Practice Test

Q1) A stipulation in a contract of sale of goods whose violation by seller gives a right of rescission to buyer ,is called Show Answer

Q2) Stipulation the branch of which gives the aggrieved party to terminate the contract is called Show Answer

Q3) Which of the following is not an implied condition in a contract of sale ? Show Answer

Q4) The condition & warranties may be Show Answer

Q5) Which one of the following is not an implied warranty`? Show Answer

Q6) The expression Caveat Emptor means Show Answer

Q7) Under the doctrine of caveat Emptor the seller is Show Answer

Q8) The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor does not apply ,when Show Answer

Q9) Mr. Raj, sold a mobile to Kumar, who purchased it in goods faith. The set had some manufacturing defect and it did not work after a few day in spite of repairs. In this case. Show Answer

Q10) The implied condition that goods shall be fit to buyer 's specific purpose ,is applicable only where the buyer tells his purpose to the seller & relies upon seller's skill & judgment as Show Answer

Q11) In case , a condition is changed to the status of a warranty , then the buyer Show Answer

Q12) Which of the following are the implied warranty (s) ? 1.Warranty of quiet possession , 2. .Warranty of being free from encumbrances , 3.Warranty of title , 4. Warranty as to wholesomeness Show Answer

Q13) A buyer may make some payments in advance to the seller as a guarantee for performance of contract. This money is known as 1.Earnest money , 2. Security deposit , 3. Fixed deposit , 4. Deposit Show Answer

Q14) Condition Show Answer

Q15) Warranty Show Answer

Q16) Right to sell Show Answer

Q17) Goods must be properly packed Show Answer

Q18) Goods must be the same as wanted by the seller Show Answer

Q19) Buyer having right / opportunity to compare Show Answer

Q20) Condition as to title Show Answer

Q21) Condition as to description Show Answer

Q22) Condition as to quality Show Answer

Q23) Condition as to merchantability Show Answer

Q24) Condition as to sample & description Show Answer

Q25) Condition as to wholesomeness Show Answer

Q26) Express warranty Show Answer

Q27) Implied warranty Show Answer

Q28) Warranty free from encumbrance Show Answer

Q29) Warranty by custom Show Answer

Q30) Condition Show Answer

Q31) Warranty Show Answer

Q32) Quality of goods includes Show Answer

Q33) In case the goods are destroyed or damaged ,the loss is of Show Answer

Q34) Stipulation essential to the main purpose of the contract is Show Answer

Q35) The breach of a condition, in a contract of sale of goods, given a right to Show Answer

Q36) In case of branch of a warranty, the buyer can Show Answer

Q37) Breach of a warranty Show Answer

Q38) The following may be treated as a breach of warranty Show Answer

Q39) A condition may be treated as warranty Show Answer

Q40) In a sale, there is an implied condition on the part of the seller that the Show Answer

Q41) In a contract of sale ,there is an implied warranty that Show Answer

Q42) The following are some implied condition Show Answer

Q43) In a contract of sale of goods the following conditions are implied unless different intention is shown in the contract Show Answer

Q44) In a contract of sale of goods the following conditions are implied unless different intention is shown in the contract Show Answer

Q45) Where there is a condition for the sale of goods by description, there is an implied condition that Show Answer

Q46) In a contract of sale by description and by sample, the bulk of goods must correspond to Show Answer

Q47) As to the quality or fitness for any particular purpose of goods supplied under a contract of sale Show Answer

Q48) Where the buyer makes known to the seller the particular purpose for which the goods are required & relies on the seller's skill or judgment Show Answer

Q49) in a contract for sale by sample there is an implied condition that Show Answer

Q50) Caveat Emptor is a Show Answer

Q51) The rule of caveat emptor is applicable under the following situations Show Answer

Q52) A sold a container of acid to B knowing fully that if the container would not be opened carefully ,it would cause injury to B .B was injured while opening it Show Answer

Q53) when the time of sending the goods has not been fixed In the contract of sale ,the seller must send the goods Show Answer

Q54) In case of a breach of warranty, the aggrieved party can Show Answer

Q55) Where a contract of sale is subject to any condition to be fulfilled by the seller ,the buyer may Show Answer

Q56) Where goods are bought by description there is an implied condition that the goods shall be of Show Answer

Q57) Where there is a contract for sale by description there is implied condition that the goods shall correspond with the Show Answer

Q58) where the goods are bought by description from a seller who deals in goods of that description ,there is an implied condition that the goods shall be of Show Answer

Q59) In the case of a contract for sale by sample there is an implied condition that the bulk shall correspond with Show Answer

Q60) when the goods must be the same as wanted by the seller ,it is called condition as to Show Answer

Q61) The rule of caveat emptor is not applicable under the following situations of Show Answer

Q62) Stipulation as to time of payment are______to be of the essence of a contract of sale unless a different intention from the terms of the contract Show Answer

Q63) A breach of warranty _______be termed as a breach of condition Show Answer

Q64) Where a contract of sale is not servable & the buyer has accepted a part of the goods ,the breach of ______to be fulfilled by the seller can also be treated as a breach of _____unless there is a term in the contract to the contrary Show Answer

Q65) In the case of a contract for sale of a specified article under its patent or other trade name, there is _____to its fitness for any particular purpose Show Answer

Q66) In a contract of sale ,it is the fundamental principle that the seller is under____to reveal all things about the goods to the buyer Show Answer

Q67) The delivery of goods & payment of price are Show Answer

Q68) In case of breach of warranty ,the buyer may Show Answer

Q69) In case of breach of warranty, the court may award interest to the seller in a suit by him Show Answer

Q70) in case of breach of warranty ,the court may award interest to the buyer in a suit by him Show Answer

Q71) any right ,duty or liability arising under a contract of sale by implication of law Show Answer

Q72) A breach of condition may be treated as breach of warranty Show Answer

Q73) A breach of warranty may be treated as breach of condition Show Answer

Q74) In a contract of sale ,the agreement may be expressed or implied from the conduct of the parties Show Answer

Q75) In a contract of sale of goods by description the implied condition is that the goods need not correspond with the description Show Answer

Q76) Conditions & warranties may be Show Answer

Q77) In case of a sale of good by a person in possession of goods under a voidable contract, he can pass valid title to the buyer Show Answer

Q78) A condition is a stipulation which is Show Answer

Q79) Under sec.35 of the sale of goods act____is bound to deliver goods upon buyer's application Show Answer

Q80) In case of sale of goods by description under section 15 of the sale of goods act ,the implied condition is that the goods shall correspond with Show Answer

Q81) Right to claim for damages exists both in condition & warranties Show Answer

Q82) On the face of a ticket for a journey ,the words 'for condition see back ' are printed in small print,the passenger Show Answer

Q83) Nominal damages can be Show Answer

Q84) A warranty is a stipulation essential to the main purpose of the contract Show Answer

Q85) Right to repudiate the contract exist both in condition & warranties Show Answer

Q86) A passenger deposited a bag in the cloakroom. Acknowledgement receipt given to him carried, on the face of it, the words "SEE BACK". One condition limited the liability of railway for any package to Rs.100. The bag was lost,and the passenger claimed Rs.2400 being its value pleading that had not read the instructions. Can the passenger win the case ? Show Answer

Q87) In case of breach of a condition, the buyer can Show Answer

Q88) If the goods are purchased for resale, then they should be immediately re - saleable in the market under their description. If it proves to be false then three is a breach of condition as to Show Answer

Q89) Expressed conditions are those _____ Show Answer

Q90) In a contract of sale of goods, there is no implied condition as to Show Answer

Q91) Goods must be the same as stated by the buyer This is a Show Answer

Q92) In a contract of sale of goods, the implies condition as to wholesomeness applies to Show Answer

Q93) The following warranties is/are implied in a contract of sale of goods unless the circumstances of the contract show a different intention. Show Answer

Q94) There is a/an ____ that the good shall be free of any charge in favor of any third party. Show Answer

Q95) When the buyer's right of quiet possession of goods is affected by the seller's fault, the buyer can. Show Answer

Q96) A warranty, under the Sale of Goods Act, has been defined as a stipluation Show Answer

Q97) Implies warranty as to free from encumbrance means Show Answer

Q98) A breach of a condition is treated as a breach of a warranty when the contract is Show Answer

Q99) Which one is correct? Show Answer

Q100) Condition in a contract of sale constitutes a stipulation with reference to Show Answer

Q101) A stipulation in a contract of sale with reference to the goods which are the subject matter thereof may be. Show Answer

Q102) Waiver of a condition in a contract of sale u/s 13 of the sale of goods Act is deemed in cases of Show Answer

Q103) Implied condition that the goods are of merchantable quality, is lost where the buyer has actually examined the goods. This is applicable in respect Show Answer

Q104) Hari bought a colour TV from Arun. The TV set was defective right from the beginning and it did not work in spite of repairs by expert mechanics. What are Hari's rights? Show Answer

Q105) While determing whether a stipulation in a contract of sale is a condition or warranty Show Answer

Q106) In which of the following situation " caveat Emptor" is applicable Show Answer

Q107) A stipulation in a contract of sale with reference to the goods which are the subject matter thereof may be - Show Answer

Q108) Which of the following is not correct regarding appropriation of goods for unascertained goods? Show Answer

Q109) Under the Sale of Goods Act, a Condition is a
stipulation essential for the of the contract.
Show Answer

Q110) A "Warranty", under the Sale of Goods Act, has been defined as a stipulation - Show Answer

Q111) is a stipulation collateral to the main
purpose of the contract which creates right to claim damages and not to rescind the contract
Show Answer

Q112) The breach of a "condition" in a contract of sale of goods, gives the right to - Show Answer

Q113) Breach of a "Warranty" in a contract of sale of goods, gives the right to— Show Answer

Q114) Implied condition is not treated as implied warranty when: Show Answer

Q115) When the breach of condition is treated as breach of warranty, buyer has right to: Show Answer

Q116) Conditions which are presumed by Law to be present in a Contract are - Show Answer

Q117) When a person sells the goods by infringing the
copyright or trademark of the others, there is breach of an Implied
Show Answer

Q118) In case of sale by description, there is an implied that the goods shall correspond to description. Show Answer

Q119) In case of sale of goods by sample as well as by description, the bulk of the goods should correspond with - Show Answer

Q120) In a contract of sale, ordinarily there is as to
the quality or fitness for any purpose of goods.
Show Answer

Q121) Implied condition as to quality or fitness becomes applicable if- Show Answer

Q122) M purchased a hot water bottle from a Chemist. The bottle burst and injured his wife. The Chemist is liable on account of - Show Answer

Q123) The buyer of a pesticide tin, the lid of which is broken, gets injured by inhaling the powder. The seller has failed in disclosing the same. Here buyer can claim: Show Answer

Q124) Merchantable Quality of Goods means - Show Answer

Q125) In case of in addition to the implied
condition as to the merchantability there is another implied condition that the goods shall be wholesome
Show Answer

Q126) The Implied Warranties as per Sale of Goods Act includes - Show Answer

Q127) Which of the following is not an implied warranty? Show Answer

Q128) The principle of "Caveat Emptor" as found in Sec. 16 of the Sale of Goods Act, means that the - Show Answer

Q129) Caveat emptor means Show Answer

Q130) The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor applies to the Sale where - Show Answer

Q131) The doctrine of caveat emptor is applicable where Show Answer

Q132) If a seller does not disclose the dangerous nature of the goods to be sold to the buyer he breaches the contract. Show Answer

Q133) Where the buyer elects to treat the breach of condition as one of warranty, he may repudiate the contract. Show Answer

Q134) Breach of condition gives the aggrieved party Show Answer

Q135) Condition may be treated as a warranty when there is Show Answer

Q136) The doctrine of Caveat Emptor does not apply, when Show Answer

Q137) In case of goods sold by sample, the goods should correspond with the sample other wise Show Answer

Q138) M, a shopkeeper, sold a Television set to N, who purchased it in good faith. The set had some manufacturing defect and it did not work after a few days in spite of repairs. In this case, the television was not merchantable as it was not fit for ordinary purpose. Show Answer

Q139) Where the buyer is deprived to goods by their true owner, then the buyer Show Answer

Q140) Where goods are bought by description from a seller who deals in goods of that description, what is the implied condition? Show Answer

Q141) A warranty is stipulation Show Answer

Q142) In a sale by sample and description, there is an implied condition Show Answer