Practice Test

Q1) It can be inferred from the passage that, in Eisenstein's view, working women at the turn of the century had which of the following attitudes toward the dominant ideology of their time? Show Answer

Q2) Which of the following best describes the organization of the first paragraph of the passage? Show Answer

Q3) Which of the following would the author of the passage be most likely to approve as a continuation of Eisenstein's study ? Show Answer

Q4) According to the passage, the earliest research on mangrove forest produced which of the following ? Show Answer

Q5) It can be inferred from the passage that Davis' paradigm does NOT apply to which of the following ? Show Answer

Q6) According to passage, when an assembler buys a firm that makes some important component of the end product that the assembler produces, independent suppliers of the same component may Show Answer

Q7) Which of the following best describes the way the last paragraph functions in the context of the passage ? Show Answer

Q8) According to the passage, which of the following relationships between profits and investments in research and development holds true for producers of technologically advanced components ? Show Answer

Q9) Heena wore a beautiful BROACH (A) / BROOCH (B) on the lapel of her jacket.
The last scene provided a CLIMATE (A) / CLIMATIC (B) ending to the play.
In case I see you engaging in such EXCEPTIONAL (A) / EXCEPTIONABLE (B) behaviour, I will be forced to punish you.
I give my CONSENT (A) / ASSENT(B) to the surgical treatment.
He does not seem to be ADVERSE (A) / AVERSE (B) to helping me out. Show Answer

Q10) The ice cream served at the wedding had lots of CURRENTS (A) / CURRANTS (B) and nuts in it.
If you want to know more about the career option, please meet your COUNCILLOR (A) / COUNSELOR (B).
I would like to ADVICE (A) / ADVISE (B) you about your insurance policy.
The minister is OBLIGED (A) / COMPELLED (B) to report regularly to a parliamentary board.
His analysis of the situation is far too SANGUINE (A) / GENUINE (B). Show Answer

Q11) (A) It was a difficult situation and Manila was making pains to make it better.
(B) Slowly her efforts bore fruits and things started improving.
(C) What she learnt from this is that it is ideal for humans if reflection.
(D) preceded action and precision of thought facilitated precision of behaviour. Show Answer

Q12) (A) So once a country is in recession,
(B) the financial authority can, principally, move the economy
(C) out of the slowdown - assuming
(D) they know how to use a fiscal instrument in its most effective manner. Show Answer

Q13) (A) It is sometimes told that
(B) one should react in an impassioned manner and must refrain
(C) a coup. And also, one must manage to bite back the ironic retort
(D) on the tip of the tongue itself lest it might damage one's chance for success, all at once. Show Answer

Q14) To make that claim, a large, longer-term, ......... trial would be needed, in which participants are ......... assigned to exercise or not, and are then followed for the development of chronic conditions such as cancer, heart disease or dementia. Show Answer

Q15) Meanwhile, Ways thinks that preoccupation with survival is preventing the U.S. from explaining its positive assets to the world, ............. thinking about what to do next, and ............. U.S. policies in key areas, to wit: U.S. military planners are forced to assume that the U.S. must suffer the first blow in any future war. Show Answer

Q16) Earn Show Answer

Q17) Round Show Answer

Q18) Lycopene, glutathione, and glutamine are powerful antioxidants that neutralize the free radicals that are produced in the body as a result of routine bodily processes. An excess of these free radicals in your system causes rapid aging because they accelerate the rate of cellular damage. Aging is simply the result of this damage. Thus, to slow down aging it is necessary to supplement your diet with these antioxidants on a daily basis.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the author's contention ? Show Answer

Q19) Is it wrong for doctors to lie about their patients' illness ? Aren't doctors just like any other people we hire to do a job for us ? Surely, we would not tolerate not being told the truth about the condition of our automobile from the mechanic we hired to fix it, or the condition of our roof from the carpenter we employed to repair it. Just as these workers would be guilty of violating their good faith contracts with us if they were to do this, doctors who lie to their patients about their illnesses violate these contracts as well, and this is clearly wrong.
The conclusion of the argument is best expressed by which of the following ? Show Answer

Q20) The Japanese economic model created strong domestic industries through subsidies from its Ministry of Trade and by closing off competitive foreign firms to its domestic market. This strategy promised to help economic growth by incubating domestic industries. New Japanese industries could count on a known local demand and would be protected from competition by tariffs and other barriers. The program could reduce the amount of imports and therefore improve the nation's balance of trade.
Which of the following, based on the passage above, is a weakness in this economic strategy ? Show Answer