value, the stopping potential is 1.43 V.The new wavelength is Show Answer

Q619) In a photoelectric experiment, the wavelength of the light is 300nm to 400 nm.The decrease in the stopping potential is close to hc=1240 nm eV Show Answer

Q620) The surfaces of a metal is illuminated with the light of 400 nm.The kinetic energy of the ejected photoelectrons was found to be 1.68 eV.The work function of the metal is (hc=1240 eV-nm) Show Answer

Q621) The threshold frequency for a metallic surface corresponds to an energy of 6.2 eV and the stopping potential for a radiation incident on this surface is 5V.The incident radiation lies in Show Answer

Q622) The time taken by a photoelectron to come out after the photon strikes is approximately Show Answer

Q623) According to Einstein 's photoelectric equation, the plot of the kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons from a metal Versus the frequency of the incident radiation gives a straight line whose slope Show Answer

Q624) Sodium and copper have work functions 2.3 eV and 4.5 eV, respectively.Then, the ratio of the wavelengths is nearest to Show Answer

Q625) In a young's double slits experiment, the ratio of amplitude of light coming from slits is 2:1.The ratio of the maximum to minimum intensity in the interference pattern is Show Answer

Q626) Given below are two statements:
Statement I Two photons having equal linear momenta have equal wavelengths.
Statement II If the wavelength of photon is decreased, then the momentum and energy of a photon will also decrease.
In the light of the above statement, choose the correct answer from the options given below. Show Answer

Q627) Two sources of light emit X-rays of wavelength 1nm and visible light of wavelength 500 nm, respectively. Both the sources emit light of the same power 200 W. The ratio of the number density of photos of X-rays to the number density of photons of the visible light for the given wavelengths is Show Answer

Q628) In a Frank-Hertz experiment, an electron of energy 5.6 Ev passes through mercury vapour and emerges with an energy 0.7 eV.The minimum wavelength of photons emitted by mercury atoms is close to Show Answer

Q629) Photon of frequency v has a momentum associated with it. If c is the velocity of light, the momentum is Show Answer

Q630) A alpha-particle, a proton and an electron have the same kinetic energy.Which of the following is correct in case of their de-Broglie wavelength? Show Answer

Q631) Given below are two statements:One is labelled as
Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R)
Assertion (A) The beam of electrons show wave nature and exhibit interference and diffraction.
Reason(R) Davisson Germer experimentally verified the wave nature of electrons.
In the light of the above statement, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: Show Answer

Q632) Given below are two statements.
Statement I Davission-Germer experiment establishes the wave nature of electrons.
Statement II If electrons have wave nature, they can show interference and diffraction.
In the light of the above statements choose the correct answer from the options given below Show Answer

Q633) Consider two separate ideal gases of electrons and protons having same number of particles.The temperature of both the gases are same. The ratio of the uncertainty in determining the position of an electron to that of a proton is proportional to Show Answer

Q634) A moving proton and electron have the same de-Broglie wavelength. If k and p denote the KE and momentum, respectively.Then, choose the correct option. Show Answer

Q635) An electron moving with speed v and a photon moving with speed c, have same de-Broglie wavelength.The ratio of kinetic energy of electron to that of photon is Show Answer

Q636) A particle is travelling 4 times as fast as an electron. Assuming the ratio of de-Broglie wavelength of a particle to that of electrons is 2:1, the mass of the particle is Show Answer

Q637) An electron of mass m and a photon have same energy E.The ratio of wavelength of electron to that of photon is
(c being the velocity of light) Show Answer

Q638) Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R.Assertion A An electron microscope can achieve better resolving power than an optical microscope.
Reason R The de-Broglie's wavelength of the electrons emitted from an electron gun is much less than wavelength of visible light.
In the light of the above statement, choose the correct answer from the options give below. Show Answer

Q639) An X-ray tube is operated at 1.24 million volt.The shortest wavelength of the produced photon will be Show Answer

Q640) An electron (of mass m) and a photon have the same energy E in the range of a few electron volt.The ratio of the de Broglie wavelength associated with the electron and the wavelength of the photon is (c=speed of light in vacuum) Show Answer

Q641) An electron of mass m and magnitude of charge |e| initially at rest gets accelerated by a constant electric field E.The rate of change of de Broglie wavelength of this electron at time t ignoring relativistic effects is Show Answer

Q642) This question has Statement I and Statement II. Of the four choices given the statement, choose the one that describes the two statements.
Statement I Davission-Germer experiment established the wave nature of electrons.
Statement II If electrons have wave nature, they can interfere and show diffraction. Show Answer

Q643) If the kinetic energy of a free electron doubles, its de-Broglie wavelength changes by the factor Show Answer

Q644) Formation of covalent bonds in compound exhibits Show Answer