Practice Test

Chapter NameAvailable Questions
Final Accounts of Sole Prop. & Manufacturing Entities 30/139
Issue of Debenture 30/167
Redemption of Preference Shares 30/79
Issue Forfeiture and Reissue of Shares 30/151
Retirement and Death of a Partner 30/101
Admission of New Partner 30/157
Introduction to Partnership Accounts 30/150
Sale of Good on Approval or Return Basis 30/62
Bills of Exchange and Promissory Note 30/126
Joint Venture 30/102
Consignment 30/166
Meaning and Scope of Accounting 30/296
Depriciation 30/148
Inventories 30/112
Bank Reconciliation Statement 30/234
Rectification of Errors 30/167
Capital and Revenue Exp, Contingent Assets and Liabilities 30/98
Subsidiary Books 30/137
Journal Ledger and Trial Balance 30/202
Accounting Standards, Policies and Equations 30/76
Accounting Concepts and Principles 30/76