CA-CPT Registration, Qualification, Fees and more
1. What is minimum educational qualification and what is minimum age required for CA-CPT exam
A pass at the 10th Standard Examination or any other examination as recognized by the central government as equivalent thereto.
A pass (or appearance) at the 10 + 2 examination or any other examination as recognized by the central government as equivalent thereto. Though a student is allowed to register for the CPT course after his/her 10th Standard, only those students who have appeared in their 10 + 2 examinations are eligible to appear at the CPT examinations.
Early registration is allowed to enable the student to prepare for the CPT along with his/her 10+2 course.
There is no stipulation as to the minimum age required for registering for the course.
2. What are the rules for "10+2 passing" requirement for CA-CPT?
There is no stipulation as to the % of marks that a student should obtain (either at the 10th level or the 10 + 2 level) to be eligible for taking up this course Registering.
A student can appear at the CPT examination immediately after his/her 10 + 2 exams and has to pass in both the CPT as well as the 10 + 2 exams to be eligible for registering for the next level of the CA course i.e. PCC.
If a student has qualified at the CPT examination but has failed the 10 + 2 examination, he/she need not appear at the CPT again. The student can subsequently register for PCC after passing the 10 + 2 examination.
3. Which certificated are required during registration?
A.Photocopies of the following certificates duly attested should be sent along with the application for registration (Original Certificates need not be furnished):
1) Marks sheet of 10th standard Examination or any other examination as recognized by the central government as equivalent thereto as a proof of minimum educational qualification.
4. When can student register for CPT?
A.Registration for these courses can be done all throughout the year. There is no such thing as a last date for registration. A student can appear for an examination that would fall immediately after the minimum course duration (2 months from the date of registration) has elapsed.
Therefore, the following dates would be the cut off dates for registration to make you eligible for appearing at the noted examination. You have to Register before the cut off date to be eligible for the relevant examination.
For being eligible to appear at the
Register on or before >> Same year April 1st
[Register on or before Apr 1st 2012 >> To attempt June 2012 Exam]
Register on or before >> Same year October 1st
[Register on or before October 1st 2012 >> To attempt December 2012 Exam]
The registration does not expire. It needs to be done only once. A student once registered, can appear at the CPT examinations by paying the examination fee as many times as needed.
Registering before the cut off date is the only requirement to enable a student to appear at the first examination for which he/she is eligible. Along with this the student is also required to apply for the examination for which he/she is eligible. For any subsequent examination, making an examination application within time is the only requirement.
5. What is provisional registration?
A.Meaning : Under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon.
Synonyms : Temporary, Interim, Conditional, Makeshift, Short-term, Impermanent
There is no provision for registering for the CPT level provisionally. Students cannot register for the course using the 10th standard examination hall ticket. They have to provide a copy of their 10th standard marks sheet or pass certificate.
6. Where do I obtain the Application and Prospectus from and where do I submit the application form?
A.Registration for the course requires the student to apply in the prescribed form enclosing the details relating to the educational qualifications, age etc., as well as the prescribed fee as mentioned in the application. Regional Councils
The ICAI is divided into five regions (north, south, east, west, central) for the purpose of administrative convenience. All the aspects relating to the student except conduct of main examinations are monitored and tracked by the regional councils.
So for any detail regarding the student one should contact the regional council relevant to him/her. The regional council relevant to a student is the one that related to the location of the student.
Once a student is registered with a regional council, he/she has to contact that regional council under whom he/she is registered originally for any aspect.
Where to Obtain
If you are registering for:
Postal Coaching
You can obtain the prospectus [Registration Application] at the institutes offices, either the Head Office, the Regional Council or the Branches
Oral Coaching
If registering for oral coaching imparted by any of the centers authorised by the institute, you can obtain the prospectus [Registration Application]
1. at the coaching center itself.
The authorised coaching center may have an additional application to be submitted along with the application for registration [which would be relevant to that centre only]
2. at the institutes offices, either the Head Office, the Regional Council or the Branches You may download the form from the institutes web site here
Where to Submit
If you are intending to register for:
Postal Coaching
You can submit the Registration Application at the Regional office relevant to the area which you give as the address for communication (generally your place of residence).
Oral Coaching
You can submit the Registration Application at the coaching center where he/she is getting admitted. Even if a student submits his/her application for registration at an office/chapter of the institute near his town/city/village (if they accept it as a service for students), it would ultimately be sent to the relevant regional office/council where the data relating to the student is maintained.
7. What are the fees for the application and registration of CPT exam?
The prospectus of the institute contains application for registration along with it. The cost of Application or Prospectus for Registering for the CPT Course:
- By Hand - Rs. 100
- By Post - Rs. 125
To know the details of the fees kindly click here. and download CPT Application form. The details of fees are given at the end of the form.
Refund of fee paid is not possible under any other circumstances.
Once an application for registration is sent, no cancellation is possible. However if the applicant does not meet the minimum requirements for being registered for the course, the institutes would reject the application. Only in such cases you would receive the instrument (D.D/Challan) you have used to pay the fee back. You can cancel the instrument and get the money on it back.
8.What are the subjects included in CPT exam and what is their marks weightage?
A.SESSION - I (Two Sections - Two hours - 100 Marks)
Section A: Fundamentals of Accounting (60 Marks)
Section B: Mercantile Laws (40 Marks)
SESSION - II (Two Sections - Two hours - 100 Marks)
Section C: General Economics (50 Marks)
Section D: Quantitative Aptitude (50 Marks)
Useful Links: | CPT Study Material |
CPT Lecture Notes | |
CPT Model Test Papers |
Also View: | Prexam CA-CPT Online Test Series |
CA-CPT Syllabus | |
CA-CPT Important Dates |