Practice Test

Q1) Where did the Indian Air force air drop test indigenous mobile hospital Bhishma cube? Show Answer

Q2) Who has appointed Davide Salvagnini it's first chief AI officer? Show Answer

Q3) Who has been recently elected as the chairman of IFSCO? Show Answer

Q4) When was the International Day of family observed in the world? Show Answer

Q5) To which country the Government of India has announced humanitarian assistance worth 1 million dollars to deal with foods in May 2024? Show Answer

Q6) Where will the world skills competition 2024 be held? Show Answer

Q7) Defence secretary Giridhar Armane released a Rs 250 commemorative coin to celebrate the 250th foundation of which institution? Show Answer

Q8) Who has become India's 85th grandmaster? Show Answer

Q9) Who has become the first trading cum clearing member of the India International bullion exchange (IIBX) in gift City? Show Answer

Q10) Which tunnel has been a recognised as India's hugest tunnel? Show Answer