Practice Test

Q1) Consider the following statements
1. Kandla and Diamond harbour are tidal ports.
2. Tide prevents siltation in the harbour.
3. High tides enables big ships to enter or leave the harbour safely.
4. Tides are of great help in navigation and fishing.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q2) which of the following place produce almost 90% of the world's annual fish supply? Show Answer

Q3) Consider the following statements
1. Jet streams get irregular pattern due to El-Nino events and produce weather anomalies in coastal areas of Tropical Pacific ocean.
2. Occurrence of El-Nino products warm sea surface temperature over equatorial Eastern Pacific Ocean.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q4) What would happen if phytoplankton of an ocean is completely destroyed for some reason?
1. The ocean as a carbon sink would be adversely affected.
2. The foodchains in the ocean would be adversely affected.
3. The density of ocean water would drastically decrease.
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Q5) Which of the following seas are enclosed?
1. Andaman Sea
2. Aral Sea
3. Sea of Azov
4. Bering Sea
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Q6) Consider the following statements with reference to the isotherms
1. The line drawn on maps joining the places of equal temperature reduce to sea level.
2. Isotherms generally run from East to West and are parellel to the latitudes.
3. The isotherms are more regular in Northern hemisphere.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct? Show Answer

Q7) The annual range of temperature in the interior of the continents is high as compared to coastal areas. What is/are the reason/reasons?
1. Thermal difference between land and water.
2. Variation in attitude between continents and oceans.
3. Presence of strong winds in the interior.
4. Heavy rains in the interior as compared to coasts.
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Q8) which of the following statements relating to Tsunami is/are correct? As the tsunami leave the deep water of the ocean sea and travel towards shallow water?
1. The speed is reduced considerably.
2. They attain enormous height.
3. They appear as a gentle rise and fall of the sea.
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Q9) On the planet Earth, most of the fresh water exists as ice caps and glaciers. Out of the remaining fresh water, the largest propotion Show Answer

Q10) Which of the following factors support the hypothesis of the permanency of ocean basins and continents?
1. Absence of normal sedimentary rocks on the oceanic islands.
2. The cross-section of the ocean basin, comprising the broad abyssal through flanked by RIM like continental shelves.
3. Occurrence of shallow water sands and muds limited to the continental Shelf and Slope, while that of pelagic oozes being limited to the abyssal plain.
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Q11) High temperature and low pressure over the Indian sub-continent during the summer season draws air from the Indian Ocean leading to the in-blowing of the Show Answer

Q12) Which one of the following is not correct Show Answer

Q13) Identify the correct decreasing order, in terms of drainage basin area of rivers in the world Show Answer

Q14) Assertion (A) The North Atlantic route is the busiest of the ocean trade routes of the world
Reason (R) This route connects Western Europe and Eastern North America, two densely populated and highly commercialized/ industrialized regions of the world.
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Q15) Give the correct sequence South to North of the river deltas Show Answer

Q16) Which are the controlling factors of salinity of ocean/
1. Evaporation
2. Precipitation
3.Atmospheric pressure
4. Circulation of oceanic water
Choose the correct options
Show Answer

Q17) Which of the following statements is not correct? Show Answer

Q18) Which one of the following straits is nearest to the International Date Line? Show Answer

Q19) which of the following factors affect ocean currents?
1. Rotation of the earth.
2. Bottom reliefs of the ocean
3. direction and shape of coastline
4. Salinity difference of ocean
5. Atmospheric pressure and units
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Q20) Identify the wrong pair Show Answer

Q21) Assertion (A) Aridity is the distinctive characteristic of the deserts
Reason ( R ) They receive low rainfall and have high evaporation
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Q22) Which of the following statement are not correct? Show Answer

Q23) Consider the following statement
1. The temperature and salinity differences that trigger thermohaline circulation of deep sea, are generated at the ocean surface in the low latitude wind belts
2. The deep sea currents of Indian Ocean are generated in the water girding Antarctica
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Q24) Submergence of mountain ranges leads to the formation of Show Answer

Q25) Ox - bow lake is formed by Show Answer

Q26) Which one is not a characteristics of monsoon type natural vegetation? Show Answer

Q27) Identify the sea/ Ocean which is situated at 20 degree W longitude and 40 degree N latitude. Show Answer

Q28) Oil spilling is a big threat for Marine environment.To reduce it's impact which is/are not a measure
1. Use a micro -organism and biotic factors
2. Control fire in Ocean.
3. Use of skimming technology.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below? Show Answer

Q29) Gaza Strip is on the shore of which one of the following? Show Answer

Q30) Consider the following statements
1.Tropical cyclones occur only in oceanic area where the sea temperature exceeds 33 degree Celsius.
2.In order to achieve the rotational component. the tropical cyclone must have crossed at least 5 degree N or 5 degree S of the equator.
Which of the statement given above is/are correct? Show Answer

Q31) Consider the following statements
1. The decrease of temperature with on increasing latitude is more pronounced in North Atlantic Ocean than the South Atlantic Ocean.
2. The vertical distribution of temperature in enclosed seas of higher latitudes registers inversion of temperature.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q32) Milankovitch cycles Show Answer

Q33) Keelings reports from Mauna Loa demonstrated Show Answer

Q34) Acidification of oceans is increasing. Why this is cause of concern ?

1) Growth and survival of calcareous phytoplankton will be adversely affected.

2) The growth and survival of coral reef's will be adversely affected.

3) The survival of some plants that have phytoplankton larval will be adversely affected.

4) The cloud seeding and formation of clouds will be adversely affected.

Which of the statements given above is / are correct ? Show Answer

Q35) What would happen if phytoplankton of an ocean is completely destroyed ?

1) The ocean as a carbon sink would be adversely affected.

2) The food chains in the ocean would be adversely affected

3) The density of ocean water would drastically reduce

Which of the above statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q36) Following are some of the characteristics given

1) They grow in the water or water rich substratum and require abundance of water.

2) Stem may be either well developed or modified in to spongy or Rhizomes.

3) Seeds when formed are light and are dispersed zoophilically

The above characteristics are related to which of the following component ? Show Answer

Q37) Which of the following would cause a rising water table ?

Show Answer

Q38) Which one of the following is not used to distinfect trested waste water ready to be released in natural waterways ? Show Answer

Q39) The excessive growth of the micro and macro palnktons in the water body interrupts the growth of other components of the ecosystem. There is an algal bloom, Which can be one of the sequence of the process. Which of the following processes has such features ? Show Answer

Q40) In which one of the following oceans diamantine trench is situated? Show Answer

Q41) Estuaries possess distinct blooms of excessive growth of a pigmented dinoflagellates. These blooms are called Show Answer

Q42) Which one of the following factors is responsible for the change in the regular direction of the ocean currents in the Indian Ocean?
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Q43) Maximum thickness of sediments is found over Show Answer

Q44) Which one of the following ocean currents is associated with the ' El NINO' Phenomenon? Show Answer

Q45) Which of the following places has the highest tidal range? Show Answer

Q46) A submarine mountain or peak rising more than 1000 m above the ocean floor is known as Show Answer

Q47) The biggest island in India Ocean is Show Answer

Q48) Dolphin Challenger Ridge is located in Show Answer

Q49) When water freezes in the polar seas the salts Show Answer

Q50) Cold currents have cooling effect on the shore of Show Answer

Q51) The winter temperatures of north-western Europe are higher than those of eastern Europe in the same latitudinal zone because Show Answer

Q52) Arrange part of ocean floor according to increasing distance from the coast Show Answer

Q53) Where is the famous Tuscarora Deep located? Show Answer

Q54) Which compound is the most abundant in sea water? Show Answer

Q55) In which of the following areas is salinity likely to be the highest? Show Answer

Q56) What is Gulf Stream? Show Answer

Q57) One of the warm current in the Indian Ocean is the Show Answer

Q58) The Red sea is an example of a Show Answer

Q59) What is peninsula? Show Answer

Q60) Which is the largest ocean? Show Answer

Q61) What is the triangular landmass that forms at its mouth when a river splits into several branches just before entering the sea? Show Answer

Q62) From west to east, what are the three main island groups in the Pacific called? Show Answer

Q63) What is a narrow waterway separating two bits of land called Show Answer

Q64) What is the difference between a lake and a tank? Show Answer

Q65) The Cape Route has recently assumed some importance in the shipping world because Show Answer

Q66) The direction of ocean current is reserved with season in Show Answer

Q67) 'Furious Fifties' and ' Shrieking Sixties' are: Show Answer

Q68) The deepest oceanic trench 'Mariana' is located in: Show Answer

Q69) The term 'Apogee' refers to which one of following ? Show Answer

Q70) Where is the ocean current called the 'Gulf Stream' found? Show Answer

Q71) The 'Agulhas' water current flows through which one of the following which one of the following ocean? Show Answer

Q72) Which of the following pairs of oceans and currents us not correctly? Show Answer

Q73) What is the name given to an almost circular coral reef inside which there is a lagoon? Show Answer

Q74) Sunda Trench lies in Show Answer

Q75) The exceptionally high ans low tides that occurs at the time of the new moon or the full moon when the sun, the moon and the Earth are approximately aligned is called Show Answer

Q76) The current produced by up welling of cold water off the coast of Chile and Peru is known as Show Answer

Q77) Consider the following factors:
1) Rotation of the Earth
2) Air pressure and wind
3) Density of ocean water
4) Revolution of the Earth
Which of the above factors influence the ocean currents?
Show Answer

Q78) Consider the following statements:
1) Total land area of earth is approximately 1475 lakh square kilometers.
2) Ratio of land area to water area of earth is approximately 1:4
3) Maximum percentage of earth's water is in the Pacific Ocean
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Show Answer

Q79) Consider the following statements:
1) Annual range of temperature is greater in the Pacific Ocean than that in the Atlantic Ocean.
2) Annual range of temperature is greater in the Northern Hemisphere than that in the Southern Hemisphere.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
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Q80) A new type EI Nino called El Nino Modoki appeared in the news. In this context, consider the following statements :
1) Normal El Nino forms in the Central Pacific Ocean where as El Nino Modoki forms in Eastern Pacific Ocean.
2 ) Normal El Nino result in diminished hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean but El Nino Modoki result in a greater number of hurricanes with greater number of hurricanes with greater frequency.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
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Q81) Consider the following statements:
1) Ocean currents are slow-surface movement of water on the ocean
2) Ocean currents assist sin maintaining the Earth's heat balance
3) Ocean currents are set in motion primarily by prevailing winds.
4) Ocean currents are affected by the configuration of the ocean.
Which of this statement are correct?
Show Answer

Q82) Consider the following statements:
1) Tides are of great help in navigation and fishing.
2) High tide enables big ships to enter or leave the harbor safely.
3) Tide prevents siltation in the harbours.
4) Kandla and Diamond Harbour are tidal ports.
Which of this statement are correct?
Show Answer

Q83) Consider the following statements:
1) The average annual temperature of the Pacific Ocean is slightly lower than the Atlantic and Indian Ocean.
2) The highest average annual temperature of the ocean is recorded at the equator.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
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Q84) Which of the following statements is/are wrong ?
1) Agulhas is a cold current in India ocean.
2) West Australian current is cold current of the Pacific.
3) Irminger current is a cold current on the western side of the Greenland.
4) Oyashio is a cold current in Pacific.
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Q85) Consider the following statements:
1) Ocean crust are denser than the continental crust.
2) Oceanic crusts are made up of granitic rocks whose composition is silicon an aluminum.
3) Granitic rocks are lighter in colour than basaltic.
4) Crust extends upto 70 km under mountains, in contrast to oceans which are about 5 km.
Which of the above statements are true?
Show Answer

Q86) Which of the following volcanic islands belong to Atlantic Ocean?
1) St. Helena
2) Madeira
3) South Sandwich
4) South Sea Islands
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
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Q87) Arrange the following water bodies according to the descending order of their salinity?
1) Lake Van
2) Dead Sea
3) Caspian Sea
Select the correct answer form the codes given below:
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Q88) The chief fishing grounds of the world occur where cold and warm currents meet. This is because.
1) Cold currents are rich in nitrates and phosphates which feed plankton,
2) Such area causes the water to become well-aerated.
3) The warm current brings the right temperature for marine life.
Show Answer

Q89) Consider the following statements:
1) The Labrador Current is cold current in the North Atlantic Ocean.
2) The Falkland current is a warm current that flows along the Chile coast of South Pacific Ocean.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Show Answer

Q90) Which among the following statements about the North Atlantic Drift is/are correct?
1) It keeps the west coast of Northern Europe ice free.
2) It is responsible for the warm air mass which interacts with the cold air mass from the Polar Regions and causes rainfall in Western Europe.
3) It meets the Labrador Current near Vancouver Island and causes dense fog.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
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Q91) Assertion: During the neap tides. The high tide is lower and the low tide is higher than usual.
Reason: The neap tide, unlike the spring tide occurs on the new moon instead of on the full moon.
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Q92) Assertion: The temperature at the ocean bottom is uniform from equator towards poles.
Reason: The rate of decrease of temperature with increasing depth is more rapid near the equator than towards poles.
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Q93) Assertion: Cold currents transfer the cold water from the tropics towards poles and warm ocean current the warm ocean currents the warm water from the Polar Regions towards the tropics.
Reason: The ocean currents help in the maintenance of latitudinal heat balance.
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Q94) Assertion: The lag in temperature is much greater over oceans than over continents.
Reason: Oceans store heat energy by transporting it downwards in currents to mix with deeper waters.
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Q95) Assertion: During winters, the continents tend to develop low pressure centers.
Reason: In winters, the continents are cooler than the oceans.
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Q96) Assertion: There are numerous icebergs in the North Atlantic Ocean, but these are rarely seen in the North Pacific Ocean.
Reason: In the North Pacific Ocean, the Bering Strait is narrow and shallow.
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Q97) Which of the following statement/s is/are correct Show Answer

Q98) Consider the facts about the origin of ocean water -
1. As Earth formed from a cloud of gas and dust more than 4.5 billion years ago, a huge amount of lighter elements (including hydrogen and oxygen) became trapped inside the molten interior of the young planet.
2. During the first one to two billion years after Earth's formation, these elemental gases rose through thousands of miles of molten and melting rock to erupt on the surface through volcanoes and fissures
Which of the above statement/s is/are correct? Show Answer

Q99) Consider the following statement about Ocean Basins
1. The familiar landscapes of continents are mirrored, and generally magnified, by similar features in the ocean basin.
2. The largest underwater mountains are higher than those on the continents.
3. Underwater plains are flatter and more extensive than those on the continents.
4. All basins contain certain common features that include oceanic ridges, trenches, fracture zones, abyssal plains, and volcanic cones.
Which of the above statement/s is/are correct? Show Answer

Q100) The continental shelf surrounding this ocean varies in its width. The continental shelf of this ocean is generally narrow with the average width of about Show Answer

Q101) The bottom relief of the Indian Ocean resembles that of the Atlantic Ocean. This ocean has a continuous central ridge, called Show Answer

Q102) The ridges divide the Indian Ocean into Show Answer

Q103) The Puerto Rico Trench is deepest of the Atlantic's trenches Show Answer

Q104) Which of the following is true about coral reefs? Show Answer

Q105) Which of the following is NOT true about coral reefs? Show Answer

Q106) Consider the following Statements about coral reefs -
1. Coral reefs are found in the deep sea away from continental shelves, around oceanic islands and as a tolls.
2. The vast majority of these islands are volcanic in origin.
3. The few exceptions have tectonic origins where plate movements have lifted the deep ocean floor on the surface.
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Q107) Salinity and density share a positive relationship. Which of the follow statement is true in this regard Show Answer

Q108) What are Thermoclines? Show Answer

Q109) The factor determining the density of seawater is Show Answer

Q110) Assertion-The density of ocean water is not the same throughout and there are sharply defined boundaries between water masses which form at the surface of the ocean.
Reason-They are positioned one above or below each other according to their density.
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Q111) Which of the following is correct? Show Answer

Q112) Which of the following refers to the open water in which swimming and floating organisms live. Show Answer

Q113) The most saline open sea is Show Answer

Q114) Which of the following statements is correct? Show Answer

Q115) Consider the following statements-
1. The ocean's surface rises and falls predictably due to changes in gravitational forces originating from the Moon and the Sun.
2. These changes in ocean surface level are known as tides and are evidence of the influence celestial bodies have on our planet.
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Q116) The most important forces acting on the Earth to create tides are Show Answer

Q117) Assertion-Tidal force is determined by the difference in forces at the Earth's center and surface.
Reason- Net forces below and above the Earth are equal and point away from the center.
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Q118) The earth rotates relative to the moon in one lunar day Show Answer

Q119) Where is the industrial Saar Region located Show Answer

Q120) Consider the following statements :
1. There are two distinct types of oceanic deposit with the most common being dominated by methane contained in a structure I clathrate and generally found at depth in the sediment.
2. The methane is isotopically light which indicates that it is derived from the microbial reduction of CO2.
3. The clathrates in these deep deposits are thought to have formed in situ from the microbially produced methane, since the ?13C values of clathrate and surrounding dissolved methane are similar.
4. However, it is also thought that fresh water used in the pressurization of oil and gas wells in permafrost and along the continental shelves world wide, combine with natural methane to form clathrate at depth and pressure, since methane hydrates are more stable in fresh water than in salt water.
5. Local variations may be very common, since the act of forming hydrate, which extracts pure water from saline formation waters, can often lead to local, and potentially significant increases in formation water salinity.
6. Hydrates normally exclude the salt in the pore fluid from which it forms, thus they comprise high electric resistivity just like ice, and sediments containing hydrates have a higher resistivity compared to sediments without gas hydrates .
7. These deposits are located within a mid-depth zone around 300–500 m thick in the sediments (the gas hydrate stability zone, or GHSZ) where they coexist with methane dissolved in the fresh, not salt, pore-waters.
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Q121) Consider the following statements
1. Thermohaline circulation simply refers to global density-driven circulation of the oceans.
2. Heat (thermo), and haline (density) are the two main factors determining the density of seawater.
3. Temperature and density share an inverse relationship so when the surface currents (i.e. the Gulf Stream) flow towards the poles from the equatorial Atlantic Ocean, they are cooled and flow downhill into deep water basins forming the North Atlantic Deep Water.
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Q122) Consider the following statements
1. The density of ocean water is not the same throughout and there are sharply defined boundaries between water masses which form at the surface of the ocean.
2. They are positioned one above or below each other according to their density.
3. In order for lighter water masses to float over denser ones, they must flow into position.
4. The shuffling of layers into their most stable positions provides a driving force for deeper currents.
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Q123) Consider the following statement
1. Seawater is saturated with salts at 35 ppt and at 4°C ,the salinity causes the density to actually be 1.0278 g/cm3.
2. This slightly heavier density is another contributing factor to upwelling as it causes the water molecules to roll over each other.
3. Temperatures range from -2°C ,to 28°C in most cases, but are hotter near hydrothermal vents or closer to land.
4. Salinity is usually 35 ppt (parts per thousand), but can range from 28-41 ppt and is highest in the northern Red Sea.
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Q124) Consider the following statements-
1. Ocean currents are a continuous directed flow of ocean water capable of traveling thousands of kilometers.
2. Surface currents move water at the surface of the ocean, while submarine river currents flow deep below.
3. Ocean currents can significantly influence the climate of coastal areas.
4. The Gulf Stream, makes northwest Europe the most temperate of any region at that latitude.
5. The California current in the Hawaiian Islands results in a climate much cooler than other tropical latitudes.
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Q125) Consider the following statements
1. The ocean's surface rises and falls predictably due to changes in gravitational forces originating from the Moon and the Sun.
2. These changes in ocean surface level are known as tides and are evidence of the influence celestial bodies have on our planet.
3. Without these external forces, the ocean's surface would simply exist as a geopotential surface or geoid, where the water is pulled by gravity without currents or tides.
4. The strong gravitational fields of the Moon and the Sun result in significant changing gravitational fields causing tides to rise and fall.
Which of the above pairs is/are correctly matched? Show Answer

Q126) Consider the following statements
1. tide is when the water is at its highest level and low tide is the water at its minimum level. Ebb or falling tide is when the water seems to flow back out and happens between a high tide and a low tide.
2. When the water flows back in between low tide and high tide, this period of time is known as flow, flood or rising tide.
3. Since the earth rotates relative to the moon in one lunar day (24 hours, 48 minutes), each of the two bulges travel around at that speed, leading to two high tides and two low tides each day with high tides occurring 12 hours and 24 minutes apart.
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Q127) Consider the following statements-
1. The sea surface temperatures vary from place to place.
2. In the equatorial regions, it is high and it is progressively low as we go from the equator to the poles.
3. In the sea water, there is a high concentration of mineral salts and salinity.
4. Salinity also differs from place to place.
5. The ratio of salinity depends upon the addition of freshwater in the seas and the rate of evaporation.
6. Waves, tides and currents are the movements of the ocean waters.
7. They influence the temperature, moisture and rainfall of the coastal areas they flow to.
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Q128) Consider the following statements-
1. Of the sea ecosystems, one is of the coral reefs.
2. These are also the ancient of the ecosystems.
3. Corals have existed from the very beginning of the sea life.
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Q129) Consider the following statements-
1. The bottom relief of the Indian Ocean resembles that of the Atlantic Ocean.
2. This ocean has a continuous central ridge, called the Arabic-Indian Ridge, together with its southern extension, the Kerguelen-Gaus- berg Ridge, which connects with the Antarctic continent.
3. The central ridge separates the eastern basin from the western basin.
4. all the oceanic islands in this ocean are situated on the central ridge and on its cross ridges.
5. The Cocos and Christ¬mas islands are the two exceptions.
6. The Indian Ocean is characterized by having a large number of broad submarine ridges, separating several individual basins of the abyssal plain.
7. One of its most distinguishing features is the presence of the series of curving ridges in the north-west segment of the ocean.
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Q130) Consider the following statements-
1. Coral reefs are underwater structures made from calcium carbonate secreted by corals. Coral reefs are colonies of tiny animals found in marine waters that contain few nutrients.
2. Most coral reefs are built from stony corals, which in turn consist of polyps that cluster in groups.
3. The polyps belong to a group of animals known as Cnidaria, which also includes sea anemones and jellyfish.
4. Unlike sea anemones, coral polyps secrete hard carbonate exoskeletons which support and protect their bodies. Reefs grow best in warm, shallow, clear, sunny and agitated waters.
5. Often called "rainforests of the sea", coral reefs form some of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth.
6. They occupy less than 0.1% of the world's ocean surface, about half the area of France, yet they provide a home for 25% of all marine species, including fish, mollusks, worms, crustaceans, echinoderms, sponges, tunicates and other cnidarians.
7. Paradoxically, coral reefs flourish even though they are surrounded by ocean waters that provide few nutrients.
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Q131) Freshwater species in the World have declined by Show Answer

Q132) What will be the outcome of Eutrophication of surface waters? Show Answer

Q133) The average combined global land and ocean surface temperature for 2014 was Show Answer

Q134) Consider the following statements:
1. Nicaragua announced the start of work on a new canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
2. The Grand Canal of Nicaragua, as it has been called, aims to rival Panama's waterway and lift the country out of poverty.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q135) What is the health score of the oceans of the world out of 100, as per the latest Ocean Health Index? Show Answer

Q136) Consider the following statements in this regard-
1. Creatures across land, rivers and the seas has decimated due to human activities like killing for food in unsustainable numbers and polluting or destroying their habitants.
2. Populations of fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles have declined by 52 percent since 1970
3. Freshwater species have declined by 76 percent. The decline is an average loss that's nearly twice as that of land and saltwater marine species.
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