The story is told of a young couple making dinner.
The wife cuts the edges off the ham before she bakes it, and the husband asks, ‘Why do that? It seems wasteful.’‘I don’t know,’ she answers, ‘it’s what my mother always did.’
So they ask the mother, ‘How come you cut all the ends off the ham before you bake it?’ ‘Because that’s the way grandmother always did it,’
the mother says.So they ask the grandmother,‘Why did you always cut all the ends off the ham before you
So they ask the mother, ‘How come you cut all the ends off the ham before you bake it?’ ‘Because that’s the way grandmother always did it,’
the mother says.So they ask the grandmother,‘Why did you always cut all the ends off the ham before you
baked it?’
And the grandmother replies, ‘Well, that’s the only way I could get it to fit in the pan.’

Too often we go through life never stopping to think about what we are doing or why. We get up in the morning and go on autopilot and let it take us through the day. We react to whatever comes our way overlooking the many other choices we have available to us. As human beings we are responsible for our own lives. You are what you are today because of the choices you made yesterday.
There are two kinds of people in this world: those who take responsibility and act and those who only react. On an average, 90 percent of people react whereas only 10 percent act. People who react fail to take up responsibility. They develop a negative mindset and fail to take initiative in their lives.
People who take responsibility control their lives and hence their destinies. They don’t blame luck, destiny or external environment when they fail and are driven by their own values rather than behaviour of other people. Proactive people take initiative and look beyond the immediate. They have the will, determination, discipline, commitment, passion and courage to pursue their dreams. Other’s feelings, behaviour and the external environment, on the contrary, drive people who react.