There are three things that are essential for success – attitude, skills and knowledge. In other words, the ASK formula.

Attitude is nothing but a state of mind that directs our action in daily life. It is a kind of mental orientation. We are all products of our attitudes – whether negative or positive – and it is important to examine them from time to time discover their real impact on our lives.
A skill can be described as an ability to do something or to apply a concept or idea; competence is the ability and willingness to do it. Skills and competencies are as importance as knowledge and are critical component of a composite leadership development.
It’s a key element of success. The right kind of knowledge enables us to correctly identify facts, helping us to acquire a better understanding of the internal and external environments. Some people equate good education with good knowledge. The reality however is quite to the contrary. Good grades in examination do not guarantee high knowledge levels: degrees or grades that have been acquired through cramming, for instance, are of little value in real-life situations. The route to rule knowledge has to pass through the valleys and passes of great character, discipline, commitment and timely activation of dormant capacities, energies and intelligence.
A positive attitude is the first stepping stone to success
What distinguishes successful people from the rest of the pack is a positive attitude: a positive attitude leads to positive behavior and ultimate to success. This is important if we are to optimize our potential and capacities; in a vast majority of people these remain grossly under-utilized. A positive attitude is a potent force; a negative attitude, on the other hand, prevents us from our full potential.

Inventor Thomas Alva Edison made 10,000 attempts before he perfected the light bulb. Any other person would have quit the scene, but Edison refused to give up. Now people with a negative mindset might say that Edison failed 10,000 times before he succeeded. However, the fact is that Edison discovered 10,000 ways of not failing.
A positive attitude is also the first step towards tracking everyday problems – be it personal or professional. You see everything that happens around and within you through the filter of your attitudes. Since many events are beyond your control, you can neither choose what happens to you, nor guarantee success and happiness. But you can definitely choose how you feel about these happenings or how you react to them. A positive mindset allows you to have mental ability and the strength to be happier and take things in your stride. In today’s fast-changing environment, most people feel that it is not so easy to succeed and move ahead. As I have said earlier, it’s all about attitude. If you think you can win, the changes are that you will; if you feel that you can’t, you probably won’t.
A positive attitude always leads to:
- Higher productivity.
- Good teamwork.
- Good relationship.
- A secure feeling.
- High self-esteem.
- Trust.
- Pleasant personalities.
- Passion and optimism.
- Good motivation.
- A sense of integrity, service and contribution.
The poem by an unknown author below beautifully sums up people with high energies, confidence and a positive attitude.
There is nothing to fear – you’re as good as the best,
As strong as the mightiest, too
You can win in every battle or test;
For there’s no one just like you
There’s only one you in the world today;
So nobody else, you see,
Can do your work in as fine a way,
You’re the only you there’ll be!
So face the world, and all life is yours,
To conquer and love and live;
And you’ll find the happiness that endures
In just the measure you give;
There’s nothing too good for you to possess,
Nor heights where you cannot go;
Your power is more that belief or guess,
It is something you have to know
There is nothing to fear – you can and you will
For you are the invincible you,
Set your foot on the highest hill,
There’s nothing you cannot do
People with a positive attitude are energetic and take initiative. They don’t sit back for want of opportunities. They act and make the opportunities if they don’t find one.