Practice Test

Q1) The proposal given by one party to another which enter into legal binding of 'to do or not to do 'any thing is a Show Answer

Q2) Acceptance on telephone is complete: Show Answer

Q3) A, by a letter dated 10th January 2008, offers to sell his house to B for Rs 10 Lakhs. The letter reaches B on 17th January. B sends his acceptance on 18th January 2008 which reaches A on 25th January, Here, he communication of offer is complete on : Show Answer

Q4) Raj offers to sell his car via internet to Kumar, It is a : Show Answer

Q5) Agreement to sell Show Answer

Q6) A counter offer is --------- Show Answer

Q7) The offer lapses when the offeree : Show Answer

Q8) The offer lapses by the death of offeror, if the fact of the death comes to the knowledge of offeree : Show Answer

Q9) An acceptance is not according to the mode prescribed, but the offeror decides to keep quite. In such a case, these is : Show Answer

Q10) A letter of acceptance sufficiently stamped and duly addressed is put into course of transmission There is : Show Answer

Q11) Communication of an offer may be by: Show Answer

Q12) Under Section 2 (c) of Indian Contract Act, Promisor is the person: Show Answer

Q13) The acceptance of an offer, in ignorance of the fact of death or insanity of the offeror, is: Show Answer

Q14) If the offeree has acceptance in ignorance of death of offeror it is a : Show Answer

Q15) "Holiday Packages" announced as an advertisement are an example of ____ Show Answer

Q16) If A offers B to buy his scooter for Rs.5,000only when B sells his bicycle to him for Rs.500, B accepted to buy A's scooted but does not sell his bicycle. It is an : Show Answer

Q17) In telephonic conversation, the acceptance is completed when : Show Answer

Q18) When the acceptance is given on telephone or fax, the place of contract is : Show Answer

Q19) X offer to sell to his house to Y for Rs. 10 lakhs and states in his letter that the offer would be considered as accepted if acceptance is not communicated, within a certain time. Here, the latter of X would : Show Answer

Q20) The offeror becomes bound only when : Show Answer

Q21) B's son is lost. A goes in search of B's son. Meanwhile, B makes an offer to pay Rs.1,000 to the finder of his son. A finds B's son. Can A claim Rs. 1,000 from B? Show Answer

Q22) M/s Law Book Company made an offer to sell a new law book released recently only to the members bar Council. This offer is called : Show Answer

Q23) where the seller is bound to send the goods to the buyer as per the agreement , & there is no specific time limit goods shall be delivered within Show Answer

Q24) A, by a letter dated 15th March ,offer to sell his car to B, who posts his acceptance on 20th march ,here Show Answer

Q25) A, by a letter ,offer to sell his mobile to B,for Rs.20,000.without knowing A's offer ,B ,by a letter ,offers to buy the same mobile from A for Rs.20,000 ,Here Show Answer

Q26) in case of illegal agreement the collateral agreement are Show Answer

Q27) when goodwill of the firm is sold ,the partners agree with the buyer ,not to carry out similar business specified period or within the specific local limits .this agreement is restraint is valid provided the restriction imposed are Show Answer

Q28) an acceptance must be Show Answer

Q29) The offer of promiser to perform must be made to Show Answer

Q30) An offer accepted without knowledge does not confer any legal on the acceptor Show Answer

Q31) Boarding the bus running in a route to carry passengers is : Show Answer

Q32) Which of the following is an invitation to offer ? Show Answer

Q33) Silence constitute a valid acceptance only if Show Answer

Q34) Which of the following condition is not necessary for a valid offer ? Show Answer

Q35) Which of the following is an offer ? Show Answer

Q36) Where a letter of acceptance sent by the post is lost in transit there is Show Answer

Q37) Display of goods in the shop for sale with price tags in Big Bazaar where self system is allowed is: Show Answer

Q38) No contract can arise ,if the Show Answer

Q39) Communication of a person is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made Show Answer

Q40) The finding that the business of the firm cannot be carried on except at a loss ,is a sufficient ground for the court to order Show Answer

Q41) X offered to purchase shares in a company by writing a letter on 1st may .The co.allotted shares on 1st Nov. of that year .X refused the shares ,is X's action valid ? Show Answer

Q42) In case of acceptance on phone ,the contract is made at the place Show Answer

Q43) The term Proposal used in the Indian contract act is synonymous with the term Show Answer

Q44) All agreement of champerty or maintenance are not illegal in India Show Answer

Q45) The juristic concept of contract consist of Show Answer

Q46) When the offers made by two persons to each other containing similar terms of bargain cross each other in past,they are known as Show Answer

Q47) An advertisement to pay reward to anyone who traces the missing boy of the advertiser is : Show Answer

Q48) A general offer made to the public at large is valid ,& binding contract is made with a person who having the knowledge of the offer Show Answer

Q49) Communication of the offer & acceptance can be made only when the parties are face to face Show Answer

Q50) Quotation of price is a Show Answer

Q51) L offered to take a house on lease for a period of 3 years at Rs.1 lakh p.a if the house was 'put through repairs & rooms were handsomely decorated'.here there is no offer since Show Answer

Q52) 'CONSENSUS -AD-IDEM" means Show Answer

Q53) Death of offeree before acceptance terminates the offer Show Answer

Q54) In a self-service department store ,a valid contract is concluded by offer & its acceptance ,when Show Answer

Q55) Which of the following results in an offer Show Answer

Q56) An offer to be valid must be communicated to the person to whom it is made Show Answer

Q57) X owes Rs.500 to his friend Y .Y assures X that he will not file a suit against X . Does this assurance of Y constitute 'a valid Proposal' in legal sense of term ? Show Answer

Q58) A promise to paint a picture for B .B afterwards forbids him to do so .in such case Show Answer

Q59) M offers to sell his car for Rs.3.8 lakhs to N.N says he would buy it for Rs.3.5 lakhs.This is a case of Show Answer

Q60) An offer is made to Mr.Zak in a crowd,It : Show Answer

Q61) Which of the following is false ? An offer to be valid must Show Answer

Q62) Which of the following is false? An acceptance Show Answer

Q63) The offer may lapse : Show Answer

Q64) A proposal when accepted becomes Show Answer

Q65) On the acceptance of an offer by offeree Show Answer

Q66) A, by a letter dated 25th December ,1998 ,offers to sell his house to B for Rs.10 lakhs.The letter reaches B on 27th December ,1998 , who posts his acceptance on 28th December,1998 which relates A on 30th december,1998.Here the communication of offer is complete on Show Answer

Q67) A, by a letter dated 25th December ,1998 ,offers to sell his house to B for Rs.10 lakhs.The letter reaches B on 27th December ,1998 , who posts his acceptance on 28th December,1998 which relates A on 30th december,1998. , the communication of acceptance is complete against A on 28th December , 1998 , and against B on Show Answer

Q68) When offer is made to a definite person, it is known as Show Answer

Q69) Standing offer means: Show Answer

Q70) When the offeree offers to qualified acceptance of the offer subject to modification & variations he is said to have made a Show Answer

Q71) Communication of an offer is complete When : Show Answer

Q72) Which of the following is /are the essential elements of a valid offer ? 1. Offeror must have an intention to be bound by his offer. , 2. Offer must be made to a specific person /party & not to public at large , 3. Must be definite , 4. Offer can be vague Show Answer

Q73) Which of the following offers do not constitute a valid offer ? 1. An auctioneer displays a T.V.sets before a gathering in an auction sale. , 2. Ram who is in possession of three cars purchased in different years say's 'I will sell you a car' , 3.A says to B , 'Will you purchase my motor cycle for Rs.20,000 ? , 4. Ram communicates to shyam that will sell his car for Rs.1,50,000 Show Answer

Q74) An auctioneer in Delhi advertised in a newspaper that a sale of office furniture would be held on Jan 4th,2012 . A broker came from Chennai to attend the auction,but the sale of furniture was withdrawn.The broker from Channai sued the auctioneer for loss of his time & expenses.Which of the following statements is correct ? Show Answer

Q75) In case of general offer, for a valid contract, the acceptor : Show Answer

Q76) An offer made to the group of people is known as a : Show Answer

Q77) Cross offers by two parties to each other : Show Answer

Q78) A proposal may consist of a promise for : Show Answer

Q79) An Agreement is Show Answer

Q80) An ad for season end sale is Show Answer

Q81) The person making the proposal is called the : Show Answer

Q82) When a person invites the other party to make an offer, he is said to make an : Show Answer

Q83) An offer can be accepted by : Show Answer

Q84) Performance of conditions of an offer; for the accptance of any consideration of a recipocal promise which may be offered with a proposal,is a/an Show Answer

Q85) The communication of proposal is deemed to be made by Show Answer

Q86) the communication of the acceptance of proposal is deemed to be made Show Answer

Q87) the communication of the revocation of proposal is deemed to be made Show Answer

Q88) The offer is completed only when it has been communicated to the : Show Answer

Q89) Communication of an acceptance is complete as against the proposer: Show Answer

Q90) An offer comes to an end after the expiry of : Show Answer

Q91) An offer can be revoked at any time before it is accepted by the. Show Answer

Q92) An acceptace can be revoked at any time before its communication reaches the : Show Answer

Q93) Anil makes an offer to Sunil to 20th by a letter which reaches Sunil on 22nd. Sunil posts the letter of acceptance on 24th which reashes Anil on 27th. The communication by acceptance is complete for Sunil on : Show Answer

Q94) Titu, by a letter dated 4th Jan. 2012 offers to sell his house to Tinu for Rs. 20 lakh. the letter reaches Tinu on 6th Jan., 2012, who posts his acceptance on 7th Jan., 2012. It reaches Titu of 9th Jan., 2012. Here, Tinu us bound by his acceptance. Show Answer

Q95) Titu, by a ltter dated 4th Jan., 2012 offers to sell is house to Tinu for Rs. 20 lakh.The letter reaches Tinu on 6th Jan., 2012, who posts his acceptance on 7th Jan., 2012 It reaches Tinu on 9th., 2012 Here, the communication of offer is complete on : Show Answer

Q96) A revokes his proposal to B by telegram The revocation is complete as against A Show Answer

Q97) A revokes his proposal to B by telegram The revocation is complete as against B Show Answer

Q98) On the 5th of month X markes an offer to Y, by a letter which reaches to Y on 6th. On the 7th , Y posts his letter of acceptance. Mean While, on the 6th X posts a letter to Y revoking the offer . On seeling it, y immediately sends a telegram to X on the 8th confirming the acceptance given though his letter of the 7th. Discuss the legal effects to three letters and the telegram. Show Answer

Q99) Titu, by a letter dated 4th Jan., 2012 offers to sell his house to Tinu for Rs. 20 lakh.The letter reaches Tinu on 6th Jan., 2012, who posts his acceptance on 7th Jan., 2012. It reaches Titu on 9th Jan., 2012. Here , Tinu is bound by the offer on : Show Answer

Q100) The offeror has right to revoke or withdraw his offer any time : Show Answer

Q101) A sends a letter to B, offering to sell house property. He asks B to reply by telegram. If B accept by registered letter, and does not insist acceptance by telegram within a reasonable time, the contract is : Show Answer

Q102) An offer was sent by post, the Acceptor wrote "Accepted" On the letter , put it in his drawer & fogot about it. The transaction is : Show Answer

Q103) M offered to sell his land to N for Rs. 70 lakhs. N replied purporting to accept and enclosed Rs. 20 lakhs, promising to pay the balance of Rs. 50 lakhs by monthly installment of a Rs. 10 Lakhs each. In thise case : Show Answer

Q104) A proposal is revoked Show Answer

Q105) A proposal may be revoked Show Answer

Q106) An offer may be : Show Answer

Q107) The term 'prima-facia' means : Show Answer

Q108) An advertisement to sell goods by auction by : Show Answer

Q109) An offer is defined under Sec.-------------- Show Answer

Q110) Terms of an offer must be : Show Answer

Q111) An offer is : Show Answer

Q112) Section ________ of Indian Contract Act states that " performance of the conditions of a proposal is an acceptance of the proposal". Show Answer

Q113) A "promise " is defined under section------------ Show Answer

Q114) Acceptance means given consent to : Show Answer

Q115) K, an actrees was engaged for a tour, The agreement provided that if the paty went to London, K would be engaged at a salary to be mutually agreed between them. I such a case : Show Answer

Q116) An offer which can be accepted by anyone is called : Show Answer

Q117) Words like,"See Back for Conditions" ,"please Turn Over", "Subject to term and condition contained in Annexure", Are sufficient for a reasonable notice of special conditions to the Acceptor. Show Answer

Q118) M offered of monday to sell his property to N by a writtin proposal which stated " that this offer to be left open until saturday 10 a.m. " In the meantime on Wednesday. M enters into a contract to sell the property to O. N. who was setting in the next room, hears about the deal between the M and O.On friday, N accepts the offer and delivers to M letter of acceptance Is N's acceptance valid ? Show Answer

Q119) M offered to sell his car for Rs.3.8 lakhs to N says he Would buy it for Rs. 3.5 Lakhs. The Counter -Offer by N for Rs.3.5 Lakhs. Show Answer

Q120) A promises to deliver his watch to B and, in return, B promises to pay a sum of Rs. 2,000. There is said to be a/as. Show Answer

Q121) If a person perform some act intended by promiser as consideration for the promise offered by him, performance of such act constitutes: Show Answer

Q122) Mr. L offered to take a house a lease for a period of 3 years at Rs. 1 lakh. p.a. if the house was" put through repairs and were handsomely decorated". Here, there is no offer since: Show Answer

Q123) Which of the following is not an essential element of a valid acceptance ? Show Answer

Q124) An agreement consists of reciprocal promises between at least Show Answer

Q125) A invites B for his son's wedding. B accepts the invitation . In this case, there is a/an Show Answer

Q126) A bid at an action sale is :
Show Answer

Q127) A mere passing utterance will:

Show Answer

Q128) M offers to sell his house to N for Rs.36 Lakhs and states in his letter that the offer would be considered as accepted if acceptance is not communicated within a certain time. Here,the letter of M would :

Show Answer

Q129) Which of the following conditions is not necessary for valid offer?

Show Answer

Q130) Nearness of relation by itself Show Answer

Q131) Silence cannot amount to offer by conduct. Show Answer

Q132) Yaatra Travels operates buses from Delhi to Agra. The bus standing at its Bay in the Bus Terminus is with a view to taking the passengers. There is ……… to take passengers. Show Answer

Q133) One person wants to travel from Tirupathi to Chittgong. The bus travelling from Tirupathi to Chittgong comes to the bus station, it is an Show Answer

Q134) A wants to go to his home at Delhi from his place of employment. He travels by bus as there is an air bus belonging to Chandra travels pvt. Ltd. which is standing at bus stand waiting for passengers. Here is Show Answer

Q135) A bid at an auction sale is - Show Answer

Q136) An offer which is allowed to remain an offer for acceptance over a period of time is known as - Show Answer

Q137) An offer made to a - (i) Specific person; or (ii) a group of persons is known as - Show Answer

Q138) An offer made to the public at large is called as - Show Answer

Q139) M/S Law Book Company offered Books only to ICAI Council members. This Offer is generally known as - Show Answer

Q140) K advertises in paper that any person who found his lost pet dog can get a reward of ? 5000. Any person who finds the dog can claim the reward. This is a case of - Show Answer

Q141) A person advertised in newspaper to sell his old car. Then the offer is ______ Show Answer

Q142) A Company announced a reward of £100 to anyone who contracted influenza after using its Smoke Balls for a certain period. Mrs. C used the Smoke Balls but contracted influenza. She claimed the reward but the Company rejected her claim stating that she did not communicate her acceptance to the Company. Here - Show Answer

Q143) L offered to take a house on lease for a period of 3 years at ? 1 Lakh p.a. if the house was "put through repairs and rooms were handsomely decorated". Here, there is no offer since - Show Answer

Q144) M offers to sell his house to N for ? 36 Lakhs and states in his letter that the offer would be considered as accepted if acceptance is not communicated within a certain time. Here, the letter of M would - Show Answer

Q145) ---------- precedes offer purpose of which to get a better offer from parties. Show Answer

Q146) ………. is expression of initial intention. Show Answer

Q147) ………. is expression of final willingness to perform a promise. Show Answer

Q148) An offer is made with an intention to have negotiation from other party. This type of offer is - Show Answer

Q149) In a self-service departmental store, customers' pickup articles and take them to the cashier's desk to pay. The Customer's action in picking up particular goods is a / an - Show Answer

Q150) Notices of Tender in newspapers by Government or other bodies are - Show Answer

Q151) Goods displayed in a shop with a price label is - Show Answer

Q152) Which of the following is valid offer? Show Answer

Q153) A Tender will be irrevocable where - Show Answer

Q154) There is a Counter-Offer when - Show Answer

Q155) When two persons make identical offers to each other, in ignorance of each other's offer, it is called - Show Answer

Q156) When both parties exchanged identical offers, such offers are known as Show Answer

Q157) In case of a Counter Offer or Cross Offer, one person's offer can be taken as an Offer and the other person's Offer can be taken as its acceptance. Show Answer

Q158) When there is a Counter Offer, the original offer terminates. Show Answer

Q159) M offers to sell his car for ? 3.8 Lakhs to N. N says, he would buy it for ? 3.5 Lakhs. The Counter-Offer by N for ? 3.5 Lakhs - Show Answer

Q160) A offers B to supply Books at ? 100 each. B accepts the same with condition of 10% discount. It is ______. Show Answer

Q161) When the proposal or acceptance is made otherwise than in words, the promise is said to be - Show Answer

Q162) S offered a reward to anyone who has returned his lost dog. F brought the dog to S without having heard of the offer. F is not entitled to the reward since - Show Answer

Q163) S sent his servant L, to trace his missing nephew. Later, S offered a reward for anyone who found out his missing nephew. L, ignorant of the announcement, traced the boy. Subsequently, he claimed the reward, when he came to know of it. Show Answer

Q164) S sent his servant L, to trace his missing nephew. Later, S offered a reward for anyone who found out his missing nephew. L, ignorant of the announcement, traced the boy. Subsequently, he claimed the reward, when he came to know of it. L is not entitled to the reward since - Show Answer

Q165) X is a person of 16 yrs. He enters into a contract with Y by making false representation that he is a major, This contract is: Show Answer

Q166) Which of the following is not correct? Show Answer

Q167) B received an offer by letter. He gives his acceptance by letter which are duly stamped, addressed & put in the letter box, This amount to Show Answer

Q168) A, by a letter dated 10th January 2018, offers to sell his house to B for ? 40 Lakhs. The letter reaches B on 17th January 2018, who posts his acceptance on 18th January 2018 which reaches A on 30th January 2018. Here, the communication of offer is complete on: Show Answer

Q169) In the above question, the communication of acceptance is complete against A on 18th January 2018 and against B on Show Answer

Q170) Communication of acceptance is complete as against the Proposer - Show Answer

Q171) Communication of acceptance is complete as against the Acceptor, only - Show Answer

Q172) M agreed on Monday to sell his property to N by a written agreement which stated "that this offer to be left open until Saturday 10 a.m." In the meantime on Wednesday, M enters into a contract to sell the property to O. N, who was sitting in the next room, hears about the deal between M and O. On Friday, N accepts the offer and delivers to M the letter of acceptance. Is N's acceptance valid? Show Answer

Q173) On the face of a ticket for a journey, the words, "For conditions see back" are printed in small print. The passenger - Show Answer

Q174) An agreement to agree in future is - Show Answer

Q175) A proposal may be revoked by the proposer before the posting of the letter of acceptance by the acceptor. Show Answer

Q176) If an offer is made in the form of a promise in return for an act, the performance of that act even without any communication thereof, is to be treated as an acceptance of the offer. Show Answer

Q177) Counter offer to an offer does not make the original offer lapse. Show Answer

Q178) If the offeree does not accept the offer according to the mode prescribed by the offeror, the offer does not lapse automatically. Show Answer

Q179) Communication of an offer is complete when the letter is posted though it has not reached the person to whom the offer is made. Show Answer

Q180) Where the mode of acceptance is prescribed in the proposal, it need not be accepted in that manner. Show Answer

Q181) The proposal should always be communicated to the person to whom it is made. Show Answer

Q182) A tender does not amount to an offer. Show Answer

Q183) Communication of acceptance of an offer is complete as against the acceptor the moment it comes to the knowledge of the offeror. Show Answer

Q184) Offer may be revoked after the letter of acceptance is posted by acceptor. Show Answer

Q185) An offer may lapse by: Show Answer

Q186) A proposal when accepted becomes a Show Answer

Q187) If A says to B “I offer to sell my house to you for Rs. 40,00,000” and B accepts the offer by saying clearly “I accept your offer”, it is a/an Show Answer

Q188) ‘A’ offered a reward of Rs. 1,00,000 for recovery of some valuable missing articles. ‘B’ who did not know of this offer, found the missing articles. Which one of the following is the correct solution to this problem? Show Answer

Q189) A telephonic acceptance is complete when the offer is Show Answer

Q190) A offers B to supply Books at Rs. 500 each. B accepts the same with condition of 30% discount. It is _________. Show Answer