Practice Test

Q1) For an object at infinity, a concave mirror produces an image at its focus which is Show Answer

Q2) The mirror used in automobiles to see the rear field of view is Show Answer

Q3) A mirror having a very wide field of view must be Show Answer

Q4) The mirror used in search lights is Show Answer

Q5) A real image, equal in size to the object, is obtained when the object is placed at the centre of curvature in front of a Show Answer

Q6) In order to have a very wide field of view, the mirror used in cars is Show Answer

Q7) Shaving mirrors are Show Answer

Q8) Which of the following mirrors is used to concentrate light on a given spot ? Show Answer

Q9) The concave mirrors are used in Show Answer

Q10) A convex mirror is used to form the image of a real object. Show Answer

Q11) A plane mirror is approaching you at 10 cm per second. You can see your image in it. At what speed will your image approach you ? Show Answer

Q12) A virtual image larger than the object can be produced by a Show Answer

Q13) A convex mirror has a focal length f. A real object, planned at a distance f in front of it from the pole, produces an image at Show Answer

Q14) A ray of light incident on the first mirror and parallel to the second is reflected from the second mirror parallel to first mirror. The angle between the mirrors is Show Answer

Q15) When an object is at infinity from a concave mirror, the image formed is Show Answer

Q16) When the object is at focus of a concave mirror, the image is formed at Show Answer

Q17) When an object is kept within the focus of a concave mirror, an enlarged image is formed behind the mirror. The nature of the image is Show Answer

Q18) Choose the only correct option in case of a concave mirror : Show Answer

Q19) Which of the following correctly depicts the reflection of a ray of light on a spherical mirror ? Show Answer

Q20) Which of the following ray diagrams is not correct ? Show Answer

Q21) In a healthy human eye, the focussing is done by Show Answer

The lens in human eye is convergent.
Only a convergent lens can form real image. Show Answer

Q23) In a motor car, spherical mirrors are utilised at two different places (i) the head light and (ii) rear view mirror. What type of mirrors are used ? Show Answer

Q24) Which of the following pairs are correctly matched ?
(I) Power of lens : diopter
(II) Two waves of same frequency : diffraction and amplitude having constant phase difference optical fibre
(III) Total internal reflection : optical fibre
(IV) Change of focal length of a lens with colour : spherical aberration Show Answer

Q25) When a ray of light is reflected under multiple reflection by a set of plane parallel mirrors, the intensity of the ray diminishes due to Show Answer

Q26) In huygen's eyepiece, the possible position of the cross wires is Show Answer

Q27) Which one of the following optical instruments produce a virtual image ? Show Answer

Q28) Focal length of the eye-lens which enables us to see the object at varying distances, is controlled and changed by Show Answer

Q29) Consider the following statement :
(I) The focal length of the objective of a microscope is less than the focal length of the eyepiece.
(II) The minimum distance between an object and its real image formed by a convex lens of focal length f is equal to 4f.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q30) Which one of the following is correct ? Large aperture telescopes are used for Show Answer

Q31) An optician prescribes a power =-0.5 diopter. The corresponding lens must be a Show Answer

Q32) The spread in colours in a rainbow on sky is primarily due to Show Answer

Q33) Light travels in optical fibre irrespective of its shape because it is a device by which signals can be transferred from one location to another. It is based on the phenomenon of Show Answer

Q34) Suppose you are standing 1 m in front of a place mirror. What should be the minimum vertical size of the mirror so that you can see your full image in it ? Show Answer

Q35) Light travels slower in glass than in air because Show Answer

Q36) A spherical air bubble is embedded in a piece of glass. For a ray of light passing through the bubble, it behaves like a Show Answer

Q37) When a ray of light is going from one medium to another, its Show Answer

Q38) Which one of the following is the correct angle between the incident and reflected rays when a ray of light incident normally on a plane mirror ? Show Answer

Q39) A ray of light falls on a transparent glass plate. A part of it is reflected and a part is refracted. The reflected and refracted rays can be perpendicular to each other for Show Answer

Q40) If an object is placed at the centre of curvature of a concave mirror, the position of the image is Show Answer

Q41) The radius of curvature of a plane mirror Show Answer

Q42) The ratio of the focal length of the objective to the focal length of the eyepiece is greater than one for Show Answer

Q43) A coin in a breaker filled with water appears raised. This phenomenon occurs because of the property of Show Answer

Q44) Different objects at different distances are seen by the eye. The parameter that remains constant is Show Answer

Q45) Which one of the following can be used to focus sun light ? Show Answer

Q46) If a man approaches a plane mirror at the rate of 2 km/h, then his image would approach him at the rate of Show Answer

Q47) A plane mirror is mounted on the back of a truck which is travelling at 20 km/h. The image of person on the road behind the truck facing the truck will appear to be moving away from him at the speed of Show Answer

Q48) If a concave mirror of focal length 10 cm is immersed in water, its focal length will Show Answer

Q49) The correct sequence of the decreasing order of velocity of light in glass, diamond and water is Show Answer

Q50) The principle of working of periscope is based on Show Answer

Q51) The human eye has essentially a lens and a retina used as a screen. Which one of the following statements is true about this combination of lens and retina ? Show Answer

Q52) In Rayleigh scattering, the degree of scattering is proportional to fourth power of wavelength, but the size of the scattering particles of the medium should be Show Answer

Q53) A man suffering from short-sightedness, is unable to see objects distictly at a distance greater than 3 m. The power of spectacle lenses with which he will be able to view distant objects distinctly is Show Answer

Q54) A person cannot see objects distinctly at a distance less than 1 m. Calculate power of the spectacles that he should use in order to read a paper at a distance of 0.25 m Show Answer

Q55) The region of retina in which the vision is most acute is Show Answer

Q56) Defect of colour blindness can be remedied by the use of Show Answer

Q57) The order of colour in a secondary rainbow is Show Answer

Q58) A stereoscopic camera produces an image, which is Show Answer

Q59) Light rays move in straight lines, but through an optical fibre, they can move in any type of zig-zag path because
Show Answer

Q60) Which one of the following statement is correct for a plane mirror?
Show Answer

Q61) An object is placed in front of a convex mirror. Which one of the following statement is correct?

Show Answer

Q62) Which one of the following is the natural phenomenon based on a simple periscope works?
Show Answer

Q63) The mirrors used as rear-view mirrors in vehicles are
Show Answer

Q64) The mirrors used as rear-view mirrors in vehicles are Show Answer

Q65) An optical illusion which occurs mainly in deserts during hot summer is based on the principle of
Show Answer

Q66) A given conductor carrying a current of 1 ampere. It produces an amount of heat equal to 2000 J. If the current through the conductor is doubled, then the amount of heat produced will be Show Answer

Q67) A lady is standing in front of a mirror at a distance of 1 m from it. She walks 60 cm towards the mirror. The distance of her image now from herself (ignoring the thickness of the mirror) will be Show Answer

Q68) Which one of the following statements is NOT correct?
Show Answer

Q69) The following four items consist of two statements, Statement I and Statement II Examine these hoo statements carefully and select the correct answer using the codes given
Statement I While putting clothes for drying up, we spread them out.
Statement II The rate of evaporation increases with an increase in surface area. Show Answer

Q70) The following four items consist of two statements, Statement 1 and Statement II Examine these two statements carefully and select the correct answer using the codes given below. Statement I Due to diffused or
irregular reflection of light, a closed room gets light even if no direct sunlight falls inside the room.
Statement II Irregular reflection, where the reflected rays are not parallel, does not Sow the laws of reflection.
Show Answer

Q71) Optical fibres, though bent in any manner, allows light to pass. through. What is the inference that one can draw from it?
Show Answer

Q72) An object is placed 10 cm in front of a convex lens of focal length 15 cm. The image produced will be:

Show Answer

Q73) While looking at an image formed by a convex lens (one half of the lens is covered with a black paper), which one of the following will happen to the image? Show Answer