Consider the following information pretaining to credit purchase made by K Ltd.,a dealer in electronic goods for the month of March 2005: Date :-March 01 , Particulars :- Black & White TV's , No.of units - 50 , Rate per unit :- 3,000 , Trade Discount ;-10% , Date :-March 01, Particulars :-colour TV's :- No.of units -: 10 , Rate per unit :- 6,000 , Trade Discount ;-10% , Date :-March 09, Particulars :- Tape Recorders No.of units -: 10 , Rate per unit :- 1,000 , Trade Discount ;-10%, Date :-March 09, Particulars :- Two-in-one , No.of units -: 10 , Rate per unit :- 1,500 , Trade Discount ;-10% ,Date :-March 19, Particulars :- Audio cassettes , No.of units -: 100 , Rate per unit :- 30 , Trade Discount ;- 5% . On March 22 , 2005 , the company purchased from LM Stationers on credit for office use 10 dozens of carbon papers at the rate of Rs.35 per dozen and 10 dozen of ball pens at the rate of Rs.25 per dozen. At the time of making payment on March 31,2005 ,the suppliers have allowed a cash discount of 10%on the above purchases. The total of purchases for the month of march 2005,was
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