Practice Test

Q1) Which is the number in the circle only ? Show Answer

Q2) Which is the number in the triangle only ? Show Answer

Q3) Which is the number in the rectangle only ? Show Answer

Q4) The number which only in triangle and rectangle is ? Show Answer

Q5) Which is the number only in circle and rectangle ? Show Answer

Q6) Which is the number only in circle and triangle ? Show Answer

Q7) Which is the number in circle, triangle and triangle ? Show Answer

Q8) How many students have passed in English subject ? Show Answer

Q9) How many students have passed in Mathematics ? Show Answer

Q10) How many students have passed in Science subject ? Show Answer

Q11) How many students passed both in English and Science subjects ? Show Answer

Q12) How many students passed both in English and Mathematics ? Show Answer

Q13) How many students have passed in English, Mathematics and Science ? Show Answer

Q14) How many students have passed in only one subject ? Show Answer

Q15) How many students have passed only in one English subject ? Show Answer

Q16) How many students have passed in any two subjects ? Show Answer

Q17) How many students have passed only in Mathematics, one subject ? Show Answer

Q18) How many students have passed only in one Science - subject ? Show Answer

Q19) How many students have failed in English only one subject ? Show Answer

Q20) How many students have failed in Mathematics only one subject ? Show Answer

Q21) How many students have failed in Science only one subject ? Show Answer

Q22) How many students have failed in two subjects ? Show Answer

Q23) How many students have failed in both English and Mathematics ? Show Answer

Q24) How many students have failed in both English and Science subject ? Show Answer

Q25) How many students have failed in Mathematics and Science both the subjects ? Show Answer

Q26) What is the value of A ? Show Answer

Q27) What is the value of B ? Show Answer

Q28) What is the value of C ? Show Answer

Q29) What is the value of E ? Show Answer

Q30) What is the minimum value of C ? Show Answer

Q31) What is the minimum value of A ? Show Answer

Q32) What is the minimum value of A + B ? Show Answer

Q33) Students, Boys, Girls Show Answer

Q34) Lizard, Pigeon, Mice Show Answer

Q35) Swings, Flowers, Garden Show Answer

Q36) Table, Chair, Furniture Show Answer

Q37) Elephant, Lion, Jungle Show Answer

Q38) Bharat, Osmanbad, Maharashtra Show Answer

Q39) Words, Book, Pages Show Answer

Q40) Horse, Stable, Rider Show Answer

Q41) Court, Pledger, Teacher Show Answer

Q42) Lime, Cement, brick Show Answer

Q43) Who among the following politicians are not members of the Parliament ? Show Answer

Q44) Who among the following are graduates or teachers but not politicians ? Show Answer

Q45) Who among the following graduates are politicians as well as teachers ? Show Answer

Q46) Who among the members of Parliament is a graduate as well as a teacher ? Show Answer

Q47) Who among the following politicians are neither teachers nor graduates ? Show Answer

Q48) Urban people who are hard working and educated are represented by the number Show Answer

Q49) Urban people who are hard working and educated but not honest : Show Answer

Q50) Non-urban educated people who are neither hard working nor honest are represented by Show Answer

Q51) Urban educated people who are neither honest nor hard working Show Answer

Q52) Honest, educated and educated non-urban people are represented by Show Answer

Q53) Non-urban people who are honest and hard working but not educated are indicated by Show Answer

Q54) Non-urban educated, hard working and honest people are indicated by Show Answer

Q55) Urban hard working people who are neither educated nor honest : Show Answer

Q56) Uneducated urban hard-working honest people are Show Answer

Q57) Hard working non-urban people who are neither educated nor honest are indicated by Show Answer

Q58) Some engineers are teacher Show Answer

Q59) Some teachers are graduates. Show Answer

Q60) Some engineers are graduates. Show Answer

Q61) Some graduates engineers are teachers. Show Answer

Q62) Some teachers are neither engineers nor graduates. Show Answer

Q63) Doctor, Male, Actor Show Answer

Q64) Table, Furniture, Chair Show Answer

Q65) Father, Mother, Child Show Answer

Q66) Gold, Ornament, Silver Show Answer

Q67) Rose, Flower, Lotus Show Answer

Q68) Pigeons, Birds, Sparrows Show Answer

Q69) Mango, Cauliflower, Vegetables Show Answer

Q70) Liquid, Milk, Wine Show Answer

Q71) Dogs, Horses, Puppies Show Answer

Q72) Robbers, Terrorists, Antisocial people Show Answer

Q73) Father, Brother, Human beings Show Answer

Q74) Food, Noodles, Idlis Show Answer

Q75) Hero, Heroine, Story Show Answer

Q76) Farce, Satire, Humour Show Answer

Q77) Women, Mothers, Widows Show Answer

Q78) Writers, Novelists, Dramatists Show Answer

Q79) Beverages, coffee, Tea Show Answer

Q80) Students, Players, Girls Show Answer

Q81) Games, Athletes, Sports Show Answer

Q82) Words, Verbs, Prepositions Show Answer

Q83) Servants, Honest, Dishonest Show Answer

Q84) Eyes, Nose, Face Show Answer

Q85) Demolition, Destruction, Construction Show Answer

Q86) Coins, Currency notes, Money Show Answer

Q87) Bed, Ward, Hospital Show Answer

Q88) Copper, Iron, Metal Show Answer

Q89) Male child, Female child, Children Show Answer

Q90) Sentence, Paragraph and Page Show Answer

Q91) Painter, Dancer, Artiste Show Answer

Q92) Indian Constitution, Directive Principles, Fundamental Duties Show Answer

Q93) Sweet eatables, Bitter eatables, Fruits Show Answer

Q94) Scientist, Nuclear Physicist, Men Show Answer

Q95) Major, Major General, Army officer Show Answer

Q96) Red, Blue, Colours Show Answer

Q97) Day, Week, Month Show Answer

Q98) Hands, Watch, Time Keepers Show Answer

Q99) The Gita, The Bible, Religious Books Show Answer

Q100) Fish, Whale, Aquatic Animals Show Answer

Q101) Cars, Scooters, Means of Conveyance Show Answer

Q102) Elephants, Wolves, Animals Show Answer

Q103) Brinjal, Meat, Vegetables. Show Answer

Q104) Doctors, Nurse, Human being Show Answer

Q105) Antisocial elements, Pick pockets, Black mailers. Show Answer

Q106) Musicians, Instrumentalists, Violinists. Show Answer

Q107) Pigeons, Birds, Dogs. Show Answer

Q108) Diseases, Leprosy, Scurvy Show Answer

Q109) Yak, Zebra, Bear. Show Answer

Q110) Mercury, Mars, Planets. Show Answer

Q111) Triangle, Four sided figures, square. Show Answer