Practice Test

Q1) There are about __________ species of flowering plants. Show Answer

Q2) The study of external structure of an organism or an organ is called Show Answer

Q3) _________ is the study of internal structures of an organism. Show Answer

Q4) Descending part of the plant axis is Show Answer

Q5) In many hydrophytes like _________ root cap is replaced by root pocket. Show Answer

Q6) Root, stem and leaves are the ________ parts of a plant. Show Answer

Q7) ________ system of a plant is positively geographic. Show Answer

Q8) Root system develops from Show Answer

Q9) _________ helps in longitudinal growth of root. Show Answer

Q10) Which region of the root lies close to the stem ? Show Answer

Q11) Lateral root also develop from the region of Show Answer

Q12) Zone of elongation in a plant root is concerned with Show Answer

Q13) A root can be differentiated from the stem because of the absence of Show Answer

Q14) Roots of ______ become fleshly or swollen due to the storage of food material. Show Answer

Q15) After becoming green, roots of ________ manufacture food by photosynthesis. Show Answer

Q16) Roots that grow from any part of the plant body than the radicle are called Show Answer

Q17) Pneumatophores are the characteristic of Show Answer

Q18) Pneumatophores are Show Answer

Q19) In sunflower, the root system is Show Answer

Q20) Epiphytes depend upon other plants for Show Answer

Q21) Additional roots given out by maize plants are Show Answer

Q22) Wheat shows the presence of _______ root system. Show Answer

Q23) Roots arising from horizontal branches of a tree is called Show Answer

Q24) Pneumatophores occur in the plants of Show Answer

Q25) Tap root is a direct prolongation of Show Answer

Q26) Pneumatophores help the plant in Show Answer

Q27) Napiform roots are Show Answer

Q28) Adventitious roots develop from Show Answer

Q29) Rhizophora shows the presence of Show Answer

Q30) ________ are negatively geotropic. Show Answer

Q31) ___________ process lenticels for gaseous exchange. Show Answer

Q32) In which habitat is Heritiera found ? Show Answer

Q33) Roots of _________ take part in vegetative reproduction. Show Answer

Q34) Dahlia and Asparagus have _________ root. Show Answer

Q35) In the Indian botanical garden, _________ tree is 200 years old. Show Answer

Q36) Banyan tree present in the Indian Botanical Garden, Howrah has nearly _________ prop roots. Show Answer

Q37) In plant like ________, roots grow in whorls from lower nodes. Show Answer

Q38) Which of the following pair of plants possess stilt root ? Show Answer

Q39) Climbing roots occur in Show Answer

Q40) Epiphytic root is also called ________ root. Show Answer

Q41) Which of the following plants possess parasitic root ? Show Answer

Q42) The region of a root which is responsible for absorption of mineral salt is Show Answer

Q43) Root hairs are produced by Show Answer

Q44) The region of root which helps in fixation of plant body in the soil is Show Answer

Q45) The tap roots system, lateral branches of roots are produced in Show Answer

Q46) The roots which do the function of photosynthesis is / are Show Answer

Q47) The root which is broad at the base due to storage of food and tapers gradually towards the apex is called Show Answer

Q48) Name the plant\s among the following in which roots are positively phototropic and perform the function of respiration. Show Answer

Q49) Banyan tree shows ________ roots. Show Answer

Q50) Epiphytic roots are spongy due to the presence of Show Answer

Q51) Which of the following roots is called assimilatory root ? Show Answer

Q52) The multicellular outgrowth produced from epidermis are Show Answer

Q53) The thick roots that hang down from the banyan tree are called Show Answer

Q54) Stilt roots are found in Show Answer

Q55) Multiple root cap is present in Show Answer

Q56) In which of the following roots, is food stored ? Show Answer

Q57) A fibrous root system is adapted better than the tap root system to perform the function of Show Answer

Q58) Fibrous roots develop in maize from the Show Answer

Q59) The rhizome differs from root in respect of Show Answer

Q60) Stem grows towards Show Answer

Q61) Part of plant body which bears nodes and internodes protected by several immature leaves is Show Answer

Q62) Stem is Show Answer

Q63) A bud which develops at any place other than the stem apex or leaf axil, is called Show Answer

Q64) A bud present at the stem apex is called Show Answer

Q65) A bud present at the axil of the leaf is called Show Answer

Q66) A bud which can develop into a flower is known as Show Answer

Q67) Bulbil is a modified bud meant for Show Answer

Q68) Amorphophallus is an example of Show Answer

Q69) A ginger plant has an underground stem called Show Answer

Q70) Potato is an underground stem because it Show Answer

Q71) Food present in bulbs occur in Show Answer

Q72) ______ is a scaly bulb. Show Answer

Q73) The primary function of stem is Show Answer

Q74) Thorn is a stem structure because it Show Answer

Q75) Thorn in Bougainvillea is a modified Show Answer

Q76) Colocasia is the example of Show Answer

Q77) Runner is a/an Show Answer

Q78) Rhizome differs from roots as it is Show Answer

Q79) The stem modified to perform the function of a leaf and having many internodes is called Show Answer

Q80) Which of the following is not an underground stem ? Show Answer

Q81) Phylloclade is the modification of _______ for photosynthesis. Show Answer

Q82) Stem developing below the soil is called Show Answer

Q83) Stolon arises from the base of Show Answer

Q84) Sucker is called underground runner as it Show Answer

Q85) In Vitis, _______ is modified into tendril. Show Answer

Q86) In Cucurbita ________ bud is modified into tendril. Show Answer

Q87) Which one of the following is a xerophytic plant in which the stem is modified into flat green and succulent structure ? Show Answer

Q88) Phylloclade is thick, fleshy, and succulent in Show Answer

Q89) Phylloclade is cylindrical in Show Answer

Q90) In Asparagus, Show Answer

Q91) Stem modified into flattened photosynthetic structure is called Show Answer

Q92) Potatoes are cultivated by Show Answer

Q93) Function of lenticels is Show Answer

Q94) The largest terminal bud is Show Answer

Q95) Bud is an Show Answer

Q96) The bud which appears at places other than the node is called Show Answer

Q97) Among the following, which function/s are performed by underground stem ? Show Answer

Q98) Underground stem can be differentiated from roots by the Show Answer

Q99) The stem which grows horizontally under the surface of soil and stores the food is Show Answer

Q100) If the growth of rhizome takes place with the help of the lateral bud, it is described as Show Answer

Q101) Tubers differ from rhizome because Show Answer

Q102) In onion and garlic which part stores the food ? Show Answer

Q103) Out of the following which is tunicated ? Show Answer

Q104) Runner of aquatic plant is called Show Answer

Q105) Find out the wrongly matched pair. Show Answer

Q106) A pair of lateral outgrowth present on either side of axillary bud are called Show Answer

Q107) Most reduced form of stem is found in Show Answer

Q108) Function of stem is Show Answer

Q109) Stem found in water is called Show Answer

Q110) The edible part of potato is Show Answer

Q111) Offset is observed in Show Answer

Q112) Example of corm is Show Answer

Q113) Which one of the following is a modified stem that performs photosynthesis ? Show Answer

Q114) A branch which grows horizontally below the soil and then comes above the soil obliquely is called Show Answer

Q115) When the stem is modified into green leaf like structures it is called Show Answer

Q116) In Asparagus, the branches are modified into Show Answer

Q117) The part of leaf attached to the stem or branch is known as Show Answer

Q118) The part of leaf attached to the stem or branch is known as Show Answer

Q119) The part of leaf connecting the lamina with branch or stem is called Show Answer

Q120) The largest, green and flattened expanded part of the leaf is called Show Answer

Q121) The lateral outgrowth at the base, on either side of axillary bud is called Show Answer

Q122) Leaves help in Show Answer

Q123) The leaf with petiole is called Show Answer

Q124) The leaf without petiole is called Show Answer

Q125) Reticulate venation is seen in Show Answer

Q126) Parallel venation is seen in Show Answer

Q127) In Opuntia the entire leaf gets modified into Show Answer

Q128) In Acacia, _______ get modified into spines. Show Answer

Q129) In Pisum sativum, ___________are tendrillar. Show Answer

Q130) The arrangement of the leaves at a node on the stem is called Show Answer

Q131) The tendrils of sweet pea plant are modified Show Answer

Q132) Leaves arise from which part of a plant ? Show Answer

Q133) Which of the following shows leaf hooks ? Show Answer

Q134) Thalamus consists of ________ nodes and _______ internodes. Show Answer

Q135) Thorns with leaves and flowers are found in Show Answer

Q136) Leaf tip tendrils are found in Show Answer

Q137) In which plant is the entire leaf modified into small, stiff, pointed structure called spine ? Show Answer

Q138) Which statement is TRUE about xerophytes ? Show Answer

Q139) A typical foliage leaf consists of Show Answer

Q140) The leaves which are with stipules are called Show Answer

Q141) The arrangement of veins and veinlets on the lamina is known as Show Answer

Q142) Function of veins in plant leaves is to Show Answer

Q143) What is NOT TRUE from the following ? Show Answer

Q144) Stipules are Show Answer

Q145) When the petiole becomes flat, green, leaf like structure, it is known as Show Answer

Q146) Alternate phyllotaxy is observed in Show Answer

Q147) If more than two leaves are produced at each node, it is described as Show Answer

Q148) When one pair of leaf is placed at right angle to the next pair of leaf, it is said to be ______ phyllotaxy. Show Answer

Q149) Nerium shows ________ type of phyllotaxy. Show Answer

Q150) A leaf is modified into phyllode in Show Answer

Q151) When a flower is produced singly, it is called Show Answer

Q152) When a flower is produced in a group, it is called Show Answer

Q153) The peduncle is a/an Show Answer

Q154) The stalk of an inflorescence is called Show Answer

Q155) ______makes the flowers more conspicuous. Show Answer

Q156) Inflorescence improves the chances for Show Answer

Q157) The function of inflorescence is Show Answer

Q158) Racemose inflorescence is found in Show Answer

Q159) In racemose inflorescence, the order for opening of flower is Show Answer

Q160) In racemose inflorescence, the flowers are arranged in ________ order. Show Answer

Q161) In cymose inflorescence, the flowers are arranged in ______ order. Show Answer

Q162) In cymose inflorescence having receptacle the order for opening of flower is Show Answer

Q163) A modified condensed shoot specialized to carry out sexual reproduction is Show Answer

Q164) A flower, like a vegetative shoot may develop in the axil of a small leaf called Show Answer

Q165) Flower produced on the stalk is called Show Answer

Q166) The terminal end of the pedicel is swollen and represents floral axis is called Show Answer

Q167) Calyx and corolla are Show Answer

Q168) Androecium and gynoecium are Show Answer

Q169) ______ are the accessory whorls of flower. Show Answer

Q170) A flower having all the four floral whorls is called _______ flower. Show Answer

Q171) A flower having both the essential whorls is called _______ flower. Show Answer

Q172) A flower having only one of the two essential floral whorls, is called _______ flower. Show Answer

Q173) When both the essential whorls are absent, the flower is said to be Show Answer

Q174) When a plant possesses only one type of unisexual flower, it is called Show Answer

Q175) When a plant possesses both the types of unisexual flowers, the plant is called Show Answer

Q176) When the petals and sepals are inserted below the ovary, the condition is called Show Answer

Q177) In perigyny condition, Show Answer

Q178) Epigynous flower has Show Answer

Q179) The individual members of calyx are called Show Answer

Q180) The individual members of corolla are called Show Answer

Q181) The individual members of perianth are called Show Answer

Q182) Keel is characteristic of the flowers of Show Answer

Q183) When the margins of petals overlap each other in regular manner, it is described as ________ aestivation. Show Answer

Q184) In which type of aestivation is the petal arrangement on external, one internal and three partly external and one partly internal seen ? Show Answer

Q185) When a single ovule is borne at the base of a unilocular interior ovary, it is described as ________ placentation. Show Answer

Q186) Bilaterally symmetriacal flower means Show Answer

Q187) When the sepals are free from one another, it is described as Show Answer

Q188) When the petals are free from one another, it is called Show Answer

Q189) When the petals are united or fused with one another it is known as Show Answer

Q190) Sometimes sepals are modified into hairy structures called Show Answer

Q191) In some flowers, calyx and corolla are morphologically similar. They are together called Show Answer

Q192) When sepals fall just after opening of the flower, they are termed as Show Answer

Q193) When sepals remain even after fruit formation, calyx is called Show Answer

Q194) When the margin of sepals or petals are either in contact or lie close to each other but do not overlap, the aestivation is said to be Show Answer

Q195) In Cassia, aestivation is Show Answer

Q196) In China rose, aestivation is Show Answer

Q197) In pea and bean, aestivation is Show Answer

Q198) In Datura, aestivation is Show Answer

Q199) _______ is the male reproductive whorl. Show Answer

Q200) Each individual member of an androecium is called Show Answer

Q201) When the gynoecium is present at the topmost position of the thalamus, the flower is known as Show Answer

Q202) When the flower is hypogynous, the ovary is said to be Show Answer

Q203) When the thalamus is cup-shaped with the ovary in the centre of it, the flower is known as Show Answer

Q204) When the flower is perigynous, the ovary is said to be Show Answer

Q205) When stamens are free from each other, the androecium is said to be Show Answer

Q206) When stamens are united to the petals, they are described as Show Answer

Q207) When stamens are united by their filament and anthers are free, it is known as Show Answer

Q208) When anthers are united and filaments are free it is known as Show Answer

Q209) ________ is the fourth and the female reproductive whorl of the flower. Show Answer

Q210) Each individual member of gynoecium is called Show Answer

Q211) In pea, gram carpel is Show Answer

Q212) When carpels of a gynoecium are fused with each other, it is called Show Answer

Q213) When the carpels of a gynoecium are free from each other, it is called Show Answer

Q214) When ovules are born at the fused margin of unilocular ovary, it is called ________ placentation. Show Answer

Q215) When ovules are produced on the central axis of a multilocular ovary, it is called _______ placentation. Show Answer

Q216) When ovules are born on the inner wall of unilocular ovary, it is called _______ placentation. Show Answer

Q217) When a single ovule is born at the base of an unilocular inferior ovary, placentation is said to be Show Answer

Q218) 'Gynoecium is apocarpous' means that Show Answer

Q219) Gynoecium consists of Show Answer

Q220) Ovules are produced on soft fertile tissue called Show Answer

Q221) The ovule is called Show Answer

Q222) When the stamens are free from each other the androecium is said to be Show Answer

Q223) In papilionaceous corolla, the aestivation is Show Answer

Q224) Two lobed anther is called Show Answer

Q225) If the tepals are fused, the condition is described as Show Answer

Q226) If the sepals are modified into hairy structures, it is described as Show Answer

Q227) In brinjal, the calyx is Show Answer

Q228) If ovary is situated at highest position and all other whorls are below the ovary, the condition is described as Show Answer

Q229) A flower having both androecium and gynoecium is called Show Answer

Q230) If both essential whorls are absent, the flower is described as Show Answer

Q231) If a plant bears only one type of unisexual flowers, it is described as Show Answer

Q232) A polygamous plant is the one which possesses Show Answer

Q233) In papilionaceous plants, the largest petal is Show Answer

Q234) The type of placentation in which ovary is syncarpous unilocular and ovules on the inner wall is Show Answer

Q235) Out of the following which is an example of phylloclade ? Show Answer

Q236) The stalk of flower is known as Show Answer

Q237) In unilocular ovary with a single ovule, the placentation is Show Answer

Q238) Which of the following plant has hypogynous flower ? Show Answer

Q239) Which of the following is an example of zygomorphic flower ? Show Answer

Q240) Find the ODD one among the following. Show Answer

Q241) Ovules are produced on a soft fertile tissue called Show Answer

Q242) Among the following which one is a false fruit ? Show Answer

Q243) Simple fruit develops from Show Answer

Q244) ___________ is a simple fruit. Show Answer

Q245) Which of the following is not a fruit ? Show Answer

Q246) In mango, edible part is Show Answer

Q247) Edible part of an apple is Show Answer

Q248) Out of the following, which is an aggregate fruit ? Show Answer

Q249) Which of the following is the correct sequence of layers in typical monocot root (from outer surface to inside)? Show Answer

Q250) Which of the following is a false fruit ? Show Answer

Q251) Which is NOT TRUE statement from the following ? Show Answer

Q252) In apple which part takes part in the formation of fruit along with ovary ? Show Answer

Q253) Which one is composite fruit ? Show Answer

Q254) A seed is attached to the inner wall of fruit by a small stalk called Show Answer

Q255) The part of the seed which forms the shoot at that time of germination is called Show Answer

Q256) The part of embryo axis between radicle and first node is called Show Answer

Q257) The part of embryo between plumule and cotyledons is called Show Answer

Q258) Coleorhiza is the covering over Show Answer

Q259) Castor seed stores food in Show Answer

Q260) In maize grain the aleurone layer is Show Answer

Q261) Scutellum is Show Answer

Q262) Shield shaped cotyledon of maize is known as Show Answer

Q263) Non endospermic seeds are found in Show Answer

Q264) The monocotyledonous seed consists of one large and shield-shaped cotyledon known as Show Answer

Q265) In maize grain, the seed coat and pericarp are fused to form Show Answer

Q266) Food is stored in ex-albuminous seed in Show Answer

Q267) Seed with two cotyledons is called Show Answer

Q268) Seed coat develops from Show Answer

Q269) Castor is ________ speed. Show Answer

Q270) In maize grain, the food is stored in Show Answer

Q271) The contents enclosed within the seed coat are together called Show Answer

Q272) Seed absorbs water through Show Answer

Q273) Embryo of angiosperm consists of Show Answer

Q274) Epicotyl means Show Answer

Q275) Seed shows __________ generation. Show Answer

Q276) Find the ODD one from the following. Show Answer

Q277) Out of the following which is endospermic dicot seed ? Show Answer

Q278) The inner membraous seed coat is called Show Answer

Q279) Meristematic tissues are found in Show Answer

Q280) Meristematic cells contain Show Answer

Q281) Meristems may be classified on the basis of Show Answer

Q282) Meristems are classified as _________ on the basis of their origin. Show Answer

Q283) Which meristems are arranged parallel to the longitudinal axis of plant in stem and branches ? Show Answer

Q284) Meristem present since embryonic condition is called Show Answer

Q285) Apical meristem, intercalary meristem and lateral meristems are differentiated on the basis of Show Answer

Q286) Undifferentiated ground tissue is found in Show Answer

Q287) Promeristem gives rise to which meristem ? Show Answer

Q288) The cell wall of meristematic tissue consist of Show Answer

Q289) Ground meristem gives rise to Show Answer

Q290) The meristem that is parallel to the longtudinal axis of the plant is Show Answer

Q291) Find the CORRECT match. Show Answer

Q292) The meristem which leads to secondary growth is Show Answer

Q293) Collenchyma cells are Show Answer

Q294) Mechanical tissue consisting of living cells is Show Answer

Q295) Collenchyma differs from parenchyma with respect to Show Answer

Q296) The tissue which provides mechanical strength is Show Answer

Q297) Spongy tissues is a type of Show Answer

Q298) Aerenchyma is helpful to plants by Show Answer

Q299) Simple dead permanent tissue is Show Answer

Q300) Tapering ends in xylem are in Show Answer

Q301) Food conducting tissue is Show Answer

Q302) Companion cells are always associated with Show Answer

Q303) A tracheids is distinguished from a vesses element on the basis of Show Answer

Q304) Vessels and companion cells are the chracteristic features of Show Answer

Q305) Living member of the phloem tissue is Show Answer

Q306) Phloem contains Show Answer

Q307) Permanent tissue which serves for mechanical strength and rigidity is Show Answer

Q308) A simple, living mechanical tissue is Show Answer

Q309) Water conducting tissue is Show Answer

Q310) Nucleus is present in Show Answer

Q311) Dead lignified tissues is Show Answer

Q312) Phloem in the plant does the function of Show Answer

Q313) Protoxylem vessels show ________ thickening. Show Answer

Q314) Out of the following which is the most advanced type of thickening ? Show Answer

Q315) Vessels are absent in Show Answer

Q316) Sclereids are present in Show Answer

Q317) What is NOT TRUE about sclereids ? Show Answer

Q318) Living tissue with lignin deposition at corners, absence of intercellular spaces are the characteristic of Show Answer

Q319) The most simple and primitive tissue which is present in all parts of plant is Show Answer

Q320) Parenchyma cells are Show Answer

Q321) The most important characteristic of meristematic cell is that Show Answer

Q322) ________ is deposited on the cell wall of xylem. Show Answer

Q323) Which of the following statement is TRUE ? Show Answer

Q324) Companion cells are present in Show Answer

Q325) Parenchyma with abundant chlorplasts is called Show Answer

Q326) Intercellular spaces are found in Show Answer

Q327) _______ is also called fundamental tissue. Show Answer

Q328) Sieve tubes are absent in Show Answer

Q329) ______ are used for making ropes. Show Answer

Q330) In collateral vascular bundles, Show Answer

Q331) A bundle in which xylem is sandwiched by pholem on both the side is known as _______ bundle. Show Answer

Q332) Radical vascular bundles are found in Show Answer

Q333) Radical vascular bundles are the characteristic of Show Answer

Q334) Concentric bundles are always Show Answer

Q335) What do you mean by closed vascular bundle ? Show Answer

Q336) What is the meaning of hadrocentric vascular bundle ? Show Answer

Q337) Epiblema is the characteristic of Show Answer

Q338) In dicot root vascular bundles, Show Answer

Q339) Pith is large and well developed in Show Answer

Q340) In which of the following characters can a monocot root be differentiated from dicot root ? Show Answer

Q341) In a typical dicot stem, Show Answer

Q342) The arrangement of xylem in dicot stem is Show Answer

Q343) Monocot stem lacks Show Answer

Q344) In dicot stem the vascular bundles are Show Answer

Q345) In a dicot stem, the vascular bundles are Show Answer

Q346) Monocot plant show ______ type of leaves. Show Answer

Q347) A typical monocot leaf differs from dicot leaf by Show Answer

Q348) Generally in monocots, the leaves are Show Answer

Q349) The vascular bundles of leaf are Show Answer

Q350) Carrot shows Show Answer

Q351) Sucking root develops in Show Answer

Q352) Sweet potato has _______ roots. Show Answer

Q353) Find the ODD one from the following . Show Answer

Q354) Out of the following which is a total parasite ? Show Answer

Q355) Find the INCORRECT match. Show Answer

Q356) Consider the following.
i) Potato ii) Radish
iii)Amorphophallus iv)Onion
Which of the above roots are used as vegetables ? Show Answer

Q357) _______ is a tunicated bulb. Show Answer

Q358) A rhizome differs from corm in its. Show Answer

Q359) ______ is an example of stolon. Show Answer

Q360) Find the ODD one from the following. Show Answer

Q361) Find the ODD one from the following. Show Answer

Q362) Which of the following is CORRECTLY matched ? Show Answer

Q363) Which is NOT TRUE from the following ? Show Answer

Q364) Find the ODD one from the following. Show Answer

Q365) Out of the following which is NOT a correct match ? Show Answer

Q366) Consider the following.
i) Runner ii)Cladode
iii) Rhizome iv) Offset
Among the following which of the above are subaerial stem modifications ? Show Answer

Q367) Find the ODD type of tendril from the following. Show Answer

Q368) Consider the following statements.
(a) In racemose inflorescence the flowers are borne in a basipetal order.
(b) In cymose inflorescence the growth is unlimited.
(c) In cymose inflorescence the order of opening of flowers is centrifugal.
Among these statements Show Answer

Q369) Among the following which is a WRONG pair ? Show Answer

Q370) Find the ODD one from the following. Show Answer

Q371) Find out the pair which is NOT CORRECT. Show Answer

Q372) Casparian strips are present in Show Answer

Q373) A condensed, disc-like underground stem is called Show Answer

Q374) Which of the following are not characteristic features of Fabaceae? Show Answer

Q375) When the floral appendages are in multiple of 3, 4, 5, they are respectively called Show Answer

Q376) Most advanced fruit is Show Answer

Q377) Pedicel of flower is called Show Answer

Q378) A tree that has strong erect stem with hollow internodes and solid nodes, is known as Show Answer

Q379) Identify the correct order (root) from base to root apex
I. Mineral absorption zone
II. Soil penetration zone
III. Cell number increasement zone
V. Cell elongation zone Show Answer

Q380) Study the following statements and choose the correct option.
I.Buds are present in the axil of leaflets of the compound leaf.
II.Pulvinus leaf-base is present in some leguminous plants.
III.In Alstonia, the petioles expand, become green and synthesize food.
IV.Opposite phyllotaxy is seen in guava. Show Answer

Q381) Which pair of the following plants represents the condition of modification of stipules into spines? Show Answer

Q382) Fruits are formed in Show Answer

Q383) I. Bear leaves and branches
II. Conduction of water and minerals
III. Storage of food
These are the functions of Show Answer

Q384) Tulip belong to family Show Answer

Q385) Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of Fabaceae? Show Answer

Q386) The triploid number of chromosomes of the first taxon in 10 times more than the haploid number of
chromosomes of the second taxon, while the diploid number of the third taxon is six time more than the
haploid number of the fourth taxon. Which one of the following shows the ascending order of the number
of chromosomes in their respective endosperm? Show Answer

Q387) The scutellum observed in a grain of wheat or maize is comparable to which part of the seed in other
monocotyledons? Show Answer

Q388) Clinging roots are found in Show Answer

Q389) Single-seeded winged fruits is called Show Answer

Q390) The family containing mustard and its main characters are Show Answer

Q391) Which one of the following floral characters, is shared by Ruscus and ray florets of Tridax? Show Answer

Q392) In a flowering plant, archesporium gives rise to Show Answer

Q393) The fruit which develops from inflorescence is called Show Answer

Q394) Caryopsis is found in Show Answer

Q395) If a primary root continues to grow, the type of root system will be known as Show Answer

Q396) Largest flower is Show Answer

Q397) Pattern of arrangement of leaves on the stem or branches is called Show Answer

Q398) Arrangement of sepals or petals with respect to the other members of same whorl is known as Show Answer

Q399) The reproductive unit of angiosperms is Show Answer

Q400) The correct floral formula of chilli is Show Answer

Q401) The flower shown in the adjacent diagram is Show Answer

Q402) Sucking roots are present in the planet Show Answer

Q403) The root system growing near the base of the radical in monocots is Show Answer

Q404) The hardest part of drupe is Show Answer

Q405) The plant mentioned in question number 174 belongs to which family? Show Answer

Q406) Geocarpic fruits are produced by Show Answer

Q407) Tricarpellary, syncarpous, superior ovary is seen in Show Answer

Q408) Ginger multiples vegetatively by Show Answer

Q409) Pappus is present in Compositae for Show Answer

Q410) From the options given below, find out the correct floral formula for a flower having the following
characters namely actinomorphic, bisexual, five united sepals, five united petals, stamens five and
epipetalous, bicarpellary, syncarpous with superior ovary Show Answer

Q411) Guttation occurs through Show Answer

Q412) Root is distinguishable from stem in Show Answer

Q413) Monothecous anther is the characteristic of Show Answer

Q414) Which of the following plants has haustorial roots? Show Answer

Q415) Type of aestivation shown by Pisum is Show Answer

Q416) Which of the following monocotyledonous seed is non-endospermic? Show Answer

Q417) Tulsi belongs to family Show Answer

Q418) Placentation is the arrangement of Show Answer

Q419) Flower is always solitary when Show Answer

Q420) Region of root present just above the root cap is called the region of Show Answer

Q421) Pineapple (ananas) fruit develops from a Show Answer

Q422) Which of the following is/are not characteristic features of Asteraceae?
I.Cypsela type of fruit
II.Syngenesious stamens
III.Ovary bicarpellary and superior
IV.Placentation marginal
V.Head type of inflorescence Show Answer

Q423) When axillary buds or terminal buds of stem gets modified into woody straight and pointed structure, it is
known as Show Answer

Q424) Drupe contains Show Answer

Q425) Which one of the following statements is correct? Show Answer

Q426) A plant has an androecium with monadelphous stamens, monothecous and reniform anthers. They corolla
exhibits contorted aestivation. The plant could be Show Answer

Q427) Identify from the following plant parts, the major contributors to human food? Show Answer

Q428) Scutellum in a caryopsis represents Show Answer

Q429) A monocarpic plant is one, which Show Answer

Q430) Pericarp may be or can be differentiated into Show Answer

Q431) Fruit is Show Answer

Q432) Flowers are zygomorphic in Show Answer

Q433) Pneumatophores are positively Show Answer

Q434) Leaf having completely divided lamina broken up into direct segment or leaflets is called Show Answer

Q435) The smallest Angiospermic flower is Show Answer

Q436) Fibrous root system originates from the base of Show Answer

Q437) Stilt roots originate from the nodal part of Show Answer

Q438) The leaves in Utricularia plant are modified into Show Answer

Q439) Inflorescence is the arrangement of Show Answer

Q440) In the flowers of a plant, the ovarian part is fused, but styles and stigmas are free. Its ovary becomes
unilocular due to breakdown of partition wall and the ovules are attached to a central axis. Identify the
plant. Show Answer

Q441) At the two ends of the embryonical axis Show Answer

Q442) Pneumatophores are present in Show Answer

Q443) Cuticle is absent in Show Answer

Q444) Identify the mismatch among the following pairs of trees and families Show Answer

Q445) Tallest angiosperm is Show Answer

Q446) The underground stem that has contractile roots, is Show Answer

Q447) When gynoecium is present in the topmost position of thalamus, the flower is known as Show Answer

Q448) Which is odd one? Show Answer

Q449) Insectivore plants such as pitcher plant, venus fly trap have Show Answer

Q450) Select the correct statements.
I. From the region of elongation, some of the epidermal cells from root hairs.
II. Pneumatophores are seen in Rhizophora .
III. Adventitious roots are seen in the banyan tree.
IV. Maize and sugarcane have prop roots. Show Answer

Q451) Which of the following statements are correct?
I.When a fruit develops from the inflorescence, it is composite.
II.Mesocarp is the edible part in apple.
III.Gynobasic style is seen in Ocimum.
IV.Hypanthodium is a special type of inflorescence found in Euphorbia species Show Answer

Q452) Potato is a modification of Show Answer

Q453) Non-endospermic seeds are found in Show Answer

Q454) Respiratory roots are found in Show Answer

Q455) Parachute mechanism of seed dispersal occurs in Show Answer

Q456) I. Epicarp is thin
II. Mesocarp is fleshy and edible
III. Endocarp is strong hard
These are the probable features of Show Answer

Q457) Dahlia and Asparagus posses Show Answer

Q458) Which one of the following is correctly matched pair of a certain plant family and its one example? Show Answer

Q459) Aggregate fruit develops from Show Answer

Q460) Bracts enclosing a cluster of flowers are known as Show Answer

Q461) A fibrous root system is excellent for Show Answer

Q462) Lateral branches with short internodes and each nodes bearing a rosette of leaves above and a tuft of roots
below is found in aquatic plants like Pistia and Eichhornia . These lateral branches are called Show Answer

Q463) Cereals mostly belongs to the family Show Answer

Q464) Edible part if mango is Show Answer

Q465) Edible part of tomato is Show Answer

Q466) In banana, which of the following part is edible? Show Answer

Q467) Sorosis is found in Show Answer

Q468) Ovary is half-inferior in the flowers of Show Answer

Q469) In Amorphophallus, vegetative reproduction occurs through Show Answer

Q470) Flowers, in which only one set of essential organ is present are said to be Show Answer

Q471) Which one of the following conditions is seen in the roots of a plant having submerged assimilatory roots
and spongy petioles? Show Answer

Q472) How many types of inflorescence are present in angiosperm depending on whether the apex gets
converted into a flower or continuous to grow? Show Answer

Q473) Which one of the following families shoes both freedom and fusion in four successive whorls of the flower
from exterior in different members? Show Answer

Q474) Which of the following pairs is not correct? Show Answer

Q475) Regions of root from the root tip to base are Show Answer

Q476) Endosperm is consumed by developing embryo in the seed of Show Answer

Q477) Seedless banana is Show Answer

Q478) The bladder of Utricularia and pitchers of Nepenthes are modification of Show Answer

Q479) The main function (s) of root is Show Answer

Q480) Examples of drupe fruit is/are Show Answer

Q481) The plumule and radicle are enclosed in sheath which are called Show Answer

Q482) The reticulate venation is shown by
I. Smilax (monocot) II. Colocasia (monocot)
III. Gram (dicot)
Select the correct combination from the given options Show Answer

Q483) Nutrition is shown by Show Answer

Q484) Perianth is the condition in which Show Answer

Q485) Identify the correct order of the following four zones in the root from apex to base.
I. Mineral absorption zone
II.Meristematic zone
III.Maturation zone
IV.Water absorption zone Show Answer

Q486) Study of fruits is called Show Answer

Q487) Fleshy fruits with stony endocarp are called Show Answer

Q488) Which of the following plants has the floral characters like zygomorphic flower, vexillary aestivation,
diadelphous androecium and marginal placentation? Show Answer

Q489) Leaf blade is spinous in case of Show Answer

Q490) In floral formula, Br stands for Show Answer

Q491) Generally, the parallel venation is found in Show Answer

Q492) Main axis continues to grow, the flowers are borne laterally in acropetal succession. This is a characteristic
of which type of inflorescence? Show Answer

Q493) I. Petals
II. Usually brightly coloured
III. May be free
IV. May be fused
Features given above represents Show Answer

Q494) Edible part of the apple is Show Answer

Q495) Tuberous roots are found in Show Answer

Q496) Floating roots are the characteristic feature of Show Answer

Q497) Which of the following are floral characters of Malvaceae? Show Answer

Q498) Inflorescence axis is called Show Answer

Q499) The photosynthetic or assimilatory roots are observed in Show Answer

Q500) Which of the following represents the floral characters of Liliaceae? Show Answer

Q501) Smallest region of the root is Show Answer

Q502) Prop roots are the modification for Show Answer

Q503) Parts of the plants were observed. Structure-A develops aerially and produces roots when comes in
contact with the soil. Structure-B develops from underground part of the stem, grow obliquely, becomes
aerial and produces roots on its lower surface. Identify, respectively the structure of A and B. Show Answer

Q504) Roots are absent in Show Answer

Q505) Primary roots and its branches constitute the Show Answer

Q506) Two dry fruits (A & B) were observed. Both developed from unilocular ovaries of monocarpellary gynoecia. In fruit. A, pericarp and seed coat are free. It liberated the seeds only after the disintegration of
the pericarp. Fruit ‘B’ dehisced dorsiventrally librating the seeds. In the following, the former in the pair
represents ‘A’ and latter ‘B’. to which types of fruits ‘A’ and ‘B’ respectively belong? Show Answer

Q507) In china rose, the inflorescence is Show Answer

Q508) In which of the following aestivation of sepal’s/petals one margin covers the other and its margin is
covered by previous one? Show Answer

Q509) Which of the following two are the resultant of stipule modifications?
I.Spines in Ziziphus.
II.Tendrils in Smilax.
III.Tendrils in Nepenthes.
IV.Spines in Argemone.
V.Thorns in Bougainvellea. Show Answer

Q510) When stigma shows feathery appearance, it is Show Answer

Q511) The fruit developed from the single ovary is said to be Show Answer

Q512) Which of the following is the modification of leaf? Show Answer

Q513) Arrangements of veins and the veinlets in the lamina of leaf is termed as Show Answer

Q514) Aleurone layer is rich in Show Answer

Q515) Cereals are mostly belong to family Show Answer

Q516) Perianth is represented by Show Answer

Q517) Radish is modified root and an example of Show Answer

Q518) I. In dicotyledonous seeds, cotyledons are often fleshy and full of reserve food
II. Generally, monocotyledonous seeds are endospermic
III. Generally, dicotyledonous seeds are non-endospermic
IV. Most of the monocotyledonous seeds have fleshy cotyledons
Select the correct statements Show Answer

Q519) Potato family is called Show Answer

Q520) Epipetalous or epiphyllous condition is shown by Show Answer

Q521) Rhizome, which grows vertically upwards are Show Answer

Q522) The existence of two types of leaves in the same plant, is called Show Answer

Q523) Most of the economically important fibre yielding plants belong to family Show Answer

Q524) Phylloclades are Show Answer

Q525) Bright colour of petals is due to presence of Show Answer

Q526) The direct elongation of radicle leads to the formation of Show Answer

Q527) I. Members of calyx are called …A… .
II. United members of calyx are called …B… .
III. Free members of calyx are called …C… . Show Answer

Q528) Name the type of aestivation when sepals or petals in a whorl just touch one another at the margin
without overlapping Show Answer

Q529) Pome fruit is found in Show Answer

Q530) What type of placentation is seen in sweet pea? Show Answer

Q531) Vessels and companion cells are characteristic of Show Answer

Q532) Which of the following is not a character of a monocot? Show Answer

Q533) In floral formula, ‘K’ and ‘C’ stands for Show Answer

Q534) Drupes are called stony fruits because they have hard Show Answer

Q535) Study the following statements.
I.Food is stored in the leaf bases.
II.Buds develop from leaf apices.
III.Presence of tunicated bulb.
Identify the correct combination with reference to Scilla. Show Answer

Q536) Identify the wrong expression from the following statements Show Answer

Q537) 120° phyllotaxy is found in Show Answer

Q538) In which of the following types of fruits, dorsiventral dehiscence takes place?
I. Legume
II. Follicle
III. Siliqua
IV. Capsule Show Answer

Q539) Green stems of unlimited growth, which have taken over the function of photosynthesis is called Show Answer

Q540) Which of the following pairs of family’s posses pollinia? Show Answer

Q541) In Nepenthes (pitcher plant), pitcher is the modification of Show Answer

Q542) Rauwolfia serpentina belongs to family Show Answer

Q543) The flower, in which the gynoecium occupies the highest position on the thalamus leaving other parts below is called Show Answer

Q544) Stem is modified into cladode in Show Answer

Q545) A root was described as adventitious root because it Show Answer

Q546) Percentage (%) sign is used for Show Answer

Q547) Which of the following have succulent root? Show Answer

Q548) Modified shoots wherein the shoot apical meristem changes to floral meristem is called Show Answer

Q549) The plant having monadelphous stamens and axile placentation is Show Answer

Q550) Consider the following statements.
I.In racemose inflorescence, the flowers are brone in a basipetal order.
II.Epigynous flowers are seen in rose plant.
III.In brinjal, the ovary is superior.
Of these statements Show Answer

Q551) In hypogeal seed germination, the structure help to push the cotyledon inside the soil is Show Answer

Q552) Tendrils in plants are an example of Show Answer

Q553) In which of the following, petiolar leaf tendril is found? Show Answer

Q554) Modified underground stem is called Show Answer

Q555) Why is vivipary an undesirable character for annul crop plants? Show Answer

Q556) Leaves of dicotyledon plants generally exhibits Show Answer

Q557) Simple, cluster of radial leaves, stipulate and parallel venation leaves and cyme or umbel inflorescence are
the characteristics of Show Answer

Q558) In some seeds, reminants of nucellus are also persistent.
This residual, persistent nucellus is the Show Answer

Q559) In which of the following, parthenocarpy makes no sense? Show Answer

Q560) In a flower, there are five unequal petals. The posterior petal is the largest. The two anterior petals are
partially fused to form a boat-shaped structure. The two lateral petals are smaller than the posterior petal.
Which one of the following characters is not associated with such a flower? Show Answer

Q561) Water and minerals absorption from soil are the function of Show Answer

Q562) Gynoecium in the members of family-Leguminosae is composed of Show Answer

Q563) Which one of the following represents the floral characters of Poaceae? Show Answer

Q564) In a cereal grain, the single cotyledon of embryo is represented by Show Answer

Q565) Which of the following have double fertilization? Show Answer

Q566) Identify a pair of the following plants, which show modification of axillary buds into tendrils and hooks
IV.Dioscorea Show Answer

Q567) Diadelphous stamens are the characteristic features of Show Answer

Q568) The aerial, short and branched roots of an autotrophic plant that provide stability, are known as Show Answer

Q569) The flower of Hibiscus is Show Answer

Q570) Gynoecium is the Show Answer

Q571) Sunflower belongs to the family Show Answer

Q572) Ginger multiplies vegetatively by Show Answer

Q573) Non-endospermous seed is Show Answer

Q574) Which of the following groups of plants are propagated through underground roots? Show Answer

Q575) Flowers and lateral branches arise from the Show Answer

Q576) In cauliflower, the inflorescence is Show Answer

Q577) The botanical name of soybean is Show Answer

Q578) When the filaments of stamens are attached to the petals, the condition is Show Answer

Q579) Root apex covered by thimble-like structure called Show Answer

Q580) Fabaceae Show Answer

Q581) Stem develops from Show Answer

Q582) Juicy hair-like structures observed in the lemon fruit develop from Show Answer

Q583) Which of the following represents the male reproductive organ in a flower? Show Answer

Q584) Plants with single whorls of perianth are places under Show Answer

Q585) Presence of persistent calyx is a feature of family Show Answer

Q586) In cymose inflorescence Show Answer

Q587) Liliaceae Show Answer

Q588) In China rose, five carpels are fused at base. This condition is called Show Answer

Q589) Endosperm is the result of Show Answer

Q590) Ginger is an underground stem. It is distinguished from root because it Show Answer

Q591) In which plant underground stems spread to new niches and when older parts die new plants are formed? Show Answer

Q592) Which of the following plants have long slender and coiled stem tendrils developed from axillary buds? Show Answer

Q593) A raceme inflorescence of Tamarindus bears 15 flowers. Each fertile anther lobe of its flower contains 215
pollen grains. What would be the total number of pollen grains produced by the inflorescence? Show Answer

Q594) Triticale is a hybrid formed from the members belonging to the following families Show Answer

Q595) The fleshy receptacle of syconous of fig encloses a number of Show Answer

Q596) A student collected a hydrophyte with swollen petiole and with a single vascular bundle in the root. The
plant which he collected., was Show Answer

Q597) Scar on the seed coat through which seeds are attached to the fruit is called Show Answer

Q598) The condition where filaments and anthers are fused throughout entire length is Show Answer

Q599) Which of these is an example for zygomorphic flower with imbricate aestivation? Show Answer

Q600) Select the correctly matched pair Show Answer

Q601) Leaves aries from which part of plant? Show Answer

Q602) Whorl of small, green structures present around sunflower is Show Answer

Q603) In which plant, the pneumatophores are found? Show Answer

Q604) Mature seeds of some plant (such as gram pea and ground nut) and sperm is completely consumed by the
embryo. Such seeds are called Show Answer

Q605) Which of the following is a correct statement? Show Answer

Q606) Bract is a modified Show Answer

Q607) Leaf Show Answer

Q608) Tobacco and Petunia belong to the family Show Answer

Q609) Which one of the following families has unicolour superior ovary? Show Answer

Q610) Which one of the following floral formula represents the mustard plant? Show Answer

Q611) Angiosperms have dominated the land flora primarily because of their Show Answer

Q612) Which one of the flowing is a monocarpic plant? Show Answer

Q613) Stem tendrils are developed from the….. which are slender and spirally coiled Show Answer

Q614) The anthers in Solanaceae are Show Answer

Q615) In Selaginella, the adaxial outgrowth, from the base of leaf, is called Show Answer

Q616) The cloves, which are used in food preparation are Show Answer

Q617) The leaves are modified into spines in Show Answer

Q618) Placenta is the cushion like structure on which the Show Answer

Q619) Arrange the following plants in the ascending order based on the number of leaflets in a leaf.
III.Citrus Show Answer

Q620) Bicarpellary, syncarpous ovary with axile placentation is seen in Show Answer

Q621) Which type of placentation is found in family-Fabaceae? Show Answer

Q622) The multilocular fruit, splits in middle into two halves, is Show Answer

Q623) Fibrous root system is mostly found in Show Answer

Q624) A student observed 34 inflorescences in Bougainvillea and 42 inflorescences in Poinsettia. Find out the
number of flowers in Bougainvillea and the number of female flowers in Poinsettia respectively. Show Answer

Q625) Select the wrong statement Show Answer

Q626) Nodes are the region of stem where Show Answer

Q627) Structure of leaf which provide channels of transport for water, minerals and food materials is called Show Answer

Q628) Whorled type of phyllotaxy is found in Show Answer

Q629) Plants mentioned in previous question belongs to Show Answer

Q630) Bicarpellary, syncarpous and with pseudoseptum fruit is Show Answer

Q631) Root hairs are present on the Show Answer

Q632) I. When carpels are free, they are called …A… .
II. When the carpels fused, they are called …B… .
Here, A and B refers to Show Answer

Q633) Parthenocarpic tomato fruits can be produced by Show Answer

Q634) Petiole Show Answer

Q635) Maize grain is Show Answer

Q636) Free central placentation is found in Show Answer

Q637) Multicarpellary, apocarpous, gynoecium with superior ovary is characteristic feature of the family Show Answer

Q638) The stem is the …A… part of the axis bears branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. It develops from the …B…
part of embryo of germinating seeds. Complete the given statement by choosing appropriate options for A
and B Show Answer

Q639) Long filaments threads protruding at the end of a young cob of maize are Show Answer

Q640) Angiosperms differ from gymnosperms in Show Answer

Q641) Sub-aerial stem modification with long internode is Show Answer

Q642) Flowers with bracts, (reduced leaf found at the base of pedicel) are called …A… and those without bracts,
are called …B…
Complete the given statement by choosing appropriate options for A and B Show Answer

Q643) A drupe develop in Show Answer

Q644) A flower which can be divided into equal vertical halves by more than one plane of division is Show Answer

Q645) An example of a seed with endosperm, perisperm and caruncle is Show Answer

Q646) Lomentum is a kind of Show Answer

Q647) I. Standard petals
II. Wing petal
III. Keel petals
Above petals are found in
Show Answer

Q648) In the members of family-Malvaceae, anthers are described as Show Answer

Q649) Cinchona officinalis belongs to family Show Answer

Q650) A phyllode is a modified Show Answer

Q651) Modification of petiole into leaf-like structure is called Show Answer

Q652) Some feature of plant leaves are Show Answer

Q653) Which of the following is a fatty oil yielding plant? Show Answer

Q654) The order of opening of flower parts from the periphery towards the centre, is called Show Answer

Q655) In which of the following fruits, the edible part is the aril? Show Answer

Q656) China rose have five fused carpals at the base. This condition is called Show Answer

Q657) Swollen leaf base is called Show Answer

Q658) Jowar belongs to family Show Answer

Q659) In plants like mint and jasmine, a selender lateral branch arises from the base of the main axis and after
growing aerially for sometimes, arch downwards to touch the ground. This slender branch is called Show Answer

Q660) Expanded green stem of Opuntia is called Show Answer

Q661) When leaflets are even in number they are called …A… .
When leaflets are odd in number called they are …B.. .
Here A and B refers to: Show Answer

Q662) The difference in phloem of gymnosperms and angiosperms is due to Show Answer

Q663) The fleshy fruits with hard and stony endocarp are called Show Answer

Q664) At root tip, number of divisions to produce 100 cells, is Show Answer

Q665) Fruit formed without fertlisation of ovary is called Show Answer

Q666) Leaf base expands into sheath covering the stem partially or wholly.
This is the characteristic of Show Answer

Q667) The most advanced family is Show Answer

Q668) The technical term used for the androecium in a flower of China rose (Hibiscus rosa sinensis), is Show Answer

Q669) An inflorescence having a number of achlamydeous male flower surrounding a single achlamydeous
female flower is Show Answer

Q670) Root hairs are found Show Answer

Q671) Pericarp and placenta are edible part of simple fleshy berry fruit Show Answer

Q672) Offset is a type of stem present in Show Answer

Q673) Ginger is an example of underground modified stem called Show Answer

Q674) Which one of the following is an example for sub-aerial modification of stem? Show Answer

Q675) In which plant, the fruit is a drupe, seed coat is thin, embryo is inconspicuous and endosperm is edible? Show Answer

Q676) Corolla aestivation showing two external, two internal and one partially external and internal sepals. The
condition is Show Answer

Q677) Staminode is Show Answer

Q678) Epigynous flowers with numerous stamens are found in Show Answer

Q679) A plant with actinomorphic and hypogynous flowers, heterochlamydeous perianth, dorsifixed and
extrorse anthers dehiscing transversely belongs to Show Answer

Q680) Opium (poppy) is a plant belonging to the family Show Answer

Q681) Ladies finger (bhindi) belongs to Show Answer

Q682) Name the condition given in statement I and II
I. When stamens attached to the petals
II. When stamens attached to perianth
Show Answer

Q683) Two plants ‘A’ and ‘B’ belonging to Solanaceae are observed. In plant ‘A’, the number of locules in the ovary
of a flower is half of that of its carpel number. In plant B, the number of locules in the ovary of a flower is
double the number of carpels. Identify the plants ‘A’ and ‘B’ respectively Show Answer

Q684) Double fertilization occurs among Show Answer

Q685) A flower which can be divided into two equal halves by only one plane is Show Answer

Q686) Cyathium inflorescence shows Show Answer

Q687) A compound leaf, which appears as simple leaf due to the suppression of one or two leaflets is found in one
of the following plants Show Answer

Q688) Aggregate fruit is found in Show Answer

Q689) In an inflorescence, two types of small, sessile flowers were observed. They are arranged in centripetal
manner and have reduced hair-like sepals. Which pair of the following characters are not associated with
such flowers?
I.Nectar glands at the base of the corolla
II.Axile placentation
III.Superior ovary
IV.Scaly bracts Show Answer

Q690) It is an example of amphibious plant Show Answer

Q691) Tap roots of carrot, turnip and adventitious roots of sweet potato are the modification for the storage of Show Answer

Q692) In a plant, the peduncle is elongated and it bears pedicillate flowers. The older flowers lie towards the base
and the younger ones near the apex. The growth of the peduncle continues and more flowers are added.
The inflorescence is Show Answer

Q693) The arrangement of the ovules on the placentae developed from the central axis of the ovary is called Show Answer

Q694) A simple one seeded fruit in which pericarp is fused with seed coat is Show Answer

Q695) The endosperm is used by cotyledon, the cotyledon is Show Answer

Q696) The leaf parts gets modified into spines in order to Show Answer

Q697) Wearing isolated a dormancy inducing substance from the leaves of a plant. From which type of
gynoecium does the fruit of that plant develop? Show Answer

Q698) A horizontal underground stem is a Show Answer

Q699) Treatment of seed at low temperature under moist conditions to break its dormancy is called Show Answer

Q700) The lateral roots originate from Show Answer

Q701) Potato and sweet potato Show Answer

Q702) When flower has both and androecium and gynoecium, it is called …A…
II. When flower has either stamens or only carpel, it is called …B…
Complete the given statement by choosing appropriate options for A and B Show Answer

Q703) One of the following is a dry indehiscent fruit Show Answer

Q704) Edible part of cauliflower is Show Answer

Q705) The fruit is chambered, developed from inferior ovary and has seeds with succulent testa in Show Answer

Q706) Starch is insoluble in water, yet it is accumulated in large quantities in potato tuber because Show Answer

Q707) Small branches produced from lower 2 to 3 nodes in jowar are called Show Answer

Q708) What is the fruit that develops from a tricarpellary, syncarpous, inferior ovary with parietal placentation? Show Answer

Q709) The edible part in hesperidium fruit is Show Answer

Q710) Water stomata are found in Show Answer

Q711) Which one of the following is wrongly matched?
Show Answer

Q712) Fruit of custard apple is etaerio of Show Answer

Q713) Which is correct to saprophytic angiosperm? Show Answer

Q714) In cryopsis type of fruit Show Answer

Q715) Arrange the following plants in the ascending order based on the number of carpels they possess
II.Acacia melanoxylon
IV.Lettuce Show Answer

Q716) Rarely among angiosperms, the pollen grains influenced the endosperm. This is called as Show Answer

Q717) Colchicines producing plant belongs to family Show Answer

Q718) Study the following and choose the correct statements.
I.Bulb of Allium cepa is a modified stem.
II.Cloves of Allium sativum are fleshy scale leaves.
III.Corm of Colocasia is a modified root.
IV.Tendril in Vitis vinifera is a modified axillary bud. Show Answer

Q719) Stems are Show Answer

Q720) Male reproductive organ (flower) consists of Show Answer

Q721) A fruit developed from Hypanthodium inflorescence is called Show Answer

Q722) I. Usually bilobed
II. Each lobe has two chambers (pollen sacs)
III. The chamber (pollen sacs) contains pollen grain
Above are the features of Show Answer

Q723) Which one of the following is an endospermic seeds? Show Answer

Q724) Identify the monocarpic palm Show Answer

Q725) Seed coat has …A… layers
I. Outer covering is called …B…. .
II. Inner covering is called …C… .
Complete the given set of statements (I to III) by choosing appropriate options for A to C Show Answer

Q726) Number of female flowers in a Cyathium inflorescence is Show Answer

Q727) Identify the characters of gynoecium found in members of Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Liliaceae and Solanaceae,
I.Tricarpelly syncarpous, ovary superior and trilocular.
II.Bicarpellary syncarpous, ovary superior and usually bilocular
III.Bicarpellary syncarpous, ovary inferior and unilocular.
IV.Monocarpellary, ovary half-inferior and unilocular Show Answer

Q728) Which one among the following is the true nut? Show Answer

Q729) Thalamus of hypogynous ovary is Show Answer

Q730) Which of the following plant parts can respire even in the absence of oxygen? Show Answer

Q731) Aggregate fruit formed from Show Answer

Q732) When the other floral parts are arranged at the base of the gynoecium, the flower is called Show Answer

Q733) Green leaf-like modified aerial stems/branches with a single internode are called Show Answer

Q734) Which one of the following is a stem vegetable? Show Answer

Q735) Which one of the following inhibits seed germination for a particular period? Show Answer

Q736) Jowar grain is Show Answer

Q737) Vascular bundles are arranged in a ring in the members of family Show Answer

Q738) Legume plants are important for atmosphere because they Show Answer

Q739) The example for trimerous, unisexual flower is Show Answer

Q740) Cannabis sativa is the source of Show Answer

Q741) In the following, succulent stem is found in Show Answer

Q742) Study the following table and choose the correct pair.
I. False whorls-like Many sessile bisexual Leonotis
inflorescence flowers
II. Single flower-like Many stalked staminate Poinsettia
inflorescence and pistillate flowers
III. Fruit-like Many sessile staminate Ficus
inflorescence flowers on the top and pistillate flowers at the
base and sterile flowers in between
IV. Fleshy axis of Many stalked staminate Colocacia flowers at the
Inflorescence Base and pistillate flowers on the top and sterile Show Answer

Q743) Scorpioid cyme is seen in Show Answer

Q744) In pea, castor and maize the number of cotyledons are Show Answer

Q745) The most common type of ovule in angiosperms is Show Answer

Q746) Underground stems of potato, ginger, turmeric, Zaminkand, Colocasia are the examples of modified stem
for Show Answer

Q747) Which of the following is a wheat fruit? Show Answer

Q748) The edible part of the sweet potato is a modified Show Answer

Q749) The fruit of Solanaceae is Show Answer

Q750) An example of axile placentation is Show Answer

Q751) Scaly bulb stem modification is seen in Show Answer

Q752) The monocotyledon seeds consist of one large and shield-shaped cotyledon known as Show Answer

Q753) An Angiospermic plant has 24 chromosomes in ‘microspore mother cells’. The number of chromosome in
its endosperm will be Show Answer

Q754) In angiosperms, male gametes are formed from Show Answer

Q755) Which one of the following statements is correct with reference to Amentum? Show Answer

Q756) In banana, pineapple and Chrysanthemum , the lateral branches originate from the basal and
underground portion of main stem and then come obliquely upward giving rise to leafy shoots
These branches are called Show Answer

Q757) Thorn is a modified branch because Show Answer

Q758) Lateral roots arise from Show Answer

Q759) Which of the following promotes softening of fruits? Show Answer

Q760) Diadelphous condition is found in Show Answer

Q761) The ovary is half inferior in flowers of Show Answer

Q762) The reticulate venation is commonly found in the leaves of Show Answer

Q763) Pneumatophores are the roots for Show Answer

Q764) A fruit in which seed coat and fruit wall is fused known as caryopsis present in Show Answer

Q765) Pneumatophores are usually present in Show Answer

Q766) Perigynous type of ovary is found in Show Answer

Q767) Umbel inflorescence is found in Show Answer

Q768) Vivipary is observed in Show Answer

Q769) In a longitudinal section of a root, starting from the tip upward the four zones occur in the following order Show Answer

Q770) Scientific name of sunflower is Show Answer

Q771) Which of the following statements is correct? Show Answer

Q772) Inflorescence in jowar is Show Answer

Q773) United sepals are called …A… .
Free sepals are called …B… .
Here, A and B refers to Show Answer

Q774) The modified stem of Opuntia is Show Answer

Q775) The outer covering of endosperm separates the embryo by a proteinous layer called Show Answer

Q776) Swollen and spongy petioles are characteristic of Show Answer

Q777) Which one of the following is a monocarpic tree? Show Answer

Q778) A plant is considered to possess all advanced morphological characters based on the evolutionary
significance. Which one of the following sets of characters does the plant denote the same? Show Answer

Q779) Leaf having single or undivided lamina is called Show Answer

Q780) Identify the order of plants showing alternate, opposite and whorled phyllotaxy Show Answer

Q781) Which one of the following is an example of cleistogamy? Show Answer

Q782) In the monocotyledon seeds, the endosperm is separated from the embryo by a distinct layer known as Show Answer

Q783) Arrangement of petal and sepal with respect to each other is Show Answer

Q784) Which of the following members of family-Solanaceae is rich in source of vitamin-C? Show Answer

Q785) Match the following pairs.
I. Polysiphonous – Floral -Simple
Pollen bectaries sieve plate
II. Angular collocyte -Monosiphonous -Synandry
III. Inserted stamens -Simple leaves -Spines
IV. Exerted stamens -Reticulate -Pepo
select the correct pair of answers, in which the former in the pair shows the set of characters presents in Cucurbita and the latter
in the pair shows the set of character absent in Acacia. Show Answer

Q786) Which of the following statements are true/false?
I.Trimerous condition of floral whorl is characteristic of dicotyledons.
II.Adiantum is also called walking fern.
III.In gymnosperms, the vascular system consists of xylem without vessels and phloem with companion
IV.Riccia and Marchantia are liverworts. Show Answer

Q787) Seeds are Show Answer

Q788) Roots arising from the part of plant other than the radicle are called Show Answer

Q789) Statement 1: Ginger has a prostrate growing rhizome.
Statement 2: Shoot growth is not effected by gravity. Show Answer

Q790) Statement 1: In angiosperms, the conduction of water is more efficient because their xylem has vessels.
Statement 2: Conduction of water by vessels elements is an active process with energy supplied by
xylem parenchyma rich in mitochondria. Show Answer

Q791) Statement 1: In cymose tap root system, oldest branch lies very near the growing point of the root,
while the youngest branch is farthest away from it.
Statement 2: In cymose tap root system, the primary root itself stops growing after sometime but
secondary roots carry on further growth of the root system. Show Answer

Q792) Statement 1: In syconous type of fruit, the achenes formed are fewer than the total number of flowers
in the inflorescence from which it is formed.
Statement 2: Upper and middle flowers cannot develop into fruits. Show Answer

Q793) Statement 1: Ginger has prostrate growing rhizome
Statement 2: Ginger has food storage material Show Answer

Q794) Statement 1: The type of inflorescence in Sphaeranthus is cyathium.
Statement 2: In cyathium type of inflorescence, the flowers are achlamydeous Show Answer

Q795) Statement 1: Epidermis in the dicot root is composed of cutinized cells.
Statement 2: The exodermis in the root offers protection to the inner parts in the absence of epidermis Show Answer