Practice Test

Q1) Fruits are eaten to get what from following ? Show Answer

Q2) Food is essential Show Answer

Q3) Carbohydrates and Fats are Show Answer

Q4) What is essential for building bones and teeth? Show Answer

Q5) Which one of the following is a good cooking practice? Show Answer

Q6) Weight lifters are generally required to make more muscles and body mass. For this propose, they need to take a diet which is rich in Show Answer

Q7) Deficiency of proteins causes Show Answer

Q8) Deficiency of fats and carbohydrates cause Show Answer

Q9) Deficiency of minerals cause Show Answer

Q10) Deficiency of vitamins cause Show Answer

Q11) Having variety in your diet means Show Answer

Q12) Weighing and measuring food products is an example of applying which of the following to the diet? Show Answer

Q13) Vegetable oils and whole grains are rich in which vitamin? Show Answer

Q14) Table salt provides which mineral ? Show Answer

Q15) Iodine deficiency causes Show Answer

Q16) Which diet can be termed as a balanced diet? Show Answer

Q17) Citrus fruits are rich in which of the following vitamin? Show Answer

Q18) Besides nutrition what is important from following ? Show Answer

Q19) A nutrition facts panel listing vitamin A and vitamin C, along with amount of minerals like calcium and iron must appear? Show Answer

Q20) Calcium is important for Show Answer

Q21) The vitamin and mineral content of a food compared to it nutritional contribution in total calories is referred as Show Answer

Q22) If the product is said to be sugar free it contains what amount of sugar ? Show Answer

Q23) Which vitamin is responsible for maintaining proper brain function ? Show Answer

Q24) Deficiency of Iron causes Show Answer

Q25) Analyse the situation, "A student is unconcious because of some reason. What should be your first priority as the teacher?" Show Answer

Q26) When a person has diarrhea and vomiting Show Answer

Q27) In rainy season, children face the problem of stomach ache due to Show Answer

Q28) Food is a unit for Show Answer

Q29) In the village of Bihar many farmers do bee-keeping and collect honey to earn extra money. The best time to start bee-keeping is Show Answer

Q30) Environmental factors that shape the development of a child include all of the following except Show Answer

Q31) Dyslexia is associated mainly with difficulties in Show Answer

Q32) The name of the scientist who first peeped into a mosquito stomach and proved that mosquitoes spread malaria and for his research was awarded Noble Prize in medicine in December, 1902 is Show Answer

Q33) After diagnosis a doctor says to a patient that there is less haemoglobin in his blood. Which of the following should he eat to make up the deficiency of iron ? Show Answer

Q34) It has been observed that the process of digestion is faster inside the stomach than outside because Show Answer

Q35) Cooked rice can be preserved for a longer time in a refrigerator because Show Answer

Q36) Vitamins are substances Show Answer

Q37) Deficiency of which vitamin causes Pallegra? Show Answer

Q38) It is necessary for out body but it is not a nutrient Show Answer

Q39) Nightblindness is associated with which of the following? Show Answer

Q40) Deficiency of Vitamin C causes Show Answer

Q41) Disease caused due to lack of protein is Show Answer

Q42) The indigestible material in the food is known as Show Answer

Q43) We eat food according to requirement of our Show Answer

Q44) A biochemical compound that readily combines with oxygen and distributes it throughout the human body is Show Answer

Q45) Which of the following is the source of protein ? Show Answer

Q46) Food is directly cooked by utilizing dry heat is Show Answer

Q47) The food chain is affected by Show Answer

Q48) Which one of the following sets is correctly matched ?
A. Diphtheria, Pneumonia and Leprosy : Hereditary
B. AIDS, Syphilis and Gonorrhia : Bacterial
C. Colour Blindness, Hemophilia and Sickle cell anaemia : Sex linked
D. Polio, Japanese B encephaliteis and Plague : Viral Show Answer

Q49) Which of the following elements are present in all proteins?
A. Carbon
B. Hydrogen
C. Oxygen
D. Nitrogen Show Answer

Q50) The nutritional deficiency condition that needs to be given top priority for remedial action in India today is Show Answer

Q51) Select the correct statement about the beekeeping.
I. January to March is the best time to start beekeeping.
II. Honeybees are attracted to the Lichi flowers.
III. Boxes are needed for keeping bees and storing honey produced.
IV. Sugar is purchased to make syrup for honeybees. Show Answer

Q52) Select from the following a group that comprises of methods of cooking food Show Answer

Q53) In which of the following parts of our country do people grow eatables such as tapioca and coconut in their courtyards and they find food prepared using these to be very tasty Show Answer

Q54) A doctor prescribed some medicines to a patient and also suggested him to eat jaggery, amla and more green leafy vegetables. This patient must be suffering from Show Answer

Q55) Gunjan organizes following activities on different days to sensitise students to the concept of conservation of trees
(i) Encouraging every student to adapt a tree and look after it.
(ii) Organizing a debate on forest conservation.
(iii) Organizing a poster making competition on trees.
(iv) Showing children storage of logs of wood.
Which one of the above activities will be least effective in achieving the desired objective ? Show Answer

Q56) Shalini wants to introduce the topic on 'Nutrition' to her class V students, she should Show Answer

Q57) Anjali desires to emphasize on cultural/regional diversity in food habits, while teaching the topic on 'Food' to Class III students. Which one of the following learning experiences given to students can bring about the desired result? Show Answer

Q58) In which one of the following states of our country do most people like to eat sea fish cooked in coconut oil? Show Answer

Q59) Reena loves mangoes. She wants to preserve these for winters. Which one of the following is a good way of preserving them? Show Answer

Q60) A farmer is growing paddy crop over and over again using excess of fertilizers and pesticides in his fields. This practice will make the soil of his fields Show Answer

Q61) A teacher has to teach about cultural diversity in food in our country to class IV students. Which of the following is the best way to teach this topic? Show Answer

Q62) Study the following statement about the Jhoom farming practised in Mizoram.
A. After cutting one crop, the land is left as it is for some years.
B. The bamboo or weeds which grow on that land are cut or burnt.
C. The land is deeply ploughed before sowing the seeds.
D. In one farm three or four different types of crops are grown.
E. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are also used as per need.
The correct statements are Show Answer

Q63) Which one of the following is a set of diseases caused / spread by mosquitoes ? Show Answer