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Practice Test

Q1) Identify the correct statement with regard to 'The Act of Union -1707' from the following options Show Answer

Q2) Which of the following treaty recognized Greece as an independent nation? Show Answer

Q3) Which of the following revolution is called as the first expression of 'Nationalism'? Show Answer

Q4) Which among the following best signifies the idea of liberal nationalism of nineteenth century Europe? Show Answer

Q5) Who said "When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold"? Show Answer

Q6) Who among the following formed the secret society called 'Young Italy'? Show Answer

Q7) Which one of the following states was ruled by an Italian princely house before unification of Italy? Show Answer

Q8) Which of the following countries is considered as the 'Cradle of civilisation'? Show Answer

Q9) Analyze the information given below, considering one of the following correct options:
While it is easy enough to represent a ruler through a portrait or a statue, how does one go about giving a face to a nation? Artists in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries found a way out by personifying a nation. In other words, they represented a country as if it were a person. Show Answer

Q10) Analyze the information given below, considering one of the following correct options:
He was perhaps the most celebrated of Italian freedom fighters. He came from a family engaged in coastal trade and was a sailor in the merchant navy. In 1833, he met Mazzini, joined the Young Italy Movement and participated in a Republican uprising in Piedmont in 1834. Show Answer

Q11) Find the incorrect option from the following: Show Answer

Q12) Find the incorrect option from the following: Show Answer

Q13) Directions: In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.
Assertion (A): Giuseppe Garibaldi was an Italian General, politician and nationalist who played a large role in the history of Italy.
Reason (R): He was the architect in the process of nation - building. Show Answer

Q14) Directions: In the following, A Statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion (A): A large part of the Balkans was under the control of the Ottoman Empire.
Reason (R) The spread of the ideas of Romantic Nationalism in the Balkans together with the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire made th.is region very explosive Show Answer

Q15) Directions: In the following, A Statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion (A): The French Resolution was an influential event that marked the age of revolutions in Europe.
Reason (R): The French Revolution transferred the sovereignty from the people to the monarch. Show Answer

Q16) Directions: In the following, A Statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion (A) Serfdom and bonded labour were abolished both in the Habsburg dominations and in Russia.
Reason (R): Monarchs were beginning to realise that the cycles of revolution and repression could only be ended by granting concessions to the liberal-nationalist revolutionaries. Show Answer

Q17) Directions: In the following, A Statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion (A): The Scottish Highlands suffered terrible repression whenever they attempted to assert their Independence.
Reason (R): Catholic revolts against British dominance were suppressed. Show Answer

Q18) Directions: In the following, A Statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion (A): Italy and Switzerland were divided into kingdom, duchies and cantons whose rulers had their autonomous territories.
Reason (R): They were closely bound to each other inspite of their autonomous rule. Show Answer

Q19) Directions: In the following, A Statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion (A): On 18 May 1848, 831 elected representatives revolted in the Frankfurt parliament.
Reason (R): The parliament was dominated by the middle classes who resisted the demands of workers and lost their support. Show Answer

Q20) Directions: In the following, A Statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
Assertion (A): Mazzini's relentless opposition to monarchy and his vision of democratic republics frightened the conservatives.
Reason (R): Metternich described Mazzini as 'the most dangerous enemy of social order' Show Answer

Q21) Which of the following statement correctly describes about European conservative ideology? Show Answer

Q22) Identify the purpose to convene the Congress of Vienna in 1815 from the following options. Show Answer

Q23) What did conservatives focus on at the Congress of Vienna? Select the appropriate option Show Answer

Q24) How did the Congress of Vienna ensure peace in Europe? Select the appropriate option Show Answer

Q25) Arrange the following in the correct sequence:
(i) Slav nationalism was the go to force in the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires.
(ii) Unification of Germany.
(iii) Victor Emmanuel II was declared as the King of united Italy and Rome was declared the capital of Italy.
(iv) The Prussian King, William I was proclaimed the German Empire. Show Answer

Q26) Arrange the following in the correct sequence:
(i) Treaty of Constantinople
(ii) First upheaval took place took place in France
(iii) Lord Byron died
(iv) Greek Struggle for independence begins Show Answer

Q27) Where was Giuseppe Mazzini born?
Show Answer

Q28) Giuseppe Mazzini was sent into exile in 1831 for attempting a revolution in ________. Show Answer

Q29) Who described Mazzini as ‘the most dangerous enemy of our social order’? Show Answer

Q30) Which of the following societies was founded in Berne? Show Answer

Q31) During mid-19th century, Italy was divided into ____ states. Show Answer

Q32) Which of the following part of Italy was ruled by an Italian princely house? Show Answer

Q33) Who dominated the south regions of Italy? Show Answer

Q34) Besides Italy, which of the following nation had a long history of political fragmentation? Show Answer

Q35) What was the name given to the female allegory in France? Show Answer

Q36) Germania became the allegory of ______ Show Answer

Q37) What does the German oak stand for? Show Answer

Q38) _____ images marked on cions and stamps. Show Answer

Q39) People from which classes mainly constituted the members of many political associations in the German region? Show Answer

Q40) On 18th May, 1848 where was Frankfurt Parliament convened? Choose the correct option. Show Answer

Q41) Otto von Bismarcks’ contribution in building nation of Germany is remarkable. Who was he? Show Answer

Q42) What was the role of women in the Church of St. Paul? Show Answer

Q43) Who formed a secret society called ‘Young Italy’? Show Answer

Q44) Who led the movement to unify the regions of Italy? Show Answer

Q45) According to the extract, what was the reason for a large part of Italian population remaining unaware of the liberal ideology? Show Answer

Q46) Who proclaimed himself as the king of united Italy? Show Answer

Q47) Elle, the measuring unit in Germany was used to measure : Show Answer

Q48) Zollevrein started in 1834 in Prussia refers to a : Show Answer

Q49) What do the saints, angles and Christ symbolise in the Utopian vision ? Show Answer

Q50) Who were the 'Junkers' ? Show Answer

Q51) Which treaty recognised Greece as an independent nation ? Show Answer

Q52) Which of the following group of powers collectively defeated Napoleon ? Show Answer

Q53) Romanticism refers to a : Show Answer

Q54) Which one of the following types of government was functioning in France before the revolution of 1789 ? Show Answer

Q55) Which of the following countries is considered as the 'cradle of European civilization' ? Show Answer

Q56) Conservative regimes set up in 1815 were democratic in nature. Show Answer

Q57) A direct vote by which all the people of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal is known as la patrie. Show Answer

Q58) In 1861, Friedrich Wilhelm IV was proclaimed the king of united Italy. Show Answer

Q59) The term 'absolutist' referred to monarchical government. Show Answer

Q60) The Treaty of Constantinople of 1832 recognised Greece as an independent nation. Show Answer

Q61) Giuseppe Mazzini formed a secret society called Young Italy for the dissemination of his goals. Show Answer

Q62) Which of the following events and dates is incorrectly matched ? Show Answer

Q63) Arrange the following in the correct sequence :
(i) Unhappy with high food prices, industrialists and urban dwellers forced the abolition of the Corn Laws.
(ii) Under pressure from landed groups, the government restricted the import of corn.
(iii) Population growth from the late eighteenth century had increased the demand for food grains in Britain.
(iv) As urban centres expanded and industry grew, the demand for agricultural products went up, pushing up food grain prices. Show Answer

Q64) Arrange the following in the correct sequence :
(i) Expansion of world trade and the acquisition of colonies in different parts of the world increased the demand for goods.
(ii) Being difficult for new merchants to set up business in towns, they turned to the countryside.
(iii) Merchants could not expand production within towns because the urban crafts and trade guilds were powerful that restricted the entry of new people into the trade.
(iv) Rulers granted different guilds the monopoly right to produce and trade in specific products. Show Answer

Q65) The civil code of 1804 is usually known as Show Answer

Q66) The Estates General was elected by the body of active citizens and renamed the Show Answer

Q67) Unification of Italy took place between Show Answer

Q68) Unification of Germany took place between Show Answer

Q69) What did the idea of of le citoyen signify in French revolution? Show Answer

Q70) The term das Volk means Show Answer

Q71) He was the chief minister and the chief architect of the movement of national unification of Prussia Show Answer

Q72) He had sought to put together a coherent program for a unitary Italian republic Show Answer

Q73) He was proclaimed king of United Italy in 1861 Show Answer

Q74) The olive branch around the sword signifies Show Answer

Q75) Which among the following best signifies the idea of liberal nationalism of 19th century Europe Show Answer

Q76) “When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold”. Who among the following said this popular line? Show Answer

Q77) Which of the following revolutions is called as first expression of nationalism? Show Answer

Q78) Which of the following countries is considered as 'cradle of civilization'? Show Answer

Q79) Germany was unified by Show Answer

Q80) In which century nationalism emerged in Europe Show Answer

Q81) In which part of great Britain, existed a short divide between Catholics and the protestants? Show Answer

Q82) Who were the “junkers” ? Show Answer

Q83) Which of the following statements is the belief of conservatives? Show Answer

Q84) Who founded the revolutionary militia 'Red shirt'? Show Answer

Q85) Identify the following and choose the correct option
i) It was signed in 1707
ii) It was signed between England and Scotland
iii) It resulted in the formation of United Kingdom of Great Britain
Show Answer

Q86) Identify the revolutionary and choose the correct option:
i) He was an Italian revolutionary
ii) He founded to secret societies young Italy in Marseilles and young Europe in Bern
iii) Metternich described him as 'the most dangerous enemy of our social order'. Show Answer

Q87) Arrange the following events in correct sequence
1) Defeat of Napoleon by European powers
2) The first world war
3) Unification of Germany
4) Treaty of Constantinople Show Answer

Q88) Arrange the following events in correct sequence
1) Slav nationalism gathered force in Harrisburg and Ottoman Empires
2) Unification of Germany
3) Victor Emmanuel II was declared as king of United Italy and Rome was declared as capital of Italy
4) The Prussian king William I was proclaimed the German emperor Show Answer

Q89) Arrange the following events in correct sequence
1) Treaty of Constantinople
2) First upheaval took place in France
3) Lord Byron died
4) Greek struggle for independence begins Show Answer

Q90) Assertion: Britain, France and Germany for as a team.
Reason: Russia, Prussia and Austria where great powers Show Answer

Q91) Assertion: The chancellor of Prussia and main architect for the unification of Germany who believed in the policy of 'Blood and Iron' was Otto von Bismarck.
Reason: The ruler of Prussia during the unification of Germany was Kaiser William I. Show Answer

Q92) What were the effects of political and constitutional changes after the French revolution? Show Answer

Q93) Which system formulated uniform laws for all citizens within its territory? Show Answer

Q94) Who was elected by the body of active citizens? Show Answer

Q95) Why were the regional dialects discouraged? Show Answer

Q96) Which was the dominant class on the continent? Show Answer

Q97) Under whose period did all adult males enjoy suffrage? Show Answer

Q98) Why did women and non-propertied men organize opposition movements throughout the 19th and early 20th century? Show Answer

Q99) What was formed at the initiative of Prussia, which abolished tariff barriers and reduced the number of currencies from over thirty to two? Show Answer

Q100) The Treaty of Vienna was concluded between Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Italy. Show Answer

Q101) Giuseppe Garibaldi convinced the King of Prussia to unite all of Germany under his leadership. Show Answer

Q102) During the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, women carried out the fight for the vote through an international suffrage movement. Show Answer

Q103) After the French Revolution, French, as it was spoken in the western part of France, became the common language of the French nation. Show Answer

Q104) Germany and Italy were the first two nation states to emerge in Europe. Show Answer

Q105) Assertion: Following the defeat of Napoleon, European governments were driven by a spirit of liberalism.
Reason: Mazzini was a member of the secret society called Carbonari. Show Answer