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Practice Test

Q1) In the series
7 8 9 7 6 5 3 4 2 8 9 7 2 4 5 9 2 9 7 6 4 7
How many 7s are preceded by 9 and followed by 6? Show Answer

Q2) In the series
6 4 1 2 2 8 7 4 2 1 5 3 8 6 2 1 7 1 4 1 3 2 8 6
How many pairs of alternate numbers have a difference of 2? Show Answer

Q3) How many even numbers are there in the following sequence of numbers, each of which is followed by an odd number as well as preceded by an even number?
8 6 7 6 8 9 3 2 7 5 3 4 2 2 3 5 5 2 2 8 1 1 9 Show Answer

Q4) In the series given below, count the number of 9s each of which is not preceded by 5 but is followed by either 2 or 3. How many such 9s are there?
1 9 2 6 5 9 3 8 3 9 3 2 5 9 2 9 3 4 8 2 6 9 8 Show Answer

Q5) If the following series is written in the reverse order, which number will be fourth to the right of the seventh number from the left?
7,3,9,7,0,3,8,4,6,2,1,0,5,11,13 Show Answer

Q6) How many such 5s are there in the following number sequence, each of which is preceded by 3 or 4 but not followed by 8 or 9?
3 5 9 5 4 5 5 3 5 8 4 5 6
7 3 5 7 5 5 4 5 2 3 5 1 0 Show Answer

Q7) Some boys are sitting in a row, P is sitting 14th from the left and Q is 7th from the right. If there are four boys between P and Q, how many boys are there in the row? Show Answer

Q8) In a row of boys, Rajan is 1oth from right and Suraj is 1oth from the left. When Rajan and Suraj interchange their positions, Suraj will be 27th from the left. Which of the following will be Rajan's position from the right? Show Answer

Q9) Rohan rank seventh from the top and twenty-sixth from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class? Show Answer

Q10) Manick is fourteenth from the right end in a row of 40 boys. What is his position from the left end? Show Answer

Q11) In a class of 60, where number of girls are twice that of boys, Kamal ranked seventeenth from top. If there are 9 girls before of Kamal, how many boys are after him in rank? Show Answer

Q12) Sushant ranks eighteenth in a class of 49 students. What is his rank from the last? Show Answer

Q13) N ranks fifth in a class. S is eight from last. If T is sixth after N and is in the middle of N and S, then how many students are there in class? Show Answer

Q14) Students line up in a queue in which Ashish stands fifteenth from the left and Sachin is seventh from the right. If they interchange their places, Sachin would be fifteenth from right. How many students are there in the queue? Show Answer

Q15) In a queue of children, Kashish is fifth from the left and Mona is sixth from the right. when they interchange their places, kashish become thirteenth from the left. What will be Mona's position from the right? Show Answer

Q16) In a queue, Amrita is 10th from the front while Mukul is 25th from rear and Mamta is in the middle of the two. If there are 50 persons in the queue, what position does Mamta occupy from the front? Show Answer

Q17) How many such digits are there in the number 5231698, each of which is as far away from the beginning of the number as when the digits are rearranged in ascending order? Show Answer

Q18) How many pairs of digits are there in the number 6315784, each of which has as many digits between them in the number as when the digits are rearranged in descending order? Show Answer

Q19) How many pairs of digits are there in the number 9431658, each of which has as many digits between them in the number as when the digits are rearranged in ascending order? Show Answer

Q20) How may such digits digits are there in the number 764528, each of which is as far away from the beginning of the number as when the digits are arranged in descending order within the number? Show Answer

Q21) How many such pairs of digits are there in the number 59126874, each of which has as many digits between them in the number as when the digits are rearranged in descending order among them within the number? Show Answer

Q22) The position of how many digits will remain the same, if the digits in the number 97215368 are rearranged in the descending order? Show Answer

Q23) How many such pairs of digits are there in the number 27651489, each of which has as many digits between them in the number as when the digits are arranged in descending order within the number? Show Answer

Q24) If the digit in the number 86435192 are arranged in ascending order, what will be the difference between the digits, which are second from the right and fourth from the left in the new arrangement? Show Answer

Q25) If each of the digits in the number 92581473 are arranged in ascending order, what will be the difference between the digits, which are fourth from the right and third from the left in the new arrangement? Show Answer

Q26) How many 5s are there in the following number sequence which are preceded by 7 and followed by 6?
7 5 5 9 4 5 7 6 4 5 9 8 7 5 6 7 6 4 3 2 5 6 7 8 Show Answer

Q27) How many even number are there in the following series of numbers, each of which is preceded by an odd number, but not followed by an even number?
5 3 4 8 9 7 1 6 5 3 2 9 8 7 3 5 Show Answer

Q28) If the position of the first and the third digits within each number are interchanged, which of the following will be the third digit of the second lowest number? Show Answer

Q29) Which of the following is the difference between the second digit of the lowest and the highest of these numbers? Show Answer

Q30) The position of how many digits in the number 351462987 will remain unchanged after the digits are rearranged in ascending order within the number? Show Answer

Q31) The positions of the first and sixth digit in the number 5109238674 are interchanged. Similarly, the position of the second and the seventh digit are interchanged and so on. Which of the following will be the third digit from the right end after the rearrangement? Show Answer

Q32) In a class boys stand in a single line. One of the boys is nineteenth in order from both the ends. How many boys are there in the class? Show Answer

Q33) Anu and Vinay are ranked seventh and eleventh respectively from the top in a class of 31 students. What will be their respective ranks from the bottom in the class? Show Answer

Q34) In a class of 42 students, Mahesh's rank is 16th from the bottom. What is his rank from the top? Show Answer

Q35) Sunita leaves her house at 20 min to seven in the morning, reaches Vineeta's house in 25 min, they finish their breakfast in another 15 min and leave for their office which takes another 35 min. At what time, did they leave Vineeta's house to reach their office? Show Answer

Q36) If every second Saturdays and all Sundays are holidays in a 30 days' month beginning on Saturday, then how many working days are there in that month? Show Answer

Q37) In a row of boys, A is fifteenth from the left and B is fourth from the right. There are three boys between A and B. C is just left of A. What is C's position from the right? Show Answer

Q38) Rohit is seventeenth from the left end of a row of 29 boys and Karan is seventeenth from the right end in the same row. How many boys are there between them in the row? Show Answer

Q39) In a row of forty children, P is thirteenth from the left end and Q is ninth from the right end. How many children are there between P and R if R is fourth to the left of Q? Show Answer

Q40) In a class of 35 students, Kunal is placed seventh from the bottom whereas Sonali is placed ninth from the top. Pulkit is placed exactly in between the two. What is Kunal's position from Pulkit? Show Answer

Q41) Richard is fifteenth from the front in a column of boys. There were thrice as many behind him as there were in front. How many boys are there between Richard and the seventh boy from the end of the column? Show Answer

Q42) Forth boys are standing in a row facing the North. Amit is eleventh from the left and Deepak is thirty-first from the right end of the row. How far will Shreya, who is third to the right of Amit in the row, be from Deepak? Show Answer

Q43) In a class, among the passed students, Amisha is twenty-second from the top and Sajal, who is 5 ranks below Amisha, is thirty-fourth from the bottom. All the students from the class have apeared for the exam. If the ratio of the students who passed in the exam to those who failed is 4 : 1 in that class, how many students are there in the class? Show Answer

Q44) In a queue, A is eighteenth from the front while B is sixteenth from the back. If C is twentyfifth from the front and is exactly in the middle of A and B, then how many persons are there in the queue? Show Answer

Q45) N ranks fifth in a class. S is eighth from the last. If T is sixth after N and just in the middle of N and S, then how many students are there in the class? Show Answer

Q46) If the second day of a month is a Friday, which of the following would be the last day of the next month which has 31 days? Show Answer

Q47) Which number would replace question mark in the series 7,12,19, ?, 39. Show Answer

Q48) Which is the number that comes next in the sequence: 0, 6, 24,60,120,210, ? Show Answer

Q49) Which is the number that comes next in the following sequence? 4, 6. 12, 14. 28. 30. (.......) Show Answer

Q50) Find out the missing number in the following sequence: 1, 3, 3, 6, 7, 9, ?, 12, 21. Show Answer

Q51) In the series 357, 363, 369, .... what will be the 10th term? Show Answer

Q52) How many terms are there in the series 201, 208, 215, , 369? Show Answer

Q53) In the series 7,14, 28, .... what will be the 10th term? Show Answer

Q54) What terms will fill the blank spaces? Z X V T R (....), (....) Show Answer

Q55) Which term comes next in the sequence: nd iy dt yo tj...? Show Answer

Q56) What will be the next term in: BDF, CFI, DHL,....? Show Answer

Q57) Which term comes next in the series: YEB, WFD, UHG, SKI? Show Answer

Q58) Which term will replace the question mark in the series: ABD, DGK, HMS, MTB, SBL,???????? Show Answer

Q59) U, 0, 1, ?, A. Show Answer

Q60) Y, W, U, S, Q, ?, ? Show Answer

Q61) A, B, D, G, ? Show Answer

Q62) Z, U, Q, ?, L Show Answer

Q63) A, C, F, H, ?, M Show Answer

Q64) A, Z, X, B, V, T, C, R, ?, ?. Show Answer

Q65) R, M, ?, F, D, ? Show Answer

Q66) Z, L, X, J, V, H, T, F, ?, ? Show Answer

Q67) Z, S, W, O, T, K, Q, G, ? Show Answer

Q68) W, V, T, S, Q, P, N, M, ?, ? Show Answer

Q69) D-4, F-6, H-8, J-10, ?, ? Show Answer

Q70) 3F, 6G, 111, 18L, ? Show Answer

Q71) KM5, IP8, GS11, EV14, ? Show Answer

Q72) J2Z, K4X, I7V, ?, H16R, M22P Show Answer

Q73) 2Z5, 7Y7, 14X9, 23W11, 34V13, ? Show Answer

Q74) 2A11, 4D13, 12G17, ? Show Answer

Q75) C4X, F9U, I16R, ?. Show Answer

Q76) Q1F, S2E, U6D, W21C, ? Show Answer

Q77) Find the wrong term in the letter-number series given below: G4Tf, J10R, M20P, P43N, S90L. Show Answer

Q78) Which is the third number to the left of the number which is exactly in the middle of the following sequence of numbers? 12345678924689753 1_98765432 1 Show Answer

Q79) How many 3's are there in the following sequence which is neither preceded by nor immediately followed by 9? 9366395937891639639 Show Answer

Q80) Count each 7 which is not immediately preceded by 5 but is immediately followed by either 2 or 3. How many such 7 s are there? 57265738373257273482678 Show Answer

Q81) How many 6's are there in the following series of numbers which are preceded by 7 but not immediately followed by 9? 6795697687678694677695763 Show Answer

Q82) How many 7's are there in the following series which are not immediately followed by 3 but immediately preceded by 8? 898762263269732872778737794 Show Answer

Q83) Count each 1 in the following sequence of numbers that is immediately followed by 2, if 2 is not immediately followed by 3. How many such Is are there? 12134512352126145112412321752125 Show Answer

Q84) How many 7's are there in the following series which are preceded by 6 which is not preceded by 8? 87678675679761677688697687 Show Answer

Q85) In the following list of numerals, how many 2 s are followed by Is but not preceded by 4? 421214211244412212144214212124142124146 Show Answer

Q86) In a row of trees, one tree is fifth from either end of the row. How many trees are there in the row? Show Answer

Q87) In a queue, Amrita is 10th from the front while Mukul is 25th from behind and Mamta is just in the middle of the two. If there were 50 persons in the queue, what position does Mamta occupy from the front? Show Answer

Q88) Raman ranks sixteenth from the top and forty-ninth from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class? Show Answer

Q89) Sanjeev ranks seventh from the top and twenty-eighth from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class? Show Answer

Q90) If Atul finds that he is twelfth from the right in a line of boys and forth from the left, how many boys should be added to the line such that there are 28 boys in the line? Show Answer

Q91) Manisha ranked sixteenth from the top and twenty-ninth from the bottom among those who passed an examination. Six boys did not participate in the competition and five failed in it. How many boys were there in the class? Show Answer

Q92) Some boys are sitting in a row. P is sitting fourteenth from the left and Q is seventh from the right. If there are four boys between P and Q, how many boys are there in the row? Show Answer

Q93) Aruna ranks twelfth in a class of forty-six. What will be her rank from the last? Show Answer

Q94) Manoj and Sachin are ranked seventh and eleventh respectively from the top in a class of 31 students. What will be their respective ranks from the bottom in the class? Show Answer

Q95) Ravi is 7 ranks ahead of Sumit in a class of 39. If Sumit's rank is seventeenth from the last, what is Ravi's rank from the start? Show Answer

Q96) Satish remembers that his brothers birthday is after fifteenth but before eighteenth of February whereas his sister Payal remembers that her brothers birthday is after sixteenth but before nineteenth of February On which day in February is Satish's brothers birthday? Show Answer

Q97) A bus for Delhi leaves every thirty minutes from a bus stand. An enquiry clerk told a passenger that the bus had already left ten minutes ago and the next bus will leave at 9.35 a.m. At what time did the enquiry clerk give this information to the passenger? Show Answer

Q98) If the seventh day of a month is three days earlier than Friday, what day will it be on the nineteenth day of the month? Show Answer

Q99) If it was Saturday on 17th December 1982 what will be the day of 22nd December 1984? Show Answer

Q100) Sangeeta remembers that her fathers birthday was certainly after eighth but before thirteenth of December. Her sister Natasha remembers that their fathers birthday was definitely after ninth but before fourteenth of December. On which date of December was their fathers birthday? Show Answer

Q101) How many 5's are there in the following sequence which are preceded by 3 but not followed by 8? 4 5 8 3 2 7 3 5 1 7 8 9 3 5 8 3 1 3 5 2 Show Answer

Q102) How many even numbers are there in the following series of numbers, each of which is preceded by an odd number, but not followed by an even number? 5 3 4 8 9 7 1 6 5 3 2 9 8 7 3 5 Show Answer

Q103) If the positions of the first and the third digits within each number are interchanged, which of the following will be the third digit of the second lowest number? Show Answer

Q104) The positions of the first and the sixth digit in the number 5109238674 are interchanged. Similarly, the positions of the second and seventh digit are interchanged and so on. Which of the following will be the third digit from the right end after the rearrangement? Show Answer

Q105) In a class, boys stand in a single row. One of the boy is nineteenth in order from both the ends. How many boys are there in the row? Show Answer

Q106) Anu and Vinay are ranked seventh and eleventh, respectively from the top in a class of 31 students. What will be their respective ranks from the bottom in the class? Show Answer

Q107) Mohan is taller than Shyam but shorter than Ramesh. Ramesh is taller than Rajat but shorter than Gautam. If Shyam is taller than Rajat, then who is the shortest among all? Show Answer

Q108) Kamala would like to complete all her work before 10:00 pm in order to watch an important TV programme. She has 40 min assignment in each of her five prepared subjects. What is the least time at which she can start and still complete her home work in the time for the programme? Show Answer

Q109) If every second Saturday and all Sundays are holidays in a 30 days month beginning on Saturday, then how many working days are there in that month? Show Answer

Q110) Samant remembers that his brother's birthday is after 15th but before 18th of February, while, his sister remembers that her brother's birthday is after 16th but before 19th of February. On which date, of February, is Samant's brother's birthday? Show Answer

Q111) In a row of students, Anil is 7th from left, while Sunil is 18th from right. Both of them interchanged their positions such that Anil becomes 21st from left. What will be the total number of students in the class? Show Answer

Q112) Kanmani ranked sixteenth from the top and twenty ninth from the bottom among those who passed an examination. Six boys did not participate in the competition and five failed in it. How many boys were there in the classes? Show Answer

Q113) In class of 45 students ranks of Ayush is 15 from top, then rank of Ayush from bottom is Show Answer

Q114) In a class of students sandeep is 25th from top and 32nd from bottom in a class then total number of students in the class is Show Answer

Q115) Rashmi is 14th from the right end in a row of 40 girls. What is her position from the left end? Show Answer

Q116) 37 boys are standing in row facing the school building. Ashwini is 15th from the left end. if he is shifted six places to the right, what is his position from the right end? Show Answer

Q117) A class of girls stands in a single line. One girls is 19th in order in form both the ends. How many girls are there in the class? Show Answer

Q118) There are 35 students in a class. Suman ranks third among the girls in the class. Amit ranks 5th among the boys in the class. Suman is one rank below Amit in the class. No, Two students hold the same rank in the class. What is Amit's rank in the class? Show Answer

Q119) In a class 45 students, a boy is ranked 20th. When two boys joined, his rank was dropped by one. What is his new rank from the end? Show Answer

Q120) There are 25 boys in a horizontal row. Rahul was shifted by three places towards his rights side and he occupies the middle position in the row. What was his original position from the left end of the now? Show Answer

Q121) Sunita is the 11th from either end of a row of girls. how many girls are there i that row? Show Answer

Q122) Aman is 16th from the left end in a row of boys and vivek is 18th the from eight end. Gagan is 11th from aman towards the right and 3rd from Vivek towards the right end. How many boys are there in the row? Show Answer

Q123) Ayush remembers that Sanjay's birthday is certainly after January 12 but not later than 16th January. If Meher remembers that Sanjay's birthday's is before 17th of Jan but not before 13th Jan. On which of the following day was Sanjay's birthday? Show Answer

Q124) Pratap correctly remembers that his mother's birthday is before 23rd April but after 19th April, whereas his sisters correctly remembers that their mother's birthday is not on or after 22nd April. On which day in April is definitely their's mother's birthday? Show Answer

Q125) Meena correctly remembers that her father's birthday is after 18th May but before 22nd May her brother correctly remembers that their father's birthday is before 24th May but after 20th May. On which date in May was definitely their father's birthday? Show Answer

Q126) How many such letters are there in the arrangements each of which is either immediately preceded by a symbol or immediately followed by a number, but not both? Show Answer

Q127) If all the installments after the middle element in the above arrangement written in the reverse order, which of the following will be seventh towards right of the twelfth element from the left end? Show Answer

Q128) Which of the following is exactly in the middle between 3 and 1 in the above arrangement? Show Answer

Q129) How many such vowels are there in the above arrangement each at which is immediately followed by a number but not immediately preceded by a consonant? Show Answer

Q130) How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which is either immediately followed by a number or immediately preceded by a letter, but not both? Show Answer

Q131) Four of the following five are alike in a certain arrangement and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to the group? Show Answer

Q132) How many symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by but not immediately followed by a letter of English alphabet? Show Answer

Q133) Anand's science fair project is due 6 days after the day that is 3 days before the coming Tuesday. What day is Anand's science fair project due? Show Answer

Q134) If in a singing competition in which 90 people filled form to participate, Ramesh was ranked 12th from top and 55th from bottom amongst the people who turned the competition. How many of them were absent? Show Answer

Q135) Satbir started his diet plan on the third Friday of a certain month last year and continued for 5 days. If that month started on Saturday, What was the date when he finished his dieting? Show Answer