Practice Test

Q1) Which metal is used for generation of Nuclear Energy by Nuclear Power Plants?
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Q2) The Union Cabinet recently approved the establishment of a National Centre for Molecular Materials (NCMM) as an autonomous institute of the Government of India under the department of science and technology. In which of these Stated NCMM will be set up? Show Answer

Q3) India recently signed the Nuclear Liability Treaty under the aegis of IAEA. How many countries have singed this treaty so for? Show Answer

Q4) For which one of the following is Satara well known? Show Answer

Q5) the first nuclear reactor in India is Show Answer

Q6) Non-nuclear weapons of mass destruction Show Answer

Q7) Atomic Minerals Directorate is located at Show Answer

Q8) Which one of the following is not correctly matched? Show Answer

Q9) India's first heavy water plant was setup in 1962 at
Show Answer

Q10) The Uranium Corporation o India is located at Jaduguda in Show Answer

Q11) Which of the following country in 2011 decided to phase out nuclear power plants by 2022? Show Answer

Q12) Scientists at the Indira Gandhi centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, have successful extended the life of Fast Breeder Test Reactor(FBTR) by another 20 years. This centre is located in: Show Answer

Q13) State run Nuclear Power Crop. of India Ltd, has set up a joint venture company with ______For developing atomic power projects in the country.
Show Answer

Q14) The Government of India is planning to establish a new independent nuclear safety regulatory authority . Who among the following will head new authority? Show Answer

Q15) In a break through the scientist have isolated an exotic radioactive gas which they claim would make it easier to detect under ground nuclear tests from air samples, The name of this radioactive gas is? Show Answer

Q16) Which among the following statements is/are correct ?
1) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recently dedicated the second Power Reactor Reprocessing Plant at Tarapur, Maharashtra.
2) With a total capacity of 1400 MW. Tarapur is the largest nuclear power station in India.
Show Answer

Q17) Which among the following statements is/are correct ?
1) The 98th Indian Science Congress was held in Bhubhaneswar recently
2) The next congress will be held at the SRM University,near chennai in 2012 Show Answer

Q18) US President Barack Obama has has ended Indian's nuclear isolation by announcing lifting of ban on high end technology exports and removal of Indian organization from the ban entity list. Chose the organization from the following list , which have been removed from the banned list
1) Indian Space Research Organization
2) Defence Research and Development Organization
3) Bharat Dynamics Limited
4) Department of Atomic Energy Show Answer

Q19) Consider the following organizations:
1) Atomic Minerals Directorate for research & Exploration
2) Heavy Water Board
3) Indian Rare Earths Limited
4) Uranium Corporation of India
Which of these is/are under the department of Atomic Energy? Show Answer

Q20) Consider the following statements:
1) The Nuclear Suppliers Group has 24 Countries as its member
2) India is a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group.
Which of statement is/are correct? Show Answer

Q21) To meet its rapidly growing energy demand, some opine that India should pursue research and development on thorium as the future full of nuclear energy. In this context, what advantages does thorium hold over uranium?
1) Thorium is far more abundant in nature than uranium.
2) On the basis of per unit mass of mined mineral, thorium can generate more energy compared to natural uranium.
3) Thorium produces less harmful waste compared to uranium.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Show Answer

Q22) Consider the following statements about Jaitapur Project:
1) It will be India's largest Atomic Reactor in terms of power generation.
2) Areva which is going to establish this project is an South Korean giant.
Which of the above statement is/are true ? Show Answer

Q23) Consider the following statements:
1) In 2008, Government of India adopted the Guidelines developed by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection from mobile towers.
2) The value chosen for the permissible Power Density (Mobile radiation ) are 4.5 W/Sqm for 900 Mhz & 9 W/Sqm for 1800 Mhz.
Which of the above statement is/are true? Show Answer

Q24) Consider the following statements:
1) 10 Nuclear Power Plants of India comes under the AERB (Atomic Energy regulatory Board).
2) Meckani committee recommended that the Nuclear Regulator be created as a statutory Body.
3) Kudankula Nuclear Project will operate by AERB.
Which of the above statement is/are true? Show Answer

Q25) Consider the following statements:
1) Cobalt-60 was leaked when a worker cut open a piece of metal in a Delhi market this cobalt-60 is used for medical purposes, industrial radiography for nondestructive testing and in food processing industry for irradiation process.
1) The Atomic Energy Regularity Board (AERB) is meant to maintain a " Cradle to grave" system to keep track of such equipment, including through on-site inspection.
Which of the above statement is/are correct? Show Answer

Q26) Consider the following statements:
1) The fast Breeder test Reactor (FBTR) is at the heart of the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) at kalpakkam, and it is a forerunner to the second stage of the the country 's nuclear power programme.
2) Fast Reactors use "Fast" (high energy) neutrons to sustain the fission process, in contrast to water colled reactors that use thermal (low energy) neutrons. Fast reactors are commonly known as breeders because they breed more fuel than they consume.
Which of the above statement is/are true? Show Answer

Q27) Consider the following statements regarding India's Nuclear programme :
1) In the first stage, India is using natural uranium as fuel to pressurised Heavy water Reactors(PHWR).
2) In the Second Stage, plutonium reprocessed from the spent fuel of the PHWRs, depleted uranium and thorium kept in the blanket from will be used as fuel to power a series of breeder reactors, Thorium used in the breeders gets converted into uranium-233, a fissile material.
3) In the third stage, reactors will use thorium and uranium-233 to generate electricity.
4) India's Nuclear Fuel Complex is in Hydrabad.
Which of the above statement is/are true? Show Answer

Q28) Consider the following statements :
1) The department of Atomic Energy (DAE) is get permission to locate the India-based neutrino observatory (INO) at Singara in Niligiri district in Tamil Nadu.
2) The INO is a major underground experimental facility to study the elusive and nearlymass-less fundamental particles of nature called neutrinos.
Which of the above statement is/arecorrect? Show Answer

Q29) In the case of the nuclear disaster which of the following options for cooling the nuclear reactors may be adopted?
1) Pumping of water to the reactors.
2) Use of boric acid.
3) Taking out the fuel and keeping them in a cooling pond.
Select the correct answer using the code given below Show Answer

Q30) Consider the following statements:
1) India has a published nuclear doctrine.
2) The doctrine advocates 'no-first-use' policy.
3) The authority to release nuclear weapons for use resides in the person of the President of India.
Which of the above statement is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q31) Consider the following statements about Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)
1) The treaty comes into force only if and when all nuclear capable countries sing it.
2) Iraq and India have not signed the treaty.
Which of the statement given above is/are correct? Show Answer

Q32) Consider the following statements:
1) India has 10 Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs)
2) The spent fuel from the PHWRs is reprocessed1 into plutonium.
3) All imported reactors are under the safeguard of the international Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Which of the statement given above is/are correct? Show Answer

Q33) Consider the following statements :
1) United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act,2006 was named in honour of the Chairman of the House Committee on International Relations.
2) About 25% of world's total thorium reserves are in India.

Which of the statement given above is/are correct? Show Answer

Q34) Identify the correct statement(s) from the given:
1) Germany has decided to phase out the use of nuclear reactors by 2022.
2) UARS of NASA was launched in 1991.
3) UARS was launched to study the process of climate change. Show Answer

Q35) Consider the following statements :
1) Cirus was the third Indian Research Reactor.
2) Fast Breeder Test Reactor is at Kalpakkam.
Correct statement/ statements is/are
Show Answer

Q36) Consider the following statements in relation to the nuclear reactors and choose the correct alternative:
1) The pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) uses natural Uranium as the Fuel.
2) The Fast breeder Reactor (FBR) uses liquid Sodium as the moderator.
3) The Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) will be based on U233 as the fuel.
4) The French Company Areva is building the European Pressurized Reactors (EPR) at Jaitapur in Maharashtra.
Show Answer

Q37) Identify the correct statement(s):
1) IAEA governing body has decided to established a nuclear fuel bank.
2) India will be able to draw fuel from the nuclear fuel bank.
Show Answer

Q38) Identify the correct statement(s):
1) BRIT is associated with the production of radioisotopes.
2) Aditya is an Indian cyclotron.
3) India is not a full fledged partner of ITER. Show Answer

Q39) The stages of India's Nuclear Power Programme differs with respect to:
1) Fuel used
2) Technology
3) Stage of development
Show Answer

Q40) Identify the correct statement(s):
1) The Department of Atomic Energy is directly under the prime Minister of India
2) The Rajasthan Atomic Power Station (RAPS) is Largest power producing nuclear site. Show Answer

Q41) The 700Mw PHWR are operating at:
1) Tarapur
2) Kakrapara
3) Rawatbhatta Show Answer

Q42) Identify the correct statement(s):
1)The first private radiation processing plants to operated by M/s organic Green Foods Ltd at Kolkata
2) Krushak ratiaion processing plant is operated by BARC and is at Lasalgaon Nashik Show Answer

Q43) The correct order of the countries from top to bottom in the Nuclear Safety Index is:
1) Belarus
2) France
3) Israel
4) U.K. Show Answer

Q44) Assertion: India conducted its second underground nuclear explosion in 1998
Reason: India conducted its first underground nuclear explosion in 1974 Show Answer

Q45) Consider the following statements
1) China has the largest military in terms of people in the world
2) China has the highest military expenditure budget in the world
Which of the above statements are correct ? Show Answer

Q46) Which one of the following statements is false regarding defence organisation ? Show Answer

Q47) Scorpion submarins are builts by the Mazagaon Dock Limited. This is expected to be available to the Indian Navy in 2015. Indian got the Scorpion Submarins from Show Answer

Q48) Which of the following is not an UAV ?
1) Golden Hawk
2) Hale
3) Lakshya
4) Nishant
Show Answer

Q49) Consider the following statements
1) BrahMos is stealth supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft or land
2) It is the worlds fastest cruise missile in operation
Which of the above statements is/are true ? Show Answer

Q50) Consider the following statements
1) The majority of uranium found in mature is Uranium-238
2) Uranium-235 is only naturally occuring fissile isotope.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q51) Which of the following descriptions is not correct about the nuclear reactors ? Show Answer

Q52) Which one of the following is not the member of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Project ? Show Answer

Q53) The function of the heavy water in a nuclear reactor is to Show Answer

Q54) Which of the following pairs are correctly matched ?
1) India's first atomic reactor : Apsara Reactor
2) India's first field air craft carrier : INS Vikrant
3) India's first field marshal : Manekshaw
4) India's first satellite : Arybhatta
Select the correct answer using the codes given below Show Answer

Q55) Assertion (A) India supports the development and use of the Chabahar Port in Iran
Reason (R) India does not subscribe to Western sanction on energy trade with Iran. Show Answer

Q56) Consider the following statements
1) Rare earth elements are a selected group of 17 elements that are crucial to many of the world's most advanced technologies including missiles.MP3 mobiles phones
2) China is estimated to account for more than 95% of the global supply of rare earth elements
Which of the above statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q57) Consider the following statements with reference to BrahMos
1) It is PJ-10 supersonic anti-ship cruise missile with two stage propulsion system.
2) It has a solid booster and a liquid sustainer engine
3) It can be launched from ship sub-surface/air based platform
4) It has a range of 280-300 km with a payload capacity of 200-300 kg.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q58) Consider the following statements
1) Cobalt-60 is used for medical purposes, industrial radiography for non-destructive testing and in the food processing industry for irradiation process.
2) The Atomic energy Regulatory Board (AERB) is meant to maintain a 'Cradle to grave' system to keep track of such equipment.
Which of the above statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q59) Consider the following statements
Which of the above statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q60) Consider the following statements
1) Cryogenic engines use liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen at very low temperature
2) This technology is needed to put heavier, communication satellites in a geosynchronous transfer
Which of the above statements is correct ? Show Answer

Q61) What is the role of the ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the water purification systems?
1. It inactivates/kills the harmful micro - organism in water.
2. It removes all the undesirable odours from the water.
3. if quicken the sedimentation of solid particle, removes turbidity and improves the clarity of water.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Show Answer

Q62) Which of the following statements is true about Agni - V?
1. Its is the first nuclear Inter - continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM)
2.It has a range of over 5000 km
3.It can carry a nuclear warhead of 1500 kg.
4. It was successfully test - fired by DRDO from wheeler Island of the coast of Odisha.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Show Answer

Q63) Consider the following statements:
1. The name 'BrahMos' is derived from the names of two rivers, the Brahmputra' of India and the 'Maskora of Russia
2. The BrahMos missile travels at the speed of Mach to 3.0 - 8.0
Select the correct answer using the codes given below: Show Answer

Q64) Fast breeder reactor is a nuclear reactor producing electricity which produces electricity Show Answer

Q65) A breeder reactor is that which Show Answer

Q66) The offical code name of the Pokharn nuclear test 1740, was Show Answer

Q67) The Pokharan II test was conducted on Show Answer

Q68) In May, 1998 India had conducted 5 nuclear tests at Pokhran. In which state does Pokhran lie? Show Answer

Q69) Constituents of atomic nuclear are- Show Answer

Q70) Which of the following is not a part of an atom? Show Answer

Q71) Radioactivity is measured by Show Answer

Q72) Radioactivity was discovered by : Show Answer

Q73) Which one of the following is paramagnetic in nature ? Show Answer

Q74) Which of the following has signed a peace deal with rebel army ? Show Answer

Q75) Who is not a Nuclear Power? Show Answer

Q76) Central Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone (CANWFZ) Treaty was signed on - Show Answer

Q77) Consider the following statements :
Assertion(A): India’s nuclear policy incorporates its unpreparedness to open its nuclear plants for international inspection.
Reason(R): India will not produce any nuclear bomb.
Select your answer form the code given below : Show Answer

Q78) Consider the following statements:
1. National Thermal Power Corporation has diversified into hydropower sector
2. Power Grid Corporation of India has diversified into telecom sector
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Show Answer

Q79) Proposed Kowada Nuclear Power Plant is located in Show Answer