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Practice Test

Q1) The system of Panchayati Raj involves Show Answer

Q2) In case of a clash between the laws made by the centre and a state on a subject in the concurrent list : Show Answer

Q3) Which of the following subjects is not included in the state list ? Show Answer

Q4) In India's federal system, the state governments have the power to legislate on all those subjects which are included in the : Show Answer

Q5) The Constitution of India Show Answer

Q6) Which of the following government has two or more levels ? Show Answer

Q7) Which of the following countries is an example of "coming together federation" ? Show Answer

Q8) Local self-government exists only in urban areas. Show Answer

Q9) The popular name of rural government is Panchayati Raj. Show Answer

Q10) The chairperson of municipal corporation is known as the Sarpanch. Show Answer

Q11) Union Territories are the areas run by both Union and the State Government. Show Answer

Q12) In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option :
Assertion (A) :
In 1947, the boundaries of several old States of India were changed in order to create new States.
Reason (R) :
This was done to ensure that people belonging to same religion lived in the same State. Show Answer

Q13) In terms of population, Uttar Pradesh is bigger than Russia, Maharashtra is about as big as Germany. Many of these States are internally very diverse. There is thus a need for power sharing within these State. Feederal power sharing in India needs another tier of government, below that of the State governments. Thus, resulted a third-tier of government, called local government.
Analyse the information given above considering one of the following correct option. Show Answer

Q14) A vast country like India cannot be run only through these two-tiers. States in India are as large as independent countries of Europe. In terms of population, Uttar Pradesh is bigger than Russia, maharashtra is about as big as Germeny. Many of these States are internally very diverse. There is thus a need for power sharing within these States. Federal power sharing in India needs another tier of government, below that of the State Governments.
Analysis the situation regarding the need for power sharing given above, considering one of the following correct option : Show Answer

Q15) When was States Reorganisation Commission formed? Show Answer

Q16) How many Union Territories are there in the Indian Federation? Show Answer

Q17) Which of the following falls under the Concurrent List?
Show Answer

Q18) what status has been given to Hindi by the Constitution of India? Show Answer

Q19) Who is the head of urban local government? Show Answer

Q20) In which year, a major step was taken towards decentralisation? Show Answer

Q21) Analyse the information given below, considering one of the following correct options:

It includes subjects of National importance such as defence of the country, foreign affairs, banking, communications and currency. they are included in the list because we need a uniform policy on these matters throughout the country. Show Answer

Q22) Analyse the information given below, considering one of the following correct options:

It includes subjects of common interest to both the Union Government as well as the State Governments, such as education, forest, trade unions, marriage, adoption and succession. Both the Union as well as the State Governments can make laws on the subjects mentioned in the list. Show Answer

Q23) Which of the following pair is incorrect? Show Answer

Q24) Major steps towards decentralization taken in 1992 were: Show Answer

Q25) Directions: In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.
Assertion (A): When power is taken away from Central and State government and given to local government, it is called decentralization.
Reason(R): The basic idea behind decentralization is that there are a large number of problems and issues which are best settled at the local level. Show Answer

Q26) Directions: In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.
Assertion (A): Federalism is a system of government in which the power is divided between a central authority and various constituent units of the country.
Reason(R): Usually, a federation has one level of government. Show Answer

Q27) Directions: In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.
Assertion (A): India has a federal system.
Reason (R): Under a unitary system, either there is only one level of government or the sub-units are subordinate to central government. Show Answer

Q28) Directions: In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.
Assertion (A): Hindi is identified as the only official language of India.
Reason (R): It helped in creating supremacy of Hindi speaking people over others. Show Answer

Q29) Directions: In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.
Assertion (A): Belgium and Spain have 'holding together' federation.
Reason (R): A big country divides power between constituent states and national government. Show Answer

Q30) Directions: In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.
Assertion (A): The subjects which are not included in Union List, State List and Concurrent List are considered as residuary subjects.
Reason (R): The subjects included those that came after constitution was made and thus could not be classified Show Answer

Q31) Directions: In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.
Assertion (A): Zilla Parishad chairperson is the political head of the zilla parishad.
Reason (R): Mayor is the head of municipalities. Show Answer

Q32) Directions: In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.
Assertion (A): Third-tier of government is local government.
Reason (R): It made democracy stumble. Show Answer

Q33) What was the first and major test for democratic politics in our country?
Show Answer

Q34) A candidate in an examination conducted for the Central Government positions has to opt for which language? Show Answer

Q35) Which non-Hindi speaking State demanded that the use of English should continue after 1965? Show Answer

Q36) How many languages are included in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution? Show Answer

Q37) Usually, a federation has ____ levels of government.
Show Answer

Q38) Which of the following types of government is responsible for the whole country? Show Answer

Q39) Central and State governments are separately answerable to the _____ Show Answer

Q40) Under which of the following systems, the Central government can pass on orders to the provincial government? Show Answer

Q41) Which of the following subjects comes under ‘Residuary’ subjects?
Show Answer

Q42) Which of the following states has its own Constitution? Show Answer

Q43) Who has the power to legislate on ‘Residuary’ subjects? Show Answer

Q44) Indians who are not permanent residents of _____ cannot buy land or house here. Show Answer

Q45) How many languages are spoken in India?
Show Answer

Q46) Bhojpuri, Magadhi, ______ , Rajasthani and many others were grouped under ‘Hindi’ Show Answer

Q47) How many languages are included in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution? Show Answer

Q48) In terms of ____, India is perhaps the most diverse country in the world. Show Answer

Q49) 'Coming together federation' is not found in which of the following country? Show Answer

Q50) In Which of the Indian Constitution are the 22 scheduled languages included? Show Answer

Q51) What do you call the act of taking power from State and Central governments and giving it to local government? Show Answer

Q52) Which subjects are included in the Concurrent List? Show Answer

Q53) When was the use of English for official purposes stopped? Show Answer

Q54) What is the tier of government known as? Show Answer

Q55) Which of the following is true regarding language policy of India? Show Answer

Q56) Which of the following includes foreign affairs? Show Answer

Q57) Holding Together Federation stands for: Show Answer

Q58) Who elects the members of the Gram Panchayat? Show Answer

Q59) What per-cent of the seats in the local government bodies are reserved for women? Show Answer

Q60) How much of the Indian population has Hindi as its mother tongue? Show Answer

Q61) Which federal institution oversees the implementation of Constitutional provisions and procedures? Show Answer

Q62) Which government has special powers in running Union Territories? Show Answer

Q63) The concept of decentralisation signifies: Show Answer

Q64) A mandal constitutes of: Show Answer

Q65) The distinguishing features of a federal government is: Show Answer

Q66) Analyse the information given below, considering one of the following correct options:
It includes subjects of common interests to both the Union Government as well as the state government, such as education, forest, trade unions, marriage, adoption and succession. Both the union as well as the state government can make laws on the subjects mentioned in this list. Show Answer

Q67) Arrange the following in the correct sequence:
(i) The Parliament cannot on its own change this arrangement.
(ii) Then it has to be ratified by the legislatures of at least half of the total states.
(iii) Any change to it has to be first passed by both the Houses of the Parliament with at least two-thirds majority.
(iv) It is not easy to make changes to the power sharing arrangement. Show Answer

Q68) Municipalities function in big cities. Show Answer

Q69) The exact balance of power between the central and the state government varies from one federation to another. Show Answer

Q70) The Gram Panchayat is generally elected for a term of two years. Show Answer

Q71) A Gram Panchayat performs the functions that aim at decentralizing political power. Show Answer

Q72) The creation of linguistic states was the first and major test for democratic politics in our country. Show Answer

Q73) Assertion: Regional government can withdraw power from the Central Government.
Reason: Regional government were given constitutional powers that were no longer dependent on the central government. Show Answer

Q74) Assertion: Constitutional provisions are necessary for the success of federalism.
Reason : The spirit of federalism, respect for diversity and desire for living together become a shared ideal in our country. Show Answer

Q75) Assertion: The basic idea behind decentralisation is to focus on locality based issues and problems.
Reason: Local government is the worst method of realizing the concepts of democracy. Show Answer

Q76) In which of the following categories the legislative powers have been distributed between the Union Government and State Governments? Show Answer

Q77) How many subjects are mentioned in the Union List? Show Answer

Q78) Which one of the following subjects is included in the State List? Show Answer

Q79) Which of the following can make laws regarding currency? Show Answer

Q80) Why are certain subjects under Union List? Show Answer

Q81) Identify the subjects that is of state and local importance. Show Answer

Q82) In the Concurrent List, if the laws made by the Central and State Governments conflicts with each other, the law made by which government will prevail? Show Answer

Q83) Who has the power to legislate on 'residuary'
subjects? Show Answer

Q84) When did the regional governments of Belgium given powers that were no longer dependent on the central government? Show Answer

Q85) What is a unitary system of governance? Show Answer

Q86) Why in a federalism system of governance, the central government cannot the state to do something? Show Answer

Q87) Where is the jurisdiction of the respective levels or triers of the government specified in India? Show Answer