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Practice Test

Q1) Arrange the following in the correct sequence:

(i) The Second World War.
(ii) The Great Depression.
(iii) The Chinese Revolution.
(iv) The IMF and the World Bank commenced financial operations. Show Answer

Q2) Arrange the following in the correct sequence:

(i) Indentured Labour was abolished.
(ii) Rinderpest (Cattle Plague) had a terrifying impact on the livelihoods of the African people and the local economy.
(iii) The First World War was fought.
(iv) Potato Famine in Ireland. Show Answer

Q3) In Trinidad what was referred as Hosay ?

Show Answer

Q4) Until 18th century, which two countries were considered the richest in the world ? Show Answer

Q5) Why were the European attracted the most to Africa ? Show Answer

Q6) Most Indian Indentured workers came from : Show Answer

Q7) Analyze the information given below, considering one of the following correct options :

Consider the jute producers of Bengal. They grew raw jute that was processed in factories for export in the form of gunny bags. But as gunny exports collapsed, the price of raw jute crashed more than 60 percent. Peasants who borrowed in the hope of better times or to increase output in the hope of higher incomes faced ever lower prices, and fell deeper and deeper into debt. Thus, the Bengal jute growers' lament:
Grow more jute, brothers, with the hope of greater cash. Cost and debt of jute will make your hopes get dashed. When you have spent all your money and got the crop off the ground, ... traders, sitting at home, will pay only Rs.5 a maund. Show Answer

Q8) Analyze the information given below, considering one the following correct option:

The Silk Routes are a good example of vibrant pre - modern trade and cultural links between distant parts of the world. The name 'Silk Routes' points to the importance of West-bound Chinese silk cargoes along this route. Historians have identified several silk routes, over land and by sea, knitting together vast regions of Asia, and linking Asia with Europe and northern Africa. They are known to have existed since before the Cristian Era and thrived almost till the fifteenth century. But Chinese Pottery also travelled the Same route, as did textiles and spices from India and Southeast Asia. In return, precious metals - gold and silver - flowed from Europe to Asia.
Trade and cultural exchange always went hand in hand. Early Christian missionaries almost certainly travelled this roue to Asia, as did early Muslim preachers a few centuries later. Much before all this, Buddhism emerged from eastern India and spread in several directions through intersecting points on the silk routes. Show Answer

Q9) Find the incorrect option from the following: Show Answer

Q10) Find the incorrect option from the following: Show Answer

Q11) Directions: In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mask the correct choice as:

Assertion (A) : The Silk Routes area a good example of pre-modern trade and cultural links between distant parts of the world.
Reason (R) : The name 'Silk Routes' points to the importance of West-bound Chinese silk cargoes along this routes. Show Answer

Q12) Directions: In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mask thee correct options:

Assertion (A) : The First World War was a war like no other before.
Reason (R) : The First World War was mainly fought in Europe. Show Answer

Q13) Directions: In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mask thee correct options:

Assertion (A) : Most indentured labour in India came from present day Eastern UP, Bihar, Central India and dry districts of Tamil Nadu.

Reason (R) : In mid 19th century, the regions of Eastern UP, Bihar, Central India and Tamil Nadu due to inflation in prices after First World War. Show Answer

Q14) Directions: In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mask thee correct options:

Assertion (A) : Europe emerged as the centre of world trade in the 19th century.
Reason (R) : Till the eighteenth century, China and India were among the world's richest countries. Show Answer

Q15) Directions: In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mask thee correct options:

Assertion (A) : US quickly recovered after First world war.
Reason (R) : US exports boosted European recovery and world trade over the next six years. Show Answer

Q16) Directions: In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mask thee correct options:

Assertion (A) : World Bank and IMF were established after the second world war.
Reason (R) : Second world war caused an immense amount of economic destruction and many parts of Europe and Asia were destroyed. Show Answer

Q17) In ancient times who traveled vast distances for knowledge, opportunity and spiritual fulfillment ? Show Answer

Q18) Besides goods, money, value, skills, ideas, inventions they also carried: Show Answer

Q19) In Hindi, meaning of Cowrie is. Show Answer

Q20) Th long-distance spread of disease-carrying germs may be traced between : Show Answer

Q21) The silk routes are a good example of: Show Answer

Q22) Silk is a _______ product. Show Answer

Q23) What was exported from India through Silk route? Show Answer

Q24) Early Christian Missionaries and ______ preachers traveled through this routes to Asia. Show Answer

Q25) In eighteenth Century the demand for food grains increased in Britain due to: Show Answer

Q26) Expansion of urban centers and growth of industries pushed up the prices of: Show Answer

Q27) The government restricted the import of: Show Answer

Q28) _______ were unhappy with high food prices. Show Answer

Q29) Example of Connected process is trade in meat, Connection here refers to: Show Answer

Q30) Animals were shipped live from: Show Answer

Q31) ______ enable the transport of perishable foods over long distances. Show Answer

Q32) America, Australia and New Zealand were the _____ point for the export of meat to Europe. Show Answer

Q33) The difference between First World War and Second World War was: Show Answer

Q34) The Second World War was fought for ______ years on many fronts, in many places, over land, sea, and air. Show Answer

Q35) In 1939 about ______ of the world was at least ______ million people, who were killed in Second World War. Show Answer

Q36) Vast parts of ______ were devastated. Show Answer

Q37) Rinderpest arrived in Africa in the late ............ Show Answer

Q38) It was carried by infected............ Show Answer

Q39) Rinderpest reached in the Cape after ............ Show Answer

Q40) The loss of cattle destroyed livelihoods of ............. Show Answer

Q41) People livelihood and local economy of which one of the following was badly affected by the disease named Rinderpest. Show Answer

Q42) Which of the following places was an important destination for indentured migrants? Show Answer

Q43) The group of powers collectively known as the Axis power during the Second World War were: Show Answer

Q44) Who among the following is a Nobel Prize winner? Show Answer

Q45) Which of the following statements correctly identifies the corn laws? Show Answer

Q46) Which of the following is the direct effect of Great Depression on Indian Trade? Show Answer

Q47) Which of the following enabled the Europeans to conquer and control the Africans? Show Answer

Q48) Who discovered the vast continent, later known as America? Show Answer

Q49) The World Bank was set - up to Show Answer

Q50) Who adopted the concept of an assembly line to produce automobiles? Show Answer

Q51) Peru was called the city of gold. Show Answer

Q52) The silk route helped in cultural and commercial exchange. Show Answer

Q53) Second World War did not result in economic devastation and social disruption. Show Answer

Q54) Britain was the world's leading economy during the pre - First World War period. Show Answer

Q55) The IMF and the World Bank were designed to meet the financial needs of the industrial countries. Show Answer

Q56) Which among the following countries were among the world's richest countries and the main centres of trade ? Choose the correct option : Show Answer

Q57) Who wrote in May 1634 that small pox signalled God's blessings for the colonists :' ... the natives... were near all dead of small pox, so as the Lord had cleared out title to what we posses' Identify the correct option : Show Answer

Q58) Identify the reason which made the transport of perishable products over long distances possible, from the given options : Show Answer

Q59) Which of the following statements is appropriately associated with World War I ? Show Answer

Q60) Which of the following would be provided to the developing countries by the New International Economic Order (NIEO) ? Identify the correct option : Show Answer

Q61) Identify the method from the following information.
*This method was used in Chicago slaughterhouse.
* This method forced the workers to respect a single task.
*This method was faster and cheaper way of producing goods. Show Answer

Q62) Choose the correctly matched pair from the given options : Show Answer

Q63) Choose the correctly matched pair from the given options : Show Answer

Q64) Assertion (A) :
Most of the TVs, mobile phones and toys we see in the shops seem to be made in China.
Reason (R) :
Industries are relocated to China due to the low-cost structure of the Chinese economy most importantly its low wages. Show Answer

Q65) Assertion (A) :
Developing countries are now forced to borrow from Western commercial banks and private lending institutions.
Reason (R) :
Periodic debt crises in the developing world and lower incomes and increased poverty and evident, especially in Africa and Latin Africa. Show Answer

Q66) Assertion (A) :
Worldwide spread of MNCs was a notable feature of the 1950s and 1960s.
Reason (R) :
US business expanded worldwide and Western Europe and Japan also recovered to become industrial economies. Show Answer

Q67) Assertion (A):
During the great depression of 1929, in general, agricultural regions and communities were the worst affected.
Reason (R) :
The fall in agricultural prices were greater and more prolonged than that in the prices of industrial goods. Show Answer

Q68) Assertion (A) :
In Africa, in the 1890s, a fast spreading diseases of Cattle Plague or rinderpest had a terrifying impact on people's livelihoods and the local economy.
Reason (R) :
There was widespread European imperial impact on colonized societies. Show Answer

Q69) Why the Bretton Woods Institutions were established ? Choose the correct option from the following : Show Answer

Q70) What factor led to decolonisation after the second world war? With reference to the above context, infer the appropriate option. Show Answer

Q71) Which of the following countries has an effective right to veto over key IMF and World bank decisions ? Select the best suitable option from the following reference to the context : Show Answer

Q72) Why did Bretton Woods Institution shift their focus from industrial countries to colonies ? Identify from the given options : Show Answer

Q73) How did Bretton Woods Institutions failed in maintaining the idea of decolonisation ?
Choose the correct option. Show Answer

Q74) Assertion (A) :
World Bank and IMF were established after the Second World War.
Reason (R) :
Second World War caused an immense amount of economic destruction and many parts of Europe and Asia were destroyed. Show Answer

Q75) Which of our common foods were not known to our ancestors about 5 centuries ago ? Show Answer

Q76) Where animals are not slaughtered for food at the starting point ? Show Answer

Q77) Which of the following statements is associated with IMF ? Show Answer

Q78) Find the incorrect statement. Show Answer

Q79) Choose the correctly matched pair from the given options . Show Answer