Practice Test

Q1) A sold a tin of disinfectant powder to K without warning knowing fully that if the tin was not opened with care , it will likely to cause injury . K was injured while opening the tin .Which of the following statement (s) is / are correct ? Show Answer

Q2) A purchased a refrigerator on hire purchase from B & pledge with C .D purchased a refrigerator from C in good faith ,on knowing the facts B wants to recover the refrigerator from D .Which of the following statement (s) is / are correct ? Show Answer

Q3) A timber merchant agreed to supply best teak at a certain agreed price to a builder .Later the merchant supplied timber which was identified as ordinary class of timber & demanded the payment from the builder .Which of the following statement (s) is / are correct ? Show Answer

Q4) When price is to be fixed by the third party & the third party does not make such valuation ,the other party may Show Answer

Q5) A party entitled to rescind the contract is also entitled to receive the compensation from the defaulting party Show Answer

Q6) An anticipatory breach does not give any right to claim compensation Show Answer

Q7) M promised to pay N for his service at his M sole discretion found to be fair & reasonable .however ,N dissatisfied with payment made by M wanted to sue him N's suit will be Show Answer

Q8) Damages awarded to compensate the injured party for the actual amount of loss suffered by him for breach of contract are called Show Answer

Q9) Quantum maruit is not applicable i.e. ,there is no right to sue when Show Answer

Q10) In case of anticipatory breach ,the damages will be assessed from the Show Answer

Q11) When there is breach of contract ,special damages are awarded Show Answer

Q12) Only those persons who are parties to a contract can sue & be sued upon the contract .the rule is known as doctrine of Show Answer

Q13) When prior to the due date of performance, the promisor absolutely refuses to perform the contract ,it is known as Show Answer

Q14) In the case of anticipatory breach ,the aggrieved party may treat the contract Show Answer

Q15) In the case of breach of the contract , which of the following remedies is not available to the aggrieved party ? Show Answer

Q16) Sometimes ,a party is entitled to claim compensation in the proportion to the work done by him. it is possible by a suit for Show Answer

Q17) Generally ,Which of the following damages are not recoverable ? Show Answer

Q18) A , B & C jointly promised to pay Rs.60,000 to D .A was completed by D to pay the entire amount of Rs.60,000.Here Show Answer

Q19) If the damage which were ought to be prevented were not prevented by the aggrieved party, the aggrieved party can Show Answer

Q20) Ordinary damages are damages Which Show Answer

Q21) M a popular singer ,enters into a contract with the manager of a theatre , to sing at the theatre two evenings a week for the next 2 months & the manager of the theatre agrees to pay him at the rate of Rs.1,000 for each performance. From the sixth evening onwards ,M absents himself from the theatre.In this context ,which of the following remedies is /are available to the manager of the theatre against M ? Show Answer

Q22) R ,T & K jointly borrowed Rs.2,00,000 from F by executing a promissory note.T & K are not traceable. F wants to recover the entire amount from R .R objected this move by saying he is liable to pay 1/3 of the debt only .Which of the following statements is correct ? Show Answer

Q23) Restitution Show Answer

Q24) P filed a suit against Q for the breach of contract and P incurred Rs. 5,000 as cost of suit. Then, P can Show Answer

Q25) A agrees to deliver 100 bags of sugar to to B at a certain price on 1st September. If A refuses or fails to deliver the goods on 1st September, there is an Show Answer

Q26) Quantum maruit means Show Answer

Q27) When a contract has been broken ,the party who suffers by such breach is entitled for receive ,from the other party Show Answer

Q28) Exemplary damages are awarded Show Answer

Q29) Mr. A enter life insurance contract with X and co. On death A, X and co. refuses to pay A's wife .What legal remedy does A's wife have ? Show Answer

Q30) Incase there is a breach of contract by one party, the other party may rescind the contract and need not perform his part of obligations under the contract, this is called ------------- of the contract. Show Answer

Q31) The measure of damages in case of breach of a contract is the difference between the Show Answer

Q32) The damages which can be claimed only when the special circumstance are communicated to the promise are called Show Answer

Q33) The aggrieved party is entitled to claim monetary compensation for the loss caused due to non performance of promise. This is called Show Answer

Q34) The damages which can be awarded even if the aggrieved party has not suffered any loss are called Show Answer

Q35) Penalty is Show Answer

Q36) In case of breach of a contract, the aggrieved party is entitled to claim. Show Answer

Q37) ---------- does not exist Show Answer

Q38) The essence of a liquidate damage is that it should be Show Answer

Q39) If the damages are fixed at the time of contract, then the aggrieved party Show Answer

Q40) Damages which are awarded for non financial losses are called Show Answer

Q41) Suit for specific performance means Show Answer

Q42) Specific performance may be ordered by the Court when Show Answer

Q43) Quantum meruit is a --------- word Show Answer

Q44) In case a contract is completely performed, but the performance is poor, then the other party can Show Answer

Q45) Which of the following statements is not correct ? Show Answer

Q46) Claim for quantum meruit cannot arise in case of Show Answer

Q47) To claim quantum meruit, the original contract. Show Answer

Q48) ---------- means the termination of contract. Show Answer

Q49) Suit for injection means Show Answer

Q50) Suit for specific performance and suit for injunction ---------- Show Answer

Q51) Where a party does something which he promise not to do, which suit be filed ? Show Answer

Q52) The party committing a breach of contract is called the Show Answer

Q53) ------------ is a part of the purchase price and paid when the contract is entered into Show Answer

Q54) In which of the following situations, specific performance can be granted ? Show Answer

Q55) The right to sue quantum meruit lies with Show Answer

Q56) When an indivisible contract for lump sum is completely performed but badly, the person who has performed, can Show Answer

Q57) Damages awarded simply to recognize the right of the party to claim damages for the breach of the contract are called Show Answer

Q58) If the compensation to be paid on breach of contract is the genuine pre estimate of the prospective damages, it is known as Show Answer

Q59) In case of -------------- the measure of damages depends upon the severity of stock to the sentiments of the promisee/aggrieved party. Show Answer

Q60) Injunction is an order of court ---------- a person for doing a particular act Show Answer

Q61) The law governing the payment of damages is based on the leading English case. Show Answer

Q62) A stipulation which provides that an increased rate of interest will be paid from the date of default is regarded as Show Answer

Q63) A contracts to marry B. Before the agreed date of marriage, A marries C. Here, B is entitled to sue A for Show Answer

Q64) In case of Anticipatory Breach, the Promisee can - Show Answer

Q65) In case of anticipatory breach remedies available to aggrieved party are _______. Show Answer

Q66) In case of anticipatory breach, where the Promisee elects to keep the contract alive, if during the time the contract remains open, some event happens discharging the Promisor from his liability, the Contract becomes - Show Answer

Q67) B chartered A's ship and agreed to load it with a cargo in Odessa within 45 days. B was unable to supply the cargo, but A continued to demand it. Meanwhile war broke out, rendering the performance impossible. In such case - Show Answer

Q68) In case of anticipatory breach of contract, the _____ Show Answer

Q69) The remedies open to a person, suffering from breach of contract are - Show Answer

Q70) Where damages are not an adequate remedy, then court may order for Show Answer

Q71) Specific Performance may be ordered by the Court when - Show Answer

Q72) Suit for specific performance of contract can be instituted by the promisee, where _______. Show Answer

Q73) N, a film star, agreed to act exclusively for K, a film producer, for one year. During the year, she contracted to act for some other producer. In this case, K - Show Answer

Q74) Quantum Meruit means - Show Answer

Q75) S, a singer, contracts with H, manager of a theatre, to sing at his theatre for two nights every week during next two months. H agrees to pay her ? 1000 for each night's performance. On sixth night, S willfully absents herself, and H, in consequence, rescinds the contract. In this case - Show Answer

Q76) N singer contracted with a theatre manager to sing a song, due to her illness she failed to perform the contract, she received 20000 as advance ------ Show Answer

Q77) Damages which an aggrieved party claims, besides general damages for any loss he has suffered owing to special circumstances known to both the parties at the time of signing the contract are called - Show Answer

Q78) Which of the following Damages are punishment in nature? Show Answer

Q79) If the aggrieved party does not face any loss _______ damages can be claimed. Show Answer

Q80) Which of the following is incorrect? Show Answer

Q81) A contracts with B to deliver possession of a house under construction within a period of 6 months; failing which he would pay the monthly rental of B. The monthly rental payable by B for A is in the nature of - Show Answer

Q82) Breach of condition gives rise to a right to repudiate the contract of sale. Show Answer

Q83) Damages which arise naturally in usual course of things from breach itself are called: Show Answer

Q84) A contracted to supply 200 bags of rice to B on 30th December, 2021. After supplying 20 bags of rice. A informed B that he will not supply remaining bags of rice to B. In this case, Show Answer

Q85) Where the Court orders the defaulting party to carry out the promise according to the terms of the contract, it is called Show Answer

Q86) Quantum Meruit means Show Answer

Q87) Wrongful dishonour of cheque by a banker having sufficient funds in the account of customer, the court may award: Show Answer