MBA - CAT Past Papers / Previous Year Papers

CAT Past Paper Premium Package Features:
This is an amazing new method of solving past papers online interactively and using them to boost your preparedness.This module has all previous years exam papers from 2006 to 2013. Register now and boost your confidence and preparation level with all the below given features.

  • Solve all the past papers in interactive time-based tests on
  • Know how you score on them
  • Get their solutions with detailed explanation for all questions
  • Boost your exam preparedness to a new level.
Sample Test:      Nov 2006 Maths and Economics     Nov 2006 Accounts and Law

Video Solve Past Papers

MBA - CAT Past Papers Package Details:

Previous Year Papers - Basic Package
Validity:90 days
Number of Tests:25 (Multiple attempts for same paper allowed)
Cost:Rs.360/- only
Payment Mode: Bank Deposit or NEFT/ Debit Card / Credit Card
Previous Year Papers - Delux Package
Validity:180 days
Number of Tests:50 (Multiple attempts for same paper allowed)
Cost:Rs.590/- only
Payment Mode: Bank Deposit or NEFT/ Debit Card / Credit Card
  • To Buy this package you must register to PREXAM and enroll to CAT/MBA Entrance course.
  • For More information feel free to contact us.

Papers Available:
CAT 2006   English
Logical Reasoning
Data Interpretation
Quatitative Aptitude
CAT 2007   English
Logical Reasoning
Data Interpretation
Quatitative Aptitude
CAT 2008   English
Logical Reasoning
Data Interpretation
Quatitative Aptitude
CAT 2009   Data Interpretation & Critical Reasoning
Quantitative Aptitude
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension
CAT 2010   Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning
Quantitative Aptitude
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension
CAT 2011   Data Interpretation
Quantitative Analysis
Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension and Logical Reasoning
CAT 2012   Data Interpretation
Quantitative Ability
Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension and Logical Reasoning
CAT 2013   Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation
Verbal Ability, Logical Reasoning and Reading comprehension
CAT 2014   Verbal & logical reasoning
Quantitative Aptitude & Data interpretation
CAT 2015   Reading comprehension & Verbal Ability
Data interpretasion & Logical reasoning
Quantitative Aptitude

Practice Test: