Practice Test

Q1) _________ is defined as the process of making money, earning profits and increasing the wealth while posing characteristics such as risk taking, management, leadership and innovation. Show Answer

Q2) The word entrepreneur has a ______________ origin. Show Answer

Q3) The word entrepreneur is derived from the French word, __________ Show Answer

Q4) The concept of entrepreneurship was first established in the ________ Show Answer

Q5) Key elements(s) of entrepreneurship: _____________ I. Innovation II. Risk taking III. Good looking IV. Vision V. Social help to needy people VI. Organizing skills Show Answer

Q6) __________ has rightly been identified with the individual, as success of enterprise depends upon imagination, vision, innovativeness and risk taking. Show Answer

Q7) The production is possible due to the cooperation of the various factors of production, popularly known as ___________ Show Answer

Q8) In the 20th century, economist ______ focussed on how the entrepreneur's drive for innovation and improvement creates upheaval and change. Show Answer

Q9) __________ viewed entrepreneurship as a force of "creative destruction." Show Answer

Q10) According to _______"The entrepreneurship is essentially a creative activity or it is an innovative function." Show Answer

Q11) Entrepreneurship is ____________ Show Answer

Q12) Which of the following can be treated as trait of entrepreneur? Show Answer

Q13) Research indicates that most successful entrepreneurs share certain personal attributes, including; ____________ Show Answer

Q14) Research indicates that most successful entrepreneurs share certain personal attributes, including : _________ Show Answer

Q15) Which of the following is characteristic(s) of an entrepreneur? Show Answer

Q16) Which of the following is characteristic(s) of an entrepreneur? Show Answer

Q17) "What a man can be, he must be. This need we call self actualization." This said by _____ Show Answer

Q18) __________ is the most common type of entrepreneur. He likes innovation and enjoys working on something new or creative. He is guided by more ideals while keeping in view the ideas that are formulated by him in order to pursue his innovation. Show Answer

Q19) _________ comes in a close second and is content with the personal satisfaction of simply being a business owner. It is derived from being optimistic. Show Answer

Q20) _________ category includes a persons who enjoy putting in long hours to build a larger and more profitable business. They like to challenge themselves and strive harder to attain the same. They reap the most rewards if the business turns out to be a multi-million dollar enterprise. Show Answer

Q21) As the meaning of the word itself implies, sustain is to maintain; the _________comprise of people who like to maintain a balance between work and a personal life. Most often, they do not wish the business to grow too large where it will cut into their personal life. These people just need enough to survive. Show Answer

Q22) ___________ are the ones who predominantly are focused to start a business to improve the world. Their motto is to work in a manner which is morally and ethically correct so as to contribute to a noble cause. Show Answer

Q23) Which of the following types of people believe in consumer sovereignty where they indulge execessively in providing customer services? Show Answer

Q24) Superstar type of emtrepreneur is lead by ______________ Show Answer

Q25) _________ are creativity oriented entrepreneurs. Show Answer

Q26) The founding members who visualize a dream and materialize the same are known as _______________ Show Answer

Q27) __________ types of entrepreneurs excel at problem solving in a systematic way. Show Answer

Q28) The ___________ entrepreneur like the concept that the business gives them a chance to handle everything themselves. They are usually people with lots of energy and exist on the pressure of meeting deadlines, paying bills and of course making payroll. Show Answer

Q29) ___________ as the name suggest, nurtures the business by bringing harmony with a surprising ability to survive with an inner calm. Healer is closely related to calmness which lets him avoid the outside harsh realities of business. Show Answer

Q30) The terms Entrepreneur and Manager are same. Show Answer

Q31) __________ starts a business enterprise constituting of ideas he comprehends; employing personal stakes. Show Answer

Q32) An entrepreneur and a manager differ in their standing, an entrepreneur is the _________ of the organization and he nears all the risk and uncertainties involved in running an organization where as a manager is an ___________ and does not undertake responsibilities for any risk. Show Answer

Q33) __________ objective is to innovate and create. Show Answer

Q34) ______ is face with more income uncertainties. Show Answer

Q35) "An entrepreneur could be a manager but a manager cannot be an entrepreneur". Show Answer

Q36) "A person within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation is __________" Show Answer

Q37) Management consultant _______, author of the 1985 book entitled Intrapreneuring. Show Answer

Q38) Intrapreneurship is a combination of ___________ Show Answer

Q39) An intrapreneur needs to have a blend of ________ Show Answer

Q40) Key characteristic(s) of Intrapreneurship: _____________ Show Answer

Q41) ____________ is an individual employed by an organization for remuneration, which is based on the financial success of the unit he is reponsible for. Show Answer

Q42) Not every business needs an Entrepreneur, but every business needs an Intrapreneur. Show Answer

Q43) Intrapreneur faces competition from _________ Show Answer

Q44) ______________ is the "inside entrepreneur". Show Answer

Q45) _____________ have to face rivalry within the organization they work. Show Answer

Q46) An intrapreneur needs to have a blend of _______ Show Answer

Q47) Which of the following is feature of juggler? Show Answer

Q48) Who coined the world Intrapreneurship? Show Answer

Q49) Which of the following is one of the key elements of entrepreneurship? Show Answer

Q50) Which type of entrepreneur is leads by charisma, charm & high energy? Show Answer

Q51) The basic skills required for an intrapreneur arg- Show Answer

Q52) Cantillon referred Entrepreneurs one of the Show Answer

Q53) What is the remuneration of Entrepreneur? Show Answer

Q54) Which amongst the following is incorrect regarding entrepreneurship Show Answer

Q55) Which of the following statement is not true?
Show Answer

Q56) Which of the following is not a type of entrepreneur? Show Answer

Q57) Which of the following show the process of creating something new? Show Answer

Q58) Which statement is true for entrepreneurs? Show Answer

Q59) Which of the following is considered to be a myth associated with entrepreneurship? Show Answer

Q60) Which one of the following is the process of entrepreneurs developing new products that over time make current products obsolete? Show Answer

Q61) Which of the following is not a personal characteristic often found in an entrepreneur? Show Answer

Q62) Which of the following is not considered a common characteristic of an entrepreneur? Show Answer

Q63) Which of the following are risks for entrepreneurs in small business- Show Answer

Q64) Which of the following is not a common motivation of an entrepreneur? Show Answer

Q65) Common reasons for entrepreneurial failure include all but which one of the following? Show Answer

Q66) Why should an entrepreneur do a feasibility study for starting a new venture? Show Answer

Q67) Who are creativity orientated entrepreneurs? Show Answer

Q68) ______ like entrepreneurs are the people with great willingness and efficient leadership. He inspires others. He has an incredible will and ability to lead the world and the business through any challenge. He is the essence of entrepreneurship and can assemble great companies. Show Answer

Q69) Whose objective is to innovate and create? Show Answer

Q70) Which of the following is not an example of ‘technical entrepreneur’? Show Answer

Q71) The entrepreneur who is committed to the entrepreneurial effort because it makes good business sense is classed as a/an______. Show Answer

Q72) Sheetal is one of the newest and most successful entrepreneurs in the technology industry. She handles numerous dealings with other companies for the exchange of goods and services. He primary goal is to ensure that all parties involved receive favourable and acceptable terms. Sheetal is most probably excellent at the entrepreneurial skill of ______ Show Answer

Q73) An intrapreneur needs to have a blend of _________ Show Answer

Q74) An informal group of innovative employee who are permitted to digress temporarily from their regular tasks to develop new ideas are referred to as: Show Answer

Q75) A person within a company who takes a leadership role and is positioned to help ensure the success of an idea or innovation is often referred to as a- Show Answer

Q76) Innovation is the tool of ___________ Show Answer

Q77) _________ demand creativity. Show Answer

Q78) Creativity is the ability to make or otherwise bring into existences something new, whether a _____________ Show Answer

Q79) All innovation begins with creative ideas. Show Answer

Q80) Creativity is the ___________ for innovation. Show Answer

Q81) Which of the following statement is correct in relation to 'Creativity'? Show Answer

Q82) Creativity requires _________________ Show Answer

Q83) People become creative when they feel motivated primarily by the __________
(w) Interest
(X) External
(Y) Satisfaction
(Z) Challenge of the situation Show Answer

Q84) Within every individual, creativity is a function of _________ Show Answer

Q85) __________ encompasses everything that a person knows and can do in the broad domain of his or her work knowledge and technical ability. Show Answer

Q86) ___________ refers to how you approach problems and solutions the capacity to put existing ideas together in new combinations. Show Answer

Q87) ____________ is the drive and desire to do something, an inner passion and interest. Show Answer

Q88) ___________ is the process of bringing the best ideas into reality, which triggers a creative idea, which generates a series of innovative events. Show Answer

Q89) ____________ believes that the concept of innovation, described as the use of an invention to create a new commercial product or service, is the key force in creating new demand and thus, new wealth. Show Answer

Q90) Innovation creates new demand and entrepreneurs bring the innovations to the market. This destroys the existing markets and creates new ones, which will in turn be destroyed be even newer products or services ___________ calls, this process, 'creartive destructions'. Show Answer

Q91) ___________ requires a fresh way of looking at things, an understanding of people, and an entrepreneurial willingness to take risks and to work hard. Show Answer

Q92) Steve Jobs has given ________ priniciples largely responsible for success through innovation. Show Answer

Q93) Steve Jobs 1st principal of innovation is __________ Show Answer

Q94) Steve Jobs 2nd principal of innovation is ___________ Show Answer

Q95) Steve Jobs 3rd principal of innovation is ___________ Show Answer

Q96) Steve Jobs 4th principal of innovation is _________ Show Answer

Q97) Steve Jobs 5th principal of innovation is __________ Show Answer

Q98) Steve Jobs 6th principal of innivation is _______ Show Answer

Q99) Steve Jobs 7th principal of innovation is ____________ Show Answer

Q100) ____________ is careful monitoring of an organization's internal and external envrionments for detecting early sign of opportunities and threats that may influence its current and future plans. Show Answer

Q101) Envrionment scanning is careful monitoring of an organization's __________ environment for detecting early signs of opportunities and threats that may influence its current and future plans. Show Answer

Q102) The importance of environment scanning was first recognized by __________ in the late 1970s. Show Answer

Q103) The importance of environmental scanning was first recognized by life insurance firms in the late ______________ Show Answer

Q104) Which of the following technique can be used in environment scanning? Show Answer

Q105) SWOT Analysis was originated by ____________ Show Answer

Q106) SWOT is the analysis of a company's ___________ Show Answer

Q107) SWOT Anlaysis is sometimes called __________ Show Answer

Q108) PESTLE stands for ____________ Show Answer

Q109) PESTLE analysis is a useful tool for understanding the ____________ of the environment in which an entrepreneur is planning to operate. Show Answer

Q110) The Porter's __________ is simple but powerful tool to evaluate the power of business. Show Answer

Q111) Porter's Forces Analysis assumes that there are important forces that determine competitive power in a business situation. These are: I. Supplier power, Threat of new entry II. Supplier power, Buyer power, Competitive rivalry III. Supplier power, Competitive rivalry, Threat of new entry IV. Supplier power, Buyer power, Competitive rivalry, Threat of substitution, Threat of view entry. Show Answer

Q112) As per Porter's Forces Analysis, ___________ assesses how easily suppliers may drive up prices. Show Answer

Q113) As per Porter's Forces Analysis, ___________ evaluates how easy it is for buyers to drive prices down. Show Answer

Q114) Envrironmental scanning begins with gathering information about the _________ Show Answer

Q115) Ongoing scanning at an almost unconscious level is __________ Show Answer

Q116) In which of the following case conducting a market assessment is essential to know whether there exists any demand to the idea? Show Answer

Q117) Conducting a market assessment helps to:____________ Show Answer

Q118) The marketing assessment process involves ________ Show Answer

Q119) Which of the following does not include in marketing assessment process? Show Answer

Q120) The first step in relation to a market assessment is to _________ Show Answer

Q121) After defining the problem, the next step in relation to a market assessment is _____ Show Answer

Q122) After defining the problem and analyzing the situation the next step in relation to a market assessment is to ___________ Show Answer

Q123) After defining the problem, analyzing the situation, obtaining data specific to the problem the next step in relation to a market assessment is to __________ Show Answer

Q124) There are two basic misconceptions for business plans:______________ Show Answer

Q125) The word 'motivation' has its origin in the Latin word _________, meaning "to move." Show Answer

Q126) It should be noted that the word 'motivation' has its origin in the Latin word 'movere',__________ meaning "________" Show Answer

Q127) Which of the following tool considers external factor and helps to evaluate their impact on internal impact on internal business- Show Answer

Q128) Identify incorrect statement- Show Answer

Q129) Which of the following is first step in market assessment- Show Answer

Q130) Which of the following helps in periodic review of actual results- Show Answer

Q131) An opportunity assessment plan includes following- Show Answer

Q132) Active scanning involves the_________ of continuous resources and, from time to time, supplementing them with existing resources as needed. Show Answer

Q133) ________is research that is proactively created for a specific purpose Show Answer

Q134) Which ministry is responsible for co-ordination of all skill development efforts across the country? Show Answer

Q135) The functional arms of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship are: Show Answer

Q136) NSDC is a unique model created with a well though underlying philosophy based on which pillars: Show Answer

Q137) National Skill Development Agency is based under which Act: Show Answer

Q138) NSDC operates through with multiple stakeholders in catalysing and evolving the skilling ecosystem. Show Answer

Q139) The main objectives of the NSDC are to: Show Answer

Q140) Which of these functional arms play a of a 'market-maker'? Show Answer

Q141) NSDC operates through partnerships with Show Answer

Q142) For the ease of doing business the MSME unit has to fill in a single one page self-declaration online from called. Show Answer

Q143) STAND UP INDIA scheme provides loans to entrepreneurs of: Show Answer

Q144) What is the meaning of term SETU in Hindu. Show Answer

Q145) A start up is a company that is in the .................... stage of its operations. Show Answer

Q146) The key objectives of the AIM Atal Innovation Mission are Show Answer

Q147) To get a loan from stand up India Scheme the age of the company should not exceed Show Answer

Q148) Under the .................... 50 percent of stipend payable to apprentices would be reimbursed by the government for the first two years is an incentive for MSME units to take in more apprentices. Show Answer

Q149) The scheme launched by MSME Ministry in March 2015, for promotion of Innovation, Rural Industry and Entrepreneurship. Show Answer

Q150) Businesses as entrepreneurial hubs is one of the major drivers identified by Show Answer

Q151) In the world Bank's Ease of Doing Business Ranking 2015 India is placed at Show Answer

Q152) Globally India Ranks in Show Answer

Q153) The loans given to SC/ST and women Entrepreneurs under stand up India Scheme range from: Show Answer

Q154) Expansion of term SETU is Show Answer

Q155) To give boost to the make in India programme, the MSME Ministry launched .................... Show Answer

Q156) Any organization that uses business methods to address a social or environmental problem in an innovative way is know as: Show Answer

Q157) Who act as a change agent of the society? Show Answer

Q158) Which among the following is a social Entrepreneur? Show Answer

Q159) Social Impact Bonds where launched in: Show Answer

Q160) .................... is a form of Pooling Techniques. Show Answer

Q161) .................... is one of the challenges facing a social entrepreneur. Show Answer

Q162) Which of the following is a key element of Social Business Model. Show Answer

Q163) Social enterprises are entrepreneurial organizations that .................... to solve problems. Show Answer

Q164) Which of the following is a major disadvantages that social enterprises face. Show Answer

Q165) .................... is particularly useful for enterprises that are legally structured as non profits and therefore cannot obtain equity capital. Show Answer

Q166) The innovative methods used in social enterprises to broader the access of capital includes: Show Answer

Q167) The funding of social enterprise is essentially a problem of: Show Answer

Q168) The key to managing return or funding in Social enterprises is to offer .................... Show Answer

Q169) In a social enterprise business model measurable impact is created by the generation of .................... Show Answer

Q170) As a Social Entrepreneur .................... fought for Women's Rights in the United States, including the right to control property and helped spearhead adoption of the 19th amendment. Show Answer

Q171) What would a return only if a manned mission were to reach Mars on schedule and under budget? Show Answer

Q172) Who issues loan guarantees rather than direct funds? Show Answer

Q173) Which of the following tools of Innovation in Practice? Show Answer

Q174) The main objective of NSDC is to Show Answer

Q175) For the Ease of doing business the MSME unit has to fill in a single one page self-declaration online form called _____. Show Answer

Q176) Under the _____, 50 percent of the stipend payable to the apprentices would be reimbursed by the Government for the first two years which is an incentive for MSME units to take in more apprentices. Show Answer

Q177) The scheme launched by MSME Ministry in March 2015, for Promotion of Innovation, Rural Industry and Entrepreneurship _____. Show Answer

Q178) In the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Ranking 2015 India is placed at _____. Show Answer

Q179) Globally India ranks in _____. Show Answer

Q180) How many Sector Skill Councils are registered with National Skill Development Corporation? Show Answer

Q181) How many training partners are registered with National Skill Development Corporation? Show Answer

Q182) SETU means Show Answer

Q183) On which of the following philosophy based pillars NSDCs unique model is created?
1. Create: Proactively catalyse creation of large, quality vocational training institutions.
2. Fund: Reduce risk by providing patient capital including grants and equity.
3. Enable: The creation and sustainability of support systems required for skill development. This includes the Industry led Sector Skill Councils.
Select the correct answer from the options given below? Show Answer

Q184) The main objectives of the NSDC is to: Show Answer

Q185) The main objectives of the NSDC is to:
I. Enhance, support and coordinate private sector initiatives for skill development through appropriate Public-Private Partnership (PPD) models; strive for significant operational and financial involvement from the private sector.
II. Play the role of a market-maker by bringing financing, particularly in sectors where market mechanisms are ineffective or missing.
III. Prioritize initiatives that can have a multiplier or catalytic effect as opposed to one-off impact.
Select the correct answer from the options given below? Show Answer

Q186) How many students are trained by NSDC? Show Answer

Q187) _____ Sector Skill Councils (SSC) approved in services, manufacturing, agriculture & allied services, and informal sectors. Sectors include 19 of 20 high priority sectors identified by the Government and _____ of the sectors under Make in India initiative. Show Answer

Q188) A start-up according to _____ is searching for answer to the product it will sell, the customer it will serve and the way it will make money from delivering value to its customer. Show Answer

Q189) A SME, according to the _____ is an independently owned and operated, organized for profit, and not dominant it its field. Show Answer

Q190) To simplify the regulatory framework the government introduced the Ease of Doing Business wherein an MSME unit has to fill in a Single one page self-declaration online from called? Show Answer

Q191) Which of the following scheme was introduced for Apprentice? Show Answer

Q192) Under the Apprentice Protsahan Yojana, _____ of the stipend payable to Apprentice would be reimbursed by the Government for first _____ which is incentive for MSME Units to take in more apprentice. Show Answer

Q193) Which scheme was introduced in March 2015 by the MSME Ministry to give boost to Make in India Programme? Show Answer

Q194) The objective of ASPIRE Scheme? Show Answer

Q195) To ease the credit availability requirements of start-ups the government had announced the? Show Answer

Q196) Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) programme operated from? Show Answer

Q197) Digital India programme has been launched? Show Answer

Q198) _____ Indian Aspiration Fund was launched by _____ in August 2015 to boost the start-up funds ecosystem in the country. Show Answer

Q199) Before 16 Jan, how many states were already working in Startup India policies? Show Answer

Q200) Which of the following is not a part of Funding Innovation? Show Answer

Q201) For R & D, human resource started a new scheme for students Show Answer

Q202) Startup India Scheme?
1. Age should not be more than 3 years.
2. Should develop innovative product.
3. Must be Private Limited Company/Registered Partnership firm/Limited Liability Partnership.
4. Has patent granted in areas affiliated with the nature of business being promoted. Show Answer

Q203) The period of business when an entrepreneur must position the venture in a market and make necessary adjustments to assure survival is called the: Show Answer

Q204) The government has set aside a corpus fund of managed by equity funding support for development and growth of innovation driven Startups. Show Answer

Q205) Is the given statement is true " The profits of recognized Startup's that are granted an Inter-Certificate are exempted from income-tax for a period of 3 years" ? Show Answer

Q206) Which of the following is successful example of Startup India international partnership? Show Answer

Q207) Which of the following is not the NIPP partners? Show Answer

Q208) How many parameters are used to identify the product based and service-based company? Show Answer

Q209) For Startup India which online link is correct? Show Answer

Q210) What is the full form of SIDBI? Show Answer

Q211) Which of state start online platform for self-certify? Show Answer

Q212) To fulfil the Government of India's mission & to promote the entrepreneurship in the country, Academia Alliance Program has been formed. With whose initiative Academia. Alliance Program has been formed? Show Answer

Q213) How many new jobs are created by every Startup? Show Answer

Q214) Pro's of the NIPP- Show Answer

Q215) What is the benefit of Startup? Show Answer

Q216) Which scheme is started by NITI Aayog for schools across India? Show Answer

Q217) Statement: "Product is the king" Which company satisfy the statement? Show Answer

Q218) Statement 1: Startups can exit their company within 90 or 180 days.
Statement 2: Startups can exist their company after completing 4 or more years.
Which statement is true? Show Answer

Q219) How many individuals In UP work in Startup Yatra? Show Answer

Q220) In Startup turnover is not exceed more then? Show Answer

Q221) The profits of recognised Startups are exempted from income-tax for how many years? Show Answer

Q222) After Television Channel and website, what other initiative has been launched to promote the Cashless Payments? Show Answer

Q223) Statement: 6 Labour and 3 Environment laws for a period of 5 years from the date of registration. This act comes under which law? Show Answer

Q224) DIPP is stand for Show Answer

Q225) Startup India presents to you a list of state government policies who offer benefits to Startups Show Answer

Q226) Which of the following is Product based Company? Show Answer

Q227) Startups are allowed to self-certify their compliance under 6 Labour and 3 Environment laws for a period of how many years from the date of incorporation? Show Answer

Q228) Recently the government launched 'Startup India' initiative. Which of the following statement is/are true regarding it?
1. Innovation hub under Atal Innovation Mission will be created.
2. Startup will be started in one day.
3. Profits earned by Startups will be exempt from payment of income tax during the first two years of business.
4. Easy exit option will be provided. Show Answer

Q229) The plan describes how the product will be distributed and priced Show Answer

Q230) "Software engineers should not use their technical skills to misuse other people's computers." Here the term misuse refers to: Show Answer

Q231) The plan shows whether the business is economically feasible or not. Show Answer

Q232) Operations cover many aspects of business, including: Show Answer

Q233) Which state does not yet have a Software Technology Park of India? Show Answer

Q234) The government has set aside a corpus fund of ", managed by SDBI," to provide equity funding support for development and growth of innovation driven enterprises. Show Answer

Q235) Term loans are secured with a tenure of years. Show Answer

Q236) What are ethical theories? Show Answer

Q237) How many schemes are there under Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana? Show Answer

Q238) Growth Capital and Equity Assistance provides assistance to whom? Show Answer

Q239) Requires proper review and reconsideration of the selected alternative before implementing it. Show Answer

Q240) Software piracy is: Show Answer

Q241) Business ethics deals primarily with Show Answer

Q242) What is the problem definition related to: Show Answer

Q243) Decisions and policies that use the approach to "decision making attempt to implement social systems, institutions, and environments that everyone depends on and that benefit all people." Show Answer

Q244) The Company Description must convey many aspects of your business, but not: Show Answer

Q245) Term Loan has an interest rate between? Show Answer

Q246) Which of the following is an internal factor that influences entrepreneurs? Show Answer

Q247) The concept of a Director Identification Number (DIN) has been introduced for the first time with the insertion of Sections of "Companies (Amendment) Act, 2006. Show Answer

Q248) Which of the following is usually included in a business plan? Show Answer

Q249) Define Moral Relativism Show Answer

Q250) A written statement of policies and principles that guides the behaviour of all employees is called Show Answer

Q251) What is the full form of NIPP? Show Answer

Q252) All definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility recognize that: Show Answer

Q253) What are the benefits of Startup? Show Answer

Q254) A company is said to have been registered when? Show Answer

Q255) The profits of recognized Startups are exempted from income-tax for a period of how many years? Show Answer

Q256) A private company means a company which has a minimum paid up capital of Rs. Show Answer

Q257) Property of the company belongs to Show Answer

Q258) Entrepreneurship can best be described as: Show Answer

Q259) An entrepreneur doing business worldwide is called: Show Answer

Q260) Moral values varies from Show Answer

Q261) Marketing: Show Answer

Q262) If someone starts a new business that is a service station, this is an example of an: Show Answer

Q263) A complication of "the approach to decision making is that measuring and comparing the values of certain benefits and costs is often difficult, if not impossible. Show Answer

Q264) What are the benefits of NASSCOM? Show Answer

Q265) Which statement is/are true? Show Answer

Q266) TARUN stage of MUDRA loan scheme provides maximum amount of? Show Answer

Q267) What is the maximum loan limit under "Kishor" Scheme of PM Mudra Yojana? Show Answer

Q268) The parties involved in franchise business are Show Answer

Q269) Which of the following is a purpose of a business plan? Show Answer

Q270) Ethics must guide technology in the direction of Show Answer

Q271) Which trade group represents the world's largest software and hardware manufacturers? Show Answer

Q272) What are computer ethics? Show Answer

Q273) If you Want to use one program on thirty different computers. you should Show Answer

Q274) From below which one is the not a type of an approach to deal with ethical issue Show Answer

Q275) Full form of the CSR? Show Answer

Q276) What are the types of intellectual properties? Show Answer

Q277) Which of the following is a profession where advance training and experience is not required? Show Answer

Q278) A philanthropist is someone who Show Answer

Q279) Computer crime includes: Show Answer

Q280) What is the first stage in decision making? Show Answer

Q281) Ankita is an ethically centred production manager so she will ship a product Show Answer

Q282) Trade secret refers to? Show Answer

Q283) The reason for software bugs and failures is due to Show Answer

Q284) The right to control your own personal information is the right of: Show Answer

Q285) Pirating software is an act of violating Show Answer

Q286) What is the second stage in decision making? Show Answer

Q287) A women entrepreneur is supposed to have a minimum financial interest in share capital of entrepreneur's enterprise: Show Answer

Q288) Intellectual properties are: Show Answer

Q289) All of the answers below are advantages to buying your own software EXCEPT Show Answer

Q290) Implies that women entrepreneurs are now economically independent and take decisions independently. Show Answer

Q291) A problem statement must be: Show Answer

Q292) Which is an example of plagiarism? Show Answer

Q293) What are the common ethical issues for IT users? Show Answer

Q294) From a legal perspective, IT workers are not recognized as professionals because they are not by the state government Show Answer

Q295) Supposing you are a journalist, is it ethical 10 use a tape record your Interview process without the consent of the person concerned? Show Answer

Q296) Company incorporation form is required to be filed within as the name is reserved only for this time period Show Answer

Q297) An individual can borrow up to lakh in term loans or working capital loans as per your eligibility and feasibility Show Answer

Q298) Government has mandated minimum credit flow of for Shishu Category Show Answer

Q299) Working Capital Loan has an interest rate of Show Answer

Q300) SISHU stage of MUDRA loan scheme provides maximum amount of? Show Answer

Q301) A criminal activity within the information technology infrastructure. Show Answer

Q302) Law is the system of rules of conduct established by the government of a society to maintain Show Answer

Q303) ln which year Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana was launched? Show Answer

Q304) Minimum how many numbers of directors required in Public company Show Answer

Q305) Which of the following is not considered while selecting the region? Show Answer

Q306) A genetic term that is concerned to the legal and regulatory aspects of Internet and computer technology. Show Answer

Q307) The legal risks of ethical hacking include lawsuits due to of personal data. Show Answer

Q308) An Appendix is the proper place to: Show Answer

Q309) What type of cyber-crime, its laws and punishments do section 66 of the lndian IT Act holds? Show Answer

Q310) Explain what is meant by PRODUCT with reference to one of the eight principles as per theACM/IEEE Code of Ethics? Show Answer

Q311) Cyber-crime can be categorized into types. Show Answer

Q312) Why should an entrepreneur do a feasibility study? Show Answer

Q313) Identify the correct statement: software engineers shall Show Answer

Q314) Identify an ethical dilemma from the situations mentioned below: Show Answer

Q315) Some investors may ask to see which two parts of the business plan first? Show Answer

Q316) Setting marketing goals and objectives the entrepreneur must Show Answer

Q317) The Executive Summary must show many that: Show Answer

Q318) What are the primary reasons that Startups need funding? Show Answer

Q319) What is software piracy? Show Answer

Q320) If you believe in making decisions for the good of most people, you can be described as following which school of thought? Show Answer

Q321) Decisions and policies that use the approach to decision making attempt to implement social systems, institutions. And environments that everyone depends on and that benefit all people." Show Answer

Q322) What are the responsibilities or CEO in an organization? Show Answer

Q323) How to identity different alternatives for a problem? Show Answer

Q324) What is the third stage in decision making? Show Answer

Q325) Full form of NCEES? Show Answer

Q326) Publishing false information In Internet is an issue of Show Answer

Q327) Decision making process include which steps: - Show Answer

Q328) The software manufacturers can criminally prosecute violators and fine them up to Show Answer

Q329) Full form of FTC? Show Answer

Q330) Why did Google agree to pay $22.5 million to end an ITC Investigation? Show Answer

Q331) Ethical criteria in employee appraisals not includes? Show Answer

Q332) Ethics is the set of belief about Show Answer

Q333) How can we improve business ethics? Show Answer

Q334) Which company shares can be freely transferable? Show Answer

Q335) What is the not a mission of BSA? Show Answer

Q336) The step in the decision making process during which the decision makers consider laws, guidelines. policies, and principles that might apply to the decision is the step. Show Answer

Q337) On what basis the appraisal of employees is done? Show Answer

Q338) What is the ethics behind training how to hack a system? Show Answer

Q339) Which one of the following is an economic barrier to an entrepreneur? Show Answer

Q340) "Company has latest computers and state-of the art software tools, so we shouldn't worry about the quality of the product." Show Answer

Q341) One effective way to begin the marketing plan is Show Answer

Q342) Is the technique used in business organizations and firms to protect IT assets. Show Answer

Q343) Which of the following is not a type of cyber-crime? Show Answer

Q344) The business plan should be prepared by: Show Answer

Q345) Performing a shoulder surfing in order to check other's password Is ethical practice. Show Answer

Q346) The single most important part of your business plan is: Show Answer

Q347) Your Statement of Mission can describe your company in terms of: Show Answer

Q348) Which type of business plan is intended as the blueprint of a company's activities and is directed to an internal audience? Show Answer

Q349) It is estimated that approximately percent of small businesses fail within the first five years. Show Answer

Q350) Use the staffing budget to: Show Answer

Q351) Which of the following ethical precepts can be used In media? Show Answer

Q352) Has now evolved to be one of the most popular automated tools for unethical hacking. Show Answer

Q353) Helps to classify arguments and situations, better understand a cyber crime and helps to determine appropriate actions. Show Answer

Q354) "As per an IBM report, 31%of the project get cancelled before they are completed, 53% overrun their cost estimates by an average of 189% and for every 100 projects, there are 94 restarts?. What Is the reason for these statistics? Show Answer

Q355) The financial plan provides a complete picture of Show Answer

Q356) A Break-Even Analysis shows: Show Answer

Q357) In which year India's IT Act came into existence? Show Answer

Q358) Select the incorrect statement: Software engineers should Show Answer

Q359) The plan should contain control points to ascertain progress. Show Answer

Q360) SM is: - Show Answer

Q361) Any modification in shape, pattern, configuration Show Answer

Q362) WIPO have member states as: Show Answer

Q363) Litigation is Show Answer

Q364) For a license to republish a Literary, Dramatic, Musical or Artistic work (Sections 31, 3 A, 31B* and 32A) Show Answer

Q365) CA is an example of: - Show Answer

Q366) New idea/invention is IP, a patent registration is an Show Answer

Q367) Darjeeling tea, Kanchipuram sarees & Kolhapuri chappals Show Answer

Q368) An intellectual property right granted by a government to the author of an original literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, or other eligible creative work to an author, composer etc. (or his assignee) to print, publish and sell copies of his original work Show Answer

Q369) WIPO is Show Answer

Q370) Copyright Registration - Mandatory Show Answer

Q371) Literary Dramatic Musical or Artistic work fee is: Show Answer

Q372) Copyright Subject Matter Show Answer

Q373) Copyrights are done for Show Answer

Q374) An entrepreneur into the hosiery business found out the reason his hosiery was not selling was due to its color. What could be the best source of this information? Show Answer

Q375) In some countries, points of purchase displays are not allowed in retail stores. Such differences are studied by international entrepreneurs unaer environment. Show Answer

Q376) Having more than 50% ownership position that provides the entrepreneur with managerial control is called Show Answer

Q377) The development of a new venture based on an inventor's work often requires Show Answer

Q378) A business where an individual is both the owner and conductor of the business affairs is called Show Answer

Q379) In the entrepreneur has the right to sell any assets. Show Answer

Q380) The idea and actions that explain how a firm will make its profits refers to Show Answer

Q381) Entrepreneurs are best as Show Answer

Q382) Entrepreneurs and ventures capitalists: Show Answer

Q383) Is one method of stimulating, and then capitalizing on, individuals in an organization who think that something can be done differently and better. Show Answer

Q384) In which of the following, the ownership of venture is reflected by ownership of shares of stock? Show Answer

Q385) The small business 'owner-manager' is always the founder of the business: Show Answer

Q386) Which of these statements best describes the context for entrepreneurship: Show Answer

Q387) Which of the following are described as one of the 'Big Five' personality traits? Show Answer

Q388) Which of the following is a reason why a person might prefer to purchase a franchise rather than open a completely new business? Show Answer

Q389) MSMED stands to Show Answer

Q390) Can be defined as psychological features that enable an individual to take action toward a desired goal? Show Answer

Q391) Ethical issues In entertainment media would not include which of the following? Show Answer

Q392) Sita wants to start her business venture in rural and agriculture based industry. Which of the following can she approach for business incubation ? Show Answer

Q393) A large fruit exporter is contemplating the possibility of exporting high quality bananas produced in farms located inland. He is considering export to international markets via the seaport. What is the bottleneck faced by the fruit exporter ? Show Answer

Q394) To ensure remunerative income from agriculture by farmers, the Government of India offers to procure their produce of specified cereals, pulses, oil seeds and commercial crops at fixed prices irrespective of market prices. This fixed price is called : Show Answer

Q395) Entrepreneurs introducing a new product or creating a new market are called 'first movers'. Which statement is False about first movers ?
Show Answer

Q396) Which of the following measure or measures is/are in use by the Government of India to classify manufacturing sector enterprises in to micro, small and medium ?
Show Answer

Q397) In India, sanction of a business loan to an entrepreneur, banks and financial institutions commonly appraise the following document pertaining to the entrepreneur's business venture. Show Answer

Q398) Why is a business feasibility study relevant to an entrepreneur ?
Show Answer

Q399) All of the following statements are true EXCEPT.
Show Answer

Q400) For a business enterprise, household savings rate and house hold investment rate are part of its. Show Answer

Q401) All of the following statements are true EXCEPT :
Show Answer

Q402) In India, under a central government assistance scheme launched in April 2015, the following loans upto Rs 10 lakhs are distributed to the non-corporate non-form small and micro enterprises. The vision of the scheme is to provide financial and support services for the livelihood of the poor of the bottom of the pyramid. Show Answer

Q403) During identification of specific product offering, the following step must be executed by entrepreneurs in order to check whether it is possible to convert the idea in to reality with available technology and at a cost that can be covered by the price. Show Answer

Q404) All of the following statements about entrepreneurship are true EXCEPT. Show Answer

Q405) Which statement an entrepreneurship is FALSE ?
Show Answer

Q406) Consider the following statement :
(I) Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI), a Government of India scheme, aims to develop clusters across India, build skills, improve technologies and create sustained employment in traditional industries such as handlooms.
(II) Startup India scheme is a flagship Government of India support scheme which aims to empower startups to grow through innovation and design. It is expected to lead to sustainable economic growth and generate large-scale employment opportunities.
Which of the following is correct ?
Show Answer

Q407) Consider the following statements :
(I) Stating up a business is the focus of entrepreneurship; ongoing operations of an existing business is the focus of management.
(II) While entrepreneurs are usually risk-averse; management are commonly risk-takers.
Which of the following is CORRECT ? Show Answer

Q408) Which of the following was setup in India in 1955 with the goal to promote, aid and foster the growth of small business units in the country ? It aids small businesses by supply of machines on easy terms, raw material procurement, export of finished products and mentoring services. Show Answer

Q409) In India, which of the following is a leading institute engaged in creating awareness and developing core skill and fundamental competencies of aspiring entrepreneurs ? Show Answer

Q410) Which Government of India support programme has the following characteristics ?
(I) Easy Exit : In case of a business failure and wind up of operations, entrepreneurs do not have to withstand prolonged exit process. Resources will be reallocated towards more productive uses. The aim is to promote experimentation with new and innovative ideas.
(II) Hamessing private sector for incubator setup for professional management, the government has envisaged setting up of incubators in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model. Show Answer

Q411) Designed to help entrepreneurs in Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector take part in manufacturing under Government of India's 'Make-in-India' program, this national financing scheme lays emphasis on smaller enterprises within MSME sector. What is it known as ?
Show Answer

Q412) Consider the following statements :
(I) An entrepreneur is born as an entrepreneur rather than being made an entrepreneur. In the other words, skill and competency require to become an entrepreneur cannot be learnt or acquired.
(II) Entrepreneurship is a step by step purposeful activity which happens as the outcome of interaction between the entrepreneur and his/her environment.
Which of the following is CORRECT ?
Show Answer

Q413) In a major step, in 2016, India launched a Pan - India electronic trading portal website to network existing Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) mandis. At present, 1000 markets in 18 sates and 3 Union Territories are on this network. For agricultural commodities, this provides better prince discovery through transparent auction. It also ensures timely online payment. This programme is known as : Show Answer

Q414) For Indian entrepreneurship of early stage business, the following provide physical space, coaching and funding. They also provide valuable assistance in networking with angel investors and venture capitalists, help with preparation of loan proposals and access to government support schemes. They are commonly known as : Show Answer

Q415) Which of the following statements about entrepreneurs is FALSE ? Show Answer

Q416) National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC) assists the following : Show Answer

Q417) Why do entrepreneurs continuously scan and monitor the Business environment ? Show Answer

Q418) In physical distribution of goods from the point of production to the point of consumption, a major decision area for an entrepreneur is : Show Answer

Q419) The Government of India created a digital platform startups to network, access free tools, participate in challenges' exchange knowledge and get access to funding. It is a digital ecosystem between entrepreneurs, investors, accelerators, incubators and mentors. The platform is known as : Show Answer

Q420) Each year before both the cropping seasons, the Government of India declares the following price for 22 named agricultural crops such as Paddy, Jawar, Bajara and others. The Government also organizes procurement operations of these agricultural commodities at the announced price through various public and co-operative agencies such as food corporation of India. Show Answer

Q421) When entrepreneurs fund a startup business from their personal savings and resources, this mode of startup business is known as : Show Answer

Q422) Aspiring entrepreneurs may benefit from formal education Programmes for developing entrepreneurship. A specially designed institute in India providing entrepreneurship awareness, skill development and entrepreneurship development is : Show Answer

Q423) Which is the Government of India's principal financial support scheme for women, Scheduled Caste (SC), and Scheduled Tribe (ST) entrepreneurs who want to setup a green field enterprise ? This scheme facilities bank loans between Rs 10 lakhs and Rs 1 crore for women, SC and ST entrepreneurs. Show Answer

Q424) Which of the following is a major national programme of the Government of India designed to facilitate investment, factor innovation, develop skills, protect intellectual property and build best in class manufacturing Infrastructure in the country ?
Show Answer

Q425) The following data is extracted from India's annual budget
Non-debt creating capital receipts (in lakh crores) = Rs 6
Gross Primary deficit (in lakh crores) = Rs 10
Gross fiscal deficit (in lakh Crores) = Rs 18
What was the value of Net interest liabilities during the same period ? Show Answer

Q426) The following data is extracted from India's annual budget
Total expenditure (in lakh crores) = Rs 60
Borrowing from abroad (in lakh crores) = RS 4
Revenue receipts (in lakh crores) = Rs 31
Gross Fiscal deficit (in lakh crores) = RS 17
What was the value of Non-debt creating Capital receipts during the same period ?
Show Answer

Q427) Consider the following statements :
(I) Often, entrepreneurship lends to introduction of new products, technological breakthroughs, discovery of new markets and sources of supply of inputs.
(II) Generally, entrepreneurship aims to deliver value to the customers, returns for the investors and profits for the entrepreneurs. Which of the following is CORRECT ?
Show Answer

Q428) Consider the following statements :
(I) A developing country needs entrepreneurs to initiate the process of development
(II) A developed country needs entrepreneurs to sustain the process of development.
Which of the following is CORRECT ? Show Answer

Q429) In April 2020, which of the following launched loan at 5% within 48 hours for India Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises which manufacture which manufacture medical products or provide services related to fighting the corona virus ?
Show Answer

Q430) In 2018 an advanced digital platform named 'PSB Loans in 59 minutes' was launched in India its purpose was to reduce the time taken by banks in providing in principle approval of business loan applications from Micro, Small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) from days to less than 50 minutes which of the following led a consortium of Indian banks in developing this platform ? Show Answer

Q431) A credit guarantee scheme gives entrepreneurs exclusively from India's Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector access to collateral free loans up to Rs 200 lakhs. In case of default, the trust established under the scheme settles the claim for a pre-specified share of the loan amount in default Government of India and Small Industries Development Bank of India jointly established the trust. This trust is known as : Show Answer

Q432) Consider the following statements :
(I) Many of the small business entrepreneurs are less successful in marketing the output
(II) Unlike large corporations, small scale industries lack managerial talent
Which of the following is Correct ?
Show Answer

Q433) The Woman Entrepreneurship Platform (WEP) is a digital platform that promotes and supports established as well as aspiring women entrepreneur from across India benefits to Women entrepreneurs are motivation, knowledge, funding, incubation, compliance and so on thus platform is one of the key initiatives of : Show Answer

Q434) Consider the following statements :
(I) Corporate tax must be added to the National income to arrive at personal income
(II) Transfer payments to the households from the Government and Firms must be deducted from the national income to arrive at personal income.
Which of the following is correct ? Show Answer

Q435) Government Support for entrepreneurs is essential to accelerate innovation in India because
Show Answer

Q436) Which statement on entrepreneurship is INCORRECT ? Show Answer

Q437) For entrepreneurs starting small business inside India. Which Indian Act provides a layer framework ? Show Answer

Q438) When compared to established larger corporations, small business startup enterprises have all the following advantages Except - Show Answer

Q439) The entrepreneurs use information gathered and presented in a feasibility study to do all of the following EXCEPT -
Show Answer

Q440) Consider the following statements-
(i) In order to promote business, an entrepreneur needs to adopt a conservative approach.
(ii) In order to provide value to the clients, an entrepreneur typically recognises a need, mobilises resources and organise production.
Which of the following is CORRECT?
Show Answer

Q441) What is the term used for source of funding wherein individuals having surplus cash invest in the early-stage start-up firms? Show Answer

Q442) Which of the following is the government of India's flagship initiative designed to foster innovation, empower entrepreneurs and catalyse start-up enterprises while also boosting employment and economic growth throughout India? Show Answer

Q443) Describe an incubator
Show Answer

Q444) An entrepreneur initially introduces a new product at a very high price, and as competitors enter the market, the price is reduced gradually. This pricing strategy is known as Show Answer

Q445) The government of India has a major national programme called make in India. The main aim is to attract investments from across the globe and strengthen India's manufacturing sector make in India is being led by
Show Answer

Q446) For early stage business of Indian entrepreneur, the following provides physical space coaching and funding. They help with the preparation of loan proposals and access to government support schemes and also provide valuable assistance in networking with angel venture capitalists. They are commonly known as Show Answer

Q447) Which of the following most significant scheme offered by the Indian government to promote entrepreneurship, innovation and create numerous employment opportunities?
Show Answer

Q448) What is the necessary for entrepreneur to scan and monitor the business environment continuously Show Answer

Q449) The doing business project provides objective measure of business regulations for domestic business firms across 190 economies of the world.
The focus of the project is on Show Answer

Q450) In India, words, symbols and signs that might differentiate one company's goods or services from those companies are typically protected under- Show Answer

Q451) Using personal savings and resources, entrepreneurs can fund their start-up business. This mode of funding in a startup business is known as:

Show Answer

Q452) A multifaceted programme of the Indian Government has been underways since sept.,2014 with the goal of making India a popular place for investments as well as a hub for global manufacturing. This programme is referred to as:
Show Answer

Q453) A fintech start up called Online PBS Loans Limited Provides a contactless online credit market place. In order to speed up bank lending decisions. If intends to provide a comprehensive digital platform for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) lending by linking borrowers and lenders using technological interventions. Which of the following financial organisations led a consortium of Indian banks in jointly creating Online PSB Loans Limited? Show Answer

Q454) According to economic theory, an organisation needs four factors of production, labour, capital, entrepreneurs and land which of the following does an entrepreneur expect to receive from their business?
Show Answer

Q455) Formal education programmes for entrepreneurship development may be useful for aspiring entrepreneurs. An institute specifically created to promote entrepreneurship awareness, skill development and entrepreneurship, development located in India is : Show Answer

Q456) An entrepreneur is concerned about the challenge of growing too much too soon. What advice should be given to address this issue? Show Answer

Q457) What is the name of the scheme initiated by the Government of India that enables startups of file applications for patents, designs, and trademarks through approved facilitators in the relevant intellectual Property offices by paying the mandatory fees?
Show Answer

Q458) Was does 'greenfield' signify in the context of the stand-up India scheme? Show Answer

Q459) How can working capital up to INR 10 Lakh be sanctioned under the stand-up India Scheme?
Show Answer

Q460) An entrepreneur is a first-time business owner and needs to build a strong network. In the following options, which is most critical for building a supportive network?
Show Answer

Q461) What is a common bottleneck in startup business?
Show Answer

Q462) Priya a young entrepreneur from a Scheduled Caste Background wants to set up a greenfield enterprise in the manufacturing sector. She also wants to involve a woman entrepreneur in her venture. Which government scheme should priya consider for financing her business? Show Answer

Q463) Raj, a foreign investor is interested in investing in India,s manufacturing sector. He wants to known which government initiative has increased the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) limit in various industries. Which initiative should Raj look into? Show Answer

Q464) How many actively monitoring the business environment Impact a company's performance? Show Answer

Q465) One of the earliest appearances of the world "entrepreneur" was in the field of economics. Among the various roles that entrepreneurs are known to play in the economy, which of the following is NOT one of their functions according to economics?

Show Answer

Q466) An entrepreneur named Ramesh is planning to start a new manufacturing business in India. He wants to take advantage of a government initiative that aims to make India a global manufacturing hub. Which initiative should Ramesh explore to fulfill his goal? Show Answer

Q467) How has the government attracted foreign investment under the "Make in India's programme? Show Answer

Q468) A tech startup is looking for benefits such as patent cost rebates, income tax exemptions and networking opportunities. Which government initiative should they explore? Show Answer

Q469) Which of the following statements best describes the make in India campaign focus areas? Show Answer

Q470) Which government initiative aims to transform India a global manufacturing hub across various sectors like automobile, biotechnology and textile? Show Answer

Q471) Startup founders in India are struggling to establish a strong internal bond and decentralization system within their business. They realize that they are becoming the biggest bottleneck in their own company's growth. Which of the following strategies would be most effective for them to address the issue? Show Answer

Q472) An aspiring entrepreneur wants to participate in international skill training programs to acquire specialized skills and knowledge. Which government initiative facilities such opportunities? Show Answer

Q473) What is the key focus of the Vibrant Villages Programme announced in the Union Budget 2022? Show Answer

Q474) Startup founders in India are unsure about how to approach the challenge of inefficient time management within their business. They want to improve organizational efficiency but are uncertain about the best course of action. Which of the following steps would be most advisable for them to take?
Show Answer

Q475) A startup is seeking mentorship networking, and financial support from ventures capitalists. Which aspect of the government's initiatives addresses these needs? Show Answer

Q476) Under which government initiative can start-ups avail an 80% rebate on patent costs for registering unique goods and services? Show Answer

Q477) Startup founders in India are struggling to build a supportive network for their business. They find it challenging to develop contracts and establish connection within their industry. Which of the following strategies would be most effective for them in building a strong network? Show Answer

Q478) Which initiative by the Government of India aims to promote skill development and entrepreneurship? Show Answer

Q479) Under which scheme is the Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) initiated to offer training to workers for a specific period in Japan's industrial society? Show Answer