Practice Test

Q1) Express the number 'two crore ninety lac fifty five thousand eight hundred' in figure Show Answer

Q2) Which of the following is the international system of numeration for the given number '48049831' Show Answer

Q3) A student was told to make the greatest number using the digits 6, 2, 7, 4 and 3 with the condition that every odd number should come two time and every even number should come one time in the number. What is the correct number? Show Answer

Q4) There is a sale of electric gadgets in a field. The number of tickets sold first, second, third and fourth day were 1015, 1111, 2002 and 1991 respectively. What is the total number of tickets sold? Show Answer

Q5) The greatest number of five digits which starts from 8 and ends with 7 is Show Answer

Q6) The sum of the greatest and smallest number of 3 digits is Show Answer

Q7) The sum of all even numbers below 10 is Show Answer

Q8) In a given number 890436, if you write 0 in place of 4, by how much the resulting number be less than the given number? Show Answer

Q9) In the given number 97580, if the digits 7 and 5 interchange their places, the difference between the original and the new number is Show Answer

Q10) Which one of the following statement true? Show Answer

Q11) What will remain after subtracting 11 ten times from 121? Show Answer

Q12) What will be the result when seven times of 15 is subtracted from 119 ? Show Answer

Q13) 7386038 is divisible by Show Answer

Q14) The prime numbers dividing 109 and leaving a remainder of 4 in each case are Show Answer

Q15) The sum of first four prime numbers is Show Answer

Q16) The difference between the largest 4 digit number and the smallest 3 digit number is Show Answer

Q17) Which one of the following numbers is divisible by 3? Show Answer

Q18) The sum of first 20 odd natural numbers is equal to Show Answer

Q19) What least number would be subtracted from 427398 so that the remaining number is divisible by 15 ? Show Answer

Q20) If 34*68 is to be divisible by 9, then the value of missing digit , * should be Show Answer

Q21) A vendor supplies 64 L of milk to a hotel in the morning and 32 L of milk in the evening. If the milk costs Rs 15 per litre , how much money is due to the vendor pay day? Show Answer

Q22) Which one of the following is a prime number? Show Answer

Q23) The sum of the digits of the two digit number is 54 less than the number. What is the difference between the digits of that number? Show Answer

Q24) The sum and product of two numbers are 12 and 35, respectively. What will be the sum of their reciprocals? Show Answer

Q25) Which of the following is the smallest 3 digit number exactly divisible by 6, 8 and 12? Show Answer

Q26) {2(18 - 3)} + 5 (12 - 7) is equal to Show Answer

Q27) If 217 x 15 = 3255, then 2.17 x 0.15 is equal to Show Answer

Q28) Sneha bought a round watermelon. She cut the watermelon into two equal parts. To distribute it to the other family members, she again cut one of the parts into two equal parts. Further, she cut one of the smallest parts into two equal parts. If Sneha ate the largest parts, how many members ate equal parts of watermelon? Show Answer

Q29) Shakuntala has Rs 235.50. Her father and her mother give Rs.4030.50 and 52367.50,respectively. Out of total amount she purchased 3 register of cost price each of Rs.50.50. What is the remaining amount she has? Show Answer

Q30) Find the least number which when divided by 12,16, 24 and 36 leaves a remainder 7 in each case. Show Answer

Q31) If one number is thrice the other and their sum is 24, then the numbers are Show Answer

Q32) If 70 is subtracted from a number, the number will be one-third of itself. Find the number. Show Answer

Q33) In a class of 35 students, the number of girls is 2/5 of the boy. Find the number of boys in the class. Show Answer

Q34) Sum of three consecutive integers is 24, find the greatest integer. Show Answer

Q35) The hostel canteen charges Rs 25 for lunch and Rs 8 for milk for each day. Then, how much money do you spend in 5 days on these things? Show Answer

Q36) Which of the following is the difference between the greatest and the least number that can be written using the digits 6, 2, 7, 4, 3 each only once. Show Answer

Q37) Which of the following is the greatest four digit square number? Show Answer

Q38) If the three fourth of a number is 27, its seventh part is approximately equal to Show Answer

Q39) Estimate 5290+17986 Show Answer

Q40) In a three digit number the digit in the unit's place is twice the digit in the ten's place and 1.5 times the digit in the hundred's place. If the sum of all the three digit5s of the number is 13, what is the number? Show Answer

Q41) Total number of numbers upto 1100 which are divisible by 2 and 5 is Show Answer

Q42) LCM and HCF of two numbers are 96 and 4 , respectively. If one of the numbers is 32, find the other number. Show Answer

Q43) Find the LCM of 2 x 3 x 7 x 9 and 2 x 3 x 9 x 11. Show Answer

Q44) Find the least number that is exactly divided by 8,12 and 36. Show Answer

Q45) When a number is multiplied 5 times with itself, it gives the value 1445. Find the number Show Answer

Q46) If HCF of two numbers is 8, which of the following can never be their LCM ? Show Answer

Q47) The number 49532 rounded off to the nearest thousand is Show Answer

Q48) In the following , which is the greatest number? Show Answer

Q49) In which of the following divisions, will the remainder you get when you divide 176 by 3? Show Answer

Q50) How many of the following numbers are divisible by 132?
264, 396, 462, 792, 2178,5184,6336 Show Answer

Q51) Sum of the places value of 6 in 63606 is Show Answer

Q52) The difference of 5671 and the number obtained on reversing its digits is Show Answer

Q53) If a number is decreased by 4 and divided by 6 the result is 8. What would be the result if 2 is subtracted from the number and then it is divided by 5? Show Answer

Q54) In the product 3759 x 9573, the sum of ten's digit and unit's digit is Show Answer

Q55) A gardener wants to plant trees in a garden. If the number of trees in each row is the same and there are 35 or 14 or 21 rows, then no tree is left. Find the least number of trees the planter has Show Answer

Q56) If 567567567 is divided by 567, the quotient is Show Answer

Q57) 19 thousands + 19 hundred + 19 ones is equal to Show Answer

Q58) The difference between the smallest common multiple and biggest common factor of 5,10 and 35 is Show Answer

Q59) The number of factors of 105 is Show Answer

Q60) 11 ones +11ten's +11 hundreds equals Show Answer

Q61) The sum of five hundred nine and three thousand twenty eight is Show Answer

Q62) The difference between the place value and the face value of the number 3 in 12345 is Show Answer

Q63) When 90707 is divided by 9, the remainder is Show Answer

Q64) The sum of place values of 2 in 2424 is Show Answer

Q65) When a fresh fish is dried it becomes 1/3 of its weight. Sunita buys 1500 kg fresh fish for Rs.25 per kg and sell them, when dried for Rs.80 per kg. How much does she earn? Show Answer

Q66) What should be added to the product 140 x 101 to get 14414 ? Show Answer

Q67) (Smallest common multiple of 12 and 16) x (Smallest common multiple of 10 and 15 ) is equal to Show Answer

Q68) The sum of all the factors of 100 is Show Answer

Q69) When 121012 is divided by 12 , the remainder is Show Answer

Q70) One orange costs two and a half rupees. How much will three and a half dozen orange cost? Show Answer

Q71) Which of the following options is open ended ? Show Answer

Q72) Following is the problem from text book of class V
"There are 4 poles of measure 105 cm, 215 cm, 150 cm and 235 cm respectively. If they have to be cut into pieces of equal length, what is the maximum length of each piece ?" This question is asked to Show Answer

Q73) One orange costs Rs. 5.50 and 1 kg apple costs Rs. 80. Then, the total cost of 1 1/2 dozen of oranges and 1 3/4 kg of apples is Show Answer

Q74) The product of the place values of 5 and 6 in 70560 is Show Answer

Q75) When 3010301 is divided by 43, the quotient is Show Answer

Q76) What should be subtracted from the product 3001 x 101 to get 300311 Show Answer

Q77) ( 10 tens + 11 hundreds + 12 ones ) equals Show Answer

Q78) The number of factors of 42 is Show Answer

Q79) When 3488 is divided by 12 and 2478 is divided by 11, the difference between the remainders in both cases is Show Answer

Q80) The difference of the place value and the face value of 5 in 35362 is Show Answer

Q81) 10 ones + 10 tens + 10 thousands equal to Show Answer

Q82) The sum of the positive factors of 210, is Show Answer

Q83) The sum of the greatest 4 digit number and the smallest 3 digit number is Show Answer

Q84) Twenty six and twenty six hundred ths is written as Show Answer

Q85) What number should be subtracted from the product 1109 x 505 , so as to get 505050? Show Answer

Q86) Difference of ( smallest common multiple of 4, 5 and 6) and (smallest common multiple of 5, 6 and 9) Show Answer

Q87) Number of degrees in four and two third right angles is Show Answer

Q88) On dividing 110111 by 11 , the sum of the quotient and the remainder is Show Answer

Q89) What should be subtracted from the product 102 x 201 to get 19999 ? Show Answer

Q90) Number of degrees in two and two-third of a right angle is Show Answer

Q91) Which one of the following statement is true ? Show Answer

Q92) The sum of place value of of 5 in 6251, 6521 and 5621 is Show Answer

Q93) The sum of all the positive factors of 96 is Show Answer

Q94) Ravi has three dozen chocolates. He gave one third of them to his neighbour, one-sixth to Rehana and one-fourth to his sister. How many chocolates are left with him? Show Answer

Q95) What is the value of
- 1 + 2 - 3 + 4 - 5 + 6 - 7 + ....... .+ 1000 ? Show Answer