Practice Test

Q1) If the family spends Rs.3200 per month then what is monthly tax ? Show Answer

Q2) How many degrees should be there in the central angle of the sector for education ? Show Answer

Q3) How many degrees should be there in the central angle to show education, taxes and transports conceived ? Show Answer

Q4) The average annual interest on mortgage investment is B%, and the average annual interest on the bond investment is C%. If the annual interest on the bond investment is "A" Rupees, how many rupees are invested in mortgages ? Show Answer

Q5) About how many degrees are in the angle of the sector representing mortgages ? Show Answer

Q6) What per cent of the amount of cash on hand is the money invested in stocks ? Show Answer

Q7) The annual rate interest from "other assets" is 4.8%. If the total assets of the bank are 57.6 million rupees, what is the annual income (in rupees) from "other assets "? Show Answer

Q8) What was the increase or decrease in the allocations for social security and insurance from 1986 to 1996 ? Show Answer

Q9) The consumer price index rose by about 280% from 1986 to 1996. What per cent of the increase in recreation and entertainment allocation is attributed to inflation ? Show Answer

Q10) What item increased least in rupee amount from 1986 to 1996 ? Show Answer

Q11) By what factor did the allocation for recreation and entertainment increase from 1986 and 1996 ? Show Answer

Q12) If D was the allocated amount for Development Loans for this year, assuming that each of the 8 countries listed received the same amount of money, what would be the amount of loan for India have been ? Show Answer

Q13) According to the Data furnished, what percent of the proposed economic assistance would India received during the year 1997-98 Show Answer

Q14) If 72% of the supporting assistance was proposed to India and other four major receipts received the same amount each under the program of World Bank, what percent of entire amount would India have received ? Show Answer

Q15) According to the above pie charts how much amount of money belonging to the total assets was invested in Bonds approximately ? Show Answer

Q16) How much amount of total assets was budgeted for business expansion ? Show Answer

Q17) Which of the following will amount to least of money out of the total assets of Rs.1,080,192. Show Answer

Q18) Which of the following will be the greatest ? Show Answer

Q19) If the total costs of re-engineering is Rs.128.3 lakh, find the value of D ? Show Answer

Q20) If total cost of re-engineering is doubled, what will be value of D ? Show Answer

Q21) If there is four times increase in cost of technology, what will be the total amount spent for hiring the new technology ? Show Answer

Q22) If total cost increases by 5 times, what will be the increase in percentage ? Show Answer

Q23) If the cost of training increase from 0.6 to 2.4 lakh, what will be the percentage increased ? Show Answer

Q24) If the cost technology increases by 2%, how much amount will be involved in buying the technology ? Show Answer

Q25) Cost of technology and cost of equipment and land put together will amount to : Show Answer

Q26) How many matches did the team win during the entire year ? Show Answer

Q27) What per cent of the matches did the team win ? Show Answer

Q28) According to the chart, which tournament was the worst for the team ? Show Answer

Q29) Which tournament was the best tournament for the team ? Show Answer

Q30) If there are fifty more matches to play in the year, how many more matches must the team win to end up winning 70% of the matches. Show Answer

Q31) The % age increase in sales in 1993 over the previous year was maximum for which class of vehicles. Show Answer

Q32) In which year was the number of Class V vehicles sold the highest % of the total no. of vehicles sold during that year ? Show Answer

Q33) The number of Class I vehicles sold in 1993 was approximately what per cent of the total number of vehicles sold in 1992 ? Show Answer

Q34) If the same percentage increase in the number of Class I vehicles in 1994 over 1993 is expected in 1995, approximately how many vehicles will be sold in 1995 ? Show Answer

Q35) In which of the following years was the number of Class II vehicles sold approximately 25% of the number of Class V vehicles sold ? Show Answer

Q36) In 1998, production of which type of watch was about 40% of the production of Type A in preceding year ? Show Answer

Q37) What is the approximate % age increase in production the Type B watch from 1995 to 1996 ? Show Answer

Q38) In which year the production of Type F watch was 8 % of its total production ? Show Answer

Q39) Production of which type of watch together in 1996 and 1998 is equal to the production of Type B in 1999 ? Show Answer

Q40) Production of which type has increased consistently over the year ? Show Answer

Q41) What is the difference in subscription of scheme V between December and January. Show Answer

Q42) If the subscription to a scheme is the criterion of popularity, which of the scheme can be termed as most popular over the months ? Show Answer

Q43) In which of the following months, the total subscription to W and X schemes was equal to the subscription to W scheme in February 1999 ? Show Answer

Q44) For which of the following types of scheme was there continues decrease over the year ? Show Answer

Q45) What is the percentage increase in the subscription to Z- scheme from January to February ? Show Answer

Q46) Which brand of scooters had the maximum cumulative growth in 1993 - 1994 over 1992-93 ? Show Answer

Q47) Among motorbikes, which brand registered the highest growth in sale in 1994 - 95 over 1993-94 ? Show Answer

Q48) What was the unit sale of scooters of other brands in 1994 - 95 ? Show Answer

Q49) Which of the following statement(s) can be inferred form the data given in the above table ?

1. Bajaj scooters registered the highest sale in 1994 - 95 but its cumulative growth rate did not register any over the previous year.

2. Sale of Maharashtra Auto scooters had registered the highest growth rate in 1993 - 94 over 1992-93.

3. There was no change in the unit sale of scooters of other brands in the three years.

4. Though units sale of other brands of motorbikes was less than that of the leading brands in 1993-94,
they registered the highest growth rate over 1992-93. Show Answer

Q50) What was the average monthly sale of scooters during the year ending 31 March, 1995 ? Show Answer

Q51) What was the unit sale of motorbikes of other brands in 1993 - 94 ? Show Answer

Q52) What percentage of the weight of brain is the gastro intestinal tract ? Show Answer

Q53) If 40% of the weight of blood is made up of cells, what % ( to the nearest 1/10 of a %) of total body weight is made up of blood cells ? Show Answer

Q54) If the weight of the skeleton is represented as 'g' grams, the total body weight can be represented as Show Answer

Q55) How many games did the team win during the first seven seasons ? Show Answer

Q56) What percent of the games did the team win ? Show Answer

Q57) According to the chart, which season was the worst for the team ? Show Answer

Q58) Which season was the best season for the team ? Show Answer

Q59) If there are fifty more games to play in these five years, how many games must the team win to end up winning 70% of the games. Show Answer

Q60) Of the total number of scholarships awarded in 1990, the scholarship awarded to SC/ST's accounted for, Show Answer

Q61) The largest percentage decrease in the value of scholarship in 1990 to 1991 in the category of Show Answer

Q62) 1990 the average amount of each scholarship was lowest for the category of Show Answer

Q63) The category which had the largest numerical reduction in the number of scholarship from 1990 to 1991 was Show Answer

Q64) When the categories were ranked for each year, according to the number of scholarship awarded to each category (largest number of rank first), the number of categories which will have the same rank in 1990 as in 1991 is Show Answer

Q65) For the two years considered (1990 and 1991), the average value of scholarship awarded to undergraduates was approximately Show Answer

Q66) In which year was the increase percentage minimum ? Show Answer

Q67) What is the average yearly increase in raw cotton procurement price for vardhman spinning from 1989 to 1997. Show Answer

Q68) The price in 1996 - 97 is what percent of prices in 1989 - 90 ? Show Answer

Q69) what is the maximum increase percent in procurement price in any two consecutive years ? Show Answer

Q70) If Gopal sells 140 quintals of saw cotton every year, what shall be the change in his income from 1980 - 90 to 1996 -97 Show Answer

Q71) If the income from the sale of blended yarn during the given year is 'x' then the total income during the said period in about ? Show Answer

Q72) What is correlation between the return on loans and indirect manufacturing costs (Pension Funds and social Amenities) ? Show Answer

Q73) The average yearly combined expenditure on packing materials, marketing expenditure and general overheads was approximately what fraction of the total annual expenditure of the firm. Show Answer

Q74) What is the relation between receipts of loans and the expenditure on Pension Fund and social Amenities ? Show Answer

Q75) What is the difference between excise duty refund and excise duty paid in Rupees ? Show Answer

Q76) After how many hours the train in the above graph will travel a distance of 100 km ? Show Answer

Q77) What is the percentage increase in the net operating profit in 1992-93 over 1991-92 ? Show Answer

Q78) What was the amount of interest paid by the company in 1991-92 ? Show Answer

Q79) What is the percentage increase in the payment of interest in 1992-93 over 1991-92 ? Show Answer

Q80) After the payment of interest from the operating profit, what was the gross profit in 1991-92? Show Answer

Q81) What was the amount of tax provision in 1991 -92 ? Show Answer

Q82) What was the increase in gross profit after deduction of interest from the operating profit in 1992 - 93 over 1991 - 92 ? Show Answer

Q83) What was the net profit in 1992-93 after providing for interest,depreciation and taxes ? Show Answer

Q84) What was the amount of dividend outgo in 1992-93 ? Show Answer

Q85) What was the percentage of profit retained in 1991 - 92 ? Show Answer

Q86) Calculate the percentage of operating profit to the net sales in 1992 - 93 ? Show Answer

Q87) Which state had the greatest increase in the number of female voters ? Show Answer

Q88) About what percentage was the number of female voters in Bihar in 1973 as compared to the number today ? Show Answer

Q89) In which state was the number of female voters almost doubled ? Show Answer

Q90) What was the total number of females voters in those seven states in 1973 ? Show Answer

Q91) According to the chart, which state has the largest number of female voters at present Show Answer

Q92) What was the ratio of Indian Fabric produced in 1986 as compared with 1995 ? Show Answer

Q93) For the years 1986 through 1991, excluding 1990, how many billion square feet of fabric were produce all together Show Answer

Q94) Between which consecutive odd years and between which consecutive even years was the Indian fabric production jump greatest ? Show Answer

Q95) Between 1992 and 1996, the largest number of disability beneficiaries was reported as rehabilitated in the year Show Answer

Q96) Between 1980 and 1990, about how many clients were rehabilitated by Central rehabilitation societies ? Show Answer

Q97) Which of of the following statements are true :
(a) Public issue can be floated in market only after the clearance from the controller of capital issue.
(b) Loan agreement with Bank of America can commence only after the approval from the govt.
(c) Approval of building plans must be completed before commencing tendering and awarding of construction work. Show Answer

Q98) The completion of project will be delayed beyond the scheduled date if one of the following activities is delayed by one month. Which activity is this ? Show Answer

Q99) By which date at least 60% of all the activities will be completed Show Answer

Q100) If you assume that the implementation program is as per the schedule, then the implementation of this project will be completed when....
a. Assets are physically transfered from VMT Group to VMT-EOC
b. Stage 3 of activity number 6 is completed
c. The first lot of yarn is actually spun. Show Answer

Q101) Which of the following activities will require the longest execution time ? Show Answer

Q102) Approximately what percentage of the students who graduated (got degree) were of age between 21 and 27 years ? Show Answer

Q103) In this group, the number of students who graduated at ages 36-39 is probably about Show Answer

Q104) In one million degree holders, how many thousand (to the nearest thousand) students would you expect to be between ages of 51 and 60 ? Show Answer

Q105) Which of the following best represents the percentage of students who graduated at age of 24 or younger ? Show Answer

Q106) The combined years in which there were urban families with 3 girls in it were Show Answer

Q107) Which statement is not true ? Show Answer

Q108) The combined 1990 "No girls" and "4- girls or more" urban families made up approximately what percentage of all 1965 urban families. Show Answer

Q109) If the total no of questions for the Bank P.O. test and NDA test are the same then what is the percentage increase for Maths questions ? Show Answer

Q110) If there are 66 questions in MBA Test, about how many Maths or English questions are there in it ? Show Answer

Q111) If the number of Questions in the NDA test is twice the number of questions in Bank.P.O. test, then how many more Maths questions are there in Bank P.O.test than the English questions in the NDA test ? Show Answer

Q112) If we assume that, number of questions asked in NDA test are the number of questions asked in MBA test, than what per cent of Maths questions were asked in both the test taken together ? Show Answer

Q113) If 1000 questions were asked is IAS Prilims test, then what is the difference between the number of GK Questions asked and the number of English asked ? Show Answer

Q114) If the population was about 215 ,million in 1993, what is the approximately cost per capita for the sports. Show Answer

Q115) What is the ratio of total sport expenditures in 1993 to that of 1980 ? Show Answer

Q116) What was the per cent age increased in sports expenditure from 1992 to 1993 ? Show Answer

Q117) What will be the least time taken (in hrs) to reach from Ludhiana to Mount Abu . Show Answer

Q118) The shortest route between Ludhiana and Mount Abu will be ? Show Answer

Q119) Which is the shortest route between Delhi and Ahmedabad ? Show Answer

Q120) The shortest route between Ganganagar and Ahmedabad will be of how many hours ? Show Answer

Q121) Which of the five university has the highest percentage of graduates in science ? Show Answer

Q122) From the data provided above we can make out that ________ Show Answer

Q123) If Punjab University has 25000 students and Punjabi University has 15000, how many more students graduate in Arts in Punjab University than in Punjabi University (approximately) ? Show Answer

Q124) About what percentage of the students in Punjabi University graduate in commerce ? Show Answer

Q125) Which of the following statements are true
a. Punjabi University has students more evenly distributed over the three disciplines then any other university.
b. If all the universities mentioned in the problem were to be taken together, the number of science graduates would come out to be less than the number of students graduating in either of the other two disciplines.
c. Punjab University has better Arts department than that of Delhi University. Show Answer

Q126) In 1990, the exports of cars was about _____ of the total Indian automobile exports-import trade. Show Answer

Q127) The number of exployees in 1990 was about _________ of the highest employment year ? Show Answer

Q128) The years in which the number of car import and export were same as well as farthest apart were Show Answer

Q129) Maruti Udhyog and Hindustan Motors together had about what percentage of the entire market ? Show Answer

Q130) These auto industry graphs and charts will not be able to tell you the following facts for the period 1976 to 1990 ? Show Answer

Q131) What per cent of those who participated in the summer Olympics in 1992 also participated in winter Olympics 1992 ? Show Answer

Q132) Which period experienced the largest growth of participants in the international games ? Show Answer

Q133) Which two successive games show largest fall- off international games participants from a summer Olympic games to the next summer Olympic game ? Show Answer

Q134) What per cent of the international games participants in 1984. Participated in the summer Olympic games that year ? Show Answer

Q135) In 1997, what % of the total expenditure was from government funds ? Show Answer

Q136) What was the increase in company funds in R & D from 1983 onwards till 1997 ? Show Answer

Q137) What is the percentage of increase of the company funds spent in R & D projects form 1983 to 1997 ? Show Answer

Q138) What was the change in relative number of R & D officers with respect to all employees from 1994 to 1995. Show Answer

Q139) About how much amount from government funds was spent on R & D in 1997 ? Show Answer

Q140) The greatest and the least number of passengers killings occured during. Show Answer

Q141) The sharpest drop in passenger-killings per 10 lakh miles was during the period of Show Answer

Q142) The period with the smallest increase in total passenger miles was Show Answer

Q143) In June 1996, passenger killings numbered approximately Show Answer

Q144) Which of the following statement is wrong ? Show Answer

Q145) The average speed of the train is _________ Show Answer

Q146) What is the highest rate of acceleration ? Show Answer

Q147) If the rate of acceleration is going down even after 8th hour, the train will stop at Show Answer

Q148) If we consider two - hour time periods, then what is the second highest distance covered in one time period ? Show Answer

Q149) The highest percentage growth in the turnover of Dhaliwal group was awarded during Show Answer

Q150) The trends for total turnover and Net profit / loss were same for each year except Show Answer

Q151) The following years marked loss for Dhaliwal Group ? Show Answer

Q152) In which year was the recorded net profit as a percentage of total turnover was highest ? Show Answer

Q153) How many crores of Rupees would be the total turnover of the company in 1988, if the same per cent growth rate was maintained as observed in 1986 and 1987 ? Show Answer

Q154) The percentage growth in total revenues was maximum in Show Answer

Q155) If profitability is net profit / total revenue then, the Indian Express faced lowest profitability during Show Answer

Q156) Which of the following statements is true ? Show Answer

Q157) If the turnover index is total revenue generated divided by the capital investment, then this index was at peak during. Show Answer

Q158) If in 1969, we keep constant the total revenue generated, total capital investment and net profit as in 1968, then the turnover index in 1970 will read Show Answer

Q159) Which of the following statements are true ?
(a) A drop in plant utilization levels was the cause of decrease of output of blended yarn in 1994 and 1997.
(b) The production of blended yarn was recorded maximum when plant utilization was at its peak.
(c) Drop in plant capacity was the cause of decrease in production of blended yarn production between 1994 and 1997. Show Answer

Q160) The blended yarn producing capacity was lowest in Show Answer

Q161) The capacity utilization in blended yarn production was maximum in Show Answer

Q162) The blended yarn production capacity in 1996 was approximately how much billion tonnes ? Show Answer

Q163) Whenever the yarn export increased subsequently the yarn imports decreased or vice versa expect in the year. Show Answer

Q164) During which 3-months period did the stock market experience the greatest fall ? Show Answer

Q165) The average at the end of this year is approximately what percent of the average at the beginning of this year ? Show Answer

Q166) In which month was the average highest and in which month was the lowest ? Show Answer

Q167) What is the approximate ratio of the highest stock average to lowest ? Show Answer

Q168) What is the approximate percentage decrease in the stock average from its overall highest point to the lowest value during the month September ? Show Answer

Q169) What is the total number of Boys, for all streams together, in the year 2004 ? Show Answer

Q170) The number of Boys in Arts stream in the year 2004 is approximately what percent of the total number of boys for all the years together in Arts streams ? Show Answer

Q171) What is the ratio of the total number of boys to the total number of girls, from all the streams together for the year 2007 ? Show Answer

Q172) What is the ratio of the total number of Boys to the total number of Girls in the management stream for all the years together ? Show Answer

Q173) What is the average number of girls from commerce stream for the given years ? Show Answer

Q174) What was difference between the number of unemployed male youth in state F in 2005 and the number of unemployed male youth in state A in 2006 ? Show Answer

Q175) What was the respective ratio between unemployed male youth in state D in 2005 and the unemployed male youth in state D in 2006 ? Show Answer

Q176) What was the total number of unemployed youth in state A in 2006 ? Show Answer

Q177) How many female youth were unemployed in state D in 2005 ?
Show Answer

Q178) Number of unemployed male youth in state A in 2005 was what percent of the number of unemployed female youth in State E in 2006 ? Show Answer

Q179) What is the respective ratio of total numbers of Girls Enrolled in painting in the institutes A and C together to those Enrolled in Stitching in the Institute D and E together ? Show Answer

Q180) Number of Girls Enrolled in Stitching in Institute B forms approximately what percent of the total number of Girls Enrolled in stitching in all institute together ? Show Answer

Q181) What is the respective ratio of total number of Girls Enrolled in painting, stitching and dancing from all the Institute together ? Show Answer

Q182) Number of Girls Enrolled in Dancing in Institute A forms what percent of total number of Girls Enrolled in all the Hobby classes together in that Institute ? (rounded off to two digits after decimal) Show Answer

Q183) What is the total number of Girls Enrolled in Painting from all the Institute together ? Show Answer

Q184) What is the total number of Females working in IT and Recruitment Department together ? Show Answer

Q185) What is the number of Females working in the HR Department ? Show Answer

Q186) Number of Males working in HR department form approximately what percent of total number of the employees in the Organization ? Show Answer

Q187) Number of Males working in PR Department forms what percent of the Females working in the same department ? (rounded off to two digits after decimal). Show Answer

Q188) What is the total number of employees working in the management department ? Show Answer

Q189) What is the ratio between the total profit earned by Company C in 2003 and 2004 together and the total profit earned by company E in these two years respectively ? Show Answer

Q190) What is the ratio between the profit earned by company A in 2004 and the profit earned by company B in 2003 respectively ? Show Answer

Q191) What was the average profit earned by all the companies in 2003 ? ( In crore Rs. Rounded off to two digits after decimal ) Show Answer

Q192) Profit earned by company B in 2004 is what percent of the profit earned by the same company in 2003 ? Show Answer

Q193) What is the difference ( in crore Rs.) between the total profit earned by companies in E, F and G together in 2003 and the total profit earned by these companies in 2004 ? Show Answer

Q194) In which of the following years is the percentage increase/ decrease in the percentage increase/decrease in the total income of the Railways the maximum in comparison to its previous year? Show Answer

Q195) In which of the following years is the profit of the Railways the maximum? Show Answer

Q196) In how many years is the income from Express trains less than the average income the Express trains in all the given years together? Show Answer

Q197) What is the approximate percentage income from Super fast train in 2011-12 in comparison to the total income from Super fast trains for all the given years? Show Answer

Q198) The total expenditure of the Railways on both the trains is approximately what percent of the total income of the Railway from both the trains for all the given years together? Show Answer

Q199) Number of students appearing from B state in 2016 was. What per cent of that from F state F in 2015? Show Answer

Q200) The total number of students appearing from B & C together in 2015 is approximately equal to that from which of the following pairs of states in 2016? Show Answer

Q201) If there were 30000 students appearing in the examination from Hyderabad in 2016, and 35000 students appearing from Chennai in 2016, find the percentage of students students not from the Hyderabad and Chennai in 2016. Show Answer

Q202) What is the per cent students appearing from state A, C and F in 2015, same states in 2016? Show Answer

Q203) If number of students appearing examination in 2014 is 20% more than students appearing in 2015.
Find the number of students appearing examination from state B in 2014? Show Answer

Q204) What is the selling price and % of Profit of Sony Mobile? Show Answer

Q205) What is the % of Profit Micromax, If Cost Price of Micromax is 3/5 of Cost Price of HTC mobile? Show Answer

Q206) What is the selling price and % of profit of LG mobile?. If profit is 5oo more than the profit of Samsung
mobile. Show Answer

Q207) What is the profit earned on Apple mobile? Show Answer

Q208) What is the ratio between Cost Price and Selling price of Samsung? Show Answer

Q209) In which of the following years is per unit cost the maximum? Show Answer

Q210) What is the average cost during the period 2007 to 2014? Show Answer

Q211) If the SP per unit decreases by 20% during 2007 to 2010 and the cost per unit increases by 20% during 2011 to 2014. then during how many years is there no profit or loss? Show Answer

Q212) What is the average of quantities sold during the period 2008 to 2012? Show Answer

Q213) if the SP per unit decreased by 25% during 2007 to 2010 and the CP per unit increased by 25% during 2011 to 2014 then the cumulative profit for the entire period 2007 to 2014 decreased by: Show Answer

Q214) If the batsman played 14 innings against Sri lanka in ODI and remained not out in 5 innings. Find his average runs scored against Sri lanka. Show Answer

Q215) Runs scored by the batsman against New Zealand in T20 matches are approximately what percent of the runs scored against Pakistan in ODI? Show Answer

Q216) In case of which of the following countries, the difference between the runs scored in ODI and T20 is the second lowest? Show Answer

Q217) The runs scored by the batsman against WI in T20 is approximately what percent of the runs scored against Australia in ODI? Show Answer

Q218) If the batsman had scored 280 runs against Pakistan in T20 matches, What would habv been its percentage in the T20 match, if the total runs scored in T20 remains the same? Show Answer

Q219) What is the average expenses of P? Show Answer

Q220) What is the approximate percentage increase in the amount Which Rahul enjoys for entertainment as compared to Preeti for the same? Show Answer

Q221) The average expenses of Rohit is approximately what percent of the average expenses of W (Wife)? Show Answer

Q222) Find the difference (in percentage of the budget) between the average expenses of Education and the average expenses on Entertainment of the couple? Show Answer

Q223) The total amount spent by Rahul on Travelling and Food is approximately what percent of the total amount spent by Preeti on Education and Food? Show Answer

Q224) In which of the following year is the percentage increase/ decrease in the production of company A from the previous year the second highest? Show Answer

Q225) The total sale of company A in all the years together is approximately what percent of the total production of company A? Show Answer

Q226) What is the average production of company B in all the years together? Show Answer

Q227) What is the total sale of company B in all the years together? Show Answer

Q228) What is the ratio of production of company B in 2010 to the production of company A in 2012? Show Answer

Q229) What is the approximate percentage increase in the production of company A from the year 2012 to the production of company A in the year 2013? Show Answer

Q230) What is the average production of company B (in tonnes) from the year 2009 to the year 2014? Show Answer

Q231) The sales of company A in the year 2012 was approximately what percent of the production of company A in the same year? Show Answer

Q232) What is the ratio of the total production (in tonnes) of company A to the total sales (in tonnes) of company B in all the years together? Show Answer

Q233) What is the average sales of company A from the year 2009 to the year 2014? Show Answer

Q234) What is the ratio of production of company B in the year 2009 to the production of company B in the year 2011? Show Answer

Q235) What was the approximate percentage more in the production of company B in the year 2014 as compared with the production of Company A in the year 2014? Show Answer

Q236) In which of the following years is the percentage increase/ decrease in the percentage increase/decrease in the total income of the Railways the maximum in comparison to its pevious year? Show Answer

Q237) In which of the following years is the profit of hte Railways the maximum? Show Answer

Q238) In hoe many years is the income from Express trains less than the average income the Express trains in all the given years together? Show Answer

Q239) What is the approxiamate percentage income from Super fast train in 2011-12 in comparison to the total income from Super fast trains for all the given years? Show Answer

Q240) What is the total number of female artists who are participating in Drama and Skit together? Show Answer

Q241) What is the difference between the male artists participating in Skit and the female artists participating in Singing? Show Answer

Q242) What is the ratio of the female artists participating in Singing to those male artists participating in Dance? Show Answer

Q243) What is the total number of artists participating in Dance and Drama together? Show Answer

Q244) What is the ratio of the male artists participating in Singing to the female artists participating in Skit? Show Answer

Q245) What is the average number of students studying in all the five colleges in 2012? Show Answer

Q246) What was the number of students studying in college B in 2014? Show Answer

Q247) The number of students leaving college from the year 2010 to 2015 is approximately what per cent of the number of students taking admission in the same college and during the same year? Show Answer

Q248) What is the difference behaviour the number of students taking admission between 2011 and 2015 in college D and B? Show Answer

Q249) In which of the following colleges, is the percentage increase in the number of students from the year 2010 to 2015 the maximum? Show Answer

Q250) What is the total number of students doing graduation in physics and Statistics together? Show Answer

Q251) What is the ratio of the number of boys doing graduation in Mathematics and to a number of girls doing graduation in Botany? Show Answer

Q252) What is the difference between the number of boys doing graduations in Zoology and the number of girls doing graduation in Mathematics? Show Answer

Q253) In which of the following graduation courses, the number of the girls the highest and in which course is the number of boys is second lowest respectively? Show Answer

Q254) The number of girls doing graduation in Statistics is what percent of the number of boys doing graduation in physics? Show Answer

Q255) What is the ratio of the average number of males in town X to the average of males in town Y for the given period? Show Answer

Q256) In which of the following years, is the percentage increase or decrease in the number of females for town Y the minimum? Show Answer

Q257) The population o town X in 2011 and 2012 together is approximately what per cent of the population of town Y in 2014 and 2015 together? Show Answer

Q258) Find the number of years in which the number if females in town X and Y are less their respective average numbers. Show Answer

Q259) In which of the following pairs of years in the difference in the number of males and females the maximum for town Y and minimum for town Y and minimum for town X respectively? Show Answer

Q260) The total number of female employees (Managers and Officers) in Procurement department is approximately by what per cent more than their male counterparts? Show Answer

Q261) The number of female managers in Finance department is what per cent of the total number of male managers in Sales department? Show Answer

Q262) What is the ratio of the total number of female managers in Operations and Finance departments to that of male officers in these two departments? Show Answer

Q263) The total number of male officers in Advertising nad Sales departments is approximately what per cent the total number of officers in these two department? Show Answer

Q264) What is the different between the total number of female officers in Advertising and Public Relations department and the total number of female managers in these two department? Show Answer

Q265) What is the ratio of the total number of managers in Public relations, Finance, Sales and Operations department to the total number of officers in Finance, Advertising. Sales and procurement department? Show Answer

Q266) The average number of girls who scored 95 percent and above from all the schools together is Show Answer

Q267) What is the total number of male employees taking all the banks together? Show Answer

Q268) What is the average number of female employees taking all the banks together? Show Answer

Q269) Approximately by what percent is the number of male employees working in banks A and C together more than that of the total number of female employees working in bank B and D? Show Answer

Q270) What is the ratio of female employees working in bank D to that in E? Show Answer

Q271) Approximately by what per cent is the number of total employees o bank C more than that of bank D? Show Answer

Q272) What is the approximate average number of male candidates qualified from all the states together in the year 2013? Show Answer

Q273) From which of the following states in the year 2013, is the number of female candidates qualified the maximum? Show Answer

Q274) From which of the following states in the year 2014, the number of male candidates qualified is minimum? Show Answer

Q275) What is the total foreign investment in Other sectors by all the given states together? (in Rs. Crore) Show Answer

Q276) The foreign investment in Insurance sector in Rajasthan is approximately what percent of the foreign investment in Construction sector in Maharashtra? Show Answer

Q277) The foreign investment in Pharmaceutical sector in AP is approximately what percent less than the foreign investment in Telecom sector in delhi? Show Answer

Q278) For which of the following pairs of states, the ratio of foreign investment in Defence sector is 52:23? Show Answer

Q279) What is the ratio of the foreign investment in Defence sector in Gujarat to that in Construction and Insurance sector together in MP? Show Answer

Q280) What is the average number of male workforce (in lakh) in all the sectors together? (rounded off to two decimal places) Show Answer

Q281) The number of female workforce in Service and Professional sectors together is what per cent of the number of male workforce in Construction and Maintenance sector? Show Answer

Q282) The number of male workforce in Sales and Management Sectors is approximately what per cent of the total number of workforce in Production and transport sector? Show Answer

Q283) The number of female workforce in Sales and Management sectors is approximately by what per cent more than the number of female workforce in Production and Transport Sector? Show Answer

Q284) What is the ratio of hte number of female workforce in constructions and Maintenance sector to the number of male workforce in Professionals and other sectors? Show Answer

Q285) The number of adults in city Y is approximately what per cent of the number of males in city X? Show Answer

Q286) 103. What is the difference the total number of males and the total number of females in city V? Show Answer

Q287) What is the number of females in city U who are Adult? Show Answer

Q288) What is the total number of male population in city Z? Show Answer

Q289) What is the number of persons in city W who are not adult? Show Answer

Q290) If students passed in Chemistry increased 26 and Physics students decreased 26. Find the students passed in Physics approximately what percentage in Chemistry ? Show Answer

Q291) What is the difference between the total number of students who passed in English and Physics together and the total number of students passed in Hindi , Biology and Chemistry . After few days 20 students from English and 35 students from Biology declared failed due to malpractice in exams ? Show Answer

Q292) Find ratio between students passed in English and Chemistry , If students passed in Chemistry Increased 69 ? Show Answer

Q293) If the percentage of Mathematics students passed in Exam is increased by 50% and percentage of Students passed in Hindi is decreased by 25% , then what will be the total number of students passed in Mathematics and Hindi together? Show Answer

Q294) If 2/9 th of students who passed in Physics are female , then number of male Students passed in Physics is approximately what per cent of total number of students passed in Chemistry? Show Answer

Q295) If the expenditure of company 1 in 2010 was Rs. 400 crores, what was its income? Show Answer

Q296) If the income of company 2 in 2014 was Rs. 300 crores, what was its expenditure? Show Answer

Q297) If the incomes of two companies are equal in 2011, what was the ratio of their expenditures? Show Answer

Q298) What is the percent increase in the percent profit for company 2 from year 2010 to 2012? Show Answer

Q299) If the expenditure of both the companies are equal in 2015, find the ratio of their income? Show Answer

Q300) If E Spends 88% of his salary , What is ratio between his total salary and savings ? Show Answer

Q301) F spends 20% of his Expenditure on education . Find what amount he spends on Education ? Show Answer

Q302) C saves 12% of his monthly salary , and he spends 10% of expenditure on House rent . How much amount he spent on house rent ? Show Answer

Q303) What is the average salary of A,B,D and F persons , If D's expenditure is 25,800 ? Show Answer

Q304) A's salary is increased 20% and his expenditure also increased 10% . Find the difference between his new savings and present savings ? Show Answer

Q305) What is respective ratio between Girls in T school and total number of students in School Ǫ ? Show Answer

Q306) Number of boys in college S forms approximately what percent of number of boys in college Ǫ ? Show Answer

Q307) What is the average number of boys from all the colleges together ? Show Answer

Q308) If 100 students increased in every school , find the ratio between Girls and boys ratio after increasing in School P ? Show Answer

Q309) Find the ratio between total number of girls in P, Ǫ and R to total number of boys in R , S and T ? Show Answer

Q310) If the profit earned in 2011 by Company Y was Rs. 8,12,500, what was the total income of the Company in that year? Show Answer

Q311) If the amount invested by the two Companies in 2010 was equal, what the ratio between total income in 2010 of the Companies X and Y respectively? Show Answer

Q312) If the total amount invested by the two Companies in 2014 was Rs. 27 lakhs, while the amount invested by Company Y was 50% of the amount invested by company X, what was the total profit earned by the two Companies together? Show Answer

Q313) If the investments of Company X in 2012 and 2013 were equal. What is the difference between profit earned in two years if the income in 2013 was Rs. 24 lakhs? Show Answer

Q314) If each of the Companies X and Y invested Rs. 25 lakhs in 2015, what was the average profit earned by the two companies? Show Answer

Q315) What is the respective ratio of the distance between destinations IV and VII and the distance between destinations V and VIII ? Show Answer

Q316) Car H covered distance between destination IV and V at a speed of 18kmph and the distance between destination V and VI at a speed of 60 kmph. What was its average speed in the journey ? ( approx inkmph) Show Answer

Q317) Car A started from Destination I towards Destination V at 5 00 am. Car D started from Destination V towards Destination I at the same time At what time will they meet ? Show Answer

Q318) How much time will Car B take to cover the distance between destinations I and VIII ? (in hours) Show Answer

Q319) If H ‘ s speed 10 more than than many hours early than to reach a destination from I to VIII( approximately) ? Show Answer

Q320) If in the year 1993 there was an increase of 10% population of AP. and 12% of Bihar compared to the previous year, than what was the ratio of the population of AP. to Bihar? Show Answer

Q321) What was the approximate percentage of women of Andhra Pradesh to the women of HP? Show Answer

Q322) In Haryana, if 70% of the females are literate and 75% of the males are literate, what is the total number of illiterates in the state? Show Answer

Q323) What is the ratio of literates in Assam to the literates in Bihar? Show Answer

Q324) Find total women employees in Dena Bank ? Show Answer

Q325) What is approximate percentage of the Men PO's in Canara Bank to Total employees in Canara Bank ? Show Answer

Q326) Find total Men employees working as Clerk in all banks ? Show Answer

Q327) Find Sum of E,A and B ? Show Answer

Q328) What approximate percentage E and C in A,B and C ? Show Answer

Q329) What is the percentage of Biology seats in Post Graduation ? Show Answer

Q330) What is percentage of Hyderabad students in the total seats ? Show Answer

Q331) If 20 males are replaced by 20 females in the Graduates, What would be the ratio of males to females in the total College seats ? Show Answer

Q332) Out of Total students of college Z in total seats, What is the percentage of students Post Graduates ? Show Answer

Q333) What is the difference between the number of seats in College W and that of College X ? Show Answer

Q334) What is the average marks obtained by all students in Hindi ? Show Answer

Q335) What is the total marks obtained by B in all subjects together ? Show Answer

Q336) What is F's overall percentage of marks in all subjects together ? Show Answer

Q337) If, to pass the examination , the minimum marks required in Chemistry is 120 and Physics is 95, then how many students will pass in both the subjects ? Show Answer

Q338) Who among the following scored the highest marks in all subjects together ? Show Answer

Q339) The number of students who failed in all the three subjects is Show Answer

Q340) The number of students who failed in Bengali but not in Punjabi is Show Answer

Q341) The number of students who failed in Telugu but not in Bengali is Show Answer

Q342) The number of students who failed in Punjabi but not in Telugu is Show Answer

Q343) The number of students who failed in Telugu or Bengali but not in Punjabi is Show Answer

Q344) What is the ratio of the number of passengers in first class coaches of Krishna Express to the number of passengers in sleeper class coaches of Godavari Express? Show Answer

Q345) What is the total number of passengers in the general coaches of Krishna Express and the AC coaches of Godavari Express together? Show Answer

Q346) What is the difference between the number of passengers in the AC coaches of Krishna Express and total number of passengers in sleeper class coaches and first class coaches together of Godavari Express ? Show Answer

Q347) If cost of per ticket of first class coach ticket is Rs.550, what total amount will be generated from first class coaches of Krishna Express ? Show Answer

Q348) If cost of per ticket of first class coach ticket is Rs.450 and AC class coach ticket is Rs.950, what total amount will be generated from First and AC class coaches of Godavari Express? Show Answer

Q349) How much time did P take to complete his journey on day 5? Show Answer

Q350) What was the time taken by Ǫ on day 3? Show Answer

Q351) What was the average distance travelled by P in all 5 days? Show Answer

Q352) What was the average distance travelled by P and Ǫ on Day 4? Show Answer

Q353) What was the difference between time taken by Ǫ on day 3 and that of P on day 5? Show Answer

Q354) What is the total number of boys studying from Bihar and Jharkhand together? Show Answer

Q355) What is the difference between number of girls from Bihar and that from U.P.? Show Answer

Q356) Number of boys from Jharkhand is what percent more than girls from U.P.? Show Answer

Q357) Number of boys from M.P. is approximately what percent more than girls from West Bengal? Show Answer

Q358) What's the average number of girls in university from all the states together is? (approximate value) Show Answer

Q359) What is the number of total players who play football and rugby together? Show Answer

Q360) What is the difference between the number of the female players who play lawn tennis and the number of male players who play rugby? Show Answer

Q361) What is the respective ratio of the number of female players who play cricket and number of male players who play hockey? Show Answer

Q362) What is the total number of male players who play football, cricket and lawn tennis together? Show Answer

Q363) Number of male players who play rugby is approximately what percentage of the total number of players who play lawn tennis? Show Answer

Q364) Find the ratio of cost of production of medicine A by Company X2 to that by Company X6? Show Answer

Q365) The total cost of production of medicine A by company X2 and medicine B by X1? Show Answer

Q366) What is the total cost of production of medicine B by Companies X3 and X4 together? Show Answer

Q367) The cost of production of both medicines together by Company X5 is equal to the total cost of production of both medicines together by which of the two companies? Show Answer

Q368) Find the amount of profit earned by Company X6 on medicine B. Show Answer

Q369) What is the total profit earned by Company X3 for medicines A and B together? Show Answer

Q370) The profit earned by Company X5 on production of medicine A added to the profit earned by Company X7 on production of medicine B is approximately Show Answer

Q371) The difference between the average of the rates of the sixth quarter and that of the third quarter is Show Answer

Q372) What is the sum of the average of MSF and that of Reverse Repo Rate? Show Answer

Q373) The ratio of the sum of the Repo Rates in all the given quarters to that of the Reverse Repo Rates in all the given quarters is Show Answer

Q374) The sum of the Repo Rates in all quarters is what per cent (approx) of the sum of SLR in all quarters? Show Answer

Q375) The average of all the rates in the fourth quarters is what per cent (approx) of the average of all the rates of the first quarters? Show Answer

Q376) For how many years, is it possible to calculate the size of domestic watch market (in Rs.)? Show Answer

Q377) Which company has the second lowest sales (in Rs. terms) in the year 2010? Show Answer

Q378) Which year saw the lowest growth rate in number of unit sold over the previous year for Titan? Show Answer

Q379) What is the size of the domestic market in the year 2010 (in Rs.)? Show Answer

Q380) Both the families decide to double the total expenditure keeping the pattern of spending the same as given above. What will be the new ratio of expenditure on food between family A and family B? Show Answer

Q381) If the total expenses of family B increases three - fold, keeping the expenses on education the same as given above, what will be the expense on education? Show Answer

Q382) What will be the expenses on light by family A, as a percentage of expense on light by family B? Show Answer

Q383) If family A and family B decide to combine their expenses, then which one of the following heads will be responsible for the highest expenses? Show Answer

Q384) In the above question, how many heads will have a lower percentage share in the combined total expenses of both the families than the percentage share of family B under the same head? Show Answer

Q385) Under how many heads are the expenses of family B more than the expenses of family A? Show Answer

Q386) What is the total number of students enrolled in MBA (HR)? Show Answer

Q387) Number of girls enrolled in MBA (Finance) forms approximately, what per cent of total number of students in college? Show Answer

Q388) What is the total number of girls enrolled in MBA (Marketing)? Show Answer

Q389) Number of boys enrolled in MBA (Operations) forms, what per cent of the total number of girls enrolled in MBA (IT)? Show Answer

Q390) What is the total number of boys enrolled in MBA (Entrepreneur)? Show Answer

Q391) The total circulation of figures for the four magazines together in 1988 was approximately Show Answer

Q392) During the years 1987-89, the magazine that has shown maximum percentage growth in circulation has been Show Answer

Q393) In 1989, if Fortune India were to change the same rate to its advertiserson Dalal Street journal was charging a year ago, their cost of advertisement per thousand copies in Fortune India would Show Answer

Q394) In 1988, the advertisement cost of colour page per thousand, copies was lowest for Show Answer

Q395) The advertisement cost of page per thousand copies for business world has from 1987-88 Show Answer

Q396) What is the total number of adult females in colonies A, B and C together? Show Answer

Q397) The number of children in colony A are approximately what percent of the number of children in colony E? Show Answer

Q398) What is the respective ratio of the number of adult males to the number of adult females in colony B? Show Answer

Q399) What is the average number of residents from all the colonies together? Show Answer

Q400) What is the difference between the number of adult males and the number of children in colony D? Show Answer

Q401) What is the number of lakh units sold by Enivi in Mar 07? Show Answer

Q402) Find the PI of all the three companies in Apr 07. Show Answer

Q403) What is the number of lakh units sold by Moon in all the six months together? Show Answer

Q404) What is the number of lakh units sold by Enivi in May 07? Show Answer

Q405) What is the PI of Warle in all the six months together? Show Answer

Q406) What is the difference between the graduate male population and XII Std male population from AP ? Show Answer

Q407) What is the ratio of female population of Goa to XII Std female population of Delhi respectively? Show Answer

Q408) Graduate female population of Chandigarh what per cent of the XII Std female population of the state?
Show Answer

Q409) Class XII pass male population of Chandigarh is what per cent of the total XII Std population of all the states together ? Show Answer

Q410) What is the ratio of graduation male population of the Goa to XII Std female population of that state ? Show Answer

Q411) Total graduate population of state MP is what per cent of the total XII Std population of AP ? Show Answer

Q412) XII Std male population of Goa is what per cent of XII Std male population of MP? Show Answer

Q413) What is the ratio of the total graduate and XII Std male population of AP to the total graduate and XII Std of AP to the total graduate and XII Std female population of that state ? Show Answer

Q414) What is the ratio of the total graduate population of the Delhi to the total Std population of that state? Show Answer

Q415) Graduate female population of Bihar is what per cent of the graduate female population of Goa ? (rounded off to nearest integer) Show Answer

Q416) The number of passengers boarding Train A at Vadodara is what percent of the number of passengers boarding Train B at Mumbai? Show Answer

Q417) What is the difference between the speed of Train A and that of Train B? Show Answer

Q418) What is the ratio of the total passengers of Train A to that of Train B? Show Answer

Q419) The total income of Train A is what percent of the total income of Train B? Show Answer

Q420) If the average speed of Train A increases by 10% then when will it reach to its destination? Show Answer

Q421) What is the difference between the average temperature of Durban and that of Ǫuito? Show Answer

Q422) What is the difference between the average temperature of all cities in May and that if February? Show Answer

Q423) The average temperature of Riyadh is approximately what percent more than that of Columbus? Show Answer

Q424) What is the ratio of the average temperature of Lisbon to that of Ǫuito? Show Answer

Q425) The average temperature in May is what percent of the average temperature in March of the given five cities? Show Answer

Q426) What is total number of males working in department Manager, HR and Clerk. Show Answer

Q427) What is the ratio of females working in department Manager and clerk and males in department HR and marketing . Show Answer

Q428) Number of Females working in Manager department is what percentage of total number of employees working in all the department. Show Answer

Q429) What is the central angle corresponding to the total number of clerk . Show Answer

Q430) What is the ratio between total number of females employees working in all the department together and males working in all the department. Show Answer

Q431) What is average profit earned by company In January ,February and May. Show Answer

Q432) What is total loss percentage incurred by company in March and April . Show Answer

Q433) Profit earned by company in Feb is by what percent more than profit earned by company in May. Show Answer

Q434) in Which month company earned the maximum profit . Show Answer

Q435) If company income increased by 20% from June to July and Expenditure decrease by 10% .What was his profit percent in month of July. Show Answer

Q436) What is the total number of users of brand B across all give cities together? Show Answer

Q437) The number of users of brand A in city T is what percent of the number of users of brand B in city Ǫ? Show Answer

Q438) What is the average number of users of brand A across all five cities together? Show Answer

Q439) What is the difference between the total number of users of brand A and B together in city R and the ottal number of users of brand A and B together in city P? Show Answer

Q440) What is the respective ratio of the number users of brand A in city P to the number of users of brand B in city S? Show Answer

Q441) What is the cost of flooring of A? Show Answer

Q442) What is the difference between the cost of fencing of C and that of B? Show Answer

Q443) What is the ratio of the cost of flooring to that of fencing of field D? Show Answer

Q444) The cost of fencing of field E is approximately what percent of the cost of flooring of field C? Show Answer

Q445) The cost of fencing of field C is what percent of the cost of fencing of field D? Show Answer

Q446) Marks obtained by Sultan in Chemistry is what percent of the total marks obtained by all the students in Chemistry? Show Answer

Q447) If the marks obtained by Tango in Physics were increased by 14% of the original marks, what would be his new approximate percentage in Physics if the maximum marks in Physics were 140? Show Answer

Q448) Fill in the blank space in order to make the sentence correct as per the given information. Total marks obtained by Tango in both the subjects together is more than the marks obtained by Show Answer

Q449) What is the respective ratio between the total marks obtained by Param in Physics and Chemistry together to the total marks obtained by Tango in Physics and Chemistry together? Show Answer

Q450) What is the respective ratio between the total marks obtained by Ǫartar and Sultan together in Chemistry to the total marks obtained by Param and Rasheed together in Physics? Show Answer

Q451) The number of males working in the Marketing department is what percent of the total number of
employees working in that department? (Rounded off to the nearest integer)
Show Answer

Q452) What is the respective ratio between the number of females working in the HR department and the
total number of employees in that department?
Show Answer

Q453) The number of males working in the Production department of the organization forms what percent of
the total number of employees working in that department?
Show Answer

Q454) The number of females working in the IT department forms what percent of the total number of employees in the organization from all departments together? Show Answer

Q455) What is the respective ratio of the number of males working in the marketing department to the number of females working in that department? Show Answer

Q456) What is the number of men working in the Marketing department? Show Answer

Q457) The number of men working in the production department of the organization forms what percent of
the total number of employees working in that department? (rounded off to two digits after decimal)
Show Answer

Q458) What is the respective ratio of the number of men working in the Accounts department of the total
number of employees working in that department?
Show Answer

Q459) What is the respective ratio of the number of women working in the HR department of the organization
and the total number of employees in that department?
Show Answer

Q460) The number of women working in the IT department of the organization forms approximately what
percent of the total number of employees in the organization from all departments together?
Show Answer

Q461) What is the difference between the number of working females in Bangalore and the number of
working males in Chennai?
Show Answer

Q462) In which city is the income per working person the minimum? Show Answer

Q463) What is the sum of the average working male and average working female population of the given six
cities (calculate approximate value)?
Show Answer

Q464) In Delhi, what is the difference between the income of males and that of females? (Assume each person (male/female) has equal income.) Show Answer

Q465) The number of working females in Mumbai is what percent of the number of working males in
Show Answer

Q466) The number of villages in Nagaland where electrification was done in 2013 is what percentage of the number of villages in Tripura where electrification was done in 2014? Show Answer

Q467) What is the ratio of the villages in Assam to those in Manipur where electrification was done in 2013? Show Answer

Q468) In which state was the electrification work done in maximum villages during the given three years? Show Answer

Q469) If the cost of electrification of a village is Rs.75 lakh then what is the cost of electrification in four
states during the given period?
Show Answer

Q470) In which year was the electrification work done in maximum number of villages? Show Answer

Q471) What is the difference between the quantity of Guava at Shop B and that at Shop A? Show Answer

Q472) If the price of Mango is Rs.30 per kg, Apple Rs.40 per kg and Orange Rs.20 per kg, then what is the
ratio of their costs at Shop A?
Show Answer

Q473) The quantity of Mango at Shop B is what percent of the quantity of Mango at Shop A? Show Answer

Q474) If the price of Mango is Rs.30 per kg, Apple Rs.40 per kg and Orange Rs.20 per kg, other fruits Rs.15 per kg and Guava Rs. 18 per kg for both Shop A and B then what is the difference between the cost of all
fruits at Shop A and that at Shop B?
Show Answer

Q475) The quantity of Orange at Shop A is what percent more than that of Apple at Shop B? Show Answer

Q476) What is the difference between the total domestic investment and the total foreign investment in the
year 2011?
Show Answer

Q477) What is the ratio of the total investment in Metals to that in Machinery? Show Answer

Q478) What is the average domestic investment in the year 2014? (You are not expected to calculate the
exact value?
Show Answer

Q479) Domestic investment in 2013 is what percent of foreign investment in 2011? Show Answer

Q480) The average domestic investment in the year 2011 is what percent of the average investment in
Transport during the given four years?
Show Answer