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Practice Test

Q1) The community's response to Kisa in the above extract was somewhat different from before. Why do you think that was the case ? Show Answer

Q2) Which of the following options represent the correct understanding of the word "poor" in the phase "Poor Kisa Gotami" ? Show Answer

Q3) "Do not remind us of our deepest grief." The tone of the speaker(s) is Show Answer

Q4) Pick the option that explains - ' .... the living are few, but the dead many.' Show Answer

Q5) Imagine you are photo journalist visiting the city at the time Kisa Gotami went from house to house. You documented her experience given in the above extract in a photo series.
Your publisher wants to publish the photo series in three parts wherein Part I shows Kisa's visits to the houses; Part II depicts her conversations with people,and Part III captures Kisa's reflections at the end of the day sitting by the wayside.
The publisher would also like you to choose titles for the series and its three parts.
Look at the titles given below, and choose the options that provide the most appropriate set of titles.
(I) Series Title - From Darkness to light
Part-1 - Living in Loss
Part 2. A Mother's journey
Part 3. Mustard Seed
Series Title - Mustard Seed
Part 1. - A Mother's journey
Part 2. - From Darkness to Light
Part 3 - Living in Loss
Series Title - A Mother's journey
Part 1. - Mustard Seed
Part 2 - Living in Loss
Part 3 - From Darkness to Light
Series Title - Living in Loss
Part 1 - From Darkness to light
Part 2 - Mustard Seed
Part 3 - A Mother's Journey Show Answer

Q6) If the Buddha were a counsellor, which of the following options would you find in a brochure of his service ? Show Answer

Q7) Which of the following statements cannot be attributed to Buddha based on the given extract ?
(I) Pain and grief are unavoidable and necessary.
(II) The inevitability of death makes grieving futile.
(III) Universality of grief and pain makes us sad.
(IV) Understanding that life is finite leads to wisdom. Show Answer

Q8) Choose the option that appropriately completes the following -
Lamentation :
grief :: ___ : ___ Show Answer

Q9) According to the Buddha, peace of mind is attainable by those who Show Answer

Q10) The given extract is paraphrased below. Choose the option that includes the most appropriate solutions for the blanks.
(i) The act of ___ is not only pointless but (ii) rather ___ , causing pain and suffering. It only serves to (iii) ____ peace of mind. (iv) ____ without complaint is crucial to well-being and peace. Show Answer

Q11) What was the age of Gautam Buddha when he shielded himself from the suffering of the world ? Show Answer

Q12) The Prince was ___ by the effect of sights. Show Answer

Q13) The Prince left the palace in search of ___ . Show Answer

Q14) Find a word from the passage that means the same as 'looked at'. Show Answer

Q15) Gautam Buddha got enlightment under ___ tree. Show Answer