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Q1) A Good measure of Central tendency should be Show Answer

Q2) For symmetrical distribution the following relationship is true: Show Answer

Q3) In case of extreme values the best measures of Central Tendency is Show Answer

Q4) The purpose of an average is to find: Show Answer

Q5) The best measure of average to find the average speed is Show Answer

Q6) Incase of qualitative data the best measures is Show Answer

Q7) Incase of grouped data when the last class interval is "80 & above" the best measure of average is Show Answer

Q8) When one of the observation has value 0 then we cannot use Show Answer

Q9) When the observation are 7, 5, 7, -1, 8, 4 then to find average we cannot use Show Answer

Q10) We can have more than one observation as average in case Show Answer

Q11) Percentiles & Deciles divides the gives set of observations into Show Answer

Q12) Among AM, HM & GM the largest value is of Show Answer

Q13) The best measure or finding average rate of increase or decrease is Show Answer

Q14) When there are three points of division at equal intervals then Show Answer

Q15) In case Quartiles the number of points of division are Show Answer

Q16) If an organization wants to give more importance to marks obtained in Personal interview than the marks obtained in GD & written test then the best method is Show Answer

Q17) Mean is affected by Show Answer

Q18) For locating mode graphically we have to use Show Answer

Q19) Out of Mean, Median & Mode if we know any 2 of them then we can find the third using:- Show Answer

Q20) Following measure cannot be used for further Algebric treatment: Show Answer

Q21) We can find combined average of Show Answer

Q22) The G.M of 8, 2 & 4 is Show Answer

Q23) The H.M of 6, 14, 21 & 30 Show Answer

Q24) If " X " travels 16 km. at 4 km. an hour, 6 km. at 3 km. per hour and 4 km. at 2 km. per hour, what would be the average rate Show Answer

Q25) In a moderately asymmetrical distribution the mode & mean are 32.1 & 35.4 respectively. Therefore the value of median Show Answer

Q26) There are 60 women, 40 men and 50 children in a factory. The average number of units produced by women is 70, that by men is 80 and the average by children is 50. What is the average number of units produced per worker in the factory? Show Answer

Q27) AM = 10 & GM = 8. Therefore the value of HM is Show Answer

Q28) AM = 10 & GM = 8. Therefore the 2 observations are Show Answer

Q29) If there are two groups with 10 & 20 observations and having Harmonic means 32 & 18 respectively then combined HM is Show Answer

Q30) Out of Mean, Median & Mode the average which is between the other two is Show Answer

Q31) The mean age of 21 students of a class is 16.5 yrs. One more students of age 14.3 yrs are added to this group. The mean age of the new group is Show Answer

Q32) The mean age of combined group of men & women is 25 yrs, if the mean age of the group of men is 26 & that of women is 21, then the percentage of women & men in the group is Show Answer

Q33) A.M = G.M = 25 for 15 observation. Therefore the H.M is Show Answer

Q34) The mean, median and mode of weights of a group of 79 students are found to be 55, 56, 57 kgs respectively. 6 more students are added to the groups whose weights are 52, 52, 52.5, 59.5, 60, 60 kgs. What will be values of mean, median and mode of the combi Show Answer

Q35) An automobile driver travels from plain to a hill station, 100 km. distance at an average speed of 30 km per hour. He then makes the return trip at average speed of 20 km per hour. What is his average speed over the entire distance (200 km)? Show Answer

Q36) G.M is G.M of A.M & H.M Show Answer

Q37) The arithmetic mean of the number letters of the words in the following paragraph: Social organization among tigers varies with the quality of habitate in a given area, the determinant of quality being Also find the arithmetic means. Show Answer

Q38) Semi Inter Quartile Deviation means Show Answer

Q39) The best measure of dispersion is Show Answer

Q40) The best measure of dispersion in case of open ended class intervals is Show Answer

Q41) Measure of Dispersion based on only extreme value is Show Answer

Q42) Number of relation measures of dispersion is Show Answer

Q43) Number of absolute measures of dispersion is Show Answer

Q44) Co-efficient of variation is Show Answer

Q45) Co-efficient of range when highest observation = 20 lowest observation = 10 is Show Answer

Q46) The purpose of dispersion is to find Show Answer

Q47) In case of quality control procedures the absolute measure of dispersion most commonly used is Show Answer

Q48) The Standard Deviation of 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 is Show Answer

Q49) Standard Deviation = - 4. The statement is Show Answer

Q50) Measure of Dispersion is affected by Show Answer

Q51) We can find combined measure of Dispersion after combining 2 or more groups using Show Answer

Q52) Mean Deviation from _________ is the least. Show Answer

Q53) If all the observations are decreased by 5 then the new Standard Deviation is Show Answer

Q54) Measure of Dispersion easiest to calculate Show Answer

Q55) To find which group shows more variation we use. Show Answer

Q56) Absolute value of the deviations are considered for calculation : Show Answer

Q57) The measure of Dispersion based on all the observations Show Answer

Q58) __________ is defined as the root mean square deviation Show Answer

Q59) What is the coefficient of range for the following : 32, 35, 30, 38, 42, 29, 33, 37 Show Answer

Q60) Range is based on Show Answer

Q61) The value of range will always be Show Answer

Q62) The sum of the upper and the lower quartile is found to be 160 and their difference is 80. The value of the coefficient of quartile deviation is Show Answer

Q63) The coefficient of quartile deviation for a certain data is 0.2. The sum of the two quartile is hundred. The value of two quartiles are Show Answer

Q64) The value of the quartile deviation for certain data is 8.7. The value of the upper quartile is given to be 67. the value of lower quartile is Show Answer

Q65) The coefficient of quartile deviation for the following values: 55, 56, 45, 46, 61, 58, 57, 55, 47, 51, 55, 51 Show Answer

Q66) Mean deviation from mean for the following set of values 10, 14, 7, 9, 4, 16 is Show Answer

Q67) The mean deviation about median for the following values : 48, 50, 39, 46, 57 is Show Answer

Q68) The co-efficient of M.D. from median for the following set 150, 151, 152, 156, 154, 160, 158 is Show Answer

Q69) The median and S.D. of a distribution are 15 and 3 respectively. If each items is increased by 2, the new median and the new S.D. are Show Answer

Q70) If sum of 10 items is 12 & the sum of their squares is 16.9 then S.D. is Show Answer

Q71) The standard deviation of the following marks: -85, 87, 60, 67, 80, 83, 15 Show Answer

Q72) The age of 5 persons on their last birthday in the year 2005 was 19, 9, 12, 15 and 50. Therefore the mean and the variance of their ages are Show Answer

Q73) The average weight of 150 students in a class was 58 kgs. There were 100 boys in a class whose average weight was 60 kgs. The variance of weights for the whole class was 15 and that for the group of boys was 9. Find the average weight and variance of weig Show Answer

Q74) The first of the two groups has 100 items with mean 45 and variance 49. If the combined group has 250 items with mean 51 and variance 130, find the mean and the standard deviation of the second group. Show Answer

Q75) The mean and standard deviation of the marks of a group of 100 students in a test in Mercantile Law were given to be 40 and 3 respectively. It was afterwards detected that the marks of one student were wrongly written as 37 instead of 73. Calculate the co Show Answer

Q76) Co-efficient of variance for two groups. Group A and B are 60 % and 64 % respectively. Their standard deviations are 15 and 16 respectively. Group A contains 30 items while B contains 20 items. Find the standard deviation of all 50 items taken together. Show Answer

Q77) The study of finding relation between two set of observation is called Show Answer

Q78) If X and Y are two related variables then the relation y = a + bx is satisfied by Show Answer

Q79) The AM of 1, 2, 3, ... is Show Answer

Q80) If all the observations are equal K then mean is Show Answer

Q81) If x and y are two related variables such that y = 3x + y and mean of x is 20 then mean of y is Show Answer

Q82) The limits for finding middle 70% of the observations is Show Answer

Q83) If GM of u is 5 and GM of v is 7 then GM of uv is Show Answer

Q84) The formula for finding Co-efficient of variation is Show Answer

Q85) If all the observations are measured by 10 % then the new Quartile Deviation is Show Answer

Q86) Variation is defined as Show Answer

Q87) If x and y are 2 related variables such that 3x + 2y - 14 = 0 and Quartile Deviation of x is 8.24 then quartile deviation of y is Show Answer

Q88) M.D. (Me) and Median for x is .3 and 1 respectively. The co-efficient of M.D. (Me) of y is _________, when 2x + 3y - 7 = 0 where x and y is 2 related variables. Show Answer

Q89) S.D. of x = 3. Therefore S.D. of 3-2x is Show Answer

Q90) S.D. of x = 5. Variance of 7x - 3 is Show Answer

Q91) Variance of x = 36. Therefore variance of y when 3x + 4y = 20 is Show Answer

Q92) Amol was asked to calculate the arithmetic mean of ten positive integers each of which had two digits. By mistake, he interchanged the two digits, say a and b, in one of these ten integers. As a result, his answer for the arithmetic mean was 1.8 more than what it should have been. Then b - a equals Show Answer

Q93) The no. of measures of central tendency is Show Answer

Q94) Measures of central tendency are called averages of the _______ order. Show Answer

Q95) A measure of central tendency tries to estimate the Show Answer

Q96) Measures of central tendency are known as Show Answer

Q97) Measures of central tendency for a given set of observations measures Show Answer

Q98) The average discovers Show Answer

Q99) The average has relevance for Show Answer

Q100) ____ average is obtained on dividing the total of a set of observations by their number. Show Answer

Q101) Weighted averages are considered when Show Answer

Q102) Multiplying the values of the variable by the corresponding weights and then dividing the sum of products by the sum of weights is Show Answer

Q103) Simple & weighted averages are equal only when all the weights are equal. Show Answer

Q104) Each value is considered as many times as it occurs for Show Answer

Q105) The average of a series of over-lapping averages, each of which is based on a certain no. of item within a series is known as Show Answer

Q106) ____ average is used for smoothening at time series. Show Answer

Q107) The most stable measure of central tendency is Show Answer

Q108) The most commonly used measure of central tendency is Show Answer

Q109) Extreme values have _____ effect on Arithmetic Mean Show Answer

Q110) If the class interval is open-end then it is difficult to find Show Answer

Q111) The mean of the ungrouped data is given by Show Answer

Q112) Weighted AM is related to Show Answer

Q113) If the same amount is added to or subtracted form all the values, the mean shall increase or decrease by the ____ amount. Show Answer

Q114) If the same quantity is multiplied to all the values the mean shall _____ by the same amount. Show Answer

Q115) The algebraic sum of deviations of a set of observations from their AM is Show Answer

Q116) If there are 3 observations 15, 20, 25 then the sum of deviation of the observations from their AM is Show Answer

Q117) The sum of the squares of the deviations of the variable is ____ when taken about AM Show Answer

Q118) Which of the following is correct? Show Answer

Q119) For finding Arithmetic Mean in Step - Deviation method, the class intervals should be of Show Answer

Q120) _____ is used when variability has also to be calculated. Show Answer

Q121) Pooled mean is also called Show Answer

Q122) The mean of the two samples can be combined Show Answer

Q123) While computing the AM from a grouped frequency distribution, we assume that Show Answer

Q124) Which of the following statements is wrong? Show Answer

Q125) The mean of first five prime numbers is Show Answer

Q126) Mean of 25, 32, 43, 53, 62, 59, 48, 31, 24, 33 is Show Answer

Q127) The AM of 1, 3, 5, 6, x, 10 is 6.The value of x is Show Answer

Q128) The attendance of a class of 45 boys for 10 days is given as 40, 42, 30, 35, 45, 44, 41, 38, 44, and 41 then the mean attendance of a class is Show Answer

Q129) The mean height of 8 students is 152 cm. Two more students of heights 143 cm and 156 cm join the group. New mean height is equal to Show Answer

Q130) The length of a rod is measured by a tape 10 times. You are to estimate the length of the rod by averaging these 10 determinations. What is the suitable form of average in this case _______. Show Answer

Q131) If each item is reduced by 15. AM is Show Answer

Q132) If the AM of any distribution be 25 & one terms is 18. Then the deviation of 18 from AM is Show Answer

Q133) The mean of 10 observations is 14.4. Out of these mean of 4 observations is 16.5, then find the mean of remaining observations? Show Answer

Q134) The mean of 6, 4, 1, 5, 6, 10 and 3 is 5. If each number is added with 2, then the new mean is ______. Show Answer

Q135) The average marks scored by 50 students in a class were calculated to be 38. Later it was found, that marks of two students were wrongly copied as 34 and 23 instead of 43 and 32. Find correct average marks. Show Answer

Q136) Following are the salaries of 20 workers of a firm expressed in thousands rupees: 5, 17, 12, 23, 7, 15, 4, 18, 10, 6, 15, 9, 8, 13, 12, 2, 12, 3, 15, 14. The firm gave bonus amounting to Rs. 2,000, Rs. 3,000, Rs. 4,000, Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 6,000 to the workers belonging to the salary groups 1000-5000, 6000-10000, and so on lastly 21000-25000. Find out the average bonus per employees. Show Answer

Q137) If a variable assumes the values 1, 2, 3 .....,5 with frequencies as 1, 2, 3, ....5 then what is the AM? Show Answer

Q138) If the relationship between two variables u and v are given by 2 u + v + 7 = 0 and if the AM of u is 10, then the AM of v is Show Answer

Q139) The mean salary for a group of 40 female workers is 5200 per month and that for a group of 60 male workers is 6800 per month. What is the combined mean salary? Show Answer

Q140) The mean weight of 150 students in a class is 60 kg. The mean weight of the boys is 70 kg, while that of girls is 55 kg find the number of boys and that of the girls in the class. Show Answer

Q141) If there are two groups containing 30 and 20 observations and having 50 and 60 as arithmetic means, then the combined arithmetic mean is Show Answer

Q142) The mean annual salary of all employees in a company is Rs. 25,000. The mean salary of male and female employees is Rs. 27,000 and Rs. 17,000 respectively. Find the percentage of males and females employed by the company. Show Answer

Q143) The average salary of a group of unskilled workers is Rs. 10000 and for a group of skilled workers is Rs. 15000. Combined salary is Rs. 12,000. What is the % of skilled workers? Show Answer

Q144) The mean salary for a group of 20 female workers is Rs. 5000 per month and that for a group of 30 male workers is Rs. 6000 per month. What is combined mean salary? Show Answer

Q145) The mean wage of 150 labourers working in a factory running three shifts with 60, 40 and 50 labourers is Rs. 114.00. The means wage of 60 labourers working in the first shift is Rs. 121.50 and that of 40 labourers working in the second shift is Rs. 107.75, then the mean wage of those working in the third shift is Show Answer

Q146) The Average age of 15 students is 15 years. Out of these Average Age of 5 Students is 14 years and that of other 9 Students is 16 years, then the age of 15th Student is Show Answer

Q147) GM is defined only when Show Answer

Q148) _____ is useful in averaging ratios, rates and percentages Show Answer

Q149) GM is useful in construction of index number Show Answer

Q150) _____ is not much affected by fluctuations of sampling. Show Answer

Q151) _____ is used when rate of growth or decline required. Show Answer

Q152) Logarithm of GM is the ____ of the different values. Show Answer

Q153) When a firm registers both profits and losses, which of the following measures of central tendency cannot be considered? Show Answer

Q154) If an observation in the data set in negative, while the others are positive, then its geometric mean is Show Answer

Q155) GM of a set of n observations is the _____ root of their product. Show Answer

Q156) What is the GM for the numbers 8, 24, and 40? Show Answer

Q157) The greater of the two numbers whose arithmetic mean is 34 and the geometric mean is 16 Show Answer

Q158) If the AM and GM for two numbers are 6.50 and 6 respectively then the two numbers are Show Answer

Q159) You are given the population of India for the courses of 1981 and 1991. You are to find the population of India at the middle of the period by averaging these population figures, assuming a constant rate of increase of population. What is the suitable of average in this case ____ Show Answer

Q160) _____ is the reciprocal of the AM of reciprocal of observations. Show Answer

Q161) The word "average" used in "simple average" and "weighted average" generally refers to Show Answer

Q162) The relationship between AM, GM & HM is Show Answer

Q163) Which result is true? Show Answer

Q164) Which measure(s) of central tendency is (are) considered for finding the average rates? Show Answer

Q165) Which of the following measure(s) possesses (possess) mathematical properties? Show Answer

Q166) _____ has a limited use. Show Answer

Q167) ____ & _____ cannot be calculated if any observation is zero. Show Answer

Q168) ____ & _____ are called ratio averages. Show Answer

Q169) _____ is a good substitute to a weighted average. Show Answer

Q170) _____ is used for calculation of speed & velocity Show Answer

Q171) HM is defined when no observation is ______. Show Answer

Q172) Find the HM 4, 6, and 10. Show Answer

Q173) Compute AM, GM, and HM for 6, 8, 12, 36 Show Answer

Q174) If the Arithmetic Mean and Geometric Mean for 10 observations are both 15, then the value of Harmonic Mean is Show Answer

Q175) A person purchases 5 rupees worth of eggs from 10 different markets. You are to find the average no. of eggs per rupee for al the markets taken together. What is the suitable form of average in this case ____ Show Answer

Q176) If two numbers x and y are such that their arithmetic mean exceed their geometric mean by 3/2 and the geometric mean exceed their harmonic mean by 6/5, then the value of (x, y) is Show Answer

Q177) If there are two groups with 75 and 65 as harmonic means and containing 15 and 13 observation then the combined HM is given by Show Answer

Q178) What is the HM of 1, 1/2, 1/3, ........ 1/n? Show Answer

Q179) An aeroplane flies from A to B at the rate of 500 km/hour and comes back from B to A at the rat of 700 km/hour. The average speed of the aeroplane is Show Answer

Q180) The middle most value of a set of observations is Show Answer

Q181) ____ is called a positional measure. Show Answer

Q182) The presence of extreme observations does not affect Show Answer

Q183) ____ is used when representation value is required and distribution is asymmetric. Show Answer

Q184) In _____, the distribution has open-end classes. Show Answer

Q185) In _____, the distribution has wide range of variations. Show Answer

Q186) _____ is used when distribution pattern has to be studied at varying levels. Show Answer

Q187) _____ is used when the sum of the absolute deviations from the average should be least. Show Answer

Q188) ____ can be calculated from a frequency distribution with open end intervals. Show Answer

Q189) The number of observations smaller than _____ is the same as the number larger than it. Show Answer

Q190) ______ always lies in between the arithmetic mean and mode. Show Answer

Q191) Median divides the total number of observations into parts. Show Answer

Q192) 50% of actual values will be below & 50% of will be above _____. Show Answer

Q193) In case of an even number of observations which of the following is median? Show Answer

Q194) (n+1)/2th term is median if n is Show Answer

Q195) For calculation of _____ we have to construct cumulative frequency distribution. Show Answer

Q196) In the case of a continuous frequency distribution, the size of the ________ item indicates class interval in which the median lies. Show Answer

Q197) In a symmetrical distribution when the 3rd quartile plus 1st quartile is halved, the value would give Show Answer

Q198) _____ is equal to value corresponding to cumulative frequency (N+1)/2 from simple frequency distribution. Show Answer

Q199) In Ogive, abscissa corresponding to ordinate N/2 is Show Answer

Q200) _____ is the value of the variable corresponding to cumulative frequency N/2. Show Answer

Q201) The second quartile is known as Show Answer

Q202) 50th percentile is known as Show Answer

Q203) Which of the following relationship is true in a symmetrical distribution? Show Answer

Q204) Absolute sum of deviation is minimum from Show Answer

Q205) What is the median for the following observations? 5, 8, 6, 9, 11, 4 Show Answer

Q206) For the values of a variable 3, 1, 5, 2, 6, 8, 4 the median is Show Answer

Q207) If the median of 5, 9, 11, 3, 4, x, 8 is 6, the value of x is equal to Show Answer

Q208) If the difference between mean and mode is 63, the difference between mean and median is Show Answer

Q209) If the mean of data is 55.6 and the mode is 46, then the median is _____ Show Answer

Q210) The median of a set of 9 distinct observations is 20.5. If each of the largest 4 observations of the set is increased by 2, then the median of the new set Show Answer

Q211) Rank of median is Show Answer

Q212) For 899, 999, 391, 384, 590, 480, 485, 760, 111, 240 rank of median is Show Answer

Q213) If the relationship between x and y is given by 4 x - 6 y = 13 and if the median of x is 16. Find median of y. Show Answer

Q214) The variables x and y are related by 5 x + 6 y = 70 and median of x is 8. What is the median of y? Show Answer

Q215) The perpendicular line drawn from the intersection of two ogives which touches at _____ point in X-axis: Show Answer

Q216) Quartiles are values dividing a given set of observations into _____ equal parts. Show Answer

Q217) Measures which are used to divide or partition, the observations into a fixed no. of parts are collectively known as Show Answer

Q218) For grouped frequency distribution 3rd quartile is equal to the value corresponding to the cumulative frequency Show Answer

Q219) Quartiles can be determined graphically using Show Answer

Q220) In Ogive, 1st quartile is abscissa corresponding to ordinate Show Answer

Q221) First quartile is Show Answer

Q222) Third quartile is Show Answer

Q223) Corresponding to first quartile, the cumulative frequency is Show Answer

Q224) In Bowley's formula how many quartiles are used. Show Answer

Q225) In a symmetrical distribution, median is the value when the third quartile plus first quartile is Show Answer

Q226) Which of the following statement is true? Show Answer

Q227) First quartile lies in the class interval of the Show Answer

Q228) Find Q1 for the following observations - 14, 16, 13, 15, 20, 18, 19, 22 Show Answer

Q229) What is the value of the first quartile for observations 15, 18, 10, 20, 23, 28, 12, 16? Show Answer

Q230) If the first Quartile is 104 and quartile deviation is 18, the third quartile will be Show Answer

Q231) The number of observations smaller than lower quartile is the same as the number lying between lower and middle quartile. Show Answer

Q232) _____ is used for measuring central tendency, dispersion and skewness. Show Answer

Q233) Rank of First quartile is Show Answer

Q234) Rank of third quartile is Show Answer

Q235) For 333, 999, 888, 777, 666, 555, 444 rank of 1st quartile is Show Answer

Q236) For 333, 999, 888, 777, 1000, 321, 133 rank of 3rd quartile is Show Answer

Q237) The value of deciles divides the total no. of observations into _____ equal parts. Show Answer

Q238) Rank of kth decile is Show Answer

Q239) There are _____ deciles. Show Answer

Q240) Second decile is known as Show Answer

Q241) The cumulative frequency is 2N/10 corresponding to Show Answer

Q242) Second decile is greater than the first decile Show Answer

Q243) The third decile for the numbers 15, 10, 20, 25, 18, 11, 9, 12 is Show Answer

Q244) Find D6 for the following observations. 7, 9, 5, 4, 10, 15, 14, 18, 6, 20 Show Answer

Q245) 7th decile is the abscissa of that point on the Ogive whose ordinate is Show Answer

Q246) Corresponding to second decile, the cumulative frequency is Show Answer

Q247) In Ogive, abscissa corresponding to ordinate _____ is kth decile. Show Answer

Q248) Fifth decile is equal to Show Answer

Q249) The values which divide the total no. of observations into 100 equal parts is Show Answer

Q250) There are _____ percentiles. Show Answer

Q251) Rank of k th percentile is Show Answer

Q252) Calculation of quartiles, deciles, percentiles may be obtained graphically from Show Answer

Q253) _____ is equal to the value corresponding to cumulative frequency K(N+1)/100 from simple frequency distribution. Show Answer

Q254) For grouped frequency distribution _____ is equal to the value corresponding to cumulative frequency kN/100. Show Answer

Q255) Ninety ninth percentile lies in the class interval of the Show Answer

Q256) In the class interval of (99n/100)th item, _____ lies. Show Answer

Q257) 25th percentile is equal to Show Answer

Q258) _____ is the value of the variable at which the concentration of observation is the densest. Show Answer

Q259) For open end classification, which of the following is the best measure of central tendency. Show Answer

Q260) _____ is used for ordering the size of designed cloths. Show Answer

Q261) When all values occur with equal frequency, there is no Show Answer

Q262) _____ cannot be treated algebraically. Show Answer

Q263) For the calculation of _____, the data must be arranged in the form of a frequency distribution. Show Answer

Q264) Extreme values have _____ effect on mode. Show Answer

Q265) For ordering shoes of various sizes for resale, _____ size will be more appropriate. Show Answer

Q266) The abscissa of the maximum frequency in the frequency curve is the Show Answer

Q267) For a moderately skewed distribution, which of he following relationship holds? Show Answer

Q268) Modal value of 0, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 0, 2 is Show Answer

Q269) The mode for the nos. 5, 8, 6, 4, 10, 15, 18, 10 is Show Answer

Q270) What is the modal value for the numbers 4, 3, 8, 15, 4, 3, 6, 3, 15, 3, 4. Show Answer

Q271) The mode of nos.7, 7, 7, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12 is Show Answer

Q272) For determination of mode, the class intervals should be Show Answer

Q273) For calculation of _____ we have to construct a grouped frequency distribution. Show Answer

Q274) The formula of mode is applicable if classes are of _____ width. Show Answer

Q275) The class having maximum frequency is called Show Answer

Q276) For a moderately skewed distribution of marks in standards for a group of 200 students, the mean mark and median mark were found to be 55.60 and 52.40. What is the modal mark? Show Answer

Q277) If y = 2 + 1.50 x and mode of x is 15, what is the mode of y? Show Answer

Q278) If x and y are related by x ? y - 10 = 0 and mode of x is known to be 23, then the mode of y is Show Answer

Q279) For a moderately skewed distribution of marks in statistics for a group of 100 students, the mean mark and median mark were found to be 50 and 40. What is the modal mark? Show Answer

Q280) Theoretically the best average for finding out the most common value Show Answer

Q281) Which of the following measure(s) satisfies (satisfy) a linear relationship between two variables? Show Answer

Q282) Find the range of 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 3, 6, 10, 8. Show Answer

Q283) Find the mean deviation about mean of 4, 5, 6, 8, 3: Show Answer

Q284) If V(x) = 23 Find variance of 2 x + 10: Show Answer

Q285) There were 50 students in a class. 10 failed whose average marks were 2.5. The total marks of class were 281. Find the average marks of students who passed? Show Answer

Q286) The average of 2 number is 20 and their standard deviation 5. Find the two numbers? Show Answer

Q287) If Variance = 125.6, = 40, coefficient of variation = Show Answer

Q288) For two numbers A.M. = 10 and G.M. = 8, then H.M. = ? Show Answer

Q289) The 3rd decile for the values 15, 10, 20, 25, 18, 11, 9, 12, is Show Answer

Q290) The A.M. of square of first '2n' natural numbers is Show Answer

Q291) 1st quartile is 142, Semi-Inter quartile range is 18. Then median is Show Answer

Q292) Q.D. is Show Answer

Q293) Dispersion measures Show Answer

Q294) Which of the following statements is correct? Show Answer

Q295) Measures of dispersion are called averages of the _____ order. Show Answer

Q296) Which measure of dispersion is based on all the observations? Show Answer

Q297) In measuring dispersion, it is necessary to know the amount of _____ & the degree of _____. Show Answer

Q298) The amount of variation is designated as _____ measures of dispersion. Show Answer

Q299) The degree of variation is designated as _____ measure of dispersion. Show Answer

Q300) For purposes of comparison between two or more series with varying size or no. of items, varying central values or units of calculation, only _____ measures can be used. Show Answer

Q301) When it comes to comparing two or more distributions we consider Show Answer

Q302) Which one is difficult to compute? Show Answer

Q303) Relative measures of dispersion make deviations in similar units _____. Show Answer

Q304) Which one is an absolute measure of dispersion? Show Answer

Q305) Whole frequency table is needed for the calculation of Show Answer

Q306) A shift of origin has no impact on Show Answer

Q307) Difference between the maximum & minimum value of a given data is called_____ . Show Answer

Q308) Which measures of dispersion is the quickest to compute? Show Answer

Q309) A range of value is Show Answer

Q310) For any two numbers range is always Show Answer

Q311) In quality control _____ is used as a substitute for standard deviation. Show Answer

Q312) _____ is extremely sensitive to the size of the sample. Show Answer

Q313) As the sample size increases, range tends to Show Answer

Q314) If each item is reduced by 10, the range is Show Answer

Q315) For the observations 4,2,6,3,9,5,11,70,10 range is Show Answer

Q316) Following are the marks of 10 students: 82, 79, 56, 79, 85, 95, 55, 72, 70, 66 . Find coefficient of range. Show Answer

Q317) Following are the wages of 8 workers expressed in rupees: 82, 96, 52, 75, 70, 65, 50, 70. Find the range and its coefficient. Show Answer

Q318) If the range of x is 2, what would be the range of ? 3 x + 50? Show Answer

Q319) Which measure of dispersions is not affected by the presence of extreme observations? Show Answer

Q320) Quartile deviation is called _____. Hence it is _____ the Inter Quartile Range. Show Answer

Q321) Quartile deviation is based on the Show Answer

Q322) The formula for range of middle 50% items of a series is Show Answer

Q323) Quartile deviation of a data is defined as Show Answer

Q324) The lower & upper quartiles are used to define Show Answer

Q325) _____ deviation is called Semi-inter quartile range. Show Answer

Q326) The appropriate measure of dispersions for open- end classification is Show Answer

Q327) The measure of variation which is least affected by extreme items is Show Answer

Q328) Q.D. of the data 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 is Show Answer

Q329) The quartiles of a variable are 45, 52 and 65 respectively. Its Quartile deviation is Show Answer

Q330) Coefficient of quartile deviation is equal to Show Answer

Q331) If Median = 5, quartile Deviation = 2.5 then the coefficient of Quartile deviation is Show Answer

Q332) When 1st quartile = 20, 3rd quartile = 30, the value of quartile deviation is Show Answer

Q333) 25% of the items of a data are less than 35 and 25% of the items are more than 75. Q.D. of the data is Show Answer

Q334) If all the observations are increased by 10, then Show Answer

Q335) Quartile deviation = probable error of Standard deviation Show Answer

Q336) If x and y are related as 3x+4y = 20 and the Quartile deviation of x is 12, then the Quartile deviation of y is Show Answer

Q337) If the quartile deviation of x is 8 and 3x + 6y = 20, then the quartile deviation of y is Show Answer

Q338) If the mean deviation of a normal variable is 16, what is its quartile deviation? Show Answer

Q339) Which measure of dispersion is based on the absolute deviations only? Show Answer

Q340) What is the value of Mean deviation about mean for the following numbers? 5, 8, 6, 3, 4 Show Answer

Q341) A batsman scores runs in 10 innings 38, 70, 48, 34, 42, 55, 63, 46, 54 and 44, then the mean deviation is Show Answer

Q342) The Mean deviation about mode for the numbers 4/11, 6/11, 8/11, 9/11, 12/11, 8/11 is Show Answer

Q343) Coefficient of mean deviation is Show Answer

Q344) The coefficient of Mean deviation about mean for the first 9 natural numbers is Show Answer

Q345) Find mean deviations about median and also the corresponding coefficient for the following points (?000 Rs.) of a firm during a week. 82, 56, 75, 70, 52, 80, 68. Show Answer

Q346) If x and y are related as 4x + 3y + 11 = 0 and mean deviation of x is 5.40, what is the mean deviation of y? Show Answer

Q347) If the relation between x and y is 5y-3x = 10 and the mean deviation about mean for x is 12, then the Mean deviation of y about mean is Show Answer

Q348) What will be the probable value of meandeviation? when 3 Q = 40 and 1 Q = 15 Show Answer

Q349) The most commonly used measure of dispersion is Show Answer

Q350) "Root-mean square deviation from Mean" is Show Answer

Q351) If the same amount is added to or subtracted from all the values, variance and Standard deviation shall Show Answer

Q352) If the variables are increased or decreased by the same proportion, the Standard deviation changes by Show Answer

Q353) Most useful among all measures of dispersion is Show Answer

Q354) Which measure of dispersion has some desirable mathematical properties? Show Answer

Q355) For values lie close to the mean, the Standard deviation are Show Answer

Q356) When all the values are equal then variance & Standard deviation would be Show Answer

Q357) If the profits of a company remain the same for the last ten months, then the Standard deviation of profits for these ten months would be? Show Answer

Q358) Standard deviation is denoted by Show Answer

Q359) The Standard deviation is always taken from Show Answer

Q360) The square of Standard deviation is known as Show Answer

Q361) Standard deviation is less than Mean deviation Show Answer

Q362) _____ factor helps to know the value of Standard deviation Show Answer

Q363) Which measure of dispersion is considered for finding pooled measures of dispersion after combining several groups? Show Answer

Q364) Standard deviation is Show Answer

Q365) Variance is the expected value of square of (x-m), where m is the Show Answer

Q366) ANOVA is a technique of analysis of Show Answer

Q367) For a moderately skewed distribution, quartile deviation and the standard deviation are related by Show Answer

Q368) For a moderately non-symmetrical distribution, probable error of Standard deviation = Standard deviation/3 Show Answer

Q369) Coefficient of Standard deviation is equal to Show Answer

Q370) Coefficient of variation is independent of the unit of measurement. Show Answer

Q371) The distribution, for which the coefficient of variation is less, is _____ consistent. Show Answer

Q372) Coefficient of variation is Show Answer

Q373) The Standard deviation of 10, 16, 10, 16, 10, 10, 16, 16 is Show Answer

Q374) The standard deviation of first n natural numbers is Show Answer

Q375) If the Standard deviation of the 1st n natural numbers is 2, then the value of n must be Show Answer

Q376) If each item is reduced by 20, the Standard deviation Show Answer

Q377) The standard deviation of 25 numbers is 40. If each of the numbers is increased by 5, then the new standard deviation will be Show Answer

Q378) If all the observations are multiplied by 2, then Show Answer

Q379) If all the observations are divided by 3, then Show Answer

Q380) If every observation is increased by 5 then: Show Answer

Q381) If the Standard deviation of x is 3, what is the variance of (5-2x)? Show Answer

Q382) The SD of X is known to be 10 then the SD of 50+5X is: Show Answer

Q383) If x and y are related by 2x+3y+4 = 0 and Standard deviation of x is 6, then Standard deviation of y is Show Answer

Q384) The mean and Standard deviation for a, b, 2 are 3 and 1 respectively, the value of ab would be Show Answer

Q385) The quartile deviation of a normal distribution with mean 10 and SD 4 is Show Answer

Q386) If the mean of frequency distribution is 100 and coefficient of variation is 45% then the Standard Deviation is Show Answer

Q387) The mean and Standard deviation for a group of 100 observations are 65 and 7.03 respectively. If 60 of these observations have mean and Standard deviation as 70 and 3 respectively, what is the Standard deviation for the group comprising 40 observations? Show Answer

Q388) The standard deviation of 100 and 150 items are 40,6 respectively; if mean of 250 item is 44, mean of 100 and 150 item are 50 and 5, then find S.D. for 250 items. Show Answer

Q389) The mean and Standard deviation of a sample of 100 observations were calculated as 40 and 5.1 respectively by a CA student who took one observation as 50 instead of 40 by mistake. The correct value of Standard deviation would be Show Answer

Q390) The mean and S.D. of the marks of 200 candidates were found to be 40 and 15 respectively. Later, it was discovered that a score 40 was wrongly read as 50. The correct mean and S.D. respectively are Show Answer

Q391) If S.D. of a variable x is ?, the S.D. of [(ax + b) / c] where a, b, c are constants is Show Answer

Q392) For any two numbers a and b, standard deviation is given by Show Answer

Q393) The mean and variance of 5 observations are 4.80 and 6.16 respectively. If three of the observations are 2, 3, and 6, what are the remaining observations? Show Answer

Q394) If mean =10, standard Deviation = 1.3 then coefficient of variation is Show Answer

Q395) What is the coefficient of variation of the following numbers? - 53, 52, 61, 60, 64 Show Answer

Q396) The sum of the squares of deviations for 10 items from the mean (= 50) is 250. The coefficient of variation is Show Answer

Q397) After settlement the average weekly wage in a factory has increased from Rs. 8 to Rs. 12 and standard deviation has increased from 2 to 2.5. Find the coefficient of variation after the settlement. Show Answer

Q398) Coefficient of variation of two series are 60% and 80% respectively. Their standard deviation are 20 and 16 respectively what are their A.M. Show Answer

Q399) For a group of 60 boy students, the mean and SD of stats, Marks are 45 and 2 respectively. The same figures for a group of 40 girl students are 55 and 3 respectively. What is mean and SD of marks if the two groups are pooled together? Show Answer

Q400) A student computes the AM and SD for a set of 100 observations as 50 and 5 respectively. Later on, she discovers that she has made a mistake in taking one observation as 60 instead of 50. What would be the correct mean and SD if (i) The wrong observation is left out? (ii) The wrong observation is replaced by the correct observation? Show Answer

Q401) The Quartile deviation of the daily wages (in Rs) of 7 persons given below: 12, 7, 15, 10, 17, 19, 25 is Show Answer

Q402) The AM of 15 observation is 9 and the AM of first 9 observation is 11 and then AM of remaining observation is Show Answer

Q403) In a moderately Skewed distribution the values of mean & median are 12 & 8 respectively. Then value of mode is Show Answer

Q404) Which of the following is positional average? Show Answer

Q405) S.D of first five consecutive natural number is Show Answer

Q406) If the profit of a company remain some for the last ten months then the S.D of profits of the company would be: Show Answer

Q407) For a symmetric distribution Show Answer

Q408) The sum of mean and SD of a series is a+b, if we add 2 to each observation of the series then the sum of mean and SD is Show Answer

Q409) The approximate ratio of SD,MD,QD is: Show Answer

Q410) The deviation are minimum when taken from: Show Answer

Q411) If the AM & GM of two numbers are 30 and 24 respectively. Find the no's. Show Answer

Q412) Origin is shifted by 5, what will happen Show Answer

Q413) Coefficient of variation is equal to: Show Answer

Q414) Find SD of the following 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Show Answer

Q415) If mean=200 and variance=80. Find coefficient of variation. Show Answer

Q416) Which of the following is affected by shifting of scale. Show Answer

Q417) Histogram is used to represent Show Answer

Q418) Coefficient of Variation is 80. Mean is 20. Find variance: Show Answer

Q419) Difference between upper limit and lower limit of a class is known as: Show Answer

Q420) If there are 3 observation 15,20,25 then the sum of deviation of the observations from their AM is Show Answer

Q421) If the AM and GM fro 10 observations are both 15, then the value of HM is Show Answer

Q422) If average mark for a group of 30 girls is 80, a group of boys is 70 and combined average is 76, then how many are in the boys group? Show Answer

Q423) If two variables a and b are related by c=ab then GM of c is equal to Show Answer

Q424) For a moderately skewed distribution the median is twice the mean, then the mode is _________times the median. Show Answer

Q425) The median value of the set of observation 48,36,72,87,19,66,56,91 is Show Answer

Q426) The marks secured by 5 students in a subjected are 82,73,69,84,66. What is the coefficient of Range Show Answer

Q427) Given that Mean =70.20 and Mode=70.50, the median is expected to be. Show Answer

Q428) For data having odd number of values, the difference between the first and middle value is equal to the difference between the last and the middle value; similarly the difference between the second and middle values is equal to that of second last and middle value so on. Therefore, the middle value is equal to Show Answer

Q429) One hundred participants expressed their opinion on recommending a new product to their friends using the attributes: most unlikely, not sure, likely, most likely. The appropriate measure of central tendency that can be used here is Show Answer

Q430) Along a road there are 5 buildings of apartments, marked as 1,2,3,4,5. Number of people residing in each building is available. A bus stop is to be setup near one of the buildings so that the total distance walked by the residents to the bus stop from their buildings must be kept minimum. One must consider involving_______to find the position of the bus stop. Show Answer

Q431) There are n numbers. When 50 is subtracted from each of these number the sum of the numbers so obtained is -10. When 46 is subtracted from each of the original n numbers, then the sum of numbers. So obtained is 70. What is the mean of the original n numbers? Show Answer

Q432) If a school has 14 teachers, their heights (in cm) are: 172,173,164,178,168,169,173,172,173,164,178,168,169,173 then average deviation of this data is: Show Answer

Q433) The mean of 'n' observation is 'x'. If k is added to each observation, then the new mean is. Show Answer

Q434) The standard deviation of 1 to 9 natural number is: Show Answer

Q435) If every observation is increased by 7 then: Show Answer

Q436) If CLOCK is codded as 34235 and TIME as 8679, then MOTEL is coded as_________ Show Answer

Q437) The mean deviation of the numbers 3,10,6,11,14,17,9,8,12 about the mean is (correct to one decimal place): Show Answer

Q438) From the record on sizes of shoes sold in a shop, one can compute the following to determine the most preferred shoe size. Show Answer

Q439) Which of the following measure does not possess mathematical properties? Show Answer

Q440) The best statistical measure used for comparing two series is: Show Answer

Q441) The relationship between P-series and Q series is given by 2P-3Q-10. If the range of P-series is 18.What would be the range of Q? Show Answer

Q442) Which of the following is a relative measure of dispersion? Show Answer

Q443) Find the coefficient of mean deviation about mean for the data: 5,7,8,10,11,13,19 Show Answer

Q444) Which measure is suitable for open-end classification? Show Answer

Q445) 5th percentile is equal to Show Answer

Q446) The harmonic mean A and B is 1/3 and harmonic mean of C and D is 1/5. The harmonic mean of ABCD is Show Answer

Q447) Which one of these is least affected by extreme values? Show Answer

Q448) Fir engine rushes to a place of fire accident with a speed of 110 kmph and after the completion of operation returned to the base at a speed 35 kmph. The average speed per hour in per-direction is obtained as ______ speeds. Show Answer

Q449) Ten matches data is given. Then which of the following cannot be found? Show Answer

Q450) If the AM and HM of two numbers are 6 and 9 respectively, then GM is Show Answer

Q451) Which of the following measures of dispersion is based on absolute deviation? Show Answer

Q452) Which is not a measure of Central tendency Show Answer

Q453) Mean Deviation of data 3 ,10,10,4,7,18,5 from mode is
Show Answer

Q454) Which of the following is based on absolute deviation? Show Answer

Q455) when each value does not have equal importance then Show Answer

Q456) Following are the wages of 8 workers 82,96,52,75,70,65,50,70. Find range and coefficient of range? Show Answer

Q457) The mean of 20 observation is 38. If two observation are taken as 84 and 36 instead of 48 and 63 find new means. Show Answer

Q458) The 3rd decile for the numbers 15,10,20,25,18,11,9,12 is Show Answer

Q459) Find the S.D and coefficient of variation for. 1,9,8,5,7
Show Answer

Q460) If the numbers are 5, 1, 8, 7, 2 then the coefficient of variation is
Show Answer

Q461) If mean (X) is=10 and mode (Z) is=7,then find out the value of median (M)?
Show Answer

Q462) If the coefficient of variation and standard deviation are 30 and 12 respectively,then the arithmetic mean of the distribution is:
Show Answer

Q463) _____________ is based on all the observations and _____________ is based on the central fifty percent of the observations. Show Answer

Q464) The relationship between two variables x and y is given by 4x-10y=20.If the Median value of the variable x is 10 then what is median value of variable y? Show Answer

Q465) Which one of the following is not a method of measure of dispersion? Show Answer

Q466) If the first quartile in 56.50 and the third quartile is 77.50,then the co-efficient of quartile deviation is: Show Answer

Q467) The median of the observation 42 , 72 ,35 , 92 , 67 , 85 , 72 , 81 , 51 , 56 is: Show Answer

Q468) If the sum of square of the values equals to 3390 , Number of observations are 30 and Standard deviation is 7, what is the mean value of the above observations?
Show Answer

Q469) The mean of 50 observations is 36.If two observations 30 and 42 are to be excused,then the mean of the remaining observation will be: Show Answer

Q470) If arithmetic Mean and Geometric Mean between two numbers are 5 and 4 respectively , then these numbers are:
Show Answer

Q471) If the variance of random variable 'x' is 17,then what is variance of y=2x+5? Show Answer

Q472) If the variance of given date is 12,and their mean value is 40,what is coefficient of variance (CV)?
Show Answer

Q473) In a given set if all data are of same value then variance would be:
Show Answer

Q474) If Arithmetic mean between two numbers is 5 and Geometric mean is 4 then what is the value of Harmonic mean?
Show Answer

Q475) The average age of 15 students in a class is 9 years.Out of them, the average age of 5 students is 13 years and that 8 students is 5 years .What is the average of remaining 2 students?
Show Answer

Q476) If x and y are related as 4x+3y+11=0 and mean deviation of y is 7.2 then mean deviation of x is? Show Answer

Q477) A Professor has given assignment to students in a statistics class.A student computer the arithmetic mean and standard deviation for 100 students as 50 and 5 respectively.Later on She paints out the student that he has made mistake in taking one observation as 100 instead of 50.What would be the consent mean if the wrong observation is correct?
Show Answer

Q478) For a moderately skewed distribution of master is statistics is for a group of 200 students, the mean and median marks were found to be 55.60 and 52.40 respectively.What are the modal makes?
Show Answer

Q479) The geometric mean of 3 , 7 , 11 , 15 , 24 , 28 , 30 , 0 is:
Show Answer

Q480) If the first quartile is 42.75 and the third quartile is 74.25 then the co-efficient of QD is. Show Answer

Q481) Find mean deviation about mean for the data 12 , 16 , 21 , 30 , 35 , 39 , 40 Show Answer

Q482) The median of the following set of observation 24 , 18 , 36 , 42 , 30 , 28 , 21 , 20 , 25 , 33 , 18
Show Answer

Q483) If the Standard Deviation of data 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 17 is 4.47,then Standard Deviation of the data 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, 34 is
Show Answer

Q484) The mean and variance of a group of 100 observations are 8 and 9 respectively of 100 observations, the mean and standard deviation of 60 observations 10 and 2 respectively.Find the standard deviation of remaining 40
Show Answer

Q485) For the given data set: 5, 10 ,3, 6, 4, 8, 9, 3, 15 , 2, 9, 4, 19, 11, 4, what is the median
Show Answer

Q486) If the mean of two numbers is 30 and geometric mean is 24, then what will be Harmonic mean of two numbers?
Show Answer

Q487) For the given set of normally distributed data, the following statistical data are known: Mean=6; Standard Deviation=2.6; Median=5 and Q deviation=1.5,then the coefficient of quartile deviation equals to Show Answer

Q488) The AM and HM of two numbers are 5 and 3.2 respectively, then GM will be:
Show Answer

Q489) If the quartile deviation is 12 and the first quartile is 25, then the value of the third quartile is: Show Answer

Q490) If mode of a grouped data is 10 and median is 6, then what is the value of mean?
Show Answer

Q491) If mean of 5 observations x+1, x+3, x+5, x+7 and x+9 is given 15, then the value of x will be: Show Answer

Q492) The mean of the first three terms is 17 and mean of next four terms is 21.Calculate the mean of seven terms.
Show Answer

Q493) The mean of a set of 20 observation in 18.3.The mean is reduced by 0.6 when a new observation is added to the set.The new observation is:
Show Answer

Q494) If 'x' and 'y' are related as 3x-4y=20 and the quartile deviation of 'x' is 12, then the quartile deviation of 'y' is:
Show Answer

Q495) If A.M and G.M of two positive numbers a and b are 12 and 12, respectively, find the numbers. Show Answer

Q496) If the range of a data is 20 and its smallest value is 5, then what is the largest value of data is?
Show Answer

Q497) If two variables 'x' and 'y' are related as 2x-y=3, if the median of 'x' is 10 , what is median of 'y'? Show Answer

Q498) If the mean and median of a moderately asymmetrical series are 26.8 and 27.9 respectively, then the most probable mode is:
Show Answer